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"Best Musical" 2007 TONY Contenders- Page 4

"Best Musical" 2007 TONY Contenders

fachedaluna Profile Photo
#75re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/15/07 at 11:03pm

The only two I've seen for the 2007 Tonys are:

Pirate Queen

However, I loved the context of the Legally Blonde Movie...but who's to say it will be nominated. But the prior two mentioned will be nominated as Best Musicals.

Spacedog78 Profile Photo
#76re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/16/07 at 11:23am

I see Grey Gardens and Spring Awakening getting nominations! (And I hope that SA wins!) Poppins is all about the spectacle with no deep down soul or feeling.

Lion King beat our Ragtime, Avenue Crap beat out Wicked, so my guess is that a show like GG or SA would beat out the bigger shows.

folkyboy Profile Photo
#77re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/16/07 at 12:31pm

based upon reviews so far, i'm willing to bet it's going to be:


with Spring Awakening taking home best musical and Grey Gardens taking home best score. though one never knows these days...

(personally, i'd want Grey Gardens to win but i'm not a Tony voter)

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#78re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/16/07 at 12:55pm

My prediction is:

Spring AWakening
Grey Gardens

Legally Blonde could take one of the spots(most likely LoveMusik), but I wouldn't count on it.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#79re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 2:53am

Hmmm my top choice is Mary Poppins...I don't know why people think that it's going to be easily snubbed, when it's 1.) A Disney Classic & 2.) An Amazing Show 3.) AIDA may not have won, but it definatly deserved it, I think the other nominations would be Legally Blonde, The Pirate Queen, Curtains, and Grey Gardens..and possibly between LoveMusik & Spring Awakening...

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#80re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 3:00am

FutureAlladin, Mar Poppins will most likely get snubbed becuase it recieved lackluster reviews, and Disney isn't exactly a Tony darling. If it were a weaker year, Poppins would be nominated. But, this yera has extremely strong shows, and it will most likely get snubbed for a Best Musical nom.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#81re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 3:10am

I still think ( and Praying) it will for sure get nom.

#82re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 3:13am

"1.) A Disney Classic"

Its status as a movie should have no bearing on the merits or accoulades the stage show receives.

"2.) An Amazing Show"

I respect your opinion. However most critics were very mixed on the show, as was I. I really wanted to love it, but found it hard not to notice its glaring structural problems. The nominating committee should realize a nomination means a win thanks to the out-of-town voters, and there are much better shows out there this season who deserve to duke it out. Besides, all politics aside, I think that with the Legally Blonde, The Pirate Queen, and LoveMusik yet to open, I find it very unlikely that it will deserve to be in the "Top 4" of the season.

"3.) AIDA may not have won, but it definatly deserved it,"

Again, this should have no baring on Mary Poppins. Whether I think this at least deserved a nomination or not, this is an argument for another year.

"I think the other nominations would be Legally Blonde, The Pirate Queen, Curtains, and Grey Gardens..and possibly between LoveMusik & Spring Awakening..."

There is simply no way in hell that The Pirate Queen is getting nominated over Spring Awakening. I wish Pirate Queen the best, but after the out-of-town reveiws, and the fact that Spring Awakening has already opened to ACROSS THE BOARD RAVES, it just is not happening. Even if Spring Awakening loses to something more commercial, i.e. Legally Blonde and or Curtains (which is more light than commercial), it WILL get a nomination.

Now I could be wrong and Mary Poppins may get a nomination. But your going to have to come up with better reasons than that.

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

#83re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 3:22am

Reviewers were mixed( Mostly Positive though) when Lion King came out and it won Best Musical...I do think Mary Poppins is a for sure nom., but in my opinion I don't think Spring Awakening is top choice, no matter what critics think, it comes down to its success w/ audiences and quality too..I can't argue because we have two total different opinions and I respect everyone's opinion...We'll just have to wait and see what the turnout is when they announce the Nom.'s
Updated On: 2/17/07 at 03:22 AM

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#84re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 3:39am

Spring Awakening is actually doing quite well, so it is an audience sucess. And the fact that it did get across-the-board raves does help it. Spring and Grey Gardens are both locks for nominations at this point.

As for the Liokn King's reviews, it recieve the best critical reaction of any Disney show. Many critics praised it, largely due to JUlie Taymor's direction, also a big factor as to why the show won Best Musical).

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#85re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 3:42am

"I can't argue because we have two total different opinions and I respect everyone's opinion...We'll just have to wait and see what the turnout is when they announce the Nom.'s"

I wasn't trying to argue personal taste. I was arguing pundit logic.

"Reviewers were mixed( Mostly Positive though) when Lion King came out and it won Best Musical"

Mary Poppins's, I believe, were on the negative side.

"but in my opinion I don't think Spring Awakening is top choice, no matter what critics think, it comes down to its success w/ audiences and quality too"

The critics job is to judge quality, and in my opinion Spring Awakening has had incredible success with audiences. Between freaky YouTube girls stalking the leads, all the threads and love shown on this board, and the incredible response in the theatre that has been reported and that I have witnessed, I don't see how you could think otherwise. Pirate Queen dosen't have a prayer over Spring Awakening for a nom right now.

Again, none of us can see the future, and I'm not tyring to argue personal taste, but simple pundit logic.

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

Lady Italy Profile Photo
Lady Italy
#86re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 12:48pm

It's just so hard to tell what people will make their judgements upon. Look at the upset between Wicked and Avenue Q. The majority of this board expected Wicked to take Best Musical. Even the Cast of Avenue Q were surprised they bested Wicked out.

So this guess-ti-mation of who's so wonderful, who in hell won't get the nomination and who all the top runners are, is only speculation and crystal ball vision. Even all the reviewers (who write the publicized reviews) are subjective to their own taste and style. We can all have our opinions, however let's wait for the good, bad and the ugly until all the shows have open and each of us has had a chance to review the nominees with our own eyes. (IMHO) What someone thinks is crappy, another may think is absolutey wonderful

#87re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 12:52pm

hopefully Mary Poppins will get a nom, and The Little Mermaid will be open by then. 2 Disney shows against eachother? that would be interesting. and maybe Legally Blonde, but I don't know that it has enough, if any at all, emotional substance.

purpleprince101 Profile Photo
#88re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 12:56pm

lizzya9...Little mermaid is opening at the end of this year. So they will not be competing. Why is the little mermaid on your favorite shows list when it didn't open yet?

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#89re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 3:26pm

^haha.At this point Spring Awakening is definitely the front runner. This show has exploded and is getting the praise it deserves. I would rather have Legally Blonde get nominated over Mary Poppins.
Updated On: 2/17/07 at 03:26 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#90re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 3:59pm

Even if you DO subscribe to the idea of "payback" awards, to say that Mary Poppins should (or will) win because AIDA should have is a major, major stretch. AIDA wasn't even nominated, first of all, and you would be hard pressed to find many people who agree that it was deserving of a Tony. The interesting thing about AIDA's position that year was that it was nominated for lots of elemental awards (and won the majority of the categories for which it was nominated) but not the big culmination. So I think it's fair to say it should have been nominated, but still, you'd have to have an awful lot of people who thought it deserved to win. I love that show very much, but that's just ridiculous.

Spring Awakening is not "definitely" the front runner -- it's probably one of two, the other being Grey Gardens.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 2/17/07 at 03:59 PM

#91re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 4:04pm

Spring Awakening
Mary Poppins
Pirate Queen

#92re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 4:06pm

whoops! LOL I am still thinking it is 06' ; ) yah SA might get a nom, but just because something gets praise and attention doesn't make it good. I'm not judging at all, I'm sure it's a great night at the theatre, but I'm just saying that all the talk show appearances in the world doesn't make a show any good or the critics/judges love it any more.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#93re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 4:07pm

You lack all logic, don't you? The critics reviewed it well before the talk show appearances. It's getting them because it got a good critical response, not so that the critics will love it more.

Generally, when something gets praise from people who know what they are talking about and not um, fourteen year old girls, it's good.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 2/17/07 at 04:07 PM

#94re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 4:08pm

Based SOLELY on reviews, SPRING AWAKENING and GREY GARDENS are the frontrunners of the category thus far. Neither of them will win. It'll go to CURTAINS or LEGALLY BLONDE.

Why do I say that? Look at the history of Tony Award best musical votes in recent years. The winners (for the most part) are based upon commercial value. Say all you want that SPRING AWAKENING is exploding, but for a show with reviews like it has, isn't a box office smash. Not even close. Same with GREY GARDENS. These shows have very little commercial value.

Think of yourself as a road producer with voting ability. A show about teens and sex, masturbation, homosexuality, etc. (that won't sell in America's heartland!), a show about two women who live with their cats in a dilapadated mansion (talk about niche audience!), or a big, splashy musical featuring an upbeat score, vibrant costumes and sets, and a "star" role (that can play to every audience member, young and old!).

In a world where money is EVERYTHING, what are you going to vote for?

I'd love to see a show like SPRING AWAKENING or GREY GARDENS win. They're brilliant, groundbreaking, expectation-shattering shows featuring tip-top performances. However, they don't sell.
Updated On: 2/17/07 at 04:08 PM

ahmelie Profile Photo
#95re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 4:26pm

Spring Awakening
Grey Gardens
Lovemusik* This is the debatable one, I feel as if the other three are locks. (I think Legally Blonde would replace this if anything)

Theatre is a safe place to do the unsafe things that need to be done. -John Patrick Shanley
Updated On: 2/17/07 at 04:26 PM

#96re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 4:34pm

whoops! LOL I am still thinking it is 06' ; ) yah SA might get a nom, but just because something gets praise and attention doesn't make it good. I'm not judging at all, I'm sure it's a great night at the theatre, but I'm just saying that all the talk show appearances in the world doesn't make a show any good or the critics/judges love it any more.

Its not just the critics who love the show, audiences do too. Your confusing your personal taste with facts and observations. As I have pointed out in other posts, Spring Awakening is a big hit with both audiences and critics. I'm sorry if this is too much of a reality jolt, but Spring Awakening is a hit.

Based SOLELY on reviews, SPRING AWAKENING and GREY GARDENS are the frontrunners of the category thus far. Neither of them will win. It'll go to CURTAINS or LEGALLY BLONDE.

This is sad but has a good chance of becomeing true. I wouldn't mind either of those shows winning(I'm looking foward to both), but I would would rather they won on artistic merit rather than dollar-eyed out of town voters.

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#97re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 4:34pm

"yah SA might get a nom, but just because something gets praise and attention doesn't make it good"

Lizzy, how does that even make sense? SA is guaranteed a nomination. it got fantastic reviews and and has a good audience reaction. Just beause you don't like the show doesn't mean it won't get a nomination.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

iflip4musicals Profile Photo
#98re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 4:40pm

i really think it'll be spring awakening, grey gardens, curtains, maybe mary poppins, and legally blonde.

mary poppins should definately be up for set!
and company SHOULD get revival, hopefully it wont go to the miserable show i mean les miz

"I've never encountered such religiously, you know, loyal fans as Broadway musical theater fans. It's amazing." --Allison Janney

#99re: 'Best Musical' 2007 TONY Contenders
Posted: 2/17/07 at 5:28pm

Hahaha "the miserable show" good one Halley. I actually don't think that Les Mis will get it. One because it's like just barely a revival and two because it didn't get great reviews. Revival I think will be between A Chorus Line and Company and then some others
