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The Raúl E. Esparza "Spread the Love" Thread, Part Four- Page 13

The Raúl E. Esparza "Spread the Love" Thread, Part Four

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#300re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 10:36am

I didn't see SEAFARER but the lack of nomination doesn't seem fair to them as that also sounded like a tight ensemble performance. Oh, well, the awards this year are making no sense to me, if they ever did (see, e.g., last year's TONY).

I spent a lot of time in that Starbuck's during COMPANY, too. So convenient to the Barrymore.

humbugfoto Profile Photo
#301re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 10:43am

I don't do Starbucks (don't like coffee) so I'm utterly clueless here. What exactly IS a tall vanilla latte, and where does it fit on the scale of good-for-you, bad-for-you, diet-busting-horrible-for-you?

And how did he look? Did he seem as skinny as he's appeared to be in recent photos?

Sarcasm is an allergic reaction to stupid people.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#302re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 10:45am

For the record, "tall" in Starbucks' world is actually small.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#303re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 10:46am

Oh, and about the Drama Desks, I have no idea. My assumption was that the ensemble nominees would be decided first... which seems logical.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

bestinshow2 Profile Photo
#304re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 10:47am

It's the one on the corner, right? The "A Moon for the Misbegotten" Starbucks. Which I saw on June 10, 2007. Tony day!!

It will go down in history as one of my finest moments that I managed to not see this production of "Company" on Broadway while I was living in the city. I even remember getting a pretty flyer in the mail one day and thinking "who is this Raul Esperanto dude, is he a big star?" Hindsight...

"My name's Lenny. What's yours?"

Updated On: 4/29/08 at 10:47 AM

humbugfoto Profile Photo
#305re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 10:49am does that mean a super-colossal mega-mouth big-gulp is a medium?

I'm so confused...and SO glad I don't do Starbucks....

Sarcasm is an allergic reaction to stupid people.

bestinshow2 Profile Photo
#306re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 10:52am

tall = small
grande = medium
venti = big

I believe. I only ever get tall so I may be wrong.

"My name's Lenny. What's yours?"

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#307re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 10:53am

Have you ever seen that Dunkin' Donuts commercial about the sizes? This woman goes up and orders, asking for an actual size, but person behind the counter keeps trying to tell her that at that coffee shop, the sizes are all actually called these completely made up terms? It's cute.

There are two on 47th, but the one on the Broadway side doesn't have seats, which therefore renders it lame and useless. Starbucks is much more useful for its places to sit than it is for its coffee that I don't drink.

Hehe, Raul Esperanto.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 4/29/08 at 10:53 AM

#308re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 10:56am

Company should have gotten that ensemble award. But then Raul wouldn't have been awarded in the lead category.

I think the snub to Seafarer is really unfortunate. That was a superb cast, and they really deserve a nomination. Whatever.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?
Updated On: 4/29/08 at 10:56 AM

spidey_882 Profile Photo
#309re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 10:57am

That's awesome, beyonddizzy. My husband's Starbucks (he's a manager) never gets celebrities here in boring Jersey. I'd probably freak out, too. Can we fatten Raul up a little by making him go there every day?

Now, mother always said that whenever you hear a strange, frightening, and potentially life-threatening ghostly chant coming from the dark woods that there's one thing that you should do: Not wake the others and go investigate it alone...

bestinshow2 Profile Photo
#310re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 11:03am

Ha, spidey, I was watching the clip of Raul singing "Being Alive" on the PBS version this morning and it's so cute because Raul actually has dimples in his cheeks in that. I wonder if he still has them or whether he worked them off in the gym? re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four Or are they just genetic?

"My name's Lenny. What's yours?"

Updated On: 4/29/08 at 11:03 AM

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#311re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 12:17pm

Well, a latte has whole milk and vanilla means a spritz of syrup, so he may get those dimples back. But he seems super skinny at the moment. Next tummy check - May 20.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#312re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 1:16pm

I read your post earlier and craved Starbucks all morning. I ended up getting some on the way home from work (tall no whip hot chocolate). Unfortunately the one I stopped at employs the SLOWEST BARISTAS EVER. Ten minutes for a hot chocolate; I checked the time on the receipt from my order because I couldn't believe it was taking so long. It wasn't even busy; I thought they had to milk the cow themselves or something. And to top it off, no Raul in my suburban Starbucks. re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#313re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 1:22pm

And now I'm craving hot chocolate. re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four

A work of art is an invitation to love.

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#314re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 1:33pm

I'd like to order one Raul, hold the hot chocolate.

Posted: 4/29/08 at 2:01pm

Updated On: 1/23/09 at 02:01 PM

#316re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 2:07pm

One Raul, with or without whipped cream would really brighten my day.

I am working on my final final take home exam. Forever. And yet I think this one is taking me the longest out of all my years of education.

Bww is just more interesting than methods of acquisition, what can I say.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

sweetestsiren Profile Photo
#317re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 2:43pm

The Starbucks story is awesome! Glad he finally made it in to yours. re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four

One Raul, with or without whipped cream would really brighten my day.

Oh, mine too. re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four

Ordering at Starbucks is always an adventure. I'm torn between hating that it's so pretentious and liking that I can get a tall, nonfat, sugar-free no-whip vanilla latte.

beyonddizzy31 Profile Photo
#318re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 2:47pm

Well, a tall vanilla latte is one spresso shot, three pumps of vanilla syrup and steamed milk and foamm (now 2% instead of whole milk... Starbucks is getting healthy on people). People who get vanilla lattes are pretty simple folks... not like dumb, more like basic. There's something very Freudian about what your Sbux drink says about you re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four

He looked amazing, guys. Even my asst manager looked at him and said "Yeah, I can see why you'd get excited, he's cute!"

Sorry about your sucky Sbux experience, Skittles. My store can't afford to be slow. You should see us Saturday nights, I've never moved faster or worked harder in my life!

Face life with a little guts and lots of *glitter*

Perfectly Marvelous Profile Photo
Perfectly Marvelous
#319re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 3:09pm

Okay, I just wanted to pop in briefly and say that reading this thread - particularly the last page or so - has put quite a smile on my face and cheered me up on this otherwise morose day.

Oh, and ... found this whilst scouring the intarwebz:
re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four

re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." - Doctor Who

"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#320re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 5:12pm

I've always wondered what, exactly, was going on in that scene.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#321re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 5:35pm

He's obviously angry at you for not giving him enough attention, Emcee.

The last time I got Starbucks, I got a Chai latte. I love those, but they are a bit sweet. I ODed on Starbucks my senior year of high school, so now I very rarely indulge.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?
Updated On: 4/29/08 at 05:35 PM

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#322re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 5:49pm

misschung - just remember. There are two methods of acquisition: legal and illegal.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#323re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'don't look behind you' thread, part four
Posted: 4/29/08 at 8:25pm

He's obviously angry at you for not giving him enough attention, Emcee.

Geez, what a brat.

If I ever get anything at Starbucks, it's like... tea. Or juice. Lame.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Posted: 4/29/08 at 8:30pm

Updated On: 1/23/09 at 08:30 PM
