Joined: 12/31/69
Percentages for Baby It's you increase slowly and boy---there are commercials everywhere for it. I don't think it will suffer anytime through the summer...
Leading Actor Joined: 5/17/11
as of now the advance for Baby its You is very small. But things could turn around, they do have a shrewd marketing team.
Baby It's You & Million Dollar Quartet will be closed by Labor Day.
^I agree with that
With How to Succeed, The Addams Family, Priscilla and Billy Elliot will be in the annual January cull?
How to Succeed is doing fine, bringing nearly a million a week. As for Jan. 2012 closings: Addams Family - yes, Priscilla - possibly, Billy Elliot - no. I'd give Billy until Jan. 2013. others for Jan. 2012 - Catch Me If You Can, Memphis & Rock of Ages.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/10/04
there is no way the ROA is going to close before the movie comes out with all of those stars. No way...
I think Billy Elliot will stick around for a while. Look how long it's been playing in the west end
I don't know how Baby, It's You is hanging on with these numbers.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/17/11
as I said in another thread, Baby its You, has Warner Bros, as one of its main producers. That is alot of money, so some can be thrown away without too much problem. The questions are how much was budgeted and how much are they willing to lose before throwing in the towel?
Leading Actor Joined: 12/31/69
agreed on ROA.
The movie will fuel more for the stage version and vice versa.
Swing Joined: 1/25/11
How to Succeed will definitly be done when they lose Daniel Radcliffe, it happened last year with Promises, Promises. I can't see it run without a huge celebrity. Addams Family will close in like October. It won't last till 2012.
Swing Joined: 12/31/69
Really? I think Addams Family will get a nice boost through the summer with Brooke SHields and of will be the holiday thing to do for Halloween Thanksgiving and Christmas.
maybe January 2012.
I really hope Catch Me If You Can will be around past next year, I saw that show last week and it really was phenomenal.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
^ chances seem slim. Let's see after Tony's.
Stand-by Joined: 8/24/04
I agree Catch Me If you can was amazing and very unappreciated. I am hoping it is around for a awhile. Saw Priscilla this weekend and had a lot of fun with that as well. Would be interesting to see How to Succeed last as well and see a replacement for Radcliffe
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/11/10
If Sister Act doesn't pick up anything come Tony time, I think the momentum will decrease. It's selling well now, but that's a hard theatre to fill.
Do you all think Sister Act will become the Mary Poppins of this year? just keeps going... and going... and going...
I predict Priscilla and Baby, its you will close around labor day and Mary Poppins around January 2012 along with ROA and Memphis.
Do you really think Memphis will close so soon? It has been consistently pulling in great numbers. Can't see it going anywhere just yet. And indeed, no way Rock of Ages will close before the film is released.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Rock of AGes will last at Helen Hayes way after the film comes out. Give it another 2 years at least.
Ok- I'm predicting Million Dollar Quartet next.
It can't even get 40% full lately .
And at the Nederlander---that's a tough theatre to fill.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/16/06
Mary Poppins is safe for now but I think once Disney has a production ready for Broadway and The New Amsterdam e.g. Aladdin or one of the various projects in development, Poppins will close, it's has had an great run so far.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
And as predicted.....
good job folks!
and MDQ will live strong off-broadway.
so...what's next?
I think Mary Poppins will still stay afloat for a year or two more. If The Addams Family doesn't start selling better I could see it closing in January 2012 with Aladdin opening there, or perhaps one of their other projects.
^ I hope Mary Poppind sticks around. I think it's a great show. It wouldn't surpirse me though if, like you said, they close it to make room for a new show. That's what they did with Beauty and the Beast.
Stand-by Joined: 6/2/08
bwayphreak - are you being facetious? about poppins, i mean. i thought it was one of the worst shows i've seen in my decades of theatre-going & i find it hard to think anyone would enjoy it that much.
For Adams Family enter B. Shields who will be Box Office draw.