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Bridges of Madison County Previews- Page 10

Bridges of Madison County Previews

followspot Profile Photo
#225Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 1:05pm

^ The posts above might unconfuse you. Bridges of Madison County Previews

"Tracy... Hold Mama's waffles."
Updated On: 2/20/14 at 01:05 PM

VotePeron Profile Photo
#226Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 1:10pm

I think this whole situation would've been a little cleaner if they had called last night an Invited Dress and Opening Night Party. Having 2 nights each called "opening night" is not only confusing, but also a little, as a poster said above, disingenuous.

#227Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 1:13pm

@followspot. You are probably right, I should have read this page prior to my question. But since this is a page about PREVIEWS, I did not think it would mention anything about OPENING besides it's true date and I did not want to start a new thread just for an OPENING TOPIC; maybe I should have. Either way it was just a glance that most sites are calling last night the opening, but the official opening is tonight! I got my answer to my question, thanks everyone!

Updated On: 2/20/14 at 01:13 PM

#228Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 2:20pm

I think its a brilliant idea. For those who disagree, I suggest reading The Producer's Perspective (link provided a few posts ago) to read why they decided to do this. This just might become the new trend. Perhaps, it could be better announced, but allowing the company to have their moment without the cloud of judgement is a wonderful idea.

ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.

newintown Profile Photo
#229Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 2:27pm

I don't know, it kind of reeks of the "every child gets a trophy" kind of thinking. Why must an opening night be pure happiness, untainted with tension? Are we really so unable to deal with tension that we have to create a make-believe opening night?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#230Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 2:35pm

I don't think it reeks of an "every child gets a trophy" mentality at all. I mean, the producers and creative team will get word of the critical response sooner or later. They deserve to enjoy an opening untainted by the possibility of a critical drubbing if that's what they want. I see nothing wrong with it. They're gonna have to deal with tension i(if they get bad reviews) at some point or another, but they deserve to enjoy their opening night.

#231Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 2:57pm

"Why must an opening night be pure happiness, untainted with tension?"

Uh, cause they just mounted a Broadway-effing-show, that's why.

newintown Profile Photo
#232Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 3:00pm

I'm sure that makes total universal sense to you; just imagine, though, that it may not to everyone. That some people can stand - no, can actually prefer mixing the dark with the light, the sad with the happy. That it doesn't always have to be sweet and simple and perfect.

#233Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 3:06pm

Yes, I'm absolutely sure that some people involved with the production would prefer to hear "Hey, you know that thing you've put your life into for the past 3 months-3 years? Yeah, that sucked, asshole" when they're supposed to be celebrating their remarkable achievement.

You've clearly never worked in professional theatre.

newintown Profile Photo
#234Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 3:12pm

Oh, you're a funny little thing, aren't you?

#235Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 3:13pm

Considering that Bartlett Sher, Marsha Norman and Jason Robert Brown have NEVER invited me to a single party of theirs, it affects me not when they celebrate their show. What's to feel "manipulated" about?

#236Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 3:18pm

If they were open about the fact that they were having two openings, that's fine. But they weren't. They told the press and the public: Opening Night is February 20th.

theatreguy Profile Photo
#237Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 3:27pm

Why does it matter? The critics don't attend the opening night so they don't care, and the audiences seeing the "fake" opening performance tonight are seeing the same show that was performed at the "real" opening yesterday. Who's the injured party here?

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#238Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 3:36pm

“I'm always fascinated by the opening-night-party-bad-review phenomenon.”

That reminds me of the early scene in “Ed Wood,” when they all gather to read the review of Ed’s play, THE CASUAL COMPANY. It’s a scathing review by a fictional critic, Victor Crowley, and things quickly become solemn. Bill Murray tries to alleviate the tension:

Oh, what does that old queen know? She didn't even show. Sent her copy boy to do the dirty work. Scuh-rew you, Miss Crowley!

Bridges of Madison County Previews

Updated On: 2/20/14 at 03:36 PM

newintown Profile Photo
#239Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 3:50pm

Funny, I once heard Mario Cantone say "Scuh-rew you, Miss Brantley!" at a party...

After Eight
#240Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 3:56pm

"And has any other show ever done this? "

I believe Good Vibrations had an opening night celebration earlier than the date of the official opening.

More complications, more confusion now for statisticians.. What will now constitute "opening night?" How will one count performances? There are already discrepencies in performance lists. Nothing like making things even more complicated. Just have one damn opening, have the party, read the reviews, good or bad, and be done with it.

Updated On: 2/20/14 at 03:56 PM

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#241Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 4:10pm

'Funny, I once heard Mario Cantone say "Scuh-rew you, Miss Brantley!" at a party...'

Okay, now you know. Right?!


Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#242Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 4:43pm

neonlightsx, I don't understand why you're so mad about this. Did you want to go to opening night to see the celebrities or something? I just don't get the huge deal here.

#243Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 7:32pm

Sutton, I'm laughing, because I'm disproportionately annoyed about this and recognize that it's not *that* big a deal … and yet, I'm still annoyed. Part of it is what I (and others) said about them essentially calling something opening night that wasn't, which was just plain confusing if not gaming the system. I saw at least one media person on Twitter ask for clarification because she wasn't sure how or when to publicize the show appropriately.

But another part is that there *is* something special about opening night, and it's diffused if there are two. I'll admit to having wanted to go tonight to be part of that atmosphere, not to see celebrities but because there's such a celebratory, joyful energy in both the audience and the cast because there's the idea that you're part of a milestone right along with everyone else there. People should know clearly when this will happen. Perhaps a new tradition of an invited final preview + opening celebration would be a better label than two opening nights and would help make the distinction.

#244Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 7:40pm

If the media would be willing to post their reviews a day after opening, that too would solve this issue. They won't, as they are the media and sensitivity usually isn't their strong point.

Bottom line... The Bridges of Madison County wanted to have a celebration of their work that wasn't centered around the nerves associated with waiting for, and reading the reviews. I honor that and actually think its a swell ideal. They worked hard and deserve it.

This was a "new" thing and perhaps needs some tweaking. I think some clever Producer will figure this out and come up with a solution that offers the company a celebration without the associated anxiety, the media a definite date to publish their reviews and count the number of performances, and the public who is informed when to surround the theater to be close to the festivities.

I just wouldn't be mad at The Bridges of Madison County for not getting it perfect this first time.

ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.
Updated On: 2/20/14 at 07:40 PM

#245Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 7:53pm

Hear hear!

After Eight
#246Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 8:15pm

"They worked hard and deserve it. "

And the creators of the thousands of plays and musicals, whether hits or flops, who for eons have managed to survive an actual opening night party after an actual opening night, reviews and all, didn't work hard?

I'm glad to learn that the creators of this show have worked so much harder and are so much more deserving than any of their predecessors.

Is there an emoticon for disgust?

Updated On: 2/20/14 at 08:15 PM

#247Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 8:21pm

What about "They worked hard and deserve it." implies that nobody else did? Of course, everyone who has ever put their heart, soul, tears and perspiration into creating something deserves to honor their efforts.

Just because something has been done pretty much the same way for many years doesn't mean that it can't be improved upon. And, in this case, as the world has changed because of technology, reevaluating how a company can celebrate their achievement makes even more sense.

Change is not a bad thing. Its just change. Be open minded to the possibilities.

ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.
Updated On: 2/20/14 at 08:21 PM

After Eight
#248Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/20/14 at 11:06pm

"Change is not a bad thing."

Change can often be a very bad thing. Indeed. it can be a disastrous thing.

#249Bridges of Madison County Previews
Posted: 2/21/14 at 12:46am

After Eight, you didn't answer the question. What about what I wrote, "They worked hard and deserved it." implied that all who have come before them didn't work hard? You assumed that I somehow felt that The Bridges of Madison County is the only company that deserves to celebrate their achievement. Nothing I wrote, even suggested that. AND, I can assure you I would never type that or even imply that, as I don't believe that at all.

As for change... Your comment, Change can often be a very bad thing. Indeed. It can be a disastrous thing." is very telling. We have very different world views. I tend to embrace change as it is often a sign of growth.

We do agree on one thing... the need for an emoticon for disgust: -disgust- I know it won't show as a "cute" graphic, but I hope you get the gist.

ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.
Updated On: 2/21/14 at 12:46 AM
