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Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 11/16/07 - Jilani- Page 7

Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 11/16/07 - Jilani

shameless Profile Photo
#150re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/11/07 - tazber
Posted: 5/14/07 at 9:50am

Haha, BB, I had to do a little research and everything! re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/11/07 - tazber

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson
Updated On: 5/14/07 at 09:50 AM

MotorTink Profile Photo
#151re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/11/07 - tazber
Posted: 5/14/07 at 9:57am

and you all said that the constant alcohol consumption could hinder our abilities. Ha!

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

shameless Profile Photo
#152re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/11/07 - tazber
Posted: 5/14/07 at 10:00am

I think much more clearly when I'm drunk! re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/11/07 - tazber

But, enough about me.

Bring on that Abba/animal loving rabbit!

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

tazber Profile Photo
#153re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/11/07 - tazber
Posted: 5/14/07 at 10:12am

Congrats Abba! I didn't realize you had done this before, I must have missed your name when I scanned the list.

Anyway, where does your affection for bunnies come from? And do you have any rabbits?

....but the world goes 'round

shameless Profile Photo
#154re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/11/07 - tazber
Posted: 5/14/07 at 10:17am

Taz, I'm going to add an alphabetical list, so it's easier to look, but it's no problem. I think it will be really interesting to see how our answers to certain questions have changed in a year.

Edit: And, I'm sure no one but the CotD remembers most of them anyway. re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/11/07 - tazber

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson
Updated On: 5/14/07 at 10:17 AM

shameless Profile Photo
#155re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/11/07 - tazber
Posted: 5/14/07 at 10:25am

Abba: (And, no cheating and looking at your old answers!) re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/11/07 - tazber

If you were recuperating in a hospital, who would you want in the bed next to you, excluding relatives?

What has given you the most pleasure in the last year?

What's something that we would be surprised to learn about you?

If your house were on fire, what would you grab on the way out?

If we asked an important person in your life to describe you, what would he or she say? How accurate would it be?

What’s something that you’ve never done, but have always wanted to try?

What’s the last great gift that you gave someone? And, that you were given?

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson
Updated On: 5/14/07 at 10:25 AM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#156re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/11/07 - tazber
Posted: 5/14/07 at 10:41am

Congrats to Abba and to you, Tazber. Maybe we CAN go home again.

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#157re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 10:47am

Happy Day to a true original! And a very sweet person.

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars
Updated On: 5/14/07 at 10:47 AM

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#158re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 11:06am

If you can pick one famous woman to marry. Who would it be?

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

AnnaK<3LMIP Profile Photo
#159re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 11:51am

I LOVE ABBA RABBIT! one of the coolest ones on this whole board.

I mean, Denzel Washington? Gun to my head..of course.

AbbaRabbit Profile Photo
#160re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 12:58pm

*squees with excitement*
thank you everyone! re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba

Anyway, where does your affection for bunnies come from? And do you have any rabbits?
the camp i used to go to used to raise rabbits and i would always play with them at the nature hut as a little kid.
and i have SIX!
patches, oreo, baby, umby, hamster and clayton... oreo is my newest... he was dropped off at petco and we rescued him. he's a year old and over 10 pounds and not done growing O_O

If you were recuperating in a hospital, who would you want in the bed next to you, excluding relatives?

if i was recuperating, i'd want that bed to be empty so i could have some peace and quiet!

What has given you the most pleasure in the last year?

getting betetr at playing bass

What's something that we would be surprised to learn about you?

i'm a lobster fanatic! i collect things with lobsters on them. even my bed sheets have lobsters on them!

If your house were on fire, what would you grab on the way out?

do pets count? if so i would grab several cages and bowls, and then push the dog out the door. if not, i would grab my bass guitar.

If we asked an important person in your life to describe you, what would he or she say? How accurate would it be?

i will answer this after i call my cousin tony today re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba

What’s something that you’ve never done, but have always wanted to try?

i've always wanted to swim with dolphins

What’s the last great gift that you gave someone? And, that you were given?

well... yesturday for mothers day, i gave my mom a pin set with a mother and daughter butterfly on it. she was really happy with it. as for a really unique gift, i made a build-a-bear for my best friend david and made it look like him... right down to the piercings.
last great gift i was given... was either for christmas or my birthday... they're 2 days apart so i can never remember what gifts were for what day... but it was a mini-fridge for my bedroom.

If you can pick one famous woman to marry. Who would it be?

clea duvall

re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
like that.

none of this cop nonsence on "heroes"!

Less is more
Ugly is beautiful
"My brother plays a drag queen... and I'm surprised he looks as good as he does in drag." - Adam Rapp

"thanks, abba. now i'll forever have an image of you as a tattoed hardcore straightedge grrl savaging people in the mosh pit." - papalovesmambo

"Yeah Abba. All the filthy crap you spew out there on those boards. I for one, am equally shocked. :-P" - AnnaK
Updated On: 5/14/07 at 12:58 PM

KelRel Profile Photo
#161re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 1:09pm

Yay Abba!

I just wanted to pop in to say hi and send my love and support to you for not only being a cool chick, but for all the work you do to help other people.

I was able to help on a blanket for a child via Abba and it was super easy and VERY rewarding. If you want to find a way to make a difference in someone's life this is the lady to talk to. re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba

"All the while making faces like a baby platypus who forget to take some Beano before eating a chimichanga." FindingNamo in reference to Jessica Simpson's singing.

DayDreamer Profile Photo
#162re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 1:15pm

Congrats ABBA. New year, new thread, new inquiries.

My philosophy of life is:

These five words describe me:

I am a: __ finished product or __ in a state of constant renovation

I used to:

If you want to talk to me, you should:

Celebrate Life

Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. - Randy Pausch

AbbaRabbit Profile Photo
#163re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 1:49pm

My philosophy of life is: if it makes you happy do it

These five words describe me: animal lover, fun, loyal friend

I am a: __ finished product or X in a state of constant renovation

I used to: be obsessed with anime

If you want to talk to me, you should: talk to me :) i dont bite!

Less is more
Ugly is beautiful
"My brother plays a drag queen... and I'm surprised he looks as good as he does in drag." - Adam Rapp

"thanks, abba. now i'll forever have an image of you as a tattoed hardcore straightedge grrl savaging people in the mosh pit." - papalovesmambo

"Yeah Abba. All the filthy crap you spew out there on those boards. I for one, am equally shocked. :-P" - AnnaK

RadiGal2 Profile Photo
#164re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 2:12pm

Hi Congrats Abba!

Here is my list:

- Most meaningful book at this point in your life?

- What is your thought last night before sleep -- first thought as you wake up in the morning?

- What do you most what to accomplish in your lifetime?

- Have you ever volunteered on a Predisential campaign?

- Do you see the 2008 election as an exciting opportunity for change or will be be just another election with more of the same?

"I'm a one-eyed Mormon Democrat from conservative Arizona, and you can't have a higher handicap than that." ~The ever-great and fabulous Morris K. Udall.

AbbaRabbit Profile Photo
#165re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 2:56pm

- Most meaningful book at this point in your life?

i guess "motzart and the whale" even though i didn't like it. i liked it at the begingin and hated it by the end of the book.
my favorite though is "the year of endless sorrow" by you know who

- What is your thought last night before sleep -- first thought as you wake up in the morning?

every night before i turn the lights off i saw goodnight to my two grandfathers who have both passed away
i wake up several times in the morning... but the time i wake up and stay up is usually "damn it's late"

- What do you most what to accomplish in your lifetime?

right now i just want to go to college and figure that out.

- Have you ever volunteered on a Predisential campaign?

not yet... maybe sometime in the future

- Do you see the 2008 election as an exciting opportunity for change or will be be just another election with more of the same?

i HOPE it will be an opertunity for change, i'm AFRAID that it will just end up being the same.

Less is more
Ugly is beautiful
"My brother plays a drag queen... and I'm surprised he looks as good as he does in drag." - Adam Rapp

"thanks, abba. now i'll forever have an image of you as a tattoed hardcore straightedge grrl savaging people in the mosh pit." - papalovesmambo

"Yeah Abba. All the filthy crap you spew out there on those boards. I for one, am equally shocked. :-P" - AnnaK

#166re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 3:31pm

Hooray for you AbbaRabbit

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'

#167re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 3:31pm

Hooray for you AbbaRabbit

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'

shameless Profile Photo
#168re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 3:35pm

What was your first job?

If you could be anyone you wanted to be today, who would you be, and what would you do?

If someone gave you a million dollars, how would you spend it?

What do you do when you need cheering up?

Name a place that you’ve never been, but would like to visit.

If tomorrow were your last day on earth, how would you spend it?

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

AbbaRabbit Profile Photo
#169re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 3:55pm

What was your first job?

i had a paper rout in middle school. it started in the fall and lasted untill it got cold out and i decided getting up at 5 am wasn't worth the lousy tips :)

If you could be anyone you wanted to be today, who would you be, and what would you do?

i've never seen the apeal of being someone else... i'd rather be with someone.
this may surpise many of you but i'd love to spend time with mr adam rapp again lol
i saw him again in march... he really is one of the nicest people i've ever met.
i'd also like to hang out with david today... maybe i'll give him a call later

If someone gave you a million dollars, how would you spend it?

hhmmm.... i'd:
donate some
put some away for savings
go crazy at hot topic
buy a plane ticket to go vist my cousin chic in california
buy my brother the car he's been saving up for (he wants a vw 07 rabbit. go ahead and laugh... our whole family is rabbit crazy)

What do you do when you need cheering up?

listen to music, play wth my cat, do something nice for someone else.

Name a place that you’ve never been, but would like to visit.

italy and ireland. i have family i've never met in both countries

If tomorrow were your last day on earth, how would you spend it?

with friends

Less is more
Ugly is beautiful
"My brother plays a drag queen... and I'm surprised he looks as good as he does in drag." - Adam Rapp

"thanks, abba. now i'll forever have an image of you as a tattoed hardcore straightedge grrl savaging people in the mosh pit." - papalovesmambo

"Yeah Abba. All the filthy crap you spew out there on those boards. I for one, am equally shocked. :-P" - AnnaK

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#170re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 7:22pm

Who was your greatest teacher and why?

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

shameless Profile Photo
#171re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 9:20pm

(Iflit’s question.) If money and ability were no obstacle, what would be your dream occupation?

If you could live any time in history, what age would you choose?

If you could be the opposite gender for one day, what would you do?

What was your childhood ambition?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 10 years?

What would you say is your proudest moment, so far?

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

AbbaRabbit Profile Photo
#172re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 9:59pm

Who was your greatest teacher and why?

this one's easy, although it wasn't just one teacher. i was failing high school my freshman year and very unhappy with myself. at the end of the year they told me i was being moved into a program called connections. they said it was for kids who "were smart but didn't know how to apply themselves"
there were about 25 kids in the group and we all stayed together for 2 years. it was great for me beacuse i have trouble making friends but i had all those people as friends by the end of the 2 years. i went in with a gpa of like 2.0 or something like that and left with a 3.4
i'm still in contact with some of the teachers form that group, and even went to the wedding of two of them... my english teacher and my science teacher got married :)

If money and ability were no obstacle, what would be your dream occupation?

anything with animals. i'd love to work at an aquarium or a zoo or animal sanctuary or something like that

If you could live any time in history, what age would you choose?

this one is hard for me beacuse i dont know much about what was going on in different time periods.
as for how things are in terms of technology and music and everything, i'd saw now pretty much kicks ass, but i can't stand the current administration.

If you could be the opposite gender for one day, what would you do?

something obnoxious and immature, i'm sure :)

What was your childhood ambition?

to be a vet. that ended when i was 7 and learned that my old dog mindy didn't just die, she was put to sleep. and if i was a vet i would have to do that too.
i also wanted ot be a nurse, a mail carrier, work at a pet store, a waitress, and a boy.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 10 years?

probably still in town. i'd say who i'd want to be with but i dont want to jynx it.

What would you say is your proudest moment, so far?

i have 4 awards that i'm proud of. they're the only 4 awards i've ever gotten in my life.
one is from my senior year in high school... i got first place in the art show for a ceramic sculpture i made... it's a big blue ribbon.
one was also form my senior year in high school, for an article i wrote and gopt published in the school news paper.
one is a certificut i got after i raised $1,200 for a organization that is sadly no longer up and running, patchworx
and the last one is a certificut i got at aids project hartford, where i volunteer, at the anual meeting where they hand out awards. it's thanking me for my 2 years (so far) of service

Less is more
Ugly is beautiful
"My brother plays a drag queen... and I'm surprised he looks as good as he does in drag." - Adam Rapp

"thanks, abba. now i'll forever have an image of you as a tattoed hardcore straightedge grrl savaging people in the mosh pit." - papalovesmambo

"Yeah Abba. All the filthy crap you spew out there on those boards. I for one, am equally shocked. :-P" - AnnaK

shameless Profile Photo
#173re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 10:05pm

Very cool, Abba, I would be proud too. re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

AbbaRabbit Profile Photo
#174re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba
Posted: 5/14/07 at 10:11pm

re: Message Board Celebrity Of The Day 5/14/07 - Abba

Less is more
Ugly is beautiful
"My brother plays a drag queen... and I'm surprised he looks as good as he does in drag." - Adam Rapp

"thanks, abba. now i'll forever have an image of you as a tattoed hardcore straightedge grrl savaging people in the mosh pit." - papalovesmambo

"Yeah Abba. All the filthy crap you spew out there on those boards. I for one, am equally shocked. :-P" - AnnaK
