magictodo123 said: "Fetus said: "magictodo123, you've spent all month talking in circles in this thread. I'd admire the dedication if I could wrap my head around why anyone would waste the energy on debating this. If you don't like them, avoid them. There really isn't any need for much discourse on the matter beyond the initial thoughts you shared weeks ago."
If you don’t like me talking about it, avoid my comments? I’m trying to prove we can debate this in a civilized manner. I got a little snippy at a point but I think it’s gone well and if you have a problem you can leave this specific thread. No ones forcing you to stay on it or read it."
You're free to conduct your business however you wish, I just want to point out you've been rehashing this for weeks and it's annoying more users than providing any actual discourse because you don't seem willing to listen to any opinion opposing your own.
Frustration is a two-way street. If you can spend weeks arguing against the existence of bootlegs, I can make a single post saying your arguing is tired.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
Fetus said: "magictodo123 said: "Fetus said: "magictodo123, you've spent all month talking in circles in this thread. I'd admire the dedication if I could wrap my head around why anyone would waste the energy on debating this. If you don't like them, avoid them. There really isn't any need for much discourse on the matter beyond the initial thoughts you shared weeks ago."
If you don’t like me talking about it, avoid my comments? I’m trying to prove we can debate this in a civilized manner. I got a little snippy at a point but I think it’s gone well and if you have a problem you can leave this specific thread. No ones forcing you to stay on it or read it."
You're free to conduct your business however you wish, I just want to point out you've been rehashingthis for weeks and it's annoying more users than providing any actual discourse because you don't seem willing to listen to any opinion opposing your own.
Frustration is a two-way street. If you can spend weeks arguing against the existence of bootlegs, I can make a single post saying your arguingis tired."
Or you could just ignore it....I could too, but I started this thread and am curious about what people say. You have no obligation to read it.
Swing Joined: 10/24/19
magictodo123 said: "I get frustrated whenever an actor calls out an audience member for recording. So sue me. It’s not a crime. "
I get frustrated too. Although I’m just a community theater actor, I myself get absolutely peeved when I see a phone screen in the audience trying to snapchat a 10-second video of their friend, when I’m trying to focus on my role. But you know what I don’t notice? Our director recording the whole show with a video camera for our archives. Just as other people pointed out before, bootleggers done right aren’t noticed. 99% of those “recordings” that actors call out are probably people texting, or snapchatting, or filming their one favorite song. Yes, that doesn’t excuse the illegality or the copyright infringement.
My personal experience is, there are certain shows that I grew to love because of the visual. Yes, it’s not the same as experiencing life, but it’s better than not living it at all, as you’re emphasizing. If I had only listened to the Waitress cast recording, I don’t think I’d have been as big of a fan as I was when I fell in love with Kimiko Glen’s adorable portrayal of Dawn, and Keala Settle’s tell-it-like-it-is attitude for Becky. That was why I bought the cast recording, that is why I donated to a charity in the hopes to win a signed playbill, that is why it will be a show I’d buy tickets for if it came to an affordable destination, and that is why it has introduced me to talented actors whose careers I now feel invested in following.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
LRey95 said: "magictodo123 said: "I get frustrated whenever an actor calls out an audience member for recording. So sue me. It’s not a crime. "
I get frustrated too.Although I’m just a community theater actor, I myself get absolutely peeved when I see a phone screenin the audience trying to snapchat a 10-second video of their friend,when I’m trying to focus on my role.But you know what I don’t notice? Our director recording the whole show with a video camera for our archives. Just as other people pointed out before, bootleggers done right aren’t noticed.99% of those “recordings” that actors call out are probably people texting, or snapchatting, or filming their one favorite song. Yes, that doesn’t excuse the illegality or the copyright infringement.
…You do realize your director filming is a lot different than an audience member illegally recording the show, right? And bootlegging done right?? Seriously? The way to do it right is to not do it at all :)
My personal experience is, there are certain shows that I grew to love because of the visual. Yes, it’s not the same as experiencing life, but it’s better than not living it at all, as you’re emphasizing.If I had only listened to the Waitress cast recording, I don’t think I’d have been as big of a fan as I was when I fell in love with Kimiko Glen’s adorable portrayal of Dawn,and Keala Settle’s tell-it-like-it-is attitude for Becky. That was why I bought the cast recording, that is why I donated to a charity in the hopes to win a signed playbill, that is why it will be a show I’d buy tickets for if it came to an affordable destination, and that is why it has introduced me to talented actors whose careers I now feel invested in following."
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
I just want to say I'm sorry if I offended/attacked anyone on this thread. Someone sad I had been attacking people, and I want to apologize If anyone felt like I was doing that. Until a certain point, I think this discussion was actually going a lot better than any other discussion I had on this subject. Thank you for being more mature than those people.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
magictodo123 said: You do realize your director filming is a lot different than an audience member illegally recording the show, right? And bootlegging done right?? Seriously? The way to do it right is to not do it at all :)
The director filming the show is just as much in the wrong as anyone else filming the show. The licensing agreements are very clear that no filming is allowed. If anything, the director is MORE culpable, because they are part of the production and are aware of the rules.
A question, please. A superstar goes on a worldwide concert tour, performing in indoor arenas. At several of those concerts, audience members record some of the performer's songs and post them to YouTube. Is that considered to be a Bootleg? If I were to post one of those YouTube videos here on BWW, would the Moderators remove it? To be clear, it's not a video that I created and it's not a video of the entire concert (just one song).
The biggest problem is that directors, actors, and designers consistently retweet and even upload their own bootleg content to social media. Those handful of posts will always denounce the hundreds of other performers who protest them. This isn't a pick-and-chose scenario - if the community wants bootlegging to stop, every single Broadway professional has to refrain from posting.
Early in the summer, the final 10 minutes of The Prom, filmed with full clarity from a box seat, was posted on YouTube and racked up tens of thousands of views. You can't tell me the production didn't quietly approve of that, or else it would've been taken down instantly, like many similar videos are.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
VotePeron said: "The biggest problem is that directors, actors, and designersconsistentlyretweet and even upload their own bootleg content to social media. Those handful of posts will always denounce the hundreds of other performers who protest them. This isn't a pick-and-chose scenario - if the community wants bootlegging to stop, every single Broadway professional has to refrain from posting.
You do realize directors posting this doesn't make it okay, right? They most likely got permission from people to do so. People in the audience who record--they never got permission from anyone. Unless explicitly stated, filming is copywright infringement (I won't use the term "stealing" anymore...I've learned my lesson on that one), disrespectful, and just illegal!! Just because every bootleg that might be on YouTube or anywhere else isn't taken down, that does not, absolutely not, make it okay, or legal, or right.
Early in the summer, the final 10 minutes of The Prom, filmed with full clarity from a box seat, was posted on YouTube and racked up tens of thousands of views. You can't tell me the production didn't quietly approve of that, or else it would've been taken down instantly, like many similar videos are."
You know, unless you work for the production, you don't know what their motives are. They also did a live stream of Cynthia Erivo's final "I'm Here"--does that mean it's okay? No. They most likely had to get permission from higher ups who were involved with the production before they could do that. It does not grant the audience permission to illegal record a show. Not one bit.