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Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting- Page 5

Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting

Fantod Profile Photo
#100Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 7:03pm

No matter, nobody is forcing me to see the show, and it's certainly a well-writen musical. I just don't love it, and that's okay. That's why we all have opinions.

After Eight
#101Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 7:13pm


Don't even bother listening to what people are trying to tell you, because what they are trying to tell you isn't worth a damn.

It all boils down to this.

Fairy tales with happy endings make people happy.

They don't want people to be happy, so they sabotaged the fairy tales.

Sally Durant Plummer Profile Photo
Sally Durant Plummer
#102Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 7:25pm


The show has something better than a happy ending: it has a real life ending.

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir

Fantod Profile Photo
#103Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 7:31pm

In what world is a real life ending better than a happy one? Would you rather see a Sound of Music where the Von-Trapps are captured by Nazis? Or a Hello, Dolly! where Dolly dies alone? Updated On: 12/23/14 at 07:31 PM

After Eight
#104Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 7:34pm

"In what world is a real life ending better than a happy one?"

In the hateful world of Sondheim and his devotees.

#105Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 8:06pm

If you want a happy ending or life to be fair, wow - are you in the wrong universe. Remember the tag line is "Be careful what you wish for." Everything you get in life has a price, innocence doesn't last long, and all the survivors do is the best they can after all the good and bad is done. I love Sondheim, and INTO THE WOODS is all about how everyone grows up, some good and some not. If you think it is so awful, don't see it.

After Eight
#106Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 8:11pm

"If you want a happy ending or life to be fair, wow - are you in the wrong universe"


Fairy tales are not real life.

Nor are they supposed to be.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#107Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 8:12pm

You need a fairy up your tail, stat.

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#108Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 8:15pm

After Eight
isn't it past your bedtime?

After Eight
#109Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 8:18pm


You said you were blocking me.

You couldn't even manage that minimal task?


tazber Profile Photo
#110Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 8:19pm

I don't understand the resistance to a show that makes you reflect and think.

You don't have to like ITW, you don't even have to agree with its message, but to dismiss because it doesn't have a happy ending?

I don't even know what to say to that.

....but the world goes 'round

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#111Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 8:20pm

My phone doesn't work well with this website. I did block you and I was very peaceful.

And now you're back you sad, sad decrepit man.

Fantod Profile Photo
#112Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 8:33pm

Hey tazber, if you were talking to me, while I don't like that ITW doesn't have a happy ending, my main reason for disliking the show (I don't hate it, I just don't like it) is that the ending isn't happy or sad, it's just depressing and a weird off-tone way to end the show. It just isn't satisfying theatrically. I actually enjoy the first act, and though the music is nothing I would listen to at home, it doesn't bother me in the theatre.
Updated On: 12/23/14 at 08:33 PM

#113Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 8:43pm

So, ya know, this whole wise beyond your years thing you work so hard to present… just let it go. Of COURSE you only liked the first act of Into the Woods. That's why they released Into the Woods, Jr., for your demographic.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Fantod Profile Photo
#114Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 8:50pm

Namo, I'm not "wise beyond my years", I'm rust reasonably well-educated for my age and am familiar with a lot of different aspects of art. I explained relatively well why I don't like Into the Woods, especially the ending, and I think that should be enough for you to respect my opinion. If ever I suddenly think that the ending of Into the Woods is amazing, believe me, you will be the first to know. Until then, I am smart enough to know what I like and what I don't. Merry Christmas.

Updated On: 12/23/14 at 08:50 PM

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#116Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 9:00pm

See, just a little correction there. I don't have to respect your opinion. I have to respect your right to have one. Your opinion reveals your immaturity and shows that your palate is not as sophisticated as you would like everyone to think it is. You'll grow up. Your tastes will evolve. It gets better.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

tazber Profile Photo
#117Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 9:02pm

That little passive/aggressive "Merry Christmas" on the end totally reminded me of this:

....but the world goes 'round

#118Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 9:09pm

Now THAT I respect.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Fantod Profile Photo
#119Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 9:22pm

Fine, then respect my right to have an opinion. My opinions aren't going to change just because you insult me.

And tell me, do all opinions have to be the same as your own in order for you to respect them? Are all mature human beings fans of Into the Woods? Some posters here have the maturity of 5-year-olds and love ITW to death.

And I already said that I don't hate Into the Woods. I think its an extremely well crafted musical that, to me, resolves in an unsatisfying manner. Updated On: 12/23/14 at 09:22 PM

#120Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 9:26pm

No, but your opinions will probably change when you grow up. A process you have to go through. You can't fake it even if you think you're running with the big dogs.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Fantod Profile Photo
#121Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 9:30pm

Yes, they probably will. I don't know why you think I am so ego-centric, however, because I don't think I have said anything that implies that I think I am better than anyone else, and if I did, I didn't mean to. I also don't think that an opinion is invalid just because of how old you are, and even if it may change in fifty years or so, it's still my opinion for right now.

Also, why must you keep slipping in insults to your comments? I am perfectly capable of having a normal conversation with you, and if you're so much more mature than I am, why do you do it? It doesn't help anybody to put me down. Updated On: 12/23/14 at 09:30 PM

#122Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 9:42pm

Simmer down, son.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#123Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 9:48pm

I'd comment, but I don't want Fantod to add this to his list of 1 other thread that proves that everything I've ever said here is insulting to him.

Merry Christmas.

#124Anyone else have a problem with the ending of Into the woods? Its pretty morally disgusting
Posted: 12/23/14 at 9:50pm

I said Good Day.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
