Understudy Joined: 3/26/14
How exactly is she not dedicated to Broadway?
Agree with Goth. If there were variety shows, a lot of Broadway talent would be better known. Doing a number from a show on early morning or late night shows (in character) isn't the same.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
I don't know what being dedicated to Broadway really means? Does that mean you can't work outside the medium to support your family and/or develop fans in other areas of entertainment?
I went to a book reading last night by Swoosie Kurtz who has done Broadway shows over the years, studied acting in the British theater..and won a Tony and was introduced by playwright John Guare. Theater is her medium of choice, but does she get discounted because she is now on a hit tv show?
TO me, dedicated to Broadway means you get hired for a role in a Broadway show and you give it your all. Nothing more - nothing less. Is If/Then the best musical I have ever seen? I liked it more than some, less than others but Idina certainly gives everything to the part..and I am thrilled she is nominated.
Understudy Joined: 10/8/11
Don't get me wrong, I think that the 'not dedicated to Broadway' thing is absolutely ridiculous and nonsensical too, it's just where comments about her not having a 'full outright passion for Broadway' come from (I don't mean to sound like I'm picking on promisespromises2 here, that quote just sums up some of the negative feeling towards Idina quite well).
She clearly gives everything to every project she undertakes and thoroughly deserves the fanbase that she has. She along with some other wonderful leading ladies are clearly this generation's Patti LuPones and Ethel Mermans.
She along with some other wonderful leading ladies are clearly this generation's Patti LuPones and Ethel Mermans.
** THUD **
^ The sound you just heard was lovebwy falling to the ground from a coronary.
Updated On: 4/29/14 at 07:49 PM
Understudy Joined: 10/8/11
Haha, I'll take it. Whether you like her or not, she's going to be remembered for a very long time to come.
Sorry guys, I'm pretty awful at explaining myself as you can see. I'm actually a huge Idina fan (I wear her shirt I got from her concert everywhere). I think I was trying to agree in the fact that she's not like Patti or Merman in that her personality is just completely different. As in she shows her passion in a much more subtle way unlike Patti. I didn't mean that she didn't have any. She obviously does or she wouldn't be standing up there eight times a week singing her butt off. The more I think about it, I think I'm more annoyed with the actual show itself, because I DID like If/Then, but I don't think it was stunning or great. It was an amazing experience to be able to see the out of town tryouts more than once and be able to see how the show has changed since then, etc. But something about it just doesn't sit well with me. But, alas, I do think she deserves everything that she has earned because I do love her! I just love Patti (and whoever else with that personality) because I resonate with them more (that's how I show something that I'm passionate about too).
I was trying to say what darquegk was saying, but like I said, me explaining myself usually goes wrong.
Sorry guys, didn't mean to cause any harm!
Understudy Joined: 10/8/11
I was probably reading it wrong to be fair, it's been a long day (I'm in the UK and it's gone 1am now. And so I apologise if I'm coming across poorly! I'll probably regret some of my phrasing when I re-read my posts tomorrow)!
Updated On: 4/29/14 at 08:02 PM
Understudy Joined: 3/26/14
Idina doing a one night only concert at Radio City Hall! So excited! Hopefully I can afford the tickets
Understudy Joined: 3/26/14
I was just looking at this thread an am just amazed out how successful and wonderful of a year she is continuing to have.
Her Holiday Album is #7 on iTunes.
Broadway Show
Various National TV and Events
World Tour coming up.
Power to her, and her work ethic. It just makes me smile to see her having this huge success and career right now.
Swing Joined: 11/17/14
i wouldn't consider her a "broadway star." She was a bway star after Wicked's success. She became a STAR when she crossed mediums (and therefore more audiences) with Frozen. That's what pushed her into this new height.
Keep in mind that she may get more love this Friday, when the Grammy noms are announced. She may get a record of the year nom for Let It Go.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
That's insane. I completely forgot the Grammys were possible for that.
Meanwhile, she's been trying to clean up that mess about "confirming Frozen 2" sequel hahaha. Menzel is a great performer and singer (unless you dislike the quality of her voice, whatever), but she's never been great with public speaking or filtering for interviews, IMO.
Her 2015 concert schedule looks completely nuts. I wonder if her son will be hitting the road with her, but it looks too much to be honest. In any case, I hope her concerts all sell out and stuff.
Also foreseeing unhappy "Frozen" parents leaving bad reviews because they didn't realize Idina Menzel's concerts are typically bawdy and with cursing, a la Radio City Hall event.
Speaking of Frozen, how the hell is it still in the top 20 of Billboard 200, twice over. Who's still buying?!
I am actually hoping for her to get that nod.
And Pootie, agree with you - but at least she admitted her foot was firmly in her mouth.
I'm confused by her Chicago concert date. It appears tickets will be on sale, but she's performing at the most famous free venue in Chicago. Not sure how that's going to work.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
Maybe the people responsible for booking those venues on her behalf don't know... When she announced the U.S. tour dates and places on FB, there were some comments about outdoor venues and horrible local summer weather ("but I'll suffer for Idina!"); I suspect in that situation, the sales will still be good, but for a free venue? Sounds like a mistake.
In other news, her December appearances are wild. I just spotted something about Dick Clark's New Year's Eve and "Let It Go." I'm sure she will regret raising the key of that song for the rest of her life. :P
Broadway Star Joined: 7/29/12
I'm kind of out of the loop with If/Then (aside from its poor numbers), so correct me if I'm wrong in assuming that If/Then is pretty much done come the new year due to Idina's tour? I just found out about it yesterday and am wondering if it'll close come Spring or if a replacement will come in once she goes on tour?
And, the tickets are not cheap. The Hollywood Bowl tickets for decent seats (with service charge) were about 125 a ticket.
As for If/Then, if I were a betting woman, unless they can find just about a perfect replacement (which is doubtful), I would say it closes when she leaves.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
IF/THEN tickets are available through Ticketmaster out to March. Her contract ends at the end of March, if I'm not mistaken. I personally expect it to close then; can't think of any other female lead with that kind of star draw. I mean, there's still the possibility of extending contracts, but I don't think it'll happen. Anyway, right now the earliest concert dates are in June including UK dates, but who knows if she'll add more world dates.
Just checked my local venue for her concert date, which I won't be attending because I prefer working eardrums over shrieking female teens (as much as I love her concert banter), and it dropped from 'excellent' availability to 'good' in hours. Regular tickets for my venue $75-100. But I have no doubt the VIP packages are selling well too (like $300-400 something).
The Hollywood Bowl is so large, that they did have nosebleed seats that were very affordable. And, tickets seem to be moving pretty crisply. Good for Idina. She has worked her behind off this past year, and I hope she has fun with all of this.
I suspect in that situation, the sales will still be good, but for a free venue? Sounds like a mistake.
Not to mention, the Pritzker in Millennium Park is a TERRIBLE venue if you actually want to hear the concert. The last three times I went, every group around me just used the concert for background music for socializing. We tried moving around to other locations, but there was no escaping it, either on the lawn or in the seats. The ushers said there was nothing they could do. The Pritzker staff needs a field trip to Ravinia to see how it's done. I used to love the annual Broadway concerts in the Pritzker, but after the last two years, I don't know if I want to give it another try. I never stay for more than two or three numbers. There's no point.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
^Uh oh, sounds like a recipe for disaster, especially for paid ticket-holders...
I don't know how venue booking works for tours like this, but I guess it's too late to change now that the (pre)sale is going. :/
It does sound like a mess. The Hollywood Bowl is big, but the sound is pretty good. Not sure I would pay the same amount for what Mister Matt is talking about.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
So there's a 2012 YT video of an Idina Menzel concert that took place at Ravinia. (I hate all outdoor venues for music, wow. There's a delay and echo thing.)
But something just occurred to me about the chatty socializing audience--if they're paying that much for an Idina Menzel concert, I suspect (expect) they're liable to pay proper attention. So maybe it'll work out in that regard.
v--What she says!