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Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!- Page 3

Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!

442namffug Profile Photo
#50re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:33pm

I repeat: Clueless, unintelligent, boring, conforming, idiotic.....haven't you got it by now?? Don't EVEN try me...I can go on for days and you'll still be wrong. Don't just start threads like this because you have nothing better to do than pick your nose all day and try to prove the truth wrong.

#51re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:33pm


Emcee said it all.

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#52re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:34pm

Thank you. *bow*

A work of art is an invitation to love.

442namffug Profile Photo
ruprecht Profile Photo
#54re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:35pm

Don't even try you? Ooooh. Anonymous theater freak is making me nervous!

442namffug Profile Photo
#55re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:35pm

Ruprecht...I think you get it now my friend. You have been OWNED re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!

ruprecht Profile Photo
#56re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:36pm


#57re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:36pm

Before we lynch Adam for wanting to do a movie instead of a jukebox musical, I'd like to remind present company that Adam went after The Emcee for years and actually turned down a movie in order to do it.

I think it's a tad rash to say he hates all theatre. But really, what would you do if you had the choice between a quality film role or, say, joining a faltering, mediocre show like Lennon?

I'd say this choice was made based upon current material, not medium. Updated On: 9/4/05 at 07:36 PM

ruprecht Profile Photo
#58re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:36pm

Which movie did he turn down?

442namffug Profile Photo
#59re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:37pm

You would be the theatre freak my friend, as YOU are one of the many who is influencing crap. Why would you influence crap? Would you take a crap and look in the toilet and influence it? No! So stop influencing crap!

#60re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:37pm

Look, I don't care how you spin it "luvtheEmcee".
That's your interpretation of his statements.
Others have a different interpretation.
We don't have to buy your "spin" of what he told the NYTimes.

ruprecht Profile Photo
#61re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:39pm

Thank you, MusicalsFan. There's always a spin to be had.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#62re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:39pm

Yes, thank you Emcee.

Didn't everyone freak out about a quote from Heather Headley that was supposedly insulting Broadway a few years ago? And it turns out that everyone's "spin" on that statement was wrong.

Maybe she gave the verbal diarrhea to Adam.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 9/4/05 at 07:39 PM

ruprecht Profile Photo
#63re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:40pm

Heather's quote was more along the lines of "I've done that. I'm doing other things now." This is much harsher. And this will bite Adam in the butt harder when he fails to produce a film career.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#64re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:40pm

I'm not telling you have to buy it. You want to throw stones at the actor, do so, because if you want your negative spin, it'll be there, right in your face. Fake. Invented. Just like you insinuate that mine is. But don't throw them at me. The Times didn't interview me.

Nia's right. He turned down what may have been a very large movie role because he wanted Cabaret so badly because he wanted a role he could really sink his teeth into. That's not someone who hates thatre. I think the movie was called "Shooting Livien."

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 9/4/05 at 07:40 PM

#65re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:40pm

ruprect, 442namffug

Calm the heck down.

Agree with Adam, disagree with Adam, you're not going to get the other to change their mind so stop with the threadjacking.

Is it really worth getting worked up over something this trivial?

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

Hairspraydoll Profile Photo
#66re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:40pm

Wait a sec... Ok maybe there is some crap on Broadway right now but I don't think anyone should be criticized for liking certain shows. What one considers crap may not be another's opinion and at least Broadway is being supported. I see your point 442 about some of the shows, but as theatre lovers shouldn't we still be supportive? Please don't attack me for this.

Be the change you want in the world....

#67re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:43pm

If you'd not like to 'buy Emcee's spin', then stop selling your own.

Where did you read his outright insult of theatre as a whole? He said 'what's being offered right now'.

#68re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:43pm

and where is Heather Headley now???

times are tough, it is beyond stupid to badmouth Broadway
be thankful to have a job and the opportunities

I'm glad some people have the luxury to turn down a job for artistic reasons. Unfortunately, I don't. I'm not an actor. With the current economy, I'm thankful for any job. And that is Real World 101 kiddies.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#69re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:44pm

But by supporting crap, the theater community believes that people like watching crap, so they keep producing crap instead of trying to find something that's good.

If you support crap just because it's on Broadway, you're contributing to its demise.

Heather Headley is currently working on an album. You can check out her progress on her website.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 9/4/05 at 07:44 PM

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#70re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:45pm

I don't doubt that Pascal was making a statement about theatre, but I hardly think he's striving for greater theatre these days considering his choice to do a Disney-fied opera with music written by Elton John that sounded like...well the rest of Elton John's music. HARDLY something new and innovative or "great" theatre. I'm sure there is plenty of theatre on THAT level coming out these days.

It makes me laugh that he thinks he can even SAY that he can just go wander off into the land of film thinking he's going to getting anything much better than he will be in theatre when his name in movies means nothing.

Is it possible? Of course it is. But the ratio of bad films being made to bad theatre is probably equal--if not in favor of theatre.

Of course, if he wanted some real good material, he might look in the direction of some straight plays on or Off-Broadway, but of course, as I previously mentioned he can't act, and he's not--nor will he ever be--GETTING offers for some of the better theatre comiing out.

If you ask me, at this point, almost anything original he CAN do will be taken by the two men with similar style but far superior talents to his--Norbert Leo Butz and Raul Esparza.

Updated On: 9/4/05 at 07:45 PM

ruprecht Profile Photo
#71re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:45pm

I'm sorry but that's ridiculous, skittles. There are thousands supporting such "crap" as you call it every day. Why not give the people what they want on Broadway? Look beyond Broadway for your tastes to be satisfied. Some of us happen to like the stuff that you refer to as "crap" and there's nothing wrong with that. What DO you like anyway? Any of you detractors care to list off some shows that HAVE gone beyond crap status for you?
Updated On: 9/4/05 at 07:45 PM

Hairspraydoll Profile Photo
#72re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:46pm

But orangeskittles, who defines what crap is? I love DRS but others might consider that crap so I'm not sure what is being defined as crappy theatre. Maybe I'm missing the point?

Be the change you want in the world....

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#73re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:48pm

Is that was this is about, musicalsfan? Your own bitterness with the world?

Adam couldn't hold his own in a straight play. I don't think he'd like doing it anyway, since he got into theatre by virtue of the music. He'd sink, and he'd sink fast. He has expressed interest in a theatre project that's in the relatively distant future, though.

I think vocally, the Adam/Norbert/Raul similarity is only slightly valid. Raul is far more versatile than the other two. And if Adam's looking to do more rock-style music, I don't think those two are such a threat.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 9/4/05 at 07:48 PM

#74re: Adam Pascal Quote in NYTimes: Ew, Ew, Ew!
Posted: 9/4/05 at 7:48pm

Well said BroadwayGirl.

I can't believe all these Adam fans pissing on Broadway.
Acting like film is SO MUCH BETTER.

Give me a break. As I said before. Plenty of crap to go around - movies and Broadway.
