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Weekly SNL thread

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#350Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/21/12 at 1:24am

You just a hater!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#351Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/21/12 at 1:27am

And you just mad cuz I got my WIC card!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#352Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/21/12 at 1:37am

WRONG THREAD!!! Updated On: 10/21/12 at 01:37 AM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#353Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/21/12 at 1:38am

Wrong thread, baby, but yes!

#354Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/21/12 at 10:07am

Bruno Mars- weak
Show- unfunny as hell
Writing- horrible
really? the yeti skit?

wow bruno Mars----doing Michael Jackson- AGAIN!!!
we've never seen THAT before.......

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#355Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/21/12 at 11:47am

One of the best SNL's in a long time!

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

#356Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/21/12 at 1:54pm

I laughed from beginning to end. Mars was the best host in drag they've had since Charles Barkley was hanging out with the Gap girls. I also liked his first song, I love those neo-soul acts with the band in tight choreographed motion.

It kind of made me sad I missed the Bruno Mars thing at La Mama.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#357Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/21/12 at 2:07pm

People will uniformly declare the one with Louis C.K. to be the best one ever, regardless of quality, so whatevs.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#358Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/21/12 at 2:16pm

Why do say that?

#359Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/21/12 at 2:30pm

It does have remarkable potential. He is at the top of his game right now.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#360Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/21/12 at 2:36pm

Jordan, I was thinking about the last time Jim Carrey hosted and how terrible of a show it was, but all the usual complainers raved about how good it was simply because it was Jim Carrey. I feel like Louis C.K. fans will do the same.

I'm pretty meh on him, but I'm looking forward to fun. performing that night.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#361Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/22/12 at 12:52pm

Saturday Night Live!

It was like Vulture heard me!

#362Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/22/12 at 1:19pm

I thought the whole point of the Stefon sketches was that he breaks up. Isn't it?

SNAFU Profile Photo
#363Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/22/12 at 1:43pm

Yes, that is part of the schtick.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

strummergirl Profile Photo
#364Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/22/12 at 1:59pm

I wonder how much control Louie will have over the sketches. His style with show is a little more low-key, experimental than broad.

There are some people in the comedy world critical of Louis CK or rather the "St. Louie" brand the mainstream media has of him at the moment. Some call it jealousy, though using an entire episode of your show to dismiss the criticism against Dane Cook does make you come off as the judge, jury, and executioner of comedy.

#365Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/22/12 at 2:05pm

I did not think in any way Louis came off looking the better of the two in the Dane Cook episode.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

strummergirl Profile Photo
#366Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/22/12 at 2:25pm

That was sorta the point. Louis CK had Dane Cook cop to 'unconscious' plagiarism rather than stealing jokes. I was definitely more impressed that Cook appeared on the show in the first place but this was not a Comedy Central roast he was entering. He got a platform to say his side of the story, which did not seem deserved or at least did not seem relevant in 2011.

#367Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/22/12 at 3:01pm

Dane Cook is an unfunny asshole. Nothing will erase his assholery in my eyes.

I deeply miss Kristen Wiig's baby arms and surprise lady.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#368Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 10/22/12 at 5:01pm

If Dane Cook didn't exist the internet would have to invent him.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#369Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 11/3/12 at 11:21pm

" Hello. Its louis here. I’m clacking this to you on my phone in my dressing room here at studio 8H, right in 30 rockefeller center, in Manhattan, new york city, new york, america, world, current snapshot of all existence everywhere.

Tonight I’m hosting Saturday Night Live, something I zero ever in my life saw happening to me. And yet here it is completely most probably happening (I mean, ANYTHING could NOT happen. So we’ll see).

I’ve been working here all week with the cast, crew, producers and writers of SNL, and with Lorne Michaels. Such a great and talented group of people.

And here we are in the middle of New York City, which was just slammed by a hurricane, leaving behind so much trouble, so much difficulty and trauma, which everyone here is still dealing with every day.

Last night we shot some pre-tape segments in greenwich Village, which was pitch black dark for blocks and blocks, as it has been for a week now.

Its pretty impossible to describe walking through these city streets in total darkness. It can’t even be called a trip through time, because as long as new york has lived, its been lit. By electricity, gas lamps, candlelight, kerosene. But this was pitch black, street after street, corner round corner. And for me, the village being the very place that made me into a comedian and a man, to walk through the heart of it and feel like, in a way, it was dead. I can’t tell you how that felt. And you also had a palpable sense that inside each dark window was a family or a student or an artist or an old woman living alone, just being int he dark and waiting for the day to come back. Like we were all having one big sleep over, but not so much fun as that.

This is how a lot of the city is still. I know people in queens, brooklyn, Staten Island, new jersey, all over, are not normal yet. And not normal is hard.

And here at 30 rock, these folks are working so hard this week. There are kids in the studio every day, because members of the crew and staff had to bring them to work. Many people are sharing lodging. Everyone is tired. But there’s this feeling here that we’ve got to put on a great show. I’m sure it feels like that here every week. But wow. I feel really lucky to be sharing this time with these particular good folks here at SNL.

In about 5 hours we’ll be going on the air. I’ll do a monologue. And we’ll show you some sketches that we wrote and try to make you laugh. I’m gonna look really dumb in some of this stuff. But I don’t care. Its awfully worth it. And I’m really excited.

Anyway. I just wanted to let you know. If you watch the show tonight, when Don Pardo says my name and you see me walking out, all the **** in this email is what ill be thinking. I’m a pretty lucky guy. I hope you enjoy the show.


Louis C.K.

Live. From new york. Its saturday night."

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#370Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 11/4/12 at 12:54am

Yikes. I bet everyone loved this episode because it made me want to claw my skin off.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#371Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 11/4/12 at 12:59am

I cracked up at nearly every sketch. It was all so ridiculous yet Louie CK was hilarious! I have never seen his standup or TV show but I will have to start now.

FUN was also amazing. I have no clue if they are popular or not, but I will definitely be checking them out on Spotify.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#372Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 11/4/12 at 1:04am

I love fun. Their current album is great. I listen to it all the time.

thetinymagic2 Profile Photo
#373Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 11/4/12 at 1:26am

Louie's show on FX is absolutely brilliant. high concept, completely quirky and original.
His Lincoln sketch on SNL was crazy good.
I also really, really enjoyed "the girl you don't want to start a convo with". Too many people in my nabe actually speak like this.....!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#374Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 11/4/12 at 1:34am

I thought maybe I'd appreciate the Lincoln video more if I watched his show. And I though the Fox corrections were funny as usual, but the rest was just so blah to me. I never skip through sketches but I had to during the one with the mountain. And that Australian movie one was really rough, too.

I also thought maybe I didn't care for the show because I'm not really a big fan of Louis C.K., but there have been plenty of hosts who won me over when I didn't think I would. Maybe I'm just a grump tonight. (Tonight?)

fun. rules all, though to my dismay, Nate Ruess never sounds as good live as he does on the cd.

Updated On: 11/4/12 at 01:34 AM
