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Best. Poster. Ever.

Broadway Baby4 Profile Photo
Broadway Baby4
#75re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/4/06 at 4:59pm

clever...but a little scary

bella cantato
#76re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/4/06 at 5:20pm

I love that he is doing this play. Not only is it a good career decision, but it proves that he's really dedicated to his craft, rather than jumping into other high-grossing mediocre films.

"You know, a little orphan girl once told me that the sun would come out tomorrow. Her adopted father was a powerful billionaire, so I supressed the urge to laugh in her face. But now, by gum, I think she might have been on to something!" --Reefer Madness

#77re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/4/06 at 5:48pm

I wonder if this poster might scare a small precentage away.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#78re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/4/06 at 5:55pm

I'm an advertising major, and we had to bring in advertisements the other day that demonstrated creative art direction. Although technically this isn't an advertisement for the show and just a poster, I think this displays some extraoridinary art direction!

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

shiksa_goddess Profile Photo
#79re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/4/06 at 6:25pm

Amazing poster, and I am pretty sure that is Dan Radcliffe in the poster. The boy is kinda built.

#80re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/4/06 at 10:20pm

Not anymore :) (See the avatar)

I just did an experiment to see if anything could compete with the horse face and body morph for the attention of the eye. I hope Da Vinci will not sue me. (The added text brings back the attention somewhat though). Update: (changed avatar)

A stupid question how does one upload images to the message box? Does one have to use an image service like photobucket?


I thought that the original picture looked a little bit like the proportional man in a square that Da Vinci painted and since some experts say that Mona Lisa was a disguised self-portrait of the homosexual artist i thought that a combination would be fitting. I am not homosexual though (no genius).

Updated On: 11/5/06 at 10:20 PM

#81re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/4/06 at 10:36pm

It took me a while To figure it out Wolf gang. Bring up the picture and copy the URL for it. Enter that URL into the line for "Images" and voila. It's pretty easy once you know the trick. I'm tempted to image my butt off!

#82re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/4/06 at 10:43pm

re: Best. Poster. Ever.


Updated On: 11/5/06 at 10:43 PM

#83re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/4/06 at 10:45pm

No, SweMozArt, it has to be uploaded. Photobucket, Imageshack, etc, etc!

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#84re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/4/06 at 11:02pm

I agree with title (definitley jumping on the band wagon).

It certaintly takes a few seconds to sink in, but once it does....oh man.

#85re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/5/06 at 9:06am

re: Best. Poster. Ever.

I've always been fond of this one:

Updated On: 11/5/06 at 09:06 AM

#86re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/5/06 at 9:22am

re: Best. Poster. Ever.

And this:

#87re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/5/06 at 9:29am

20th Century has always been a favorite-- I had the poster when the show was on Broadway-- beautiful, with all the insets of silver!

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#88re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/5/06 at 9:35am

I thought that the original picture looked a little bit like the proportional man in a square that Da Vinci painted and since some experts say that Mona Lisa was a disguised self-portrait of the homosexual artist i thought that a combination would be fitting. I am not homosexual though (no genius).

Umm. Okay. So glad you made that clear. Now what the hell does it have to do with ANYTHING in this thread?


#89re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/5/06 at 2:43pm

re: Best. Poster. Ever.

"Umm. Okay. So glad you made that clear. Now what the hell does it have to do with ANYTHING in this thread?"

I would like to suggest the above featured picture as your avatar.

Updated On: 11/5/06 at 02:43 PM

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#90re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/5/06 at 3:54pm

Ah, that is funny. Thanks. You made it clear that you are straight! Straight to your knees...straight to the next glory hole...straight til the first six pack...


#91re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/5/06 at 4:08pm

The body is Borat (sascha baron cohen). I was inspired by your post and your disclaimer shown below. No serious offence intended. I apologize if i strayed from the subject!

DISCLAIMER: All posts made by the person "SueleenGay" are meant to be taken in fun and NOT meant to annoy, harm, embarrass or irk anyone. If you have any questions please contact my attorney, Mr. Corney Cohen. Thank you.

Updated On: 11/5/06 at 04:08 PM

#92re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 11/5/06 at 7:07pm

Hopefully Daniel proves something more to us in this play. I think it's possibility, the way the Potter films are written don't leave much room for deepness.

How to properly use its/it's: Its is the possessive. It's is the contraction for it is...

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#99re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 1/30/07 at 1:47am

Jesus F. Christ; I kept being taken back to the OT board after I posted so I thought the thread wasn't getting bumped...and now I've posted those photos, what, 4 times? Lordy!

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#100re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:46am

talk about multiple posts! but boy, harry's grown. to everyone's pleasure.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#101re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:49am

I know, I kept trying to edit the repeat posts to get rid of the excess pics but when I hit Update then the new page timed out and it wouldn't change.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

Mistress_Spouzic Profile Photo
#102re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:49am

I love it!

#103re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 1/30/07 at 3:10am

I know this is an old post, but...I think the concept/overall design of the poster is incredible, but the execution could have been much better. I don't really like the line texture, and the coloring is too contrasted. Like somebody brilliant came up with the whole idea, and then passed on the actual creation to somebody whose Photoshop skills were only slightly above average.

I showed these new pictures to my friend and she was horrified. I'm still waiting for myself to become either horrified or markedly intruiged and neither has happened.

#104re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:23am

If they have any sense, they should let this poster be purchased over the internet. There's no way I'll be able to get to London to see this (as much as that fact upsets me), but the poster is brilliant and I'm dying to have one to hang up in my room. Besides, there are tons and tons of Harry Potter fans that would want it just because it's Dan.

NiteOwl Profile Photo
#105re: Best. Poster. Ever.
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:27am

i love the poster designed for the this play.
but seriously radcliffe "in the buff" is not all that.
he's a skinny 17 year old.
<<< no cold showers needed here. re: Best. Poster. Ever.
he looks anorexic.

"I'm only 17 and am running on 6 cups of coffee so, forgive me if things that I post seem spastic." ~ Elphaba 43
Updated On: 1/30/07 at 10:27 AM
