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BOM sets ticket price record- Page 2

BOM sets ticket price record

#25BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/17/11 at 8:13pm

A lot of posters on this board need to take an Economics 101 class before they enter these threads. Supply and demand, kids. Apple could charge way less than it does for iPads and iPhones and still make bank - but it charges more because people are willing to pay it.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#26BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/17/11 at 8:21pm

The Chuck Schumer remark was a goof.

Poster Emeritus

uncageg Profile Photo
#27BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/17/11 at 8:23pm

"I fail to see how a show trying to make money is greedy. The bottom line is this is in demand right now so they are able to charge a lot of money for tickets."

Because they are greedy.

I know so many people who can no longer afford to go to see a show even at discounted prices. I myself am on a budget and the prices are crazy.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 6/17/11 at 08:23 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#28BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/17/11 at 8:29pm

It will only get worse next season . They are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs

Poster Emeritus

#29BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/17/11 at 8:34pm

And yet, this last season was the biggest grossing, most widely attended ever. MORE people are going and spending MORE money on tickets.

Idiot Profile Photo
#30BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/17/11 at 8:53pm

These premium prices are literally for the Goldman Sachs crowd. This is the country we've become.

Branson East Profile Photo
Branson East
#31BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/17/11 at 10:31pm

How many people still boast that they paid a grand to see The Producers -- and how many others would care?

And how many of those people forgot the show after a week?

Judging from the remarks elsewhere on Matt you have to wonder if that money wasn't wasted before the fact.

Updated On: 6/17/11 at 10:31 PM

#32BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/17/11 at 10:43pm

People really need to remember that Broadway is a business. These complains are laughable.

pinoyidol2006 Profile Photo
#33BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/18/11 at 12:34am

This is ridiculous. Prices are not too high. If they were, the prices would go down. There is a limited supply of seats to the Book of Mormon. If those seats get filled every night at the exorbitant prices, then those prices are not too high. Furthermore, if people still want seats and can't get any even if they can pay the current price, then prices are too low.

If you're not willing to save up that much money to pay for the show, then you clearly don't value the show that much. There are people who do. Enough to fill the theater night after night.

I like your imperturbable perspicacity.

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#34BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/18/11 at 12:49am

I want my $120 back from this total load of f***** c***!
Musical comedy must be rolling in it's grave!

PReeves2 Profile Photo
#35BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/18/11 at 1:02am

I haven't seen the show yet and hope to in the near future, if i can afford tickets!!! At those prices it'll be 2013 for me to be able to afford and I'm sure there will be a new musical that I'd much rather see at a cheaper price. Plus, all in all I wasn't really sold by the number presented on the Tony Awards. Seemed somewhat generic South Park and a blatant attempt at racial humor.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#36BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/18/11 at 1:09am

The show has options for people who don't want to pay $300. There is SRO, cancellation line, the lottery, and they are doing a fan performance. If people really want to see this show, but can't pay full price, there are options. It will take some effort since so many people are trying for these discounted tickets, but it is possible. It's not like buying a full price ticket is the ONLY way to see this show.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

artscallion Profile Photo
#37BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/18/11 at 7:28am

I really want to go to Per Se. But I can never get myself to fork over the $185 per person. I would really like to drive there in my Mercedes too. But that Ain't happenin'! So I'll take the commuter train to Bubba Gumps (not really..ew!)

Fair? what's fair? That's life. I won't starve and it's not like there's a lack of good cheap theatre around. Just go off Bway or off-off Bway or see a local college play or wait til Book of Mormon tours in a few years and see it in your local touring house for $60. Or try SRO etc.

It's supply and demand combined with the fact that not everybody can afford everything.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#38BOM sets ticket price record
Posted: 6/18/11 at 11:53am

The people complaining about this do realize that this price is not the cost for every seat in the house, right? They're premium seats which, like it or not, have been going on since The Producers back in 2001 (and if I recall correctly, premium tickets to that show were at one point priced at $480, so this isn't that far off). But no one is forcing you to buy premium seating.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.
