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Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...

Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...

#0Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 5/11/06 at 9:35am

A friend of mine recently permited me to listen to somthing he calls a "Rent Remix". It is just about every popular song from Rent however it is all set to a funky beat. It in a war reminded me of Ethel Merman's funk album.

I thought that Mermans Funk album was one isolated mistake, mind you i am rather fond of it but mainly due to its novelty value.

However I am interested to know if this is a common occurance or if anyone out there has any "Broadway Remixes". If so i'd be very interested in hearing them, thank you.

just PM me...

#1re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 5/11/06 at 10:54am

Surely you have heard the "Disco Ballad of Sweeney Todd."

Gloria Gaynor's "I Am What I Am" from LA CAGE.

There was an entire EVITA disco album.

There was also a disco single I had at one time that was two songs from ON THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: "Never" and "Our Private World."

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#2re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 5/11/06 at 11:06am

The Techno remix of "On My Own" is the best.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#3re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 5/11/06 at 11:08am

Deborah Cox's EASY AS A LIE is way HOT
She's no Merm though! Updated On: 5/11/06 at 11:08 AM

#4re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 5/11/06 at 12:01pm

There is a label from Japan that rerecords songs with a "soundalike" singer and throbbing dance beats-- I think it might be called Harajuku? Anyway, they have done dozens of these, including songs from Lion King, Phantom, Sunset Boulevard....

And in it's day Disco truly ruled the earth. Every major artist on the scene succumbed to the lure and recorded a disco song or remixed a hit to get some club play. Some scored huge hits (Rolling Stones, Dolly Parton) and some didn't (Bryan Adams, Led Zeppelin). At the time, a dance mix of songs from Sweeney Todd didn't seem that odd, actually.

Brennan88 Profile Photo
#5re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 5/11/06 at 12:25pm

Here's the sad thing about Ethel's Disco album--it's really BAD disco. You don't hire Peter Matz to produce a disco record, anymore than you'd hire Kool and the Gang to produce an album of standards. I've always wished someone would take Ethel's vocal tracks and remix them into something really fun and dancable.

#6re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 5/11/06 at 1:25pm

RE: Ethel ... it's a shame Paul Jabara and Bob Esty didn't do it the DISCO album. It also didn't help that Merm recorded her vocals to piano accompaniment and all the music tracks were added later.

But there is one reall hidden gem on Ethel's disco endeavor: the sweet, tender and quiet opening to "I Got Rhythm." I think it's the only time she ever sang it this way, and it is just wonderful.

frontrowcentre2 Profile Photo
#7re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 6/1/06 at 11:28pm

Makes me wonder why no one has taken Merman's tracks and re-mixed them with a full (non-disco) orchestra. Though it was the last album she recorded, she was in better voice here than on some of her London albums of the mid 1970s.

What is sad is that no one thought to star her in studio cast re-creations of her classic shows around the time of the ANNIE GET YOUR GUN revival. RCA's cast album of that sold (and still sells) very well. Would have been nice to have Merman do new and complete versions of ANYTHING GOES, GIRL CRAZY, SOMETHING FOR THE BOYS and CALL ME MADAM.

Instead, for the rest of her career she re-recorded the same group of hits over and over.

Cast albums are NOT "soundtracks."
Live theatre does not use a "soundtrack." If it did, it wouldn't be live theatre!

I host a weekly one-hour radio program featuring cast album selections as well as songs by cabaret, jazz and theatre artists. The program, FRONT ROW CENTRE is heard Sundays 9 to 10 am and also Saturdays from 8 to 9 am (eastern times) on

#8re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 6/2/06 at 12:27am

I some how ramdomly stumbled across a myspace music site that had a remix of "Will I?" which needless to say was, uh, "interesting."

I also know there is a Seasons of Love remix out there. I know because my friend, who listens to a sickening about of techno, had the song on his ipod. Then I played him the real song. He said, "Wow, this is so slow. I like the other one better, this is lame." I buried my face in my hands in shame at his comment.
Updated On: 6/2/06 at 12:27 AM

caught by surprise
#9re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 6/2/06 at 12:47am

Yea, I have two SOL remixes. Also on Karmine Aler's CD, there is a remix of Out Tonight.

zepka102 Profile Photo
#10re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 6/2/06 at 12:53am

i LOVE Deborah Cox's remix!!

::bust a move::

best12bars Profile Photo
#11re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 6/2/06 at 12:53am

There were several Madonna remixes of "Don't Cry For Me, Argentina," as well a non-commercially released CD single of remixes for "What's New, Buenos Aires?" that are actually pretty good. It was only given to DJs as a promo demo in anticipation of a full release that never happened, but it pops up on eBay every now and then, and it's worth owning.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#12re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 6/2/06 at 1:25am

Liza, produced by the Pet Shop Boys, has a dance version of "Losing My Mind".

"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions" ------- "Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu" from "Can't Stop The Music" ----- "When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth" ------------ --------- "Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#13re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 6/2/06 at 1:45am

LMAO this isn't a remix, but it just reminded me

Has anyone seen the episode of Dawson's Creek in which Katie Holme's character enters a beauty pagaent and sings "On My Own"??? it's the most god awful thing EVER. Please find it, and listen to it. Maybe it's on You Tube.

end thread jack.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

zoran912 Profile Photo
#14re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 6/2/06 at 4:58am

Go youtube the video of Liza singing "Losing My Mind." It's . . . incredible, really.

#15re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 6/2/06 at 8:39am

Do a search- this topic has been done a few times. There's tons of songs!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#16re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
Posted: 6/26/06 at 1:26am

I think Ethel's disco EVERYTHING'S COMING UP ROSES is a ton of fun. I think her voice sounds fabulous, and the beat is well.. very catchy.
