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Madonna's MDNA Album & Singles Chat- Page 16

Madonna's MDNA Album & Singles Chat

#375MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 4/28/12 at 10:08pm

Same with Madonna!

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songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#376MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 4/29/12 at 8:53am

Madonna's head is very much in the game but it's focused on the tour. I am sure that she hoped the handling of the album/singles would have been done with ease by Interscope, she even filmed 2 awesome videos for the 2 singles, that's not like her recently. Interscope have well and truly messed up the release though. Remember this is her FIRST time EVER away from her normal record label, clearly the transition has not been as smooth as it should have been which is sad because the album is such a brilliant album. Saying all this though the album is heading towards 1 and a half million worldwide in under 5 weeks and is the 5th biggest selling album of the year so far. All the albums in front of her (except Adele) has sold around 1 and a half million.

She is doing fine, just could be doing better.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#378MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/19/12 at 12:36pm

"[Madonna] was on form and better than ever with her singing and writing and musicality, and was having a great time...".

If only the tiniest shred of evidence of that had come through on the album.

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Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#379MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/19/12 at 3:49pm

on form and better than ever with her singing and writing and musicality

This is insanity. Honestly, what is it about this album that makes people lose all touch with reality? Are they actually doing MDMA when they listen to it so they can believe it's the BEST ALBUM IN THE WORLD EVER for about 90 minutes? I get why William Orbit has to kiss her ass, but it's a bit OTT.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#380MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/19/12 at 8:28pm

Well if you don't like the album you are not gonna agree are you? I think this is one hell of an album, after 7 weeks on release i still play it all the time. Bottom line is the reviews were mainly positive, the promo was a mess but in 7 weeks its still managed to sell one and a half million copies. God only knows what it could of done with better single choices and good promo. I think the album will also rebound some with the release of Gang Bang and the tour.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#381MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/19/12 at 11:35pm

I think we finally have an area of agreement. Better single choices, ie, singles chosen from better songs than those that appear to have been recorded for this album, might have helped Madonna to double her current sales levels.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#382MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 10:23am

I am baffled by the (reported) tour setlist. More "rock" versions of classics? Isn't that what the supposed point of this album was to avoid? Take it with a grain of salt.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#383MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 11:18am

Two things -

First, is this Madonna or Uma Thurman?


Secondly, I love Madonna and always will. But this album is (after YOU CAN DANCE) her worst. I haven't felt the need to listen to even my favorite songs from it since the week it came out, and that actually upsets me. And it really pisses me off that if Orbit is right, she thinks she's at a point where she can show up to the studio for an hour between yoga and pilates, sing a song or two and go, leaving it at that.

I think she's going to be reevaluating herself after this and I bet her next album will be a "SOMETHING TO REMEMBER"-esque album. Dear God, I hope so.

#384MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 11:40am

Oh for criminey's sake, Jordan. Of course that's Uma Thurma. Madonna can't show up for a photo session when she's so busy preparing for the tour.

You've already experienced what I have been predicting since the beginning. A little time went by and the first blush of the release's newness has faded and you took a clearer eyed look and, well, it's obvious the album isn't good. It's the "Goat's Head Soup" analogy I've been making from the beginning.

It will happen to songanddanceman too, eventually, and I am going on record right now as saying I will not gloat "I told you so."

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#385MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 12:36pm

Latest Word according to

Turn Up the Radio- will be released next with a "proper" video shot before the tour begins.

and Gang Bang will be released this summer as well.

If this works, it'll be like what happened to the Erotica album.
The first two singles were tough sells (erotica and deeper and deeper) which both went to #2 anyway--- but the real big hit came later with Rain. Wasn't Rain like the 4th or 5th single release ?? And didn't it last forever on the charts?

I think Turn up the Radio and Gang Bang are smart single choices.

#386MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 12:41pm

How can you call singles that went to #2 "tough sells"?

There's nothing she can do to resuscitate this album. It's over.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#387MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 12:47pm

I meant that it went to #2- but dropped considerably quick right after whereas Rain stayed on the charts for awhile as it hung on to adult contemporary radio stations and had a longer radio life and probably one of her best videos of that time.

Yeah,.. maybe the tour and the singles will give it a lift.

I still think the album is fun and worth listening to.
I don't have it on repeat---but I think it's better than CHer's 'Believe' album when that came out. God, that album was dreadful. With that repetitive sound on each track. And I'm just comparing both because they were released at the same age of both artists.

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#388MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 1:08pm

I still can't figure out why I'm Addicted isn't a single.

I like the music of MDNA, but the lyrics are easily the worst she's ever written. Lazy and cliched.

But let's face it, she's already making money hand over first for her tour, which hasn't even started. And in this day and age, it's where the money is. So why waste time?

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

#389MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 1:10pm

So basically "Why bother?" is the take away message of this album.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#390MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 1:29pm

Will Madonna stage door during the tour?

ljay889 Profile Photo
#391MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 1:30pm

The singles won't be successful. There is just no place for her on pop radio anymore. It's sad, but true. I was shocked to hear GMAYL a couple times on the radio, but we know how long that lasted.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#392MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 1:51pm

Whoever said this is her worst album must be drunk, sorry but Bedtime Stories was awful, Hard Candy a mess, American Life a mixed bag etc. MDNA to me at least is a perfect blend of fun dance numbers and some great creative moments. Love Spent is a work of art in my eyes, Gang Bang is daring and sexy, I'm a Sinner a great throwback to Ray of Light etc.

The 2 single choices were not the best (though i do like GGW) however i think the release of Gang Bang is a smart move.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

ljay889 Profile Photo
#393MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 2:05pm

Hmmm. I think BEDTIME STORIES is a pretty amazing album.

#394MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 2:06pm

It's not going to sell. And we'll all be waiting for you when your force shield cracks and you take your first clear-eyed look at reality.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#395MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 2:06pm

I think Gang Bang will get great club play--which is all she can hope for really now.

#396MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 2:15pm

We've been hearing all about the "club play" since the first clip was leaked and it has amounted to nothing tangible.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#397MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 3:37pm

The only Madonna music I've heard in the "gay" places I frequent in the past month or two are the occasional 80s or early 90s songs. They've all but totally given up on this new one.

#398MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 4:23pm

yeah. Bedtime Stories is a great album.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#399MDNA is GREAT!
Posted: 5/20/12 at 4:28pm

One of her best.
