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Amelie at Berkeley Rep

Kad Profile Photo
#75Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/1/15 at 10:05am

Although Amelie is introverted, she has a rich and imaginative inner life. I would think that would translate well to a musical- perhaps with the use of music even becoming symbolic of Amelie's growth into someone who is unafraid to reveal herself to the world. It sounds like that's a bit of a missed opportunity.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

JBroadway Profile Photo
#76Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/1/15 at 10:49am

"Amelie's traits and personality are the core of the movie. She is an introvert but does amazing/unbelievable thing because of her imagination. So if the creators deliberately changed her personality, then she is no longer "Amelie" at least not the girl in the movie. "


But in the musical, her imagination and unusual mind are still very much in tact. And yes, as Broadwayguysf points point, maybe this isn't Amelie from the movie, maybe it's Amelie from the show. For me, what makes the other character interpretation interesting in its own rite, is that Amelie is comfortable with and confident in her job, in her house, with her co-workers and even with Dufayel, but when it comes to love, she is more afraid. It creates an interesting dynamic for the love story, if romantic connection is her final hurdle to becoming a confident person. 


"The often used dream sequence song vehicle with fat Elton John was fun and added some variety"


Though I know they were necessary to establishing Amelie's unusual mind, I actually could have done without that number, personally. 


"still wanting those one or two songs per show that just make me go "wow" that was incredible. But you dont always need them to make for a great show"


I actually said "wow" at a few of numbers. I really loved "The Girl With the Glass," and "Halfway to Go" (with the sheet of red cloth across the stage), and "Stay," the door duet. Those numbers were really all stand-outs to me. It wasn't because their melodies were memorable, but because of how they were written and the emotion significance they had. 


JBroadway Profile Photo
#77Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/1/15 at 10:55am

"Between Beautiful and American Idiot, SF bay has had some good luck for pre broadway showings!!!! 

Don't forget Wicked, Legally Blonde, and Hugh Jackman's show!



Also I was going to mention earlier: you know who else I can really see as Amelie? Phillipa Soo. I think she could also be really great, and probably go with a more vulnerable interpretation of the character than Samantha Barks

#78Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/1/15 at 10:59am

140 minutes seems awfully long to not have an intermission....  Unless I'm misunderstanding?


may try to catch this when I go to SF this month but I'll be sure to watch my fluid intake!!

Fantod Profile Photo
#79Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/1/15 at 11:03am

Hour and 40 minutes, not 140 minutes.

#80Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/1/15 at 11:33am

Oh thank god. That's doable. I misread a prior post. Thanks!

ChairinMain Profile Photo
#81Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/1/15 at 2:06pm

Okay, firstly, it's not "fat Elton John", it's Elton John who happens to be played by an overweight actor. There are no fat jokes, the joke is that it's Elton John. And Elton is no slyph himself. Jesus Christ, that's totally unnecessary and extremely discriminatory.

Secondly, his number is TOTALLY extraneous but it's probably the most fun moment in the show. It was a total surprise and very funny, and I would have mentioned it in my review except I didn't want to spoil it.  


#82Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/1/15 at 6:51pm


JBroadway Profile Photo
#83Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/1/15 at 10:05pm

Berkeley Rep just sent me this survey to ask my opinions about the show and my experience:


That's good of them. Is this common for out-of-town tryouts? I wish the producers of Beautiful had sent me one of these after seeing it. I would have had a lot to say.

Updated On: 9/1/15 at 10:05 PM

#84Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/1/15 at 10:16pm


you going back to see Amelie again?


JBroadway Profile Photo
#85Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/1/15 at 10:24pm

broadwaysfguy said: "jbroadway you going back to see Amelie again?


I wish I could. I'd really like to see how it develops, and I enjoyed it enough in its own rite to see it again. However, the morning after I saw it, I left for New York to begin my 2nd year of college. 

#86Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/1/15 at 10:37pm

hey jbroadway

will catch it again late in run and report back

Im trying to think of what could make Amelie a breakout hit like Kinky Boots or Gentlemans guide or Fun home or Once, all of which i saw early in their broadway runs

people love shows and will go over and over again when you can relate to characters and their troubles as broad universal themes (ie im not my fathers son in kinky boots) im not a cross dresser,but i did have father issues like half the people on the planet. I found Amelie likable and charming but i could not relate closely to her difficulties in connecting with other people on a meaningful level, even though that is  a WHOPPER universal theme.  

If they can dial up that level of empathy and universal connection through the story,  (and a few more memorable tunes)

Amelie COULD be a blockbuster....


notalwaysontime Profile Photo
#87Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/2/15 at 3:56am

Interesting, I just got the email about my show on Thursday and now it says it's running an hour and 45 minutes, it's such a small change, but a change none the less. I wonder if they've already added something or if it's just them altering their previous estimation. 

Updated On: 9/2/15 at 03:56 AM

JBroadway Profile Photo
#88Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/2/15 at 9:35am

notalwaysontime said: "Interesting, I just got the email about my show on Thursday and now it says it's running an hour and 45 minutes, it's such a small change, but a change none the less. I wonder if they've already added something or if it's just them altering their previous estimation. "


It's the latter. It's just an adjusted estimation. 1h 40m was just their guess before the first preview. When I got to the theatre for the first preview, they ushers even told us at the door, "the show runs 1h 45m without an intermission." The show actually ended up running around 1h 50m. 

Updated On: 9/2/15 at 09:35 AM

#89Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/2/15 at 10:18am

Could somebody describe in more detail what the set design looks like? I can't find any pictures online yet and it will probably still be a couple of days until production stills and video footage will be released.


EDIT: I just found this curtain call pic on Instagram. That looks really pretty, but I am still curious as to how they use it. Do they work with projections? :)

Updated On: 9/2/15 at 10:18 AM

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#90Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/2/15 at 10:58am

^It kind of looks like Bob Crowley's set from Once.

Updated On: 9/2/15 at 10:58 AM

JBroadway Profile Photo
#91Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/2/15 at 11:05am

The curtain call pic is a pretty good representation of the set, but what it doesn't show is that, the sides walls are made up of various house-hold furniture. I seem to recall that most (maybe all) were various forms of closets, armoires, cabinets, things with doors, etc. Not quite sure what the symbolism was supposed to be (Perhaps to represent the reclusive corners of our homes where things are hidden away?), but it creates a cool, if sometimes cluttered, effect. 


As for the projections: When I saw "projection designer" listed in the program, my heart sank because I hate how many shows use projections nowadays. Usually they're very tacky and distract from what's onstage. I was happy to discover that Amelie uses them very tastefully and subtly. They often blend in with the lighting effects in a nice way. At one point they have a moon (and stars I think) projected onto the wall. They project the graffiti that Amelie makes of Hipolito's poem. They project bits of an imaginary news-cast that also shows up on a TV screen. Little things here and there. 

Updated On: 9/2/15 at 11:05 AM

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#92Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/2/15 at 12:59pm

That sounds like a wonderful use of projections, sparse but effective!

Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated

ChairinMain Profile Photo
#93Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/2/15 at 5:35pm

It should be noted (don't think it's been mentioned yet) that Samantha Barks is using an american accent in this production, presumedly to blend in with the cast, and it's one of the better ones I've heard. She occasionally sounds uncannily like Sutton Foster.

#94Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/2/15 at 6:25pm

thats right ChairinMain!


her accent was so good, i almost forgot she was a brit......




Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#96Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/3/15 at 1:38pm

They look really great, I can't wait to see more!

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#97Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/3/15 at 2:26pm

so cute!!

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

firebolts Profile Photo
#98Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/3/15 at 6:55pm

Sam looks cute in those pics. :)

Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

notalwaysontime Profile Photo
#99Amelie at Berkeley Rep
Posted: 9/4/15 at 5:42am

I'm not even sure those pictures fully give the show justice, but they're not bad. I really really loved the show tonight. Yes it could use some tightening up and fine tuning, but given that it's only been running a week, ever, I think it's a really solid start. I loved their use of projections to enhance the world they created, The choreography was subtle, yet effective, and the moments when Amelie's imagination comes to life were done just enough so that they weren't over the top, but it got the point across.  I do think the beginning needs to be condensed a bit, but I didn't hate it or anything, I liked it as is, but I do think it takes a little too long. The opening number was wonderful though and I adored the way it was framed (pun intended!) The cast was WONDERFUL, I found Samantha very endearing and what I loved was how even though Nino and Amelie don't even really interact til the end, there was a clear pull of them toward each other, and there was a genuine curiosity and pull. They really illustrated well what it was about each other that caught their eye, which made the moment when they're finally face to face, a wonderful pay off.  The supporting cast were lovely as well, they populated Amelie's world beautifully and took the opportunities to shine when they were afforded to them. Each of them stood out to me in different ways at different times. 


I haven't seen the movie in over 10 years, so I didn't remember much about it, but what I found to be amazing was how there were moments in the show where right as something was happening, or right before it happened, in my head I was like I REMEMBER! which is amazing, especially for me, because I have a terrible memory and only saw the movie once.


JBroadway said: "I actually said "wow" at a few of numbers. I really loved "The Girl With the Glass," and "Halfway to Go" (with the sheet of red cloth across the stage), and "Stay," the door duet. Those numbers were really all stand-outs to me. It wasn't because their melodies were memorable, but because of how they were written and the emotion significance they had."


This exactly! Down to the last song, I completely agree with you, those were without a doubt the strongest most wonderful numbers (though I'd also give a shout out to Nino's song when he's hanging up the fliers, I loved that one as well) The Girl with the Glass was truly special, both in performance and lyrically. I think that was the song that got to me the most emotionally. It felt like the first time Amelie was honest with herself, which then in Stay, it was the point when she was the most honest with herself and her own fears, and the staging of that number was stunning. Halfway to Go was built on a concept that I think about once in a while because it really messes with my head, and I think that's a large part in why I loved it so much, and (spoiler alert) the pay off of it at the end, when Nino finds the way around there always being half way to go, by meeting her halfway really made me smile, it was a subtle, but powerful call back.


Also as a side note, the whole thing with the figs had me cracking up, maybe the fruit stand parts weren't needed, but they sure were delightful to watch so I can't say they have to go. The Gnome part also was amazing. Pretty much any scene in the Cafe was wonderful as well, the was a great set and always had such vibrant life whenever they were in it, and by about halfway through the show, you already knew that something funny would happen once you were there.


That's all I can think of off the top of my head, and maybe I'm just not the overly critical sort, but there was just nothing specific I could find to complain about, all I see that it needs is general polishing up. I will definitely be going back to see this again before it closes (before I was just going to go if I could happen to get tickets for one of my days off after I get my work schedule, but now I'm actually going to request a day off because I want to buy tickets in advance and not risk them selling out.)


Also, JBroadway, I have to ask you (slight spoiler for the end), since you said that the technical equipment they were missing were the elevators that made things rise out of the stage, at the end of your show, were Amelie and Nino lifted up behind the rest of the cast? I'm just curious if they finally got things squared away with that or if it was always there, because it seemed to be the kind of thing they said was missing exactly.

Updated On: 9/4/15 at 05:42 AM
