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Once ( upon a time )

#775Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/18/13 at 1:23pm


Hook and Emma have feeling for each other.

bwayrose7 Profile Photo
#776Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/18/13 at 4:29pm

Figured they'd go there eventually. Although there are a lot of OUAT viewers who feel very strongly about that particular love triangle, I think I'm kind of okay either way.

Although this does even further complicate the weird cross-romances of the core group with each other and each other's children/parents/etc, since Hook loved MIlah whose son is Bae who has a child with Emma who Hook now has a romance with. Only on OUAT.

bwayrose7 Profile Photo
#777Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/18/13 at 4:29pm

Figured they'd go there eventually. Although there are a lot of OUAT viewers who feel very strongly about that particular love triangle, I think I'm kind of okay either way.

Although this does even further complicate the weird cross-romances of the core group with each other and each other's children/parents/etc, since Hook loved MIlah whose son is Bae who has a child with Emma who Hook now has a romance with. Only on OUAT.

#778Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/18/13 at 6:59pm

Marilyn Manson will be voicing Peter Pan's shadow.

Marilyn Manson to Join ABC's ONCE UPON A TIME

kec Profile Photo
#779Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/18/13 at 7:24pm

bwayrose7 I'm with you, I like the paring of Emma and Hook, but it will be interesting to see what happens when Neal finally catches up with the rest of them.

#780Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/20/13 at 9:31pm

The first three episodes were kind of meh and a little to cheesy, but this one I really liked. Robert Carlyle's acting is terrific.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#781Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/20/13 at 10:10pm

I'm wondering when these people are going to realize that "undoing" isn't the same as "death".

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#782Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/21/13 at 1:18am

I'd like to know an official time table, in which all of these events occur. Between pan, and rumple.

#783Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/21/13 at 1:30am

yeah undoing and death are not the same so that has been frustrating me... i think it means he will no longer be the dark one...

anyway... awesome episode tonight... love the chemistry between Rumple and Neal... just great... and i'm loving Robbie Kay as Peter Pan more and more... he's a great villain..

also the theory that Peter Pan is actually the boy who is responsible for his undoing is one that i like... now while Rumple and Neal reunited in New York I feel like Neverland is their TRUE reunion as father and son... and Peter Pan is the one who led him to him... that's the beauty of prophecies.. they are always so vague and ambiguous and can be interpreted in many ways

bwayrose7 Profile Photo
#784Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/21/13 at 12:20pm

eatlasagna, I'm with you on the theory that the prophecy refers to Pan, not Henry. Also, how awesome was Neal last night? He's quickly become one of my favorite characters.

And next week, we get protective-daddy-Charming and Hook/Emma. Though I'm wondering if that's not what we're led to believe: it seems a bit odd that Emma would be mourning and saying how she's never stopped loving Neal, then hooking up with Hook (pardon the pun) in the next episode.

#785Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/21/13 at 1:40pm

Stephen Lord has been cast as Rumplestiltskin's father.

Stephen Lord Joins ONCE UPON A TIME as Rumplestiltskin's Father Updated On: 10/21/13 at 01:40 PM

suestorm Profile Photo
#786Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/21/13 at 1:42pm


"Once Upon a Time" is about to get even creepier, with rocker Marilyn Manson set to lend his voice to the ominous Shadow, the demonic entity that steals souls and kidnaps children for Peter Pan.

Rolling Stone first broke the news, with creators Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis telling the magazine, "We've always been enormous fans of Marilyn Manson. We wanted to cast someone with the vocal ability to make our skin crawl."

Described as "a character whose voice will give life to the very essence of Neverland," Manson's Shadow will reportedly make his debut in the eighth episode of Season 3, expected to air mid-November.

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................

E.Davis Profile Photo
#787Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/21/13 at 7:26pm

Did anyone find his Rumple voice just to be a

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

#788Once Upon a Time
Posted: 10/28/13 at 12:10am

Tonight's episode was my favorite episode of the season so far. It's a real shame that Hook was such a good man before he turned into such a wicked pirate. His back-story was great.

#789Once Upon a Time
Posted: 11/3/13 at 9:59pm

I loved the twist on 'The Little Mermaid' tonight. I really did think for a moment that Ariel was going to have an unhappy ending like she did in the Hans Christian Anderson version. I did not think Eric's kingdom was part of the Enchanted Forest at first and he would have sailed away to another world and he would be an old man. But then of course Regina, wanted Eric who was an ally of one of her enemies, to suffer the curse as well. Next week looks like it's going to be a really good episode.

bwayrose7 Profile Photo
#790Once Upon a Time
Posted: 11/4/13 at 3:24pm

I loved this episode too! And I'm glad they're going to tie the worlds (realms? universes? dimensions? Whatever term works for you) together with the whole portal-leaping mermaid things.

Also, how touching was the moment when Charming 'fessed up to Snow? And when Emma and Neal reunited. Bit of a slow start this season, but I'm liking the momentum pickup.

artscallion Profile Photo
#791Once Upon a Time
Posted: 11/4/13 at 3:37pm

Anyone else finding Snow and Charming a little annoying this season? A little too pure, a little too parental, a little too morally superior at the cost of being reasonable and productive parts of the team?

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

#792Once Upon a Time
Posted: 11/5/13 at 7:24am

I am fine with Charming, but Snow annoys the crap out of me. I am waiting for someone to slap her.

#793Once Upon a Time
Posted: 11/5/13 at 1:02pm

the actress playing Ariel looks like Amy Adams in certain shots!

suestorm Profile Photo
#794Once Upon a Time
Posted: 11/5/13 at 1:11pm

i want to know why most everyone is in a jacket or at least long sleaves and Emma is in a tank top!!

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................

#795Once Upon a Time
Posted: 11/5/13 at 4:04pm

because Emma is badass... haha

#796Once Upon a Time
Posted: 11/7/13 at 5:07pm

It's that damn Home Office again. Updated On: 11/7/13 at 05:07 PM

#797Once Upon a Time
Posted: 11/11/13 at 10:38am

I guess with Greg and Tamara being unable to continue with the show after the season premiere, the show needed a new villain since Hook and Regina have put their differences aside with their rivals. But I really do not know if I would have chosen Peter Pan as the villain. He truly is getting more evil as each episode goes by.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#798Once Upon a Time
Posted: 11/11/13 at 11:03pm

I think there are some grey areas in the Pan. As a forever child, he has no maturity, children rarely have a true sense of good or bad just pure id; i want it, i take it. His actions are certainly evil for our heroes but not sure he can be judged by conventional standards. He gets bored easily and if something is too easy , it's not interesting enough- hence his switching sides in fight he finds too easily won. I wonder too (actually have always wondered) about the Pan reference- The hedonistic inhuman demigod creature given up to keeping himself amused. Is Peter Pan a villain? For the moment- but a) everything I just said about a childlike creature and b) Disney has WAY too much invested in Peter Pan as a childhood icon to just write him off as a Bad Guy. Something else is going to happen to change....stuff.

nygrl232 Profile Photo
#799Once Upon a Time
Posted: 11/12/13 at 12:55am

Pan's character is starting to wear a bit thin, imho. I agree, there is something that will be revealed about him, like he's a fallen angel or an ousted spirit of some kind, but that's just my insomnia talking.
