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Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star- Page 6

Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#125Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/3/14 at 1:47pm

Anyone seen this? Thought the story about her son telling other kids "My mommy sings the song from Frozen" and them responding "So do all our mommies!" was particularly cute.

#126Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/3/14 at 1:55pm

If television still had variety shows, Idina would be a bigger name. That's how Bernadette Peters became known. Seeing her on The Carol Burnett Show and other places really created demand.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

veronicamae Profile Photo
#127Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/3/14 at 5:59pm

I'm almost surprised for her to talk about the separation? I guess it was inevitable someone would ask.

That is a ridiculous photo shoot and I LOVE IT. Updated On: 4/3/14 at 05:59 PM

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#128Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/12/14 at 4:44pm

Let It Go Now also cracked the American Top 40 list. Not sure about all of the other lists and how things are calculated, but I can tell you from my twitter feed, her fans are still crazy about the song. It is also charting in the UK and other countries.

And with all that is going on, if you look at what Menzel is doing - she continues to engage with fans on social media, doing stage door signings, while seeming very humble and down to earth. The thing her fans are drawn to (IMO) is that she seems genuine and not manufactured - and so far, she has maintained that during this blitz. I honestly don't know how she has the patience for all of it.

Posting silly videos, thanking fans, sharing bits of herself with them, and keeping them engaged during all of this only endears her more to those who like her. She may be give her PR folks a headache once in a while (i.e., mentioning her period during her Today show interview), but to her fans, this just affirms their belief that she is authentic.

veronicamae Profile Photo
#129Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/12/14 at 8:28pm

^^^as her social media manager, that post nearly brought me to tears. lol :)

This level of fame explosion couldn't have been predicted - I think she's just holding on for the ride and enjoying it.

#130Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/12/14 at 10:23pm


Let it Go has been on the Top 40 list for months now. It also made it on the Billboard Top 10 list and has been downloaded on iTunes more than any other song in the past year.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#131Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/12/14 at 10:51pm

No, I get that.

What I was posting today was about the American Top 40, which I think Seacrest does. It was more a comment that the popularity is continuing, and seems to be growing.

I think it got as high as 3 on the Billboard listing.

My comment on her social media activities was in part triggered by her post regarding the news.

American Top 40 Updated On: 4/12/14 at 10:51 PM

#132Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/22/14 at 2:42pm

so shocked at her being omitted at the outer circle noms

E.Davis Profile Photo
#133Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/22/14 at 2:44pm

Remember Outer Critics is both Broadway and Off, so it is even harder to score a nomination.

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

lovebwy Profile Photo
#134Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/22/14 at 2:53pm

Adele Dazeem is mediocrity personified. The fact that SHE is considered a great Broadway star depresses me. She doesn't have half the talent or presence of a Merman or LuPone, or even Elaine Paige.

I MOURN for Broadway.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#135Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/22/14 at 2:54pm

All of the actresses nominated were for roles on Broadway, though. I think they made the right choices. Not everyone should get nominated for everything.

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#136Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/22/14 at 3:53pm

"Adele Dazeem is mediocrity personified. The fact that SHE is considered a great Broadway star depresses me. She doesn't have half the talent or presence of a Merman or LuPone, or even Elaine Paige.

I MOURN for Broadway."

i was going to write you a message because I don't want to turn into a negative nancy on a thread dedicated to the (WELL deserved accomplishments of Idina), but I totally agree with you.

I've only really been getting involved (avid audience member, no singing or dancing here) for about two years now, and I'm already yearning for the women and men who have the FULL outright passion for what they do. After reading Patti's memoir and even most of her interviews, you can physically feel how much she loves what she does. See her and Mandy Patinkin on stage is still etched in my memory and still brings me aesthetic chills when I think about their show. Presence is a powerful thing, and when you take up a job that demands an audience be present for that long and for that many times a week, then you need to that passion within yourself to help carry you through it. I'm not saying that Idina doesn't have presence or anything, but I also think it's upsetting to think of her as one of the greats.

HenryTDobson Profile Photo
#137Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/22/14 at 4:00pm

"I MOURN for Broadway."

I MOURN for your life.

#138Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/29/14 at 10:35am

SO happy for Idina's well deserved nomination!

veronicamae Profile Photo
#139Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/29/14 at 11:48am

I do wish people would stop demanding the star of today be like the star of yesterday. There is no "new Merman" or "new LuPone" just as Gaga will never be the next Madonna.

Times, they are a'changing!

And if anyone can successfully argue Idina isn't passionate about performing, you should become a lobbyist.


promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#140Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/29/14 at 11:55am

I wasn't saying that she wasn't passionate, I was just saying that I'm "attracted" (for lack of a better word) more to the performers who put it all out there.

And totally agree about the nomination! It's been a beautiful year for her so far!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#141Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/29/14 at 1:46pm

Idina Menzel doesn't "put it all out there"? Are we talking about the same person?

So happy for her nomination. Hoping for win number two...

veronicamae Profile Photo
#142Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/29/14 at 3:08pm

"Idina Menzel doesn't "put it all out there"? Are we talking about the same person? "

Yeah I can't really understand that comment either, but it's coming from someone w/ a Chenoweth profile pic, so perhaps we have differing interpretations of "put it all out there."

Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star

Liza's Headband
#143Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/29/14 at 3:32pm

It's difficult to take anything you say about Ms. Menzel seriously, since you have freely admitted you WORK FOR HER (or volunteer, or whatever).

veronicamae Profile Photo
#144Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/29/14 at 3:39pm

Well my previous post was obviously in jest, but what's your point? I've also freely admitted I'm biased (why would I not freely admit such things?). Why am I biased? BECAUSE I AM A FAN. Her being my client doesn't change my opinion that she is an incredible performer.

Liza's Headband
#145Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/29/14 at 3:42pm

I would definitely become a fan if she was paying me, too. I can't blame you for that!

veronicamae Profile Photo
#146Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/29/14 at 3:44pm

I was a fan first, running a fan site for a number of years. Stop being a jackass when you don't even know what you're talking about.

lol telling Liza to not be a jackass - dear sky, stop being blue!

anyway, back to the topic!

"Let It Go" has been certified TRIPLE platinum!
Updated On: 4/29/14 at 03:44 PM

darquegk Profile Photo
#147Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/29/14 at 3:47pm

I kinda get it- Idina is a very composed, mannered performer in the way that Merman and LuPone do not appear to be. There's an earthy vulgarity descended from the vaudeville and burlesque stage present in Merman, and we've seen shades of that in LuPone.

Idina is not a performer in that tradition. She's a singer first and an actress second by her own admission.

#148Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/29/14 at 3:58pm

I'm sure her publicist thinks that she puts enough out there (talking about her period, wetting herself on stage, sex dreams etc in interviews... they're always hilarious to watch!).
Her not being as 'dedicated' to Broadway as some other performers certainly doesn't affect my enjoyment of her performances, of pleased for her for her success.

Liza's Headband
#149Adele Dazeem the 21st Century Broadway Star
Posted: 4/29/14 at 4:42pm

"She's a singer first and an actress second by her own admission."

