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Once ( upon a time )

#825Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/9/13 at 1:06pm

^ Yes, all of the Pan story-lines have continued for much too long. Plus, he is a character who has no chance of redeeming himself. That's why it was refreshing to have 'The Little Mermaid' for one episode and have Ariel go to Storybrooke. It'll be nice when Rapunzel comes to show for a short time. Plus, I've heard that the writers on working on Princess Tiana's story and Cruella De Vil as well.

Taryn Profile Photo
#826Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/10/13 at 8:00pm

I'm really glad they didn't drag out the 'playing at being Henry' bit and instead had it revealed and figured out all in this episode. That would have been truly annoying.

#827Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/13 at 9:40pm

What an episode! I did not see any of that coming.

SPOILER: The new villain has been revealed below!

Once Upon a Time

Updated On: 12/15/13 at 09:40 PM

E.Davis Profile Photo
#828Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/15/13 at 11:28pm

The was some winter finale. Truth be told, had the last one year later scene had not happened they could have ended the series and I would have been okay with it.

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

#829Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 12:11am

that was an amazing winter finale!

very excited to see The Wicked Witch of the West... I like Rebecca Mader (she was great in LOST) so I'm looking forward to see how she does...

additionally.. someone brought up a good point.. if Emma doesn't have memories anymore... does that mean she doesn't think that Neal is the father of Henry? maybe that's a memory she retained? oh well...

I can't wait for March!

Wynbish Profile Photo
#830Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 12:16am

So, help me wrap my head around this.

So, Storybrooke never existed, to quote Regina. So, what about the actions in Storybrooke, i. e. Whatever happened to Rumple tonight... Did that still happen, or does that give the writers a good loophole for having him with the gang in fairy tale land? And if they bring him back, can they bring the Huntsman back?

And can Neal just go away? The way he and Hook handled the separation were so alarmingly different, it was ridiculous

I bet the internet might break tonight or in March when it really sinks in that the Wicked Witch is blonde/ginger.

#831Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 12:19am

well i like how Hook and Neal handled it... Hook in his own piratey way... and Neal in a very optimistic, we'll find each other... like he knows Emma will find a way

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#832Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 12:19am

I like the idea of her having Red Hair or even Blonde. Black would have been too easy I think. And if they want to distance themselves from WICKED than that would be a good start (even though they just released the announcement with a photo that says #Wickediscoming)

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

kec Profile Photo
#833Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 12:21am

A totally amazing winter finale. I started crying when Gold and Pan were locked together in that fighting embrace before disappearing, and the tears fell harder as Regina explained that Storybrook was going to disappear and everyone but Emma and Henry would return to to the Enchanted Forest. Going to be a really loooooooong time till March

Wynbush, I think Storybrook simply ceased to exist with the new curse.

Updated On: 12/16/13 at 12:21 AM

Wynbish Profile Photo
#834Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 12:33am

But Regina said it would be like it never existed, even though everyone remembers it, except for Emma and Henry.

I liked how Emma probably having happy, false memories of parents who didn't give her up led her to keep Henry. I wonder who she thinks his father is and where he is. Maybe it will be the lie she told Henry in the first season, a fallen firefighter or something, right?

#835Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 1:17am

correct me if i'm wrong.. but i thought that in the minds of Henry and Emma, it was like the curse never existed at all... everyone else would remember it... so basically to Henry and Emma, Storybrooke never existed...

#836Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 1:20am

That was a lot to take in.

E.Davis Profile Photo
#837Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 6:15am

You are correct eat. As Regina said all the events of Emma's last few years still happened, they just do not remember it. The question is, did Regina finally redeem herself?

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#838Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 12:30pm

I sobbed like a baby during the last 10 minutes of this episode. And yeah, it would have also made a brilliant series finale but I'm so happy that it wasn't.

I'm guessing that since Hook was able to remember and find Emma that Snow, Regina, etc. all remember what happened and still have their memories? If that's the case, then turning Regina into a villain again (at any point in the series) would just be awful writing and completely undermine the goodness she displayed in the last few minutes of this episode. I think she completely redeemed herself and I'm really hoping that with the introduction of the Wicked Witch, Regina can now officially become one of the good characters fighting with everyone else against evil.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#839Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 12:39pm

#840Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 1:40pm

Okay... I assume that the Wicked Witch was introduced in a trailer for the march premiere? I had to watch this morning on the ABC app since I was busy last night and the Witch wasn't shown. Le sigh.
The design for the Wicked Witch looks fantastic. Totally original yet completely stealing the thunder from Wicked, which I am okay with. Someone seriously needs to.
This episode was fan-freakin-tastic. I found myself getting very, very choked up. The writing on this show is among the best on TV. Even if you question dialogue or pacing, the skill and ability to always come back to an episode like this one and to always and smartly reinvent classic characters and their Disney bastardizations in ways that make them fresh, original, and unexpected yet still familiar is without peer.
It would been wonderful had they made one change though - not switching Henry and Pan back. Dramatically, it made perfect sense, and was the correct and only choice, but my goodness was it nice to see Henry portrayed by someone who can act.
I agree with the thought as well that without that "one year later" epilogue, this would have been a more than perfect series finale. I wonder what will happen we DO finally get there.
Now, can we make Snow White a LITTLE less grating? Is there a curse to make Charming and Hook fall in love? (Sorry, this needed a touch of humor and snark.)

E.Davis Profile Photo
#841Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 2:16pm

I am so excited to see Rebecca Mader sink her teeth into this knew version of the WWW. I have a theory that she is The Black Fairy. Why bring up the character that we have never heard of before, it makes sense.

Also....I am a little ashamed of myself, when they said black fairy I thought they mean't Cinderella's fairy that Rumple killed in Season 1.

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

#842Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 5:06pm

Jennifer confirmed on twitter that Emma's new happy memories start with Henry's birth.

I guess that scene where she decides to hold Henry is the exact point where the new memories start. So Emma still remembers everything up to that point including her crappy childhood and being set up by Neal.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#843Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 6:02pm

I've been extremely critical of this season, mostly because the Pan story just dragged on for far too long.

That being said, this was a great episode, and a perfect "reboot."

I thought Lana Parilla was simply outstanding in this episode. It would be nice to see her get some recognition come awards season, but it won't ever happen. Her work last night was as good as anything I've seen on television this season.

Updated On: 12/16/13 at 06:02 PM

#844Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 7:51pm

"I thought Lana Parilla was simply outstanding in this episode. It would be nice to see her get some recognition come awards season, but it won't ever happen. Her work last night was as good as anything I've seen on television this season."

In the past, she received a nomination for the Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress on Television. Maybe she'll at least have a chance at that again.

E.Davis Profile Photo
#845Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/16/13 at 10:49pm

Saturn Awards are nothing. She should be getting some GG or EMMY love.

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

Wynbish Profile Photo
#846Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/17/13 at 10:01am

The GG love is difficult, considering that supporting actresses for TV shows, TV movies, and mini-series are lumped together (Although she could definitely take one of the Modern Family women's spots)

She should definitely have some Emmy nom love by now. She has had the most character development and has played it exceptionally.

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#847Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/17/13 at 11:57am

I don't care what anyone says, I'm ecstatic about them bring the Wicked Witch of the West to this show! And I'm secretly happy she has red hair. I'm a strawberry blonde and I've always wanted to see what it would look like if I were Elphaba (close enough).

Lana Parilla is amazing. I agree that she deserves something for it!
Henry has always annoyed me in the show, but he's gotten a little better in this past season.

#848Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/17/13 at 2:15pm

It is far from out of nowhere. They have been teasing Oz since season on.. They showed a door to Oz, theyve mentioned the silver slippers and yellow brick road...

#849Once Upon a Time
Posted: 12/22/13 at 12:09am

Sarah Bolger says that now Jamie Chung has left 'OUAT' to do another show full-time and since Aurora & Phillip are in love and going to raise a child, she does not know if the friendhip or a possible relationship between Aurora and Mulan will progress. Plus, she is not even sure if Aurora was aware of Mulan's love for her.
