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Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)- Page 23

Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)

strummergirl Profile Photo
#550Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/10/11 at 2:09pm

This season has partially reeked due sorting out the massive reekiness of the back 9 to season 2 (like continuing Quinn's progression and suddenly putting the breaks on her descent into insanity*) and the post-season 2 aftermath that had Overstreet leaving and then coming back. BTW, you don't even want to know Sam's strategy to win Mercedes back. Yup that will actually happen.

jerseygirl, I kept on reading on fansites that Idina could not come on last season, which would somewhat make more sense, based on her contract to ABC in developing a musical-driven show that never came to fruition. But I do wonder what would have been the intended storyline, and no, I do not think it would have been as uncomfortable as this season's storyline. This does sound like this was a half-season deal but it would not surprise me if she did re-appear in the second-half.

RobbieJ, I too am obsessed with Sugar. She hasn't really gotten any lines but I.can't.stop.watching.her.

Damian, btw, will continue the rest of the season. I'm glad if just because him appearing as just a background character in the music room would be incredibly unfair to him. I did like Lindsay Pearce's "Buenos Aires" and I sort of do wonder if there is anything behind her mentioning she is just an over-eager sophomore.

I feel like this season is slightly more plot-forward sans the Puck-Shelby-Quinn storyline that was DOA. I liked that Mike and Tina have gotten more moments this season and I really like the Sebastian (more of him, please!) dynamic to the Kurt and Blaine relationship.

I do feel, however, that Artie has been relegated to background character (but I guess since he's a junior in the Glee-universe...) and that the writing for Brittany has been non-existent or just a little too creepy. Rachel is more tolerable, they are at least aware of how crazy they made Quinn an irredeemable psychopath, I still hate Finn despite that incredibly insincere 'help' he gave to Santana, Schuester's less creepy, Santana can do no wrong in my opinion, Bieste is still awesome and they still do not know how to make Sue the season 1 villain. Some of the show is back to form, even some improvements made, but a lot to still to improve and regain as a show. The song's don't really bother me but I still want campier musical moments that even season 2 managed to have. Hopefully the Christmas special has that.

*-I can definitely believe some of the accusations about Ryan Murphy's treatment of the Quinn character in that US Weekly 'expose'.

#551Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/10/11 at 5:39pm

Anyone else think the Troubletones were way better than the New Directions?

#552Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/10/11 at 6:39pm

The Troubletone's "Survivor" mmash-up looked like something created by a gay black man, not a straight white woman.

EVIE Profile Photo
#553Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/12/11 at 5:48pm

I thought it was hysterical how they were singing a mash up of "surving" and yet they all swoon and collapse at the end.

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#554Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 8:49am

Singing "Do They Know It's Christmas" with HUGE grins and sappy holiday cheer in a room full of homeless people was a bit much, even for Glee.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#555Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 8:54am

I kinda shook my head at that one.

I got teary eyed at the wide eyed look and huge smile on the little girl when she got a present.

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

Updated On: 12/14/11 at 08:54 AM

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#556Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 8:57am

I shook my head at Glee highlighting an anti-gay charity. Couldn't they have just as well shown Rory and Sam delivery toys to kids in the hospital?

I got teary eyed at the wide eyed look and huge smile on the little girl when she got a present.

She was so adorable.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

strummergirl Profile Photo
#557Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 10:27am

I hate that Christmas song and Glee can have the subtlety of a sledge hammer. It made me think of Shirley's "Happy Birthday, Jesus!" Christmas song on Community, which was a shot at both Shirley being easily manipulated and how Glee manipulates. It's weird when they do episodes where songs are commented on for its content and context as being depressing and stuff but "Do They Know It's Christmastime" was ignored.

That said, I thought the Judy Garland parody was hysterical. It was like an extended "Run, Joey, Run!" video parody they did in season 1. Artie also got a storyline and got to make cracks at Rachel.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#558Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 10:36am

See...I think I know and love that Judy Garland Holiday Traniwreck waaaaaay to much to think that was a really great parody. It was sort of vaguely funny to me. They got the outline right...but the shading was not sharp enough to really work for me. And why bring up the Star Wars xmas special and not really do anything with it????

The less said about the ending the better. It actually offended me.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#559Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 10:40am

I think the whole copy right issues with Star Wars and Lucas Films (Lucas is can be pretty draconian on any images or just ideas relating to Star Wars) was not properly explained beyond Finn and Puck saying they were not Han and Luke. In a perfect world they would have sang, "What Do You Get a Wookie for Christmas?" but Lucas would prefer if people never saw the Holiday Special and acknowledges how terrible it was.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#560Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 10:48am

Were I plotting this, I would have made the Star Wars Xmas Special the focus with a cease and desist to follow. Then...they turn to the Garland holiday special.

But see...I just used the word 'plotting' in regards to Glee. That was my first mistake.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#561Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 10:55am

Well, that would have made Lucas look like a monster. Heaven forbid they do not get Chewbacca in a dream sequence!/sarcasm

#562Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 11:35am

I noticed the red kettle didn't actually say "Salvation Army" anywhere.

bwayrose7 Profile Photo
#563Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 12:05pm

I guess I'm in the minority but I liked last night's episode. Cheesy? Yes. Unrealistic? Sure. But it made me smile, the way old-fashioned Christmas specials and movies do. I'm young, so I never saw the original Judy Garland specials, but I have always loved watching repeats of old Christmas movies and old specials online or on TV. They make me feel happy because there's no cynicism.
Also, I'm not trying to offend anyone or be the thread police, but I thought this was a Glee love thread, not another place to slam it? I respect the criticisms and dislikes, but I just was surprised to see them on this thread.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#564Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 12:44pm

I feel like I am way more balanced in my reactions to the show. If anything I was holding back in Season 2. I still like a lot of things but it is not like the show has made it easy, due in large part to the changes in the writer's room.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#565Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 1:04pm

I noticed the red kettle didn't actually say "Salvation Army" anywhere.

And the style seemed different than what we normally see as well. But, I really feel that the Salvation Army was mentioned in a bit of dialogue earlier in the show. I could be misremembering but that does feel right to me. I'll need to re-watch it I guess.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#566Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 1:16pm

They might have- I didn't watch every second. I was feeling especially forgiving since my cat enjoyed their performance of his favorite song so much. It cast a warm glow over the whole proceedings.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#567Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 1:17pm

Sam mentioned it early in the episode but who knows if there was an agreement for the Salvation Army to show their trademarks.

MotorTink Profile Photo
#568Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 1:59pm

Also, I'm not trying to offend anyone or be the thread police, but I thought this was a Glee love thread, not another place to slam it? I respect the criticisms and dislikes, but I just was surprised to see them on this thread.

That was the original intent of the thread when the series started but since has become a place to discuss ANYTHING Glee. I don't look at discussing things you dislike as "slamming" it (though yes some people are just downright non stop negative, but welcome to online message boards). Most posts about the episodes point out both positive and negatives about the show.

that aside, I didnt get to watch the episode last night, hopefully will tonight. I've read they also recorded Santana doing "santa baby" that didnt make the episode that will release online next week. I wanna see that!

Matt directed this episode, so I am really hoping to like it.

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#569Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 2:05pm

I'm not as up on copywright law as some other people. I do know that the logo itself is copywrighted and I can't imagine them ever giving permission to a "gay-friendly" show. I also know that the name "The Salvation Army" is copywrighted but would a character on a show saying that he's going to ring a bell for the Salvation Army fall under "fair use" and therefore not need permission?

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#570Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 2:06pm

I actually did like it. It was fun how they did the Christmas special. Though, I do think last year's episode was better. At least I think it was.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

MotorTink Profile Photo
#571Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 2:12pm

There were definitely some silly things about last year's (Artie getting those robotic legs, etc) but all made worth it, the entire series made worth it, by Sue Sylvester as the Grinch and Becky as Max!

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

#572Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 3:42pm

Was it my imagination or did they steal some stuff from the Charlie Brown Christmas Special? I think somewhere in there Rachel said some exact lines that Lucy says. And then the most baby-faced cast member reading from the Bible.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

supersam1026 Profile Photo
#573Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/14/11 at 7:17pm

I wasn't a big fan of this episode, but the one thing that REALLY annoyed me was how Rachel kept saying all the gifts she wanted for Christmas. There have been MANY times that she has said she was Jewish. Why would the writers completely ignore that? Honestly i'm just more frustrated that they established her character and are now completely ignoring that.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#574Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 12/15/11 at 11:34am


Yes...Rachel quoted from Charlie Brown...but it was Sally's "All I want is what I... I have coming to me. All I want is my fair share." Which is one of the few moments of this special I enjoyed.

And I've been sticking up for Glee even through this 'transitional' season. But this special was egregious. And yes...Sam did, in fact, name check the Salvation Army.
