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The Raúl E. Esparza "Spread the Love" Thread, Part Four- Page 28

The Raúl E. Esparza "Spread the Love" Thread, Part Four

#675re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/27/08 at 4:12pm

If you look at him now, he's not alarmingly thin. It's only when you compare him to pictures of himself from this time last year that you can see that the weight just fell off of him.

Good job, Rauly! But don't lose any more!

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

spidey_882 Profile Photo
#676re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/27/08 at 6:07pm

I don't think he's alarmingly thin, but he is fitter-looking than he has been in the past. It does help that he's wearing better tailored clothes. He looked great at the Philharmonic.

Now, mother always said that whenever you hear a strange, frightening, and potentially life-threatening ghostly chant coming from the dark woods that there's one thing that you should do: Not wake the others and go investigate it alone...

bestinshow2 Profile Photo
#677re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/27/08 at 6:47pm

Going on an all-victims diet might slim one down a bit...

Isn't he supposed to kill at least 7 kids?

Ok, bbq at Raúl's in CT next month, be there or be square.

"My name's Lenny. What's yours?"

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#678re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/27/08 at 7:20pm

Sweeney Todd, the Sequel? He really is quite dapper now, and it seems to suit him (oops, pun).

humbugfoto Profile Photo
#679re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/27/08 at 7:39pm

"Do you want that shish-kebabed, flambéd or broasted? Oh, and you want fries with that?"

Sarcasm is an allergic reaction to stupid people.

#680re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/27/08 at 8:24pm

*Hums "A Little Priest"*

Is it just me, or does the fact that he is so much thinner make him look younger?

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#681re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/27/08 at 9:54pm

I think his looking happier makes him look younger.

#682re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/27/08 at 10:59pm

You know, I think you are right on that one. I only got to see The Homecoming once. And I did really notice how happy he was at the stage door. He was waaaaaaaay more upbeat than normal, and that kinda took me by surprise. At the time, I just figured it was to do with all of the tobacco he was inhaling.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

#683re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 4:17am

I'm hoping someone on here can point me in the direction of a picture of Raul wearing the purple coat when he sings Petrified in Taboo. Actually, if the picture is of the scene where he sings Petrified that would be awesome. Yes, I have searched. Maybe because it's 3 a.m., but I can't find it. And I know it's out there because I've seen it before. (Please don't blast me for not being able to find it and please don't blast me for my spelling. I'm working on a project and I'm lacking in sleep.) I'm sorry if I sound grouchy.

- V

spidey_882 Profile Photo
#684re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 7:30am

Someone can probably find one with the whole coat. This is the best I could find.

re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four

Now, mother always said that whenever you hear a strange, frightening, and potentially life-threatening ghostly chant coming from the dark woods that there's one thing that you should do: Not wake the others and go investigate it alone...

#685re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 9:43am

aw, poor Philip.

How long till Leap of Faith? Also, are we hoping for more romance on Pushing Daisies, or what?

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#686re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 10:10am

If LEAP goes on the road in January, I would assume New York previews in early March. I don't think anyone likes opening a new musical during the January-February doldrums. All this is pure conjecture (and wishful thinking) on my part.

Now that we have seen Olive fantasizing a Hollywood-size smooch with Alfredo, I should think a longer story line and a romantic duet were in the cards on DAISIES. Still waiting for "If I Loved You" from CAROUSEL. And we now KNOW that Raul can sing the h*ll out of CAROUSEL!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#687re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 10:45am

I read April '09 somewhere, but I remember it being just speculation. All Raul said was "next year." If we're guessing the tryout starts in January-ish, March seems fast, unless they do a quicker transfer without much time to twak in between.

I can't find the picture you're looking for, V, which is going to bug me because I know it's out there. Hopefully someone else has it saved or something.

I hope Alfredo gets the girl. re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four Did the writer say he wants Raul to sing, or did I make that up?

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 5/28/08 at 10:45 AM

humbugfoto Profile Photo
#688re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 11:24am

V - is this the pic you were looking for? (By the way, we don't blast people in this thread. Raúl wouldn't like it. re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four)

re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four

Sarcasm is an allergic reaction to stupid people.
Updated On: 5/28/08 at 11:24 AM

humbugfoto Profile Photo
#689re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 11:30am

Bryan Fuller, the creator/producer of Pushing Daisies said in at least one interview (and I think more than one) given during the strike, that he definitely wanted Olive and Alfredo to sing together. But no hints as to WHAT they might sing. It'll probably have to be limited to something no longer than 3 minutes, but I'm sure it'll be a spectacular 3 minutes!

Sarcasm is an allergic reaction to stupid people.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#690re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 11:33am

I love that the show incorporates song the way it does and allows its characters to sing, but I don't want it to over-do the singing. I kind of worry that they will, and it'll stop being a treat, if all these characters just waltz in and start singing. I guess it does fit for Olive's love interest to sing, too, since she already has and they fit together that way, but I don't want it to lose its charm.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#691re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 11:38am

Agreed, em, although with Kristin and Raul, there should be no risk of a shortage of charm.

humbugfoto Profile Photo
#692re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 11:45am

Do Lee Pace and Anna Friel sing? If so, they could one day do a whole musical episode, the way Buffy did. That would be just.... re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four

Sarcasm is an allergic reaction to stupid people.

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#693re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 2:29pm

Any way to find out the 25/8 shooting schedule?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#694re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 5:09pm


I hope Lee Pace can sing. It would make him even more adorable than he already is.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#695re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 7:04pm

Just curious - movies always seem to be put together so quickly.

#696re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 7:24pm

IMDB lists it as "filming." You could join the message board for the film though, and probably find out more?

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

humbugfoto Profile Photo
#697re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 7:49pm

Keep in mind that IMDb is about as reliable as Wikipedia. Anyone can post anything anywhere without any verification.

That said, the best way to get a filming schedule is from the production company. But they don't as a rule give that sort of info out to the general public. Besides, I couldn't even find any production info on the movie. They don't even have a website yet, that I can tell.

They were scheduled to start filming April 30. My best guess is they have a target wrap date of June 30. Why? Because if the actors strike happens they'll have to shut down filming as of July 1 (unless they've got a written exemption, which is dependent on their financing, and all very complicated) and I can guarantee they don't want to do that if they've got 90% of the film in the can. If the strike happens they can do all the post-production work they need to after it starts, but they have to have everything filmed already (hmmm - I'm not sure how the strike would affect looping additional dialog).

The other thing you could do is check with the Connecticut Film Office and see when and where they've issued film permits for the movie. It's filming in and around Danbury. Or you could just drive to Danbury, and drive around looking for a film crew. Trust me, they're not hard to spot. Just look for all the big white trucks and the temporary "NO PARKING" signs that stretch for blocks on end.

However, given that a horror movie by definition wants to keep everything about it's plot a surprise, it will probably be harder than all that to get any info at all on the filming.

ETA: Danbury apparently has their own film commission office. Here is their contact info:

Sarcasm is an allergic reaction to stupid people.
Updated On: 5/28/08 at 07:49 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#698re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 8:05pm

I'm still confused as to why it matters exactly when they're shooting this thing. I obviously like to know what projects performers are up to, but for me, if it's not something you can go and see, I don't feel the need to know the exact details. Because, yeah, it's happening, but if it's not a legit performance that's meant to be viewed by the public, that's all I need to know -- it doesn't make a difference exactly where he's going to be, on what day. I mean, is he going to like, jump off a bridge one day if his fans don't know exactly where he is and what he's doing? And in my experience, film sets, unless you're really invested in the material, can be super-boring. There's so much downtime, and not all that much to see. But, whatever floats your boat.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 5/28/08 at 08:05 PM

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#699re: The Raúl E. Esparza 'Spread the Love' thread, part four
Posted: 5/28/08 at 8:56pm

Humbug - thanks for the information. I have no interest in actually watching the filming, em, so relax, ok? Jeez, one simple question and there's blood in the streets. Of course, with this film, that might be a good analogy.
