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Audra McDonald is PREGNANT!!!

NJ_BroadwayGirl Profile Photo
#125Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 3:45pm

gypsy101 said: "personally, as a non-woman, I don't know how it would feel for someone to speculate about my pregnancy. I don't think I would be as offended as many of you are (but who knows I guess)."

You probably would. As women, we are constantly being treated (by government, mansplaining etc) as though we cannot control our own bodies so I think this just sets a lot of us off. I also think it's offensive that people speculate about another person's health or ability to do her job. That's between her and her doctor. 

I like a good rhyme more than a good time

NJ_BroadwayGirl Profile Photo
#126Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 3:46pm

Call_me_jorge said: "do you think she had morning sickness that week she was out?"

Stop. Just stop. 

I like a good rhyme more than a good time

#127Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 3:47pm

Virtual high five, NJ_BroadwayGirl.

#128Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 3:50pm

I wasn't trying to be a "man" about her pregnancy. I love Audra and just asked a question out of genuine care and concern. If she's fine then she's fine and I'm glad to hear it. Jeez 

#129Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 3:52pm

The offense is due to the speculation, usually from men, about what pregnancy is/should be like or what women can/should do when pregnant. 


For me it's more annoyance than offense.  The mansplaining and being talked down to about things we are very knowledgeable about is something many women are constantly dealing with.  It's super annoying.


She announced on twitter, so she's obviously ok with the pregnancy being public.  When she was out previously, she said on twitter repeatedly that she had bronchitis, so that was clearly the information she was comfortable disseminating to the public at the time.  Whether that was true or it was pregnancy-related is none of our business. 

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#130Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 3:58pm

even further, as a gay man I have even less knowledge of it because, unless I have a baby via surrogacy or something along those lines, I'll never really have to deal with it firsthand.

the timing does seem unfortunate for her fans in London, but I'm not going to hide my thrill that I'll be able to see her in June when I'm in the city. My trip was based on when I could get tickets to Hamilton, so when some popped up for June 22nd I jumped at the chance. I then was depressed to learn (or be reminded) that She Loves Me was closing June 10th and Audra was leaving starting the 21st. What luck that both have extended!

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

#131Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 3:59pm

First:  broadwayboy223:  Is it safe for Audra to dance while pregnant?  I wasn't trying to be a man about her pregnancy.  . . . .just asked a question out of genuine care and concern.

First of all.  Who would know?  We are not her doctor and she wouldn't tell us anything about her pregnancy nor should she.  And the annoyance is because it's from a place of no knowledge whatsoever.  Men know more about women and pregnancy than women do - ask them, they'll tell you.  Without any medical knowledge.


And gysy101:  personally, as a non-woman, I don't know how it would feel for someone to speculate about my pregnancy.  I don't think I would be as offended as many of you are (but who knows I guess).

WTF????!!!!!!  Personally, as a non-man, I don't know how it would feel for someone to speculate about my prostate surgery, my impotence, my penis size, etc etc but I don't think I would be as offended as many of you are.  There - does that work for you.


gypsy101 Profile Photo
#132Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:01pm

I don't think pregnancy is comparable to impotence or either of the others you mentioned in any way but okay.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."
Updated On: 5/10/16 at 04:01 PM

#133Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:08pm

"We are not her doctor and she wouldn't tell us anything about her pregnancy nor should she. And the annoyance is because it's from a place of no knowledge whatsoever. Men know more about women and pregnancy than women do - ask them, they'll tell you. Without any medical knowledge."

Yep.  And obviously she and her doctor have determined, at least for now, it's safe for her to proceed in the show until July, just as she did over the weekend.  It's not like SHE just found out she was pregnant today and tweeted about it to get medical advice from the interwebs.

Updated On: 5/10/16 at 04:08 PM

#134Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:13pm

A lot of women complain that when they are pregnant, they feel like their body is not their own as people are so concerned about letting them do things in case it impacts the baby. It's not enough that they already have restrictions they have to abide by (no alcohol etc.) but when uninformed people start asking why they're dancing, or lifting a box or wearing heels it becomes an issue. I understand that it's coming from a place of concern, but a woman's body is still her own and as long as she is following her doctor's advice she can do whatever she wants with it. She is not just a carrier for the child. 

#135Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:14pm

I don't know about you guys, I'm just happy Hamilton found a way to get referenced in this thread. 

#136Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:19pm

10086sunset said: "I don't know about you guys, I'm just happy Hamilton found a way to get referenced in this thread."

Just be glad it isn't a 'womb where it happened' joke.

#137Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:20pm

aaaaaa15 said: "A lot of women complain that when they are pregnant, they feel like their body is not their own as people are so concerned about letting them do things in case it impacts the baby. It's not enough that they already have restrictions they have to abide by (no alcohol etc.) but when uninformed people start asking why they're dancing, or lifting a box or wearing heels it becomes an issue. I understand that it's coming from a place of concern, but a woman's body is still her own and as long as she is following her doctor's advice she can do whatever she wants with it. She is not just a carrier for the child. 



Not just when they get pregnant.  I recently took a trip to a tropical destination and some dude asked me if I was worried about Zika and because "they don't know how much risk it causes for future pregnancies."  Not to mention the CDC's recent statement that women of child bearing age should abstain from alcohol.  So evidently now I should make my life choices based on the fact that I am a potential baby machine.  So yes even when well intentioned, the questions and comments are still annoying because they're paternalistic.

Jshan05 Profile Photo
#138Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:22pm

aaaaaa15 said: "10086sunset said: "I don't know about you guys, I'm just happy Hamilton found a way to get referenced in this thread."

Just be glad it isn't a 'womb where it happened' joke.


OH MY GOD. That is too good. I think a joke was what this thread needed. OK how about we all agree that men shouldn't talk about a woman's body. Period. Again sending tons of congrats to Audra and Will and I'm just thrilled she's happy and healthy!

#139Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:23pm

aaaaaa15 said: "10086sunset said: "I don't know about you guys, I'm just happy Hamilton found a way to get referenced in this thread."

Just be glad it isn't a 'womb where it happened' joke.



I literally just spit out my diet coke when I read this.  Thanks for that.

#140Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:24pm

ChiTheaterFan said: "Not just when they get pregnant.  I recently took a trip to a tropical destination and some dude asked me if I was worried about Zika and because "they don't know how much risk it causes for future pregnancies."  Not to mention the CDC's recent statement that women of child bearing age should abstain from alcohol.  So evidently now I should make my life choices based on the fact that I am a potential baby machine.  So yes even when well intentioned, the questions and comments are still annoying because they're paternalistic."

Completely empathise as woman that doesn't plan on having children. It also effects things like whether people employ you if you are childbearing age (in case you quit to have a baby) and dating prospects (some men don't date women of a certain age because they think they'll want children). Basically once you hit puberty your whole life becomes a series of judgments about your ability to create life. 

Anyway, think we've all learned our lesson now about discussing what Audra can or cannot do during this time. 

Dallas Theatre Fan
#141Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:29pm

Is this the first child Audra and Will are having together?  

#142Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:30pm

Yes indeed!

Jshan05 Profile Photo
#143Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:35pm

Dallas Theatre Fan said: "Is this the first child Audra and Will are having together?  "

Yes! They both have children from other marriages, but this will be their first together. Geez this kid is going to have some talented genes.

#144Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:45pm

So I am seeing the show in two days and she is still going to be in it. I am not at all expecting her to be but the NYT is saying she is taking time off in July. If she wants time off she can have it. I would love to see her but in my eyes family comes first.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#145Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:50pm

Major kudos for "womb where it happens."

#146Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:51pm

Family does come first. She should totally retire and stay home and knit. 

#147Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:51pm

Pal really try to be more mature !

#148Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:53pm

PalJoey said: "Major kudos for "womb where it happens."

Yes.  So inspired.  Thanks aaaaaa15.

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#149Audra McDonald is pregnant!
Posted: 5/10/16 at 4:54pm

BroadwayPeasent said: "So I am seeing the show in two days and she is still going to be in it. I am not at all expecting her to be but the NYT is saying she is taking time off in July. If she wants time off she can have it. I would love to see her but in my eyes family comes first."

July is several months from now, not sure why you think she wouldn't be there.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."
