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CARRIE Reading?

#250re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 7:53pm

Stepehen King himself said he did not see Carrie as a horror, he saw it as a drama and a coming of age story which just happened to include telekenises, and hes right.

If you take out the telekenises what are you left with, a young girl who cant seem to fit in at school or at home, an outsider who just wants to be accepted.

MB you are right about part of the finale. The lightning bolt is horrid and Margret should just stab her and leave it at that (we dont need a chase)

I hate the Our Father music playing at the end only because it does not work musically for that moment, but im not against the kids pics and Carrie's prom pic been shown, i actually thought ending it with the one time, the one single moment she was happy was quite emotional, but yes, drop the Our Father music, the Lightning Bolt and the Chase.

I did really like when Sue and a few of the others told us how many had died and the siren from the steeple etc

former sadm2 (wink)

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#251re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 8:02pm

Yes, babe, a young girl who can't seem to fit in so she kills everyone in her high school...

Stephen King is a very macabre individual. His idea of a coming of age story is what most people would consider a nightmare.

best12bars Profile Photo
#252re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 8:10pm

I would love a PM myself, please! re: CARRIE Reading?

I have to back up MB on this one. But I also see the other side of the coin.

There is nothing "wrong" with a lighter tone in some of the material for the high schoolers. Whether you call it "camp," "fun," or "humor," I can see that this would be entertaining.

But MB's vision for this show would take it to a whole new level. Much deeper, darker, more compelling ... and (I agree) better.

The big dilemma I see has to do with the "commercial theatre" aspect of the material. MB's version of "Carrie" would likely win a shelf full of Tony Awards, but I'm not sure it would run for very long. I know I would like it better. The stakes would be much higher for all of the characters, and it would be a terrific evening of theatre. But add in a little "OMG, You Guys!" and it would attract a different (and arguably much wider) audience. Less Tonys and more box office. Audiences would be "entertained" and have "fun" seeing the little horror show. They wouldn't be asked to think about the characters too much or the darker side of a high school experience. They wouldn't have to worry about a somber or grave evening at the theatre that would creep them out for days.

As trivial as that sounds, I can see why everyone behind the scenes would be leaning this direction.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#253re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 8:56pm

I would agree with that as well, i think MB has some great points.

I do have to say though as ive said that the teen moments (up tempo 'fun' material) is few and far between...4 songs. To me the rest of the material is pretty dark, especially the book moments and of course Carrie and her mum moments) so the lighter moments dont throw the piece in to thuggish camp (as Ken M said) like the original did, this time it plays like a darker show with light moments.

former sadm2 (wink)

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#254re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 9:01pm

This is not a story about being IN - its a story about being ostracized.

I find this comment interesting because the two, in terms of high school adolescence and social hierarchy, tend to go hand-in-hand. Teens are ostracized by their peers because they don't fit in. And that message is such a huge unspoken catalyst to the story (both in the propelling narrative and in back story), it would be foolish not to stress this element of high school society in the start. Now King addressed this with more subtlety in the book, but he had the luxury of novelization, whereas time and space limitations are the natural confines in theatrical storytelling.

I want to go back and read the novel again now, but I always did get a sense from it that the moral of the tale (mostly voiced by Sue) was how this need for being in and popular and peer social competition while being ignorant to the consequences of your actions can lead to pain and harm. If it is just about being ostracized, then it too easily leans towards another Holocaust allegory. The story was very specifically set in high school amongst teenagers during the prom for a reason. It doesn't need as much emphasis as the previous score and staging, but it still serves a major purpose in setting, character and motive.

Now, if they were able to take the songs of In and Dream On and visually illustrate the contrasts in the girls behaviors towards each other versus their behavior to Carrie with respect to the ideology expressed in the lyrics, then they would really have something. But both numbers pretty much placed Carrie on the sidelines in a mostly apathetic manner and only addressed her presence between songs.

Put me on the PM list as well.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

best12bars Profile Photo
#255re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 9:10pm

Even Sweeney Todd had its lighter moments, particularly Little Priest, but also the Pirelli scene, God That's Good, Worst Pies, etc.

Sounds like the main problem with CARRIE now is that there isn't enough "weight" to these characters, outside of Carrie and Margaret. Giving Chris and the others lighter moments is fine, but if that's all they get, there is very little at stake during the big climax in the gym. Who cares if they all die? You should either want them all dead because they're evil and genuinely cruel or hope they survive because you can forgive their very human faults. That would require "layering" with the characters.

But if the audience is basically ambivalent, due to a bunch of 2D superficial supporting characters who don't have more to do than plan to get back at Carrie and pick out an awesome prom dress? The stakes aren't high enough. And the ending (even with sensational special effects) will fall flat.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#256re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 9:25pm

Well what I think its interesting about both the novel and the film is that Sue steps away from the group think almost immediately - being rebuffed from the in crowd and from Chris in particular doesn't seem to be a driving factor of concern for her.

Of course what the film does very well is that it sets up a certain amount of doubt in the viewer about Sue's real intentions. You never quite know until the scene of the prom if Sue is actually setting the entire thing up.

I don't have issue with the musical spending time on establishing the importance of fitting in, in the face of peer pressure.

But I think its handled in a way in the original and current revisions of the musical that is campy and out of touch with not only what King wrote but the way the film presented the group dynamic as well. I also think that too much time is spent in this musical on big ensemble teen numbers (i.e. exploring the group dynamic of being 'in') in a way that is trite, dated and detrimental to the over all tone of the musical. For the record, there are no 'cute' scenes like that in the book or the movie - outside of the girls in the gym, and the final at the prom. We get the dyanmic without the kids singing about their pimples and braces.

The fact that IN still contains lyrics like - "And I worry, what if all my ends should split" tells you how trivial the teenagers are in this musical's world and how sophomoric the writers are in their perception of what teens really deal with.

And Best12, I think its safe to say that CARRIE isn't going to be winning any Tony Awards any time soon, nor is it going to be the back up choice for parents who can't get their kids tickets to WICKED...So in my opinion creating a musical that has 'bad writing' just to make it more accessible is equally foolhardy.

Come to think of it, who is the target audience for CARRIE? The producers better ask that one right now before another nickel is spent.

Dantes, I think what you are confusing as camp is the possibility that the creative team might be going for a more pointed satire. My point isn't that the material for the teens needs to be 'emo' and without entertainment factor - but the characters need to be real and compelling -- but they don't need to be developed at the expense of the leads. Best 12 - I think to a degree you are supposed to 'root' for CARRIE as she destroys the school with all its evil inhabitants. Its the ultimate revenge day dream we all thought of at that age played out ' for real.'

And yes, part of me does believe the creative team which wrote this musical initially in 1984, before more sophisticated musicals of teen age life were created is stuck in a style of musical theatre telling that is too old fashioned for a story like CARRIE in today's world.

If they are going for satire (not camp) they need to be a lot more clever than the current writing indicates.

Updated On: 11/30/09 at 09:25 PM

#257re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 9:35pm

I have to say i dont see the problem of the Characterisation is this new version. Of course just like the Novel and Movie Tommy and Billy are kinda left behind. Sue and Tommy are now far stronger than the last production as is Miss Gardner, Chris always played as a panto villan (even in the novel) and still does now, but lets be honest she is great that way.

I guess we will just have to see which way it goes, as i say in my opinion the show is a far stronger show with a strong book and some great music. I think it plays how people will be hoping that it plays. Great fun with a sinister edge.

former sadm2 (wink)

James885 Profile Photo
#258re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 9:39pm

I'd also like a PM :)

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

best12bars Profile Photo
#259re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 9:42pm

"And Best12, I think its safe to say that CARRIE isn't going to be winning any Tony Awards any time soon, nor is it going to be the back up choice for parents who can't get their kids tickets to WICKED...So in my opinion creating a musical that has 'bad writing' just to make it more accessible is equally foolhardy."

Well, adding "fun," "camp" or "humor" doesn't automatically equal "bad writing." It's just taking the show in a direction that you don't personally like, MB. Of course, the examples you've listed here DO equal "bad writing," and, yeah, that's a big problem! If they want to approach the material this way, they need to try harder and be more clever about it.

Come to think of it, who is the target audience for CARRIE? The producers better ask that one right now before another nickel is spent.

I'm guessing they're still arguing over that one and have been since the original production. It's really two shows with two different approaches: Carrie and Margaret, and everyone else. And they're not working cohesively at all.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

darquegk Profile Photo
#260re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 9:53pm

PM me as well!

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#261re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 9:54pm

I think the point is, Best12, and why I keep being so forceful on the subject is that I know thats not what the creative team hopes for this show. Despite what Dantes says, I know they aren't going for camp...

On a positive note, there are a couple of new songs that are lovely - -that are on the right track for musicalizing Tommy, Sue and Carrie.

The writing team seems to know how to create internal character numbers better than 'light, 'fun' and 'humorous group songs. Its no surprise that the musical suddenly comes to life at these intimate moments - why they still feel the need to create something different for the ensemble is what I don't understand.

best12bars Profile Photo
#262re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 10:04pm

"why they still feel the need to create something different for the ensemble is what I don't understand."

A genuine fear of crappy box office. I would bet a premium ticket they're trying to strike a balance in tone to cater to a wider crowd. But they're not good at these lighter elements, and it's proving a difficult (if not impossible) task for them.

Sondheim's lighter moments in Sweeney Todd were as brilliant as the darker scenes.

Clearly not the case here.

And I agree with you that they should stop trying. Go for overall quality over accessibility, or, as you have pointed out, they will fail miserably by shooting themselves in the foot. They will have a "trivial" story, no Tonys, and a short run.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#263re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 10:15pm

Sadly, the biggest obstacle in the way of Carrie will be Wicked. It's impossible to ignore the similarities: ostracized female outsider comes out of her shell under the protective kindness of the popular girl, winds up in the arms of the most popular boy, and develops her supernatural skills to destroy the forces of evil within her "world". I can see the marketing campaign now..."Less green. More blood. Carrie."

I also think that too much time is spent in this musical on big ensemble teen numbers (i.e. exploring the group dynamic of being 'in') in a way that is trite, dated and detrimental to the over all tone of the musical. an omnipotent way perhaps, but not within the minds of the characters voicing their sentiments within their own present reality. To me, that was where the music worked, but the lyrics failed, mostly in being too shallow and repetitious. I HAVEN'T HEARD THE REVISIONS, but the songs In, Dream On and Don't Waste the Moon had melodies, tempos and rhythms appropriate for the scenes, moods and characters (while being memorable and catchy), but the lyrics and/or staging failed to convey relevance to Carrie's state of mind or the ensemble's attitudes towards her, in even a subtle or indirect way. In comes the closest to working this out in the lyrics, but the most important lines were all lost in the frenetic choreography and utterly absent Carrie.

I actually love the lines:

Some day
If I don't stand out one bit
Some day
I may be normal enough
To fit in...

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 11/30/09 at 10:15 PM

best12bars Profile Photo
#264re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 11:17pm

Mister Matt---I think you're absolutely right about the inevitable comparisons to WICKED in the Broadway community, and unfortunately, that is precisely the angle eager marketing teams and a room full of publicists will want to jump all over and exploit to boost sales. And it could prove fatal for a show like this.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

best12bars Profile Photo
#265re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 11:24pm

I can see the marketing campaign now..."Less green. More blood. Carrie."

I've got an even worse marketing idea, Matt ...

"This Christmas, see the Green Girl AND the Red Girl!"


"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 12/1/09 at 11:24 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#266re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/30/09 at 11:52pm

But think of all the girls on Youtube who will have an entire new score to sing!

BwayTday Profile Photo
#267re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 12:33am

Jordan, there is always that!

So many thoughts, not sure where to start...

Well, about the teenage "fluff" first. I think they might be approaching it to lightly and campy. But not having seeing it just reading what I read on here. Teenagers DON'T just have these one notes. Sure, everyone is insecure and stuff but not obsessed with it. Some "bullies" do just make fun of people for the fun of it...For example, I was cast in the school play and on the poster. A bunch of people, most of whom I don't even know, make fun of the picture and taunt the play, could someone here tell me why? Because I have no idea why they do that... i see no reason.

Anyway, I often find that some people are going through horrible things such as a bad home life, etc.. So it really makes me thinks before I judge people who are mean or who do drugs, cause although there are exceptions, many have been hurt and that is a reason why they do that.

Where I am getting with this ramble, is that they do indeed need to give the characters depth, and a REASON for there actions. For example, does the book give a reason to why Chris is so terrible? There is, or should be, always a reason behind actions, especially bad. Like Carrie went and killed everyone because she felt mad, betrayed, and felt she would never be "in." Everyone want to be accepted, people just deal with it differently.

Like best12bars said, higher stakes always make better theatre. Another reason for character development and depth of story.

I also see absolutely no reason why it HAS to be's a drama, or atleast I think it should be dealt as such.

Oh and Michael, did you see the reading, I might have missed you saying that?
Updated On: 12/1/09 at 12:33 AM

myshikobit Profile Photo
#268re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 9:22am

Our "point" with Sweeney is that Sweeney is always Sweeney. It's never Legally Blonde. It's never Company. It is one. It sticks to the same medium in terms of tone, mood, music and script. It is funny, scary and compelling. AND it is always Sweeney.

We're saying that Carrie cannot try to be fun by splicing a piece of Legally Blonde; a large, bubbly high school show number in a small, dark chamber musical. We're not saying it should be Spring Awakening either- not emo kids.

It should be Carrie.

The book of Carrie never voiced the sentiments of large, bubbly, vapid ensemble numbers. The book's high schoolers were either confused and miserable or malicious and cold. Ensemble numbers with snippets of Carrie-style dialogue doesn't belong in Carrie. "Eve Was Weak" style songs of bitterness and judgement or laments of desperation like "I Remember" with snippets of ensemble numbers is Carrie. The dominant feature should ALWAYS convey the tone of the show. If I listen to the music and I think it could fit in Legally Blonde or BBB it is not Carrie and should not be in the show.

"There are only two worthwhile things to leave behind when we depart this world of ours: children and art." -Sunday In The Park With George

#269re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 10:09am

" Despite what Dantes says, I know they aren't going for camp..."

The writers have obvuiosly gone for elements of camp with the teen stuff, have you heard the lines they sing, those lines have not been written by somebody wanting to write a serious and powerful hard hitting gothic horror musical.

MB i know you have listened to the recording. People find the story of Carrie camp, the dialogue is camp. Look at some of the stuff on the reading that got the biggest laughs, it was not the teen stuff, it was lines between Carrie and Margret.

I think everyone who has not heard the new version is missing the point (which is understandable)

Yes the FOUR teen numbers and fun and light hearted (music wise) but the lyrics tell a very different story.

IN - Deals with teenagers hating themselves, their fears, being confused etc, its not a fluff piece it just happens to be abn uptempo number.

The World According To Chris - Should be cut as this one is to light yet the lyrics are pretty mean. I feel the whole number should be darker for this one, its a fun song though

Do Me A Favour - is the girls begging their boyfriends to help them, again its quite dark and has a mean streak to it (especially from Chris)

A Night We'll Never Forget - Is very uptempo and bouncy but the song is about kids shopping for prom ourtfits (with dark moments when Chris plots the revenge in the song)

This is what you guys are talking about when it comes to the uptempo numbers, only 1 could do with a rewrite.

The other new songs are a love duet for Tommy and Sue called 'You Shine' which works well and actually makes you want to root for these 2.

Why Can't I - Is a new song for Carrie that is far less Disney then Im Not Alone.
Tommy's Poem which is from the workshop
And a few other small bits

If this fun school element goes all together then you are left with a story that is not Carrie. Yes the teenagers should have issues themselves and 'In' lets us know that but this also has to look like a world that Carrie wants to be a part of.

"The dominant feature should ALWAYS convey the tone of the show. If I listen to the music and I think it could fit in Legally Blonde or BBB it is not Carrie and should not be in the show. "

All the songs in the show sound like they belong to the same show, but at the same time like the film, novel, musical its 2 tones which are set which should be seperate to establish the 2 worlds.

former sadm2 (wink)

myshikobit Profile Photo
#270re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 10:17am

I'm don't necessarily disagree... of course I'D LOVE A RECORDING!!!! but I don't know if I have any objections yet. I'm just watching... very cautiously. And advise everyone to do so too.

Carrie (musical) is my baby. I was obsessed with it in ninth grade and it was a stepping stone in becoming more entwined with theatre. I thought it was fascinating and brilliant and I scoured the internet to find recordings (which is how I came to join BWW). My other friends in my theatre dept. laughed at my unruly Carrie fixation, and said the show would never be revived and I was being stupid. I'm still bitter re: CARRIE Reading?. Now I finally have a chance to see my baby redeemed and I don't want it quenched by silly pop drivel for supposedly commercial audiences.

"There are only two worthwhile things to leave behind when we depart this world of ours: children and art." -Sunday In The Park With George

#271re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 10:30am

For those who want to knowe about the new version i have typed out the song list and a scene and song breakdown so they may be *spoilers* if you don't want to know about the show and the ending etc. I must say sorry for spelling etc, im dyslexic so it takes me a while to spot the problems haha.

Hope this helps

here is a rundown for you

Act 1
Our Father - Ensemble and Sue
'In' - Sue, Chris and male and female ensemble
Carrie - Carrie
Open Your Heart - Ensemble, Preacher, Margret and Carrie
Eve Was Weak - Margret and Carrie
The World According to Chris - Chris, Billy, Sue, Tommy and Ensemble
Evening Prayers - Margret and Carrie
Tommy's Poem - Tommy
Unsuspecting Hearts - Miss Gardner and Carrie
Do Me A Favour - Sue, Tommy, Chris. Billy, Ensemble
Invited - Margret, Carrie
I remember How Those Boys Could Dance - Margret, Carrie

A Night We'll Never Forget- Chris, Sue, Tommy, Billy, Carrie, Ensemb;e
You Shine - Sue and Tommy
Why Not Me - Carrie
Carrie Reprise - Margret and Carrie
When There’s No One - Margret
A Night We' Never Forget (Reprise)- Ensemble
Unsuspecting Hearts (Reprise) - Miss Gardner, Carrie
Tommy's Poem (Reprise)- Tommy, Carrie
I Believe in Getting Even/A Night We'll Never Forget (Reprise)- Chris, Billy, Ensemble
Alma Mater/ The Destruction - Carrie, Ensemble
Carrie (Reprise)- Margret, Carrie
Our Father (Reprise)- Ensemble

Here is a step by step look at the show (hope this helps satisfy your curiosities about the new Carrie)

The show starts with the Hymn Our Father at the same time we see Sue who starts the play off by talking about the events what happened in Carrie, its present day, we flashback to 1984

Song - IN - This is set at first in the girls bedrooms all over the stage as they get ready for school, it then moves to the school corridor where we meet the boys and then to the volleyball court where the girls and Carrie are playing Volleyball. The song is far better than it was, lyrics have been changed especially for the second verse which is now sung by the boys (who have some very funny lines), even though the reading is only done with a Piano and drums you can tell it’s got a better beat and kick to this song. The harmonies during it are brilliant and have some great back up from the boys which give it an almost spooky feel towards the end. The song ends with the girls throwing the ball to Carrie and she drops it and everyone laughs at her/gets annoyed etc. Miss Gardner moves them in to the showers and Carrie gets in the shower as the song 'In' continues (and gets huge) until its stopped by a scream.

Scene - Period Scene. The dreadful Dream On is gone and this now just plays as a scene. Similar to the original Miss Gardner finds her on the floor and slaps her and a light bulb explodes. The girls laugh at he and Miss Gardner goes to see the principal (same scene from the film) . Carrie is called in and he keeps calling her Cassie, we hear people shouting Scary White and the moment bursts in to

Song - Carrie - Just the same as the original but a tad shorter.

Scene - Basketball - Tommy and the boys are playing Basketball and talking about girls and their prom dates, Carrie walks by and they mock her but Tommy defends her

SONG - Open Your Heart - Like the original 84 workshop the song has gone back to what it was. Margaret is at home listening to a Christian channel on the radio, we hear the song playing through there with a preacher talking throughout, Carrie comes in and the 2 sing the rest of the song.

SCENE - Something terrible - Carrie tells her mum about what happened in the shower, it’s the same scene almost as the original

SONG - Eve Was Weak - Again the same as the original as Margaret tells Carrie she knows she has sinned and that’s why she has her period (the curse of blood) she locks Carrie in the cupboard., brilliant as always, just a few slight changes to lyrics.

SCENE - We were Kids - Sue talks to the audience and tells them that they were just kids trying to get along, quick scene with Tommy as well

SONG - The World According to Chris - This song replaces Don’t Waste The Moon and is now set at a burger bar. It’s a fun up-tempo song with some very fun lyrics. Chris tells the gang her feelings on things inc Carrie, all the teen leads (Sue Tommy, Chris and Billy) sing on this one as well as the fantastic sounding Ensemble. Very campy but it works well though could do with been a bit darker. Saying that its better than Don’t Waste The Moon.

SONG - Evening prayers - Same as the original, Carrie prays in her closet till mother lets her out, they sing this amazing song together. It ends with Carrie going up to bed and as she does she makes the candelabra rise in to the air using her power. Margret senses something’s happening and turns around, but before she sees Carrie has lowered it back down.

SCENE - English Class - The English teacher is telling the kids what a low standard their recent homework was, all but one, Tommy's Poem, he is asked to read it out in front of the class as the rest of the boys ()including Billy) find it hysterical, Tommy reluctantly gets up.

SONG - Tommy's Poem - Back in the show after been dropped from the 84 workshop Tommy sings his poem. At the end the rest of the class laugh but Carrie comments that she thinks it’s beautiful. After class Sue tries to say sorry to Carrie for what she did to her in the showers. Carrie thinks she’s been tricked again and reacts badly, Sue sings a brief song.

SCENE - Sorry - Miss Gardner makes the girls say sorry to Chris, this scene is a lot better than before as it goes back to the screenplay and novel, all the girls say sorry except Chris who insults her again. Chris has her prom ticket revoked and reacts badly. Miss Gardener pushes her. She warns everyone there all gonna be sorry.

SONG - Unsuspecting Hearts - Miss Gardner sees Carrie crying and talks to her to comfort her, Carrie says she has to let Chris go to the prom because it’s important to her, Miss Gardner tells her Carrie should go to, they sing the song together as before.

SCENE - Parent Teacher Conference- The Principal and miss Gardner are talking to Margret in his office about what happened to Carrie, things don’t go so well with Margaret preaching to them and insulting them....great scene very creepy

SONG - Dom Me A Favour - Great new staging. This starts off at Sues house with Tommy and Sue, Sue is asking Tommy for a Favour, to take Carrie to the prom instead of her as she thinks it will be a nice gesture and help Carrie fit in. On the other side of the stage we are at a garage where Billy is fixing up a car, Chris asks him to help her get revenge on Carrie since she can’t go to the prom anymore. Both guys agree to do what has been asked of them. The song sounds great and moves well. Its shorter than the original version and set in realistic locations other than the strange leather get up they all had from the original.

SCENE - The invitation - One of the biggest crimes of the original was how badly this scene happened (tagged on the end of the previous song) this time Tommy goes to Carrie's house to ask her. He’s charming to her, Carrie thinks it’s a trick but he puts her mind at ease, Carrie says yes.

SONG - Invited - Carrie and her mum at sat at opposite ends of the table eating. It’s the same scene from the film where Carrie tells her mum she has been invited to the prom; it ends with Margaret throwing her cup full of tea in Carries face and then moves in to

SONG - I Remember How Those Boys Could Dance - Very well done though could do with reverting back to the original as this one seems a tad too quick cutting many of the battle moments between Carrie and her Mother out. This song is pretty much all Margaret now. It’s still haunting as ever though. Margaret is telling the story of how Carrie's father broke her down, how she had sex 1 time and that was when Carrie was conceived. She tells her she knows what boys are like and they will just use her. An angry Carrie makes all the windows fly open, the rain starts pouring in. Margaret goes to shut them, Carrie traps her in the room with her powers, Margaret calls her a witch. It ends with Carrie singing 'Nothing you can say or do will ever stop me again'

End of act 1


SONG - A Night We'll Never Forget, This of course replaces Out For Blood though a verse from that song still remains which Chris sings. The song is all the teens including Carrie, it shows them all shopping for prom outfits, Carrie trying to buy make up, Chris and Billy going to the pig farm, Carrie making her dress etc. The song ends with Chris and Billy rigging up the blood above to podium. Again it’s a very teen sounding song but fits the moment great as its filled with teenage excitement

SCENE - What about us? - The girls at school are not happy that Tommy is taking Carrie to the prom and let her know. Sue and Tommy also talk and he reassures her that he loves her and that he’s doing this for her, it’s actually a very lovely moment.

SONG - You Shine - Replacing the 2 previous songs (white Star in the Stratford Production and It Hurts To Be Strong on Broadway) this new song is a love song between Tommy and Sue, a great new addition

SONG - Why Not Me? - This replaces I’m Not Alone. Carrie is in her room reading up about her power and discovers its telekinesis. She manages to move her hair brush with her power. She then sings the new song about how she wants what then other kids have, she asks Why Not Me, shes happy and excited, she’s sat on her bed singing, as she does her bed raises up off the floor

SONG AND SCENE - Carrie Reprise - Like the original Margaret goes in to Carries room and tries to talk her out of going, Carrie uses her power to pin Margaret to the wall as she continues to get ready. She pleads with her not to go but Carrie hears Tommy's voice outside calling and leaves, as she does Margaret tells her she should never have had her and never let her live, Carrie asks 'why did you?

SONG - When There’s No One - Margaret reads some verses from the bible and says she has to sacrifice Carrie and then sings the song about being alone once Carrie is gone, beautiful as always, the song also has a great build it in now.

SONG - A Night We'll Never Forget (reprise) The kids are at the prom getting their pics taken and dancing on the dance floor, Carrie enters and everyone is amazed at how great she looks, the kids seem to be nice to her and compliment her on her dress, Tommy is doing all he can to put her at ease. He asks her to dance but she says 'not yet' he goes to get her a drink

SONGS AND SCENES - Unsuspecting Hearts Reprise, Tommy’s Poem Reprise, I believe in Getting Even/A Night We'll Never Forget Reprise- Miss Gardener sits with Carrie and tells her about her prom experience Carrie seems happy. Tommy and Carrie vote for themselves as prom king and queen. Chris best friend Norma collects the ballots. Tommy gets Carrie to dance. Sue sneaks in to the prom and sees Norma doing something with the ballots (she’s switching the real ones for fake ones). Sue looks up and sees the bucket and tries to warn Miss Gardner. Miss Gardner thinks Sue is there to cause trouble and throws her out. Tommy and Carrie are named Prom King and Queen.

SONG - Alma Mater and the Destruction - The 2 take to the stage and get their applause but the moment is ruined when Chris screams 'now Billy now' and the bucket of blood is tipped over covering Carrie. Carrie starts to go in to frenzy as she sings the Destruction. The kids laugh at the prank (except a few and Tommy). Carrie locks all the doors to the gym with her powers, the gym bursts in to flames, she kills everyone at the prom. Carrie leaves through the carnage and goes home.

SCENE - Trail of Destruction - Sue and a few others step forward and tell how the siren from the steeple sounded through the town, the siren is reserved for emergencies. A trail of destruction was left throughout the town as Carrie walked home; we learn she killed over 170 people at the prom

SONG - Carrie Reprise - At home she cries out for her mum and Margaret comforts her, Carrie tells her that she was right, all the kids laughed at her. Margaret cradles her and sings to her before pulling out a knife and stabbing Carrie with it, Carrie tries to run away and Margret follows her. With her last bit of energy Carrie reaches her arms up towards the sky and a lightning bolt strikes Margaret throwing her back in to the alter she has at home. She’s dead. Sue comes in to Carries house and sees what has happened; she cradles Carrie until Carrie dies in her arms.

SONG - Our Father - Photos of kids taken at prom night show up on the back wall, one more photo appears, its Carrie in her prom dress.....she’s happy

End of show

former sadm2 (wink)

myshikobit Profile Photo
#272re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 10:48am

Nice, dantes! Of course I'd rather hear the recording, but I have a better feel for the show now. I'm really hoping they make "World" a biting attack from Chris with some raw anger in between snide/cute/whateverness, and then maybe a follow up song by Sue after Chris leaves? I don't know.

In reading about the reading, I feel three different textures-

+ old, brilliant music Carrie (which is broadening)

+ old, poorly written Carrie, (which is deceasing)

and then this odd little "fierce new Carrie", 2006 take on Carrie- it feels "new", but not necessarily good ("new" In, "new" World....)

.... I can't tell yet because I HAVEN'T HEARD IT YET (bitter), but hopefully the latter two textures will eventually lose to the overwhelming dominance of the first show re: CARRIE Reading?

"There are only two worthwhile things to leave behind when we depart this world of ours: children and art." -Sunday In The Park With George
Updated On: 12/1/09 at 10:48 AM

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#273re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 11:42am

We're saying that Carrie cannot try to be fun by splicing a piece of Legally Blonde; a large, bubbly high school show number in a small, dark chamber musical. We're not saying it should be Spring Awakening either- not emo kids.

It should be Carrie.

The book of Carrie never voiced the sentiments of large, bubbly, vapid ensemble numbers. The book's high schoolers were either confused and miserable or malicious and cold. Ensemble numbers with snippets of Carrie-style dialogue doesn't belong in Carrie. "Eve Was Weak" style songs of bitterness and judgement or laments of desperation like "I Remember" with snippets of ensemble numbers is Carrie. The dominant feature should ALWAYS convey the tone of the show. If I listen to the music and I think it could fit in Legally Blonde or BBB it is not Carrie and should not be in the show.

This is hitting the nail on the head. Despite the new songs and the script (almost verbatim the film script) that is now included, the problems that existed in tone from 1988 still exist.

And I actually don't think you could, even if you wanted to, try to appeal to the WICKED audience in your marketing of CARRIE. Its a musical that in the first ten minutes features a girl naked in a shower having her period and a bunch of naked girls throwing tampons at her...

That's no WIZARD AND I...

#274re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 12:01pm

Yet a large part of the original audience for Carrie in 88 in stratford were made up of teen and mid 20s theatre goers, i remember that because the papers here in the UK said that it was nice to see young people attending shows at the RSC.

I dont think people will be happy till every teen song is removed or made to sound like the songs of a darker tone, personally i think thats missing the point. I also think much of the rubbush from the 88 production has been removed or addresses but this is STILL 50 percent a teen show and must not only represnt that (which it does) but also appeal to that market (which it does). The lyrics however tell a different story. I like that the few teen songs are so bouncy yet the lyrics are so cold, i think that represnts teen life fine.

former sadm2 (wink)
