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Shootings! Shootings! Shootings! Today's and tomorrow's shootings!- Page 37

Shootings! Shootings! Shootings! Today's and tomorrow's shootings!

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#900today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 12:07pm

Mr Roxy said: "France has open borders and strict gun laws basically disarming the populace. Has not worked out to well for them has it?"

Actually...seems like it has.

Compare These Gun Death Rates: The U.S. Is in a Different World

"This level of violence makes the United States an extreme outlier when measured against the experience of other advanced countries.

Around the world, those countries have substantially lower rates of deaths from gun homicide. In Germany, being murdered with a gun is as uncommon as being killed by a falling object in the United States. About two people out of every million are killed in a gun homicide. Gun homicides are just as rare in several other European countries, including the Netherlands and Austria. In the United States, two per million is roughly the death rate for hypothermia or plane crashes.

In Poland and England, only about one out of every million people die in gun homicides each year — about as often as an American dies in an agricultural accident or falling from a ladder. In Japan, where gun homicides are even rarer, the likelihood of dying this way is about the same as an American’s chance of being killed by lightning — roughly one in 10 million.

In the United States, the death rate from gun homicides is about 31 per million people — the equivalent of 27 people shot dead every day of the year. The homicides include losses from mass shootings, like Sunday’s Orlando attack, or the San Bernardino, Calif., shooting last December. And of course, they also include the country’s vastly more common single-victim killings."

International comparisons help highlight how exceptional the United States is: In a nation where the right to bear arms is cherished by much of the population, gun homicides are a significant public health concern. For men 15 to 29, they are the third-leading cause of death, after accidents and suicides. In other high-income countries, gun homicides are unusual events. Last year’s Paris attacks killed 130 people, which is nearly as many as die from gun homicides in all of France in a typical year. But even if France had a mass shooting as deadly as the Paris attacks every month, its annual rate of gun homicide death would be lower than that in the United States."

Jane2 Profile Photo
#901today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 12:49pm

South Florida said "You guys who keep repeating "the bad guys will still get guns" miss the point.  If you make it harder to get guns less bad guys will be able to get them. "

You're missing the point. If someone wants a gun, they will get one.

" Ignore all the international data about gun laws in other countries, how we lead the league by a mile.  Just stick to your cliches, don't do any serious analysis, keep showing how idiotic you are by using these cliches."

I didn't know it was a cliche. Shows I'm a really big idiot.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#902today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 1:09pm


when the Nazis came to power they took the guns away from the citizens unless they were part of the Party.


Please don't ever say that again. It's offensive to Jews and other Holocaust survivors.


"The idea that supporters of gun control are doing something akin to what Hitler’s Germany did to strip citizens of guns in the run-up to the Second World War is historically inaccurate and offensive, especially to Holocaust survivors and their families."

--Anti-Defamation League (ADL) director Abraham Foxman, January 2013

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#903today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 1:15pm

Did anyone say that by making guns illegal, it would end gun violence completely?  Or that nobody would be able to acquire guns illegally?  That particular response doesn't work if nobody is making the claim.  And as Erik points out, pointing to cases in France and Germany is a ludicrous comparison.  If you want to make a fair comparison (and it seems you'd rather avoid it), you'd have to take into account gun violence statistics per capita.  Otherwise, you look like a fool.

Eliminating gun violence would be wonderful.  As wonderful as ending poverty and unemployment and racism and homophobia and lots of other bad things.  A realistic goal, however, would be lowering gun violence per capita.  And the NRA (or any other bone-headed redneck) has yet to convince me that the answer is more guns in the hands of Americans.  

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 6/23/16 at 01:15 PM

Petralicious Profile Photo
#904today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 1:26pm

I love how Pal Joey pick and choose his quotes, we have seen all the time when he is in Shillary Mode. Offensive is your non supportive of Israel .


MisterMatt, you are right, it would not eliminate completely. But the way people talk they act like it is easy and that will solve it.  The crazy people and terrorist would move to bomb, poison and maybe even gas

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 6/23/16 at 01:26 PM

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#905today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 1:28pm

Thanks Matt.

"Question: do you deny/dispute the existence of an illegal black market for guns?"

Liza, where did that come from.  There's a black market for guns anywhere they're hard to find.  A bad guy who wants an assault weapon in other countries has to pay upwards of 30 times more than any loser who can scrape together a $1,000 here.  But I guess higher costs wouldn't stop any bad guys.  Why are so many of you blind and lazy when it comes to the facts Erik and Matt put forth.  Petralicious, you're an absolute dumbass. 


PalJoey Profile Photo
#906today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 1:35pm


Also, please don't use the would Shillary. It is offensive to women and other human beings.

And I don't need SueStorm to lecture me on who is more supportive of Israel. You would lose on that one in a big way.



Petralicious Profile Photo
#907today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 1:48pm

You seem to be constantly offended PalBernieBaby. 

There is no dispute that in 1938 Hitler relaxed the gun laws the Allies put on Germany, except for Jews, he made it illegal for them to own. 


Hello, I fixed typo from 1928 to 1938. Thank you South Florida for showing me

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 6/23/16 at 01:48 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#908today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 1:48pm

Double post

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 6/23/16 at 01:48 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#909today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 1:49pm

 The crazy people and terrorist would move to bomb, poison and maybe even gas

Perhaps.  But what about the victims of gun violence that didn't involving mass shootings, which make up the majority of gun-related deaths in the US?  It's not about a definitive end to gun violence with one proposal.  It's about reducing an ever-increasing problem that has spiked like an epidemic.  One that the gun clutchers only seem to be able to address by putting words into the mouths of their opponents or pretending that the Second Amendment specifically states that they can own any gun they want (which it doesn't) in abundance.  The heights of irresponsibility displayed by this country with regard to gun violence, to me, indicates the need for an Amendment that restates the 2nd Amendment.  

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 6/23/16 at 01:49 PM

Petralicious Profile Photo
#910today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 1:52pm

Mr Matt, i agree with you, there is no place for machine gun guns. The problem is the loudest protesters do not stop there. they want handgun and hunting guns illegal too. That is why they can not get any support for the law, Regular people who own them are afraid their gun is next. it is a basic right of United States.  

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 6/23/16 at 01:52 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#911today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 2:02pm

Read my previous post. You own a gun for protection or shooting at a gun range. You own a rifle for hunting. There is no need to buy one a day. There is no need to have enough ammunition to fight WW 2 all over again.


Gun checks are fine but it would not have stopped Sandy Hook. The gunmans mother bought it legally and for some god awful reason gave it to her wacko son. She paid the price but so did the victims. You cannot stop all the crazies in the world but you can stop most of them if both sides come to a consensus and stop digging in and fighting each other.

Poster Emeritus

madbrian Profile Photo
#912today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 2:02pm

Petralicious said: "Mr Matt, i agree with you, there is no place for machine gun guns. The problem is the loudest protesters do not stop there. they want handgun and hunting guns illegal too. That is why they can not get any support for the law, Regular people who own them are afraid their gun is next. it is a basic right of United States."

Delete your account.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

Liza's Headband
#913today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 2:06pm

Perhaps those fervently in favor of the "No Fly, No Buy" legislation, which I mostly support, should speak to the progressive, left-leaning ACLU which vehemently opposes such measures due to a lack of transparency regarding the No Fly list; we are not told who controls the lists, what qualifies you for the list, and so on. It is the ultimate governmental threat to our civil liberties and freedom. 

Jane2 Profile Photo
#914today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 2:21pm

Petralicious said " The problem is the loudest protesters do not stop there. they want handgun and hunting guns illegal too."

Yes, I'm one of those people. No one needs to have a gun at all. I'm for changing the second amendment.

I noticed that when you first appeared as Petralicous, you were much nicer and seemed to want to get along with most people here. You've gradually gotten more argumentative and hostile.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#915today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 2:30pm


There is no dispute that in 1928 Hitler relaxed the gun laws the Allies put on Germany, except for Jews, he made it illegal for them to own. 


You have been asked twice now, with the sentiment of the Anti-Defamation League behind me, to cease from using your incomplete understanding of our Holocaust to further your political views.

It was offensive the first time. The second time, it is deeply offensive. Especially considering what YOUR people did to the Jews before and during World War Two. The Ukrainian people willingly--and with bloodthirst--helped the Nazis eradicate close to one million Jews. 

Please refrain from invoking the Holocaust again. You don't deserve to make the reference.

I repeat what Abraham Foxman said:

"The idea that supporters of gun control are doing something akin to what Hitler’s Germany did to strip citizens of guns in the run-up to the Second World War is historically inaccurate and offensive, especially to Holocaust survivors and their families."

Petralicious Profile Photo
#916today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 2:31pm

I am sorry you say that Jane. I have been nice to every one and just trying to get my point across. you cannot see no personal attack or name calling from me

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 6/23/16 at 02:31 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#917today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 2:38pm

The sock puppets always start out nice, but after a while, they revert back to their old behavior. In this case, Petra is reverting back to her previous identity, SueStorm.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#918today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 2:40pm

No, Petra, I don't see you name calling or personally attacking. I just noticed a change in your posting style.


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#919today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 2:49pm

There is no dispute that in 1928 Hitler relaxed the gun laws the Allies put on Germany, except for Jews, he made it illegal for them to own.

Oh brother, 1928, Hitler was 4-5 years from power, very sad petrolicious.


Petralicious Profile Photo
#920today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 2:52pm

That is typo South Florida, thank you for showing me. it is 1938.  I have corrected it.


Joey thinks who ever does not agree with him is mean.  Even liking Hilary which I do is not enough, you must be a SHillary and never question anything about her, even stuff she did or said

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 6/23/16 at 02:52 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#921today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 2:57pm


The Ukrainians had guns. But that didn't help them keep the Nazis at bay.


No, as a matter of fact, the Ukrainians turned those guns on the Jews of the Ukraine! And helped the Nazis murder almost a million of them.


So don't come around here lecturing to us about EITHER gun control or the Holocaust!

Updated On: 6/23/16 at 02:57 PM

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#922today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 3:01pm

Despicable Petrocious.  Don't ever compare stuff with what the Nazi's did, it puts a stamp on your ignorance.


Petralicious Profile Photo
#923today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 3:06pm

I never said anything about Holocuast or that it would prevent it. I showing that one of the ways this Government showed it did not care about the people was to take rights away from their people this way.

Thank you South Florida for posting that article.  Sorry You did not take time to read it or you would see this:

On Nov. 11, 1938, the German minister of the interior issued "Regulations Against Jews Possession of Weapons." Not only were Jews forbidden to own guns and ammunition, they couldn’t own "truncheons or stabbing weapons."

 And this too which is exactly what I said. 

In short, Nazi-era Germany imposed greater gun restrictions for Jews (and other perceived enemies) at the same time it loosened gun restrictions for other groups.

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 6/23/16 at 03:06 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#924today's shootings
Posted: 6/23/16 at 3:09pm


Stop, SueStorm. Just stop. Referencing the Holocaust is inappropriate and DEEPLY offensive.

Just stop.

