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True Blood Season 6

#650True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/31/13 at 10:53am

I still really like Lafayette a lot.

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Wynbish Profile Photo
#651True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/31/13 at 10:54am

I love Dark Shadows. The SciFi Channel would air two episodes every weekday at lunch time when I was little, and I would watch them every day I could, especially in the summer time.

Hated the movie.

#652True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/31/13 at 10:55am

Do we think Lafayette is the modern version of Greyson Hall on Dark Shadows?

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Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#653True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/31/13 at 10:57am

I found Lafayette off-putting at first, and now he's probably my favorite character.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#654True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/31/13 at 10:58am

I can see that. He wasn't scared or anxious when he found out there are vampires that can walk in the day. He just said a quip and moved on. Dr. Julia would be that unimpressed, too.

True Blood needs a Quentin. Quentin was menacing, but in an enticing way. Updated On: 7/31/13 at 10:58 AM

#655True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/31/13 at 10:59am

I wish they hadn't used him to do the evil spirit dirty work this time around. I think it worked well the first time.

ETA: Yes to the Quentin! That's is why Alcide is just such a joke to me. I bet that's why Alan Ball left the show. Joe Mondello sapped him of the will to live.

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Updated On: 7/31/13 at 10:59 AM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#656True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/31/13 at 11:06am

I finished the last book last night. I'd been putting off the last two forever, but I started them while I was on vacation. I like the show better.

#657True Blood Season 6
Posted: 7/31/13 at 11:43pm

I had no interest in the books at first, either. I'm not one of these sci-fi/vampire freaks, but found the show and fell in love with it; that entire 1st season was filmed so beautifully, it was like watching a movie for every single episode. And much more attention was paid to the storytelling, since they obviously cared at the time about staying close to the source material.

The only reason I read through the book series at the time was I had lost my job and was one of the 99%-ers who wound up long-term unemployed for a while. I don't remember much of the content beyond after Queen Sophie-Anne was killed, and have not read the final 2 or 3 books, either. The show stands on its own.

I still think Warlow will be dead by S.7.E.1. Bummer. He's a hottie. And a good actor, too.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Wynbish Profile Photo
#659True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/1/13 at 12:08am

Haha! That was great, Wyn! Very pretty. :)

Where do you find such things?? :)

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Wynbish Profile Photo
#660True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/1/13 at 12:12am

Someone made gifs of it on Tumblr. I guess that was back in his Eastenders days.

I want that tub, too.

#661True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/1/13 at 12:54am

I'm not much for clawfoot-style tubs.

But if he's in it, I'll make an exception.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#662True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/4/13 at 11:01pm

After last week's dud of an episode, I'm glad to see sh*t getting crazy again. That scene between Sarah Newlin and the True Blood lady was bonkers.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#663True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/4/13 at 11:21pm

That "Thank Jesus"... she is sooo good at this

Warlow, in his one (hot) scene, seemed to be darker, and I liked how the flashback to the bathroom reminded the audience that yes, we and they know Warlow is not Mr. Darcy. Has a lot of this just been a front and he's getting impatient? This possessiveness could turn even darker. What happens if he gets what he wants? More likely, what happens if he doesn't? "I have nothing to live for, so kill me"? "I have nothing to live for, so let's get crazy and bitey up in here"? If she does agree with it, would he actually go through with it when she presumably gets upset about it beforehand? And Warlow, I love you, hon, but 1) 5,100 is not almost 6,000 and 2) exactly when was the beginning of this waiting for Sookie?

Seriously, kill Bill already. Where's Uma?!?

Not even dignifying the "Nicole is pregnant" development with further commentary on it

I assume she's over 18, but the faerie daughter has already gone topless?!? And how did Eric know how to get to the faerie land just because he had some faerie blood? Sookie herself needed help.

Updated On: 8/4/13 at 11:21 PM

javero Profile Photo
#664True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 12:29am


"Not even dignifying the "Nicole is pregnant" development with further commentary on it"

I was completely over the Sam-Nicole arc until the convo between Sam & Alcide in Merlottes. That was one of those art imitating life moments that many male viewers will relate to. I foresaw it last week when she eased her way into the shower with him. I hope things work out for them because Sam could use a lil' luck in love but a happy ending is not likely.

I also liked the tug-of-war going on between Sookie and Bill in this episode. Gotta give Anna Paquin credit for helping Sookie get her sexy back. Unfortunately I found the Eric feeding on Andy's daughter segment a bit contrived. Nevertheless, Eric's back to kicking azz and taking names so I'm happy.

But the standout to me was Anna Camp as Sara Newlin. That chick's got camp & cray cray down pat. Only dim moment was Jason and Vampirella. Overall a good ep.


#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 8/5/13 at 12:29 AM

Liza's Headband
#665True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 1:13am

"After last week's dud of an episode, I'm glad to see sh*t getting crazy again. That scene between Sarah Newlin and the True Blood lady was bonkers."

I'm pretty sure I was cackling during that entire chase and fight scene. Was it supposed to feel super super campy and on the verge of comical? 'Cause it absolutely did. I mean, getting your face eaten off by a vampire and then having a stiletto heel pierce your head. God DAMN.

Wyn, I agree. Anna Camp is killing it this season. Glad she is being featured so much...

Also, I know I will be in the minority here but I have weirdly become attached to Andy's daughter. It is a throwaway role. I get that. But the actress who plays her has been featured in several other shows and I have always loved her. I feel bad she has such a ****ty part. True Blood Season 6

Good episode all around. Could also do without Jason's vamp, but they're setting it up for the finale - she'll play a role in the rescue of the others, I believe. Only two more left. Not coping with that fact.

P.S. I actually liked the Nicole pregnancy twist. Makes that relationship more meaningful and serves as the final 'nail in the coffin' for Sookie to turn for Warlow. They had to put it in there.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#666True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 9:00am

Was it supposed to feel super super campy and on the verge of comical?

I assume it was. It was totally over the top.

I'm in the camp that's over Nicole's pregnancy already. No, just no.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#667True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 9:17am

Oh, the whole "I thought I'd end up with you, Sam". Really, Sookie? Did you?
...BOOK SPOILER I bet some fans of the book series threw something at their TV

I also liked when Eric was poking fun at Bill, even when Bill was in control. Of course, mention Godric, and Eric turns into that kid from Little Giants. "Don't you be talkin' about my mama!" Bill and Eric have had such a varied story in terms of power. First, Eric was over Bill as the Sheriff. Then, Bill was King (is he still king? is that still a thing?). Now, Bill is Billith, and it seems that through all the power shifts, Eric has never given them a damn.

And Eric and Sookie are connected too, right? Could Eric feel Sookie when she was about to drown like Bill could?

Also, there's this

I'm gonna need to fan myself

Updated On: 8/5/13 at 09:17 AM

#668True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 9:41am

My guesses are that the damage Bill is blaming on Eric has not been done by Eric. The script took the time to pointedly remind us that Rutger Hauer exists, so maybe it's him. Or maybe this faerie guy isn't the real Warlow at all.

Pam in prisoner garb is making me think of Patsy Stone, so I love her even more.

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Wynbish Profile Photo
#669True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 9:48am

Come back to the Five and Dime, Rutger Hauer.

If Warlow isn't really Warlow, he has to be some other progeny of Lillith (I assume she had more than one, hence there being more than two vampires) or else Bill couldn't control him. I still think he's Warlow. I also think he can be (will be?) so much darker than we've seen. He did throw a Faerie King into a dark dimension just so he wouldn't be cockblocked.

#670True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 12:08pm

Agreed--with that flashback to Warlow's apparition growling "I'm coming for you!!!" in the bathroom, they are reminding us that Warlow isn't (always) the sweet hunk he appears to be. Though his "we'd be a closed circle, you and I...I wouldn't have to hurt anybody else again" speech a couple of weeks ago was a charmer. And indeed--How is 5100 years "almost 6000 years," and since the contract was signed in the 1700s, that means he's only been waiting for Sookie for 300- and some. I asked a question similar to this, earlier in this thread. 5100 years ago, Lilith turned him, but that was back when *Lilith* wanted him for HERS, she didn't go and say "in the year 17-hundred-and-something, a fairy descendant of yours will be amenable to giving you his first female fae heir but you'll have to wait another 300 years for her."

I'm normally not one to bug about inconsistencies like this in shows like this, but it's a glaringly obvious one for loyal viewers who are continually asked to do the literal math along with the exposition of the stories. And this one bugs me.

Not a fan of "23-year-old Nicole is pregnant after having sex 2 times with 38-year-old 'silver fox' Sam, whom she met a week ago, after he was 'soooo in luvvvv' with Luna, who just died," either. Sam's suddenly holding all his cookies for this kid (Nicole) and gives up Sookie as a plot device for her decide to be turned by Warlow? It's a shifter-human hybrid. I predict a miscarriage. And that Sookie stays human. And that Warlow, in all his hotness, will pick the "I'm so in love and you won't be with me, so I'll help you save your friends but kill me" option. What say you? Wah.

And for as annoying as Sookie can be, did you just love her "can't you just take me to the movies next week?" line? So true. Everyone's so f'ing serious about wanting long-term commitments from her. (Heh. Now we *know* it's a fantasy show. :) )

Couldn't believe that Andy's faerie daughter went topless already. Unnecessary. But I did like Eric's glamouring line to the kid about "you certainly did not get her shirt off. Sorry to take that away from you."

My guesses are that the damage Bill is blaming on Eric has not been done by Eric. The script took the time to pointedly remind us that Rutger Hauer exists, so maybe it's him.

I know, I too have missed Grandpa Niall! It doesn't look like it based on IMDB, but here's hoping he shows up in the season finale.

Question: "Maybe it's him," what? You are referencing "damage that Bill is blaming on Eric," but doesn't Bill continually harp on the upcoming damage in his vision, meaning meeting the sun in the round white room, and doesn't this not really involve Niall in the prophecy at all?

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland
Updated On: 8/5/13 at 12:08 PM

#671True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 12:47pm

And btw, since Jason is the only one in vamp camp who knows "the governor's DEAD," can't he just announce it and cause a mutiny among vamps to the human guards, flattening all of Sarah Newlin's power-trippy efforts??

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Wynbish Profile Photo
#672True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 3:40pm

Could Warlow have beaten Eric if he wasn't tied up? Eric is a motherF*CKing Viking when he wants to be. Warlow is over 5000 years old (not 6, sweetie) and is one of the original vampires, really. That would have some (hot pieces of ass in) battle.

Exciting promo for the last two episodes Updated On: 8/5/13 at 03:40 PM

#673True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 4:42pm

::Question: "Maybe it's him," what? You are referencing "damage that Bill is blaming on Eric," but doesn't Bill continually harp on the upcoming damage in his vision, meaning meeting the sun in the round white room, and doesn't this not really involve Niall in the prophecy at all?::


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ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#674True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 4:58pm

Didn't they show Eric walking in the daylight in the preview for next week's episode? That would suggest it had to be him that fed off Warlow.
