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A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC- Page 2

A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC

leomaxfrank Profile Photo
#25re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 1:42pm

robbie my dear - you make me pee. damn you!
mr. brantley needs to watch his back before you steal his job!!

as snoop dogg would say, "fo sheezy"...or something

But I won't live alone in a house of regret.

Bobby457 Profile Photo
#26re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 1:51pm

Robbie- as usual you make me giggle like a little schoolgirl! I agree with everything....although I was wondering why no one else used a french accent. Afterall, they are in Paris! If no one else used an accent..then why did Ms Richardson use one? As for Andrew writing lovely so much! Listen to the opera "La Fanciulla del West" That is where you will find alot of the Phantom melodies.

"It never bothered me that she called me a c*nt, it bothered me that I answered to it!" Carol Channing about Ethel Merman filming an episode of "The Love Boat"

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#27re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 2:03pm

I couldn't disagree more with your review. It just seems like you went in WANTING to hate it and already thought it would be bad. It is by no means a bad movie - it is a flawed movie, almost tragically so, but it still captured me - something the now tired stage production has always failed to do. And you ask why Miranda Richardson was using a French accent...if you have to ask that, maybe you really don't know this show as well as you think you do.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#28re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 2:07pm

You know what I can't understand. I can't understand why, when thousands of Broadway hopefulls dedicate their life and education to perfecting their voices, acting skills, and dancing , when making a MOVIE about a SHOW, they don't cast people who know how to DO those things!!!!!!!

If you're going to do a movie about a show, don't cast pretty faces.....cast talent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

"He makes me toot!" - Mae in THE WILD PARTY :)

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#29re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 2:11pm

Well, Hugh Panaro can sing AND he has a pretty face.

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#30re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 2:51pm

Robbie for shadow president!

Oh thank God you mentioned the midget, he was in nearly every scene!

There were moments where all I saw was the midget...they should of had Mason Reese play the Phantom..imagine those little hands caressing the air during "The Music of the Night"....
Now that would of been a movie!

robbiej Profile Photo
#31re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 2:52pm

Oh Munk.

How little you know me. I turned to my co-worker yesterday and said, 'I think the critics went after this...and probably unfairly.'

Though I wasn't expecting a masterpiece (not a huge fan of the piece...but thought the production on Broadway was rather lovely and gothic), I certainly wasn't expecting to be insulted. As someone who has dedicated his life to this arcane art form, perhaps my standards are too high. BUT requiring that the principals in this movie at least be able to sing the score properly is not asking too much, is it? I would also like dramatic tension and, in this case, melodrama.

If it's sentimental and overblown, then embrace that and fill the movie with large emotions. Don't encourage your actors to scale back so much that barely any emotions are registered.

Regarding not knowing why Mme. Giry would have a French accent, I never once claimed to know the show all that well. I've seen it twice and played the cast album quite a bit when I was younger. I was actually surprised by how much of the score I still remembered. So, Munk, please...tell us why she's the only one in the movie with a French accent.

WAIT...another thing.

When one is brought in to audition for the role of the Phantom in the stage production, you are asked to sing two specific pieces: "I have brought you..." right before 'Music of the Night' and "I gave you my music..." right before the end of the first act. They are the hardest pieces of music to negotiate because of where they lie. But where they lie is incredibly important to the emotional life of the character. Imagine my annoyance when I noticed that these two very important passages were lowered for Mr. Butler.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#32re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 2:54pm

They cast a Broadway person, Patrick Wilson, and he was a totally unremarkable drip throughout the entire movie. And give me Emmy Rossum actually acting instead of the lumbering bores I've seen wandering around stage posing and singing for the past fifteen years as Christine.

Talent schmalent, cast charisma if you want to sell movie tickets.

#33re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 3:11pm

I propose several drinking games for the Phantom Film:

A) Everytime Emmy Rossum looks like a deer in headlights, drink.

B) Everytime a random midget appears on scene for no apparent reason, drink.

C) Everytime you'd prefer to be spending $100 on orchestra seats to the tired Broadway production, drink.

D) Everytime you hear someone in the theater whisper "I told you we should have seen Meet The Fockers!" drink.

E) Everytime you realize the phantom is not actually hideous under the mask and they clearly only made him up for the final scene, drink.

F) Everytime you yearn for at least a casting choice that could turn this into at the very least, a camp classic (a la Melanie Griffith as Fermin), drink.

G) Everytime you cannot hold in a giggle during "Phantom of the Opera," drink.

H) Every time you are forced to text message a friend about how bad the film is, DURING the film, drink.

I) am done...I bet we could come up with I-Z, come on kids, let's get creative...we all need more drinking games and I think with a little work we could pull off the whole alphabet for this one!

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#34re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 3:14pm

Why no love for the midget? He was CLEARLY Piangi's understudy, further proof that 19th Century France was way ahead of the curve in terms of non-traditional casting.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#35re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 3:16pm


I wasn't getting nasty with you, if that's how it came off. In the past I have avoided you because of some uncalled for bitter things you have said to me, for no reason. In this case, I enjoyed reading your review and you certainly do have a lovely way of putting your thoughts into words. It's nice to read a review on here that is actually comprehensible. Although it was a great review, I don't agree with most of it, as I said. For me, whenever I have seen the stage production, despite how close to the stage I sit, the whole show seems very unattainable. It's not a very welcoming show - as an audience member, I have always felt left out and excluded from what's goin on onstage. I think maybe it's because of the bare-bones set used in some scenes that now look extremely dated, decorated with the actors standing around it on stage. It just never, ever captured me. It never haunted me, it never broke my heart, and I have never cared about a single thing that happened to any of the characters. With that said, going into the movie I was not at all a fan of the show. I think it has some beautiful melodies and wonderful individual moments, but the whole show always seemed choppy. The first 15 minutes of the movie, I thought, were remarkable. When the color changes from B&W to Color as the Chandelier rises and the Overture deafens you, it definitely gave me chills and pulled me in from the very start. From "Angel of Music" through "The Music of the Night" I was bored out of my mind, and I think they were terribly "staged" and filmed. After that, I was really engaged in the film.

Now the cast. From hearing the CD before the movie came out I was very disappointed and quite angry about their voices - Emmy and Gerard. Patrick's voice is perfect for the role. Their voices aren't something I can listen to on a soundtrack - they're just not that good. But in the movie, they work quite nicely. I wish Emmy wasn't so breathy through the whole thing, and I would hardly call her amazing, or even great - but it didn't bother me. As skeptical as I was about Gerard's voice going into it, I could not have enjoyed him more. I thought his performance in this movie was so touching and gentle. You see every side to the phantom - you can actually see how loving and amazing a man he can be, then you can see how evil and nasty he can be - something the stage production never showed me. I've always disliked the Phantom and hated the moments he was onstage on Broadway because he was so annoying to me. In this movie, although the material hasn't changed, I loved the notion that the Phantom is actually a very VERY attractive guy. I could see why Christine might be so interested in him - he looked beautiful. I thought his voice was perfect for the movie - anything too operetic or "broadway" would have annoyed me. I really really really loved his interpretation, and now I can't really listen to Crawford on the recording because he just annoys me - as a performer, he's ALWAYS annoyed me. So maybe it's a personal thing, who knows.

As far as Mdme. Giry having a French accent, I took it as if she were the only one that truly grew up in France. Everyone else in the movie is from somewhere else in Europe, so they wouldn't have French accents, including Christine and the theatre owners. After thinking about it, my theory is slighly invalid because her daughter Meg would also have a french accent, as should the Phantom if he grew up with Mdme. Giry IN the opera house. I forgot about that fact, so I would say you're right - it doesn't make sense that she's the only one with a French accent. I think they tried to make her a stereotypical French ballet teacher and didn't really think about the reasoning. She doesn't have an accent on Broadway, does she?

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#36re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 3:22pm

I came up with a few more...

I) Everytime you wish it were believable that even the crowd in the movie was enjoying the understudy's performance, drink.

J) Everytime you wonder why M. Giry and Devil's child were the same age as children but currently have 20 years separating them, drink.

K) Everytime you wonder why the Phantom is magical enough to blow out all the candles in the theater at the same time but somehow needs to have a real swordfight in a cemetary to take care of Raoul, drink.

L) Everytime you think the Phantom would have made a better toymaker than musician, drink.

M) Everytime you want to scream to Emmy "Run." when she calmly looks at the hundreds of pictures and statues of her in his lair, drink.

N) Everytime you think "why would they cast an actor who doesn't sing a note in a role with 4 spoken lines?" drink. Updated On: 12/28/04 at 03:22 PM

robbiej Profile Photo
#37re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 3:27pm


I appreciate your response and understand that many times, tone is difficult to interpret on a message we all have come to find out one way or another.

As for the French accent thing, I'm stumped by it. If not everyone's going to use one, then I say leave it out. And for some reason, I believe the original Mme. Giry on Broadway did use one...either that or just the woman on the London recording (who could have been French, for all I knew).

Rossum's voice, I believe, doesn't work in the film because the audience reaction shown is incomprehensible. It's on pitch but wan and an opera audience would not have leapt to its feet after the lackluster 'Think of Me'.

As for a handsome Phantom, I say go right ahead. But you have to make his deformity a little bit more intense than a bad case of excema and a few gray hairs to justify his psychosis. I've seen people on the subway with worse facial irregularities than what was in that movie.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#38re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 3:28pm

That's really funny - the entire audience would be passed out.

But the midget thing peopel are making such a big deal of - I was told that in that time in operas, midgets were often cast in the show. My theatre history teacher told me this, and this woman is brilliant, so I wouldn't dispute her. So it's very appropriate for him to be in the movie - it's real. However, she also said that there would be just one, and they wouldn't be right next to the leads.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#39re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 3:30pm

"Think of Me" would never be a song in any opera in the first place.

Bobby457 Profile Photo
#40re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 3:30pm

You are so right about the Phantom Robbie....well said.....and Im still trying to figure out how Emmy Rossum pulled a Golden Globe nomination....that one has stumped me...

"It never bothered me that she called me a c*nt, it bothered me that I answered to it!" Carol Channing about Ethel Merman filming an episode of "The Love Boat"

phantom phan
#41re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 3:58pm

I have to agree with VivaDiva but I do think jrbactor is right too. I don't think you can label Hugh and the rest of the current broadway cast as "unpretty".

DBillyP Profile Photo
#42re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 4:02pm

I was drunk after letter A!

"I am open, and I am willing, For to be hopeless would seem so strange. It dishonors those who go before us, So lift me up to the light of change." Holly Near
Updated On: 12/28/04 at 04:02 PM

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#43re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 4:12pm

DBilly--doesn't count! you are just a lush! ;P

#44re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 4:25pm

Dbilly is hot...Dbilly, wanna go see a movie with me?...bring your flask.

DBillyP Profile Photo
#45re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 4:28pm

Flasks are so de classe...

I'm in!

Make mine an Absolut Peppar dirty martini, very dry...oh, and thanks for the compliment!

"I am open, and I am willing, For to be hopeless would seem so strange. It dishonors those who go before us, So lift me up to the light of change." Holly Near
Updated On: 12/28/04 at 04:28 PM

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#46re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 5:20pm

"Completely agree with your equation and I didn't even see the movie because I was horrified by the previews on tv and the 2 minutes of pure rot I watched on HBO's behind the scenes."

That is so ignorant. Go see the goddamn movie and them come back.

#47re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 5:23pm

Don't see the movie! Spend your money on something more entertaining, like a co-payment for a dental appointment.

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#48re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 5:29pm

"Don't see the movie!"

That's even more ignorant. It's like baptizing children before they're old enough to think for themselves. Don't give poeple reasons to be less self sufficient by relying on what other poeple tell you is true when it's really just a personal opinion. Here's a rational review of the movie straight from me to you:

If you like Phantom, go to the movie. If you are bored easily and don't like musicals, think twice. If you like romance and theatre give it a chance. If you are a theatre snob, shut the f*** up. Updated On: 12/28/04 at 05:29 PM

robbiej Profile Photo
#49re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC
Posted: 12/28/04 at 5:32pm

Or how about this:

If you have taste, stay the f*ck away!!!!

Note: I know some of you like it and some of that some actually have taste. We'll just consider it temporary insanity.

re: A little math for ya: PHANTOM = CRAPTASTIC

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."
