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True Blood Season 6

#675True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 7:17pm

"What," indeed, Namo.

What the bloody hell does your post--referencing Eric, Bill, Warlow, Rutger Hauer, and Patsy Stone, stating "maybe it's him"-- mean?

And I know Warlow is 5100 years old, not 6. I didn't say it. Sookie did.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

javero Profile Photo
#676True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 8:26pm

'Not a fan of "23-year-old Nicole is pregnant after having sex 2 times with 38-year-old 'silver fox' Sam, whom she met a week ago, after he was 'soooo in luvvvv' with Luna, who just died," either.'

The series time-line boggles the mind. Regarding the May-October pairing, my sources inform me that here in the DC metro area twenty-something single females are into salt-and-pepper these days.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 8/5/13 at 08:26 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#677True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 10:13pm

Wasn't Katherine Helmond the Bellefleur grandmother the last time? Also, I wonder if Portia's gonna wind up having something to do, because suddenly she's been around lately but she's always over in another room or something.

I'm over Steve Newlin. I wouldn't mind him meeting the sun before the season ends.

#678True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 10:57pm

lovepuppy, obviously we watch this show in very different ways. You actually feel compelled by the program dot arithmetic. To me, this has always been a show that is the exact opposite of homework. You watch an episode and post a blue book's-fill of an essay. I watch the show and sometimes feel like it's tasty junkfood, sometimes not so tasty.

I see a show that violates its own internal logic all the time, so I watch it assuming the math doesn't add up. Sooooooooooo, when Bill is shown twice saying "ERIC!" I just assume it's a red herring in the Hitchcockian sense. Perhaps you've written a few books about his work and you know what the expression means?

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#679True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 11:13pm

Haha. Nope, I have never read or written anything about Hitchcock, other than stuff that makes it into the public consciousness, nor have I seen any of his movies. I did watch that HBO movie about Tippi Hedren last year, though.

And you are right, we do watch the show in different ways. It's got so much sh*t going on that I"m used to message boards that actually ask questions and people respond with clarifications about what's going on. The ones I used to like seem to have disappeared. That said, when Bill says "ERIC" twice, and we also see Eric lurking before and after Bill has said his name, and see him all bloody in the preview for next week, after Warlow is found attacked and bloody, I know for a fact that Eric did attack Warlow. That is no red herring and in fact is pretty obvious. Pretty easy stuff; no figuring needed, there.

It's the "I'm 5100 years old and signed a contract with your ancestor 300 years ago and have been in love with you and waiting for you for 6000 years" math that is categorically incorrect and annoying.

Kiss kiss. Love ya. :)

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

#680True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 11:18pm

"I"m used to message boards that actually ask questions and people respond with clarifications about what's going on."

Do they also spend such time on important matters?

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#681True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 11:20pm

Considering message boards are for leisure time, I'd say any board discussing "True Blood," "The View," Broadway shows, and even politics does NOT fall into the category of "important matters."

You oughta know, since you spend so much more time here than me. :)

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

#682True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 11:26pm

I guess I can see how your post is thematically aligned with my question, if not a response to it. We just have entirely different mental processes and to be honest, I haven't once been able to get all the way through one of your book reports about True Blood, but I am sure it's my problem and nothing to do with you at all. Happy viewing and math homework completing!

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Phyllis Rogers Stone
#683True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 11:28pm

I like Pam.

#684True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 11:32pm

Me too! She was at a Comic Con in Boston over the weekend. But it was $40 to get her autograph, girl's gotta strike while the iron is hot.

Didn't she look like Patsy Stone when she was trying to talk to that new vampire we can't tell apart from the old vampires to stop biting Jason or whatever?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#685True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 11:35pm

Yes! Her hair all foofy and big! Just the other night my friends and I watched Romy and Michele and it's so funny to see her not be Pam. Even when I see her in interviews it makes me realize just how damn good she is at that part.

#686True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/5/13 at 11:36pm

I don't remember anything at all about Romy and Michelle. I will have to revisit it.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Wynbish Profile Photo
#687True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/6/13 at 12:36am

lovepuppy, I'm a couple of hours late, but when I said "not 6000, sweetie", that was somewhat directed to Warlow himself. Like "aww honey, you're cute, but you're not almost 6000."

Even when I see her in interviews it makes me realize just how damn good she is at that part.

So true

#688True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/6/13 at 12:43am

Thanks, Wyn! I agree with you...*neither* of them should be saying it!

I still think Jason should announce the gov's dead and create a vamp mutiny. What's stopping him?

Especially now since all our main vamps are in the white circular room--including his captor-vamp, Violet? Guards forced them into the room and she let him stay in gen pop unsupervised? Dummy.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Wynbish Profile Photo
#689True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/6/13 at 12:46am

He may next episode. The preview showed him in the daylight with a gun on Sarah. With Violet and his friends out of Gen Pop, he may have used that information to keep him safe and get him out of Gen Pop.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#690True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/6/13 at 7:01am

I wish they would give Lafayette something to do besides cooking people food and comforting them.

artscallion Profile Photo
#691True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/6/13 at 8:19am

But then he wouldn't be the nurturing/sarcastic gay character. And every scarey story needs one of those. His only departure from that stereotype is that he wasn't the first to die.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#692True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/6/13 at 8:43am

He had that boyfriend for a while. At least he still gets more screen time than my poor Tara. True Blood Season 6

suestorm Profile Photo
#693True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/6/13 at 9:22am

True Blood Season 6

Thank goodness for Sarah Newlin, that fight with her and the chinese girl saved the episode for me. i was falling asleep before that

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#694True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/6/13 at 9:33am

Yeah Tara needs more to do too. And Lafayette did have way more to do in previous seasons. Tara, Pam and Lafayette are by far my favorite characters. I think this season is awful. Even worse than last season (which I didn't think was possible). But it's those three that keep me watching. And the hope that the show will get it's mojo back because it used to be one of my favorites.
I thought death by high heel was done better in Single White Female.

#695True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/6/13 at 9:36am

I regret that Arlene's devil baby wasn't really the devil. She would have had so much more to do and Lafayette could have been the nanny and when he was burping the baby and it belched up pea soup Tara could have said, "Ahhh hayull nah."

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Wynbish Profile Photo
#696True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/6/13 at 9:42am

I thought death by high heel was done better in Single White Female.

I think there was an episode of Quantum Leap that had a death by high heel.

So, the werewolves are officially done, right? Right? Please?

#697True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/6/13 at 9:45am

I laugh out loud every time they add the low growl to Joe Mangiajello's line deliveries.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 8/6/13 at 09:45 AM

Wynbish Profile Photo
#698True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/6/13 at 9:48am

I mean, does the audience need constant reminding that the person talking, who has been a werewolf this whole time, is still a werewolf?

Joe recently called True Blood "golden handcuffs", in that he can't film some projects he would really love to because of either currently filming the show or needing to have Alcide's look.

Speaking of his look, what is with his hair? He looks like Crispin Glover.

#699True Blood Season 6
Posted: 8/6/13 at 9:53am

And for a wolf, he has an incredibly thin, wispy beard.

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