So, the Senate's version of Trumpcare was finally brought out from the shadows, and at first glance, it doesn't seem any better than any of its predecessors. Again, it's a tax cut for the wealthy thinly veiled as healthcare.
With pregnant women unable to qualify for Medicaid.
Yet people will vote Republican. The dumb in this country is astounding.
The Senate GOP health bill in one sentence: poor people pay more for worse insurance
It’s not complicated. Just cruel.
"There are a lot of moving parts in the health bill Senate Republicans just released, but the bigger picture is straightforward. Health care expert Larry Levitt condensed it to fewer than 140 characters:
Under the Senate bill, low-income people would pay higher premiums for bigger deductibles.
— Larry Levitt (@larry_levitt) June 22, 2017
That’s it. That’s what this bill does. In fact, it does it over and over again. Policy after policy in the bill is built to achieve the same goal: making poor people pay more for less health insurance."
Make some calls, folks. Even if you have Dem senators.
Need scripts?
(That's the main page for your future reference; you can find the dated script lists at the bottom)
(Follow Celeste, dammit)
If you can't call right now, you can leave a voicemail after hours (try a regional office if the DC one is full), and if you can't call at all, you can fax! Just make sure you include your ZIP code for your senator, so they know you're a constituent.
Also, the Washington Post is keeping a tally on who's opposed/has concerns:
LYLS3637 said: "...Yet people will vote Republican..."
Yeah, my 23 year-old nephew who voted for Trump, with his "reason" being he wanted to get rid of Obamacare, and he has a congenital heart condition which could leave him unable to acquire insurance without it.
4 GOP Senators have already said there voting "no," which essentially makes this DOA without major changes.
madbrian said: "LYLS3637 said: "...Yet people will vote Republican..."
Yeah, my 23 year-old nephew who voted for Trump, with his "reason" being he wanted to get rid of Obamacare, and he has a congenital heart condition which could leave him unable to acquire insurance without it."
People in this country do not accept the responsibility of educating themselves. You look at every single public policy study on Obamacare where the vast majority of respondents support every vital piece of the law, but the follow up question of "Do you support Obamacare?" is answered by great big "F&CK NO!"
Stupidity. It's going to destroy this country.
adamgreer said: "4 GOP Senators have already said there voting "no," which essentially makes this DOA without major changes. "
Yep, it's good news — but we should be calling anyway (whoever our reps are) in case something propels them back on the other side of the fence.
LizzieCurry said: "adamgreer said: "4 GOP Senators have already said there voting "no," which essentially makes this DOA without major changes. "
Yep, it's good news — but we should be calling anyway (whoever our reps are) in case something propels them back on the other side of the fence.
Absolutely. I called my Senators today. Nelson was already voting no, but his aid was happy to hear from me. Rubio's a likely yes vote, because of his infatuation with the Trumps.
Hooray for calling!
I just got off the phone with Sen. Gillibrand's Rochester office, since her DC office had a busy signal, which I don't think has happened in a while. Sen. Schumer's DC and NYC offices have "please hold" auto-responders, but I got through to Albany.
(Was going to edit my earlier post to add, but am including here:
adamgreer said: "4 GOP Senators have already said there voting "no," which essentially makes this DOA without major changes."
The same was said about the 2nd House version, but that eventually passed. We need to be vigilant and persistent.
Click through and read this thread if you need a push. Let's fill up those voicemail boxes over the weekend if you can't call today!
Broadway Star Joined: 9/19/09
Thanks for keeping this front and center. Called Pat Toomey and Bob Casey (Pennsylvania) - could any state senators be more far apart? Have been sending letters to Toomey expressing my dislike of most of his positions. I used to try and call but can never get through and his mailboxes are full.
Like madbrian says, we never thought the House would pass the bill and they did. I have no faith in the Senate. I am wishing that some of the moderate Repubs (Susan Collins) also vote no. But with no sense of faith.
Glad you called! You can always try regional offices, since they're not always the first on anyone's list. I always try those first. They still pass on the info.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/19/09
I usually do call the regional office. For a long time, every one of Toomey's regional boxes was full, as well as his DC office. That's why I finally took to sending emails. I will not quit communicating with him.
Heller is now a no as well, as he knows a yes would be the end of his chances at reelection in Nevada. Collins sure sounded like she was a no this morning, but she doesn't typically announce which way she's voting until the last minute. I would expect Murkowski to be a no as well, but haven't heard much from her other than when she said any bill that defunded Planned Parenthood (as this bill does) is a nonstarter.
Marylander here w/ 2 Senate Dems who quickly fell right into formation against all things trumpcare.
It's so disheartening that in 2017, we/our nation still have to fight for this kind of basic human right to healthcare. We still live in a world of the haves and have nots, still great pockets of discrimination, with racist and bigoted overtones that still have a great voice in Washington.
When a candidate in GA, can come out and blatantly state she is against a basic living wage, among other "luxuries", and still get elected? Where are we headed? AND, this district boasted a lot of upper middle class women voters that "officially" did get out and vote. I'm not saying it was solely women voters, but their vote definitely had an impact.
What I can do is implore everyone to please call your Senators!! I have included a link to find your Senators, if you don't know who or how to talk to them.
We can not let this Congress and this abhorrent 45 administration decimate our country and our values. Please Call!! Thanks!
Reminder Please!!! Please call your Senators NOW and Tomorrow!!! This is so important. Please please CALL!
Here is the link again! This is our country and our moral compass!! Please call.
Another thing you can do is google your senators' websites and put their REGIONAL office phone numbers into your contacts. The regional office numbers are just as valid and your calls will be tallied — they're also more likely to not go straight to voicemail or have full voicemail inboxes than your senators' DC numbers.
It's so disheartening that in 2017, we/our nation still have to fight for this kind of basic human right to healthcare.
That's because most conservative Republicans don't consider healthcare a "basic human right" on principle, much less a necessary right to American citizens. Add to that the fact that the current bill has Obama's name on it, they simply want to throw in as much opposing language as possible while adding benefits to the rich and to the hugely corrupt healthcare industry, any bill proffered up by these lunatics will be a nightmare. And the more they are rejected, the more they will try and tighten access and control to the review and vote of their nightmare bill. I don't foresee any relief for our country anytime soon. Republicans have made a shambles of the government and are feeding the alt-right to secure votes. I just need a Xanax IV drip until this sh*tstorm of global shame passes.
Same. I can't even believe this is a thing.
Also, CBO score is out. Call even if you've already called! I just did.
I have no interest in fighting against access to healthcare. It plays no role in my personal politics. So the following is purely an academic exercise, like the thing about angels on the head of a pin.
But... I don't think healthcare is a human right. Here are two reasons:
(1) Healthcare involves human labor. No one is born with the right to claim the fruits of other people's labor.
(2) Modern healthcare is a bunch of technologies that didn't exist until fairly recently. How can something be a human right if it didn't even exist for most of human history?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/18/07
But... I don't think healthcare is a human right. Here are two reasons:
(1) Healthcare involves human labor. No one is born with the right to claim the fruits of other people's labor.
(2) Modern healthcare is a bunch of technologies that didn't exist until fairly recently. How can something be a human right if it didn't even exist for most of human history?