Would you like to give Nancy Grace a spanking? Not really. She barely registers on my radar.
What's your favorite gimmick internet banner ad or popup ad? I don't think I have a favorite. I never click on them anyway. There is that one that shows something horrible about to happen and then stops just before impact, that one is particularly annoying. I guess some of the rollovers that show clips from movies are ok.
Best performance you have seen in a movie--ever This is such an impossible question. I usually have to break it down by genre and gender to come up with answers, but I'm gonna say: The cast of "Network". Amazing work across the board. Brilliant!
Do you like the movie Caddyshack? Absolutely, it's a classic. Not as much as Animal House though.
My mouf is feeling much better. YAY! I'm glad to hear it.
Really? Hmmm. We used to go each summer as a kid, but I haven't been back in like 10 + years. I really want to go back to BG and Williamsburg! Maybe the end of this summer for a few days.
BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures ...it rhymes with shameless
Have you ever listened to songs on repeat for hours? Not songs, but I have listened to an album over and over again in succession. And I regularly listen to my itunes library for hours at a time.
Do you have a pet? Yes! My beloved cat.
What is one of your favorite poems? "If You Forget Me" by Pablo Narudo.
"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one".
-Felicia Finley-
I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.
First, I LOVE YOUR WORK!!! Your photography is amazing.
Regarding your question, Tazber has a very personal meaning to me and I'm a little superstitious about revealing where it came from. Obviously it's not my real name. My real name is Rick.
What's wrong with Pepsi? I hear Monk likes it too.
B12B and Charmy, thanks for the kind thoughts. You guys are the best!