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CARRIE Reading?

#300re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 7:06pm

Wow. That's all I can say to this thread. I haven't posted in a few pages, so this is new for me to be posting. Regarding the new material and everything:

First off, I LOVE the new changes. LOVE THEM. I do miss Heaven (Octet) and I'm Not Alone, but I'll live. I especially love Carrie's bed lifting. That was really was one of the core things that the show was missing: EXPLAINING CARRIE'S POWERS. They spent way too much time trying to bring to life simple characters like Tommy, Sue, Chris and Billy then they did on trying to bring out Carrie's powers.

I hope they don't make that mistake. I hope they're working on making Carrie's powers really clear. As for the dark/light thing--it's been said once, it's been said many times: CARRIE IS NOT A HORROR STORY FOLKS. I think a lot of people forget that. It was Stephen King's first novel. That was Stephen King's first break-through of trying to create a dramatic story, but instead found that horror was really more suited.

But that's what's so BRILLIANT about the story. It's this cross combination between teenage bullhonkey (hehe. Like my censorship?) and this girl's horrible, horrible life. And the telekentic powers are symbolic of that. They are something that can be used for good, for bad, or really for nothing. So it's almost the connection between the dark and the light. You see what I mean? And they also reflect her happiness and her saddness and her anger. The telekensis is really just a raw extension of Carrie's emotions.

But of course, I think MB, and what other people are forgetting are: Since when has a musical not had at least ONE campy moment? When you think about it, (I know I'll be killed for this. I know, I know I will) but it's almost *note I say almost* like '13' but with the volume turned all the way up (ignoring the whole Bar Mitzfah and being the New Kid thing). And because it's partially dealing with really stupid teenage issues, it, by default makes it camp. The only time when it doesn't seem as campy, truthfully, is on page. No doubt about it. But even then: is it really THAT campy? I think the new 'In' sounds fantastic. Having it start off right smack in the middle of a volleyball game was a stupid/awful idea. The more we allow ourselves to see how human these kids are, that they're just trying to get by, that it's survival of the fittest, because, speaking AS a teenager here--that's how it is. I literally cried the other day for teachers b-rating me like crazy, which I'm sure a lot of you are smirking thinking, "Wow. Wait till he gets to college." Yeah. I know. I'm seventeen. Think I haven't heard it? But I'd say a majority of my problems don't come from teen angst/high school anxiety.

I also hope they are casting kids from around sixteen to twenty. That was a MAJOR fault with the old Carrie. How can we believe these kids on stage, if we know off the stage, they're well out of college and these problems are hardly relatable? And it shows. The acting feels more fake. That's why I was so worried about Digarmo... but hopefully she'll do me justice. Diamonio (...I'll never be able to spell that...) and Ranson are the perfect age, I think, so that way (hopefully) by the time it comes to Broadway they'll still be age-perfect.

I'm really glad they added nothing for Margaret. Although, if they had kept the Octet in, I would've loved to use the Stratford Version, with Margaret singing as well.

Also--what you guys forget, is I have DIRECTED Carrie on stage before. I have done it as a non-spoof drama. Granted, it wasn't public, but I still put all my sweat and blood (tee-hee) into it. I used a Narrations (the Narrator was a male, who in the end, was implied to be her father), and I used most of the interviewees (Sir Officer Otis Doyle, Estelle Horan. I also used Jackie Talbot's monologue but changed it to suit Tina Blake, both of whom came with Chris and Billy to kill the pigs), and 95% of the dialogue was from the book. The only thing I didn't include was Sue being an interviewee as well, because I wanted the story to flow like the book did: it was in the past, intertwined with current interviews regarding the subject. And it's good that's what they're doing. I made Norma a geek like they did in the 2002 film version as well. I'm going to put up our Prom Scene soon on the Tube.

I am sorry to say, but I think there are some things that just won't get the salvation it literally deserves. The fact that it is Carrie, as a musical, is just such a mind-boggling concept, and the fact that really it doesn't HAVE an audience, unless they are marketing it to teens, is only gonna hurt them more. And also, whoever made the Legally Blonde comment: In some sense or another, don't we, as fans, want it to be the next Legally Blonde? I as well was thought to be crazy for thinking Carrie could work, but I personally have made it work, and now Broadway is. Part of me is saying that they should just have hired new writers completely and just done a seperate version (a la the Wild Party. Although, that was purely coicidental, but I think you get my point: two ridiculously different versions). But to be honest, Carrie has been spoofed so many times, that a parody (a la Xanadu) would be redundant and wouldn't flow well. Parodies of Carrie have done just dandy Off-Broadway, but on Broadway, it would have to be completely stellar and original.

If Carrie was all dark, then it wouldn't be Carrie. The movie had some light stuff, so did the book. And plus, we can't make accurate assumptions really, because no one except Dantes and Faires has SEEN the reading, and plus, it's a reading. The VERY first stage. They'll continue work through the workshops, then the pre-Broadway previews, then pre-Broadway, then Broadway previews. We've still got at least four more rounds (depending if they want to do more readings or workshops). So let's just hang tight, and MB--you have to admit, for the MOST part, they're going in the right direction.

Off my pedestal now,

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM

#300re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 7:06pm

Wow. That's all I can say to this thread. I haven't posted in a few pages, so this is new for me to be posting. Regarding the new material and everything:

First off, I LOVE the new changes. LOVE THEM. I do miss Heaven (Octet) and I'm Not Alone, but I'll live. I especially love Carrie's bed lifting. That was really was one of the core things that the show was missing: EXPLAINING CARRIE'S POWERS. They spent way too much time trying to bring to life simple characters like Tommy, Sue, Chris and Billy then they did on trying to bring out Carrie's powers.

I hope they don't make that mistake. I hope they're working on making Carrie's powers really clear. As for the dark/light thing--it's been said once, it's been said many times: CARRIE IS NOT A HORROR STORY FOLKS. I think a lot of people forget that. It was Stephen King's first novel. That was Stephen King's first break-through of trying to create a dramatic story, but instead found that horror was really more suited.

But that's what's so BRILLIANT about the story. It's this cross combination between teenage bullhonkey (hehe. Like my censorship?) and this girl's horrible, horrible life. And the telekentic powers are symbolic of that. They are something that can be used for good, for bad, or really for nothing. So it's almost the connection between the dark and the light. You see what I mean? And they also reflect her happiness and her saddness and her anger. The telekensis is really just a raw extension of Carrie's emotions.

But of course, I think MB, and what other people are forgetting are: Since when has a musical not had at least ONE campy moment? When you think about it, (I know I'll be killed for this. I know, I know I will) but it's almost *note I say almost* like '13' but with the volume turned all the way up (ignoring the whole Bar Mitzfah and being the New Kid thing). And because it's partially dealing with really stupid teenage issues, it, by default makes it camp. The only time when it doesn't seem as campy, truthfully, is on page. No doubt about it. But even then: is it really THAT campy? I think the new 'In' sounds fantastic. Having it start off right smack in the middle of a volleyball game was a stupid/awful idea. The more we allow ourselves to see how human these kids are, that they're just trying to get by, that it's survival of the fittest, because, speaking AS a teenager here--that's how it is. I literally cried the other day for teachers b-rating me like crazy, which I'm sure a lot of you are smirking thinking, "Wow. Wait till he gets to college." Yeah. I know. I'm seventeen. Think I haven't heard it? But I'd say a majority of my problems don't come from teen angst/high school anxiety.

I also hope they are casting kids from around sixteen to twenty. That was a MAJOR fault with the old Carrie. How can we believe these kids on stage, if we know off the stage, they're well out of college and these problems are hardly relatable? And it shows. The acting feels more fake. That's why I was so worried about Digarmo... but hopefully she'll do me justice. Diamonio (...I'll never be able to spell that...) and Ranson are the perfect age, I think, so that way (hopefully) by the time it comes to Broadway they'll still be age-perfect.

I'm really glad they added nothing for Margaret. Although, if they had kept the Octet in, I would've loved to use the Stratford Version, with Margaret singing as well.

Also--what you guys forget, is I have DIRECTED Carrie on stage before. I have done it as a non-spoof drama. Granted, it wasn't public, but I still put all my sweat and blood (tee-hee) into it. I used a Narrations (the Narrator was a male, who in the end, was implied to be her father), and I used most of the interviewees (Sir Officer Otis Doyle, Estelle Horan. I also used Jackie Talbot's monologue but changed it to suit Tina Blake, both of whom came with Chris and Billy to kill the pigs), and 95% of the dialogue was from the book. The only thing I didn't include was Sue being an interviewee as well, because I wanted the story to flow like the book did: it was in the past, intertwined with current interviews regarding the subject. And it's good that's what they're doing. I made Norma a geek like they did in the 2002 film version as well. I'm going to put up our Prom Scene soon on the Tube.

I am sorry to say, but I think there are some things that just won't get the salvation it literally deserves. The fact that it is Carrie, as a musical, is just such a mind-boggling concept, and the fact that really it doesn't HAVE an audience, unless they are marketing it to teens, is only gonna hurt them more. And also, whoever made the Legally Blonde comment: In some sense or another, don't we, as fans, want it to be the next Legally Blonde? I as well was thought to be crazy for thinking Carrie could work, but I personally have made it work, and now Broadway is. Part of me is saying that they should just have hired new writers completely and just done a seperate version (a la the Wild Party. Although, that was purely coicidental, but I think you get my point: two ridiculously different versions). But to be honest, Carrie has been spoofed so many times, that a parody (a la Xanadu) would be redundant and wouldn't flow well. Parodies of Carrie have done just dandy Off-Broadway, but on Broadway, it would have to be completely stellar and original.

If Carrie was all dark, then it wouldn't be Carrie. The movie had some light stuff, so did the book. And plus, we can't make accurate assumptions really, because no one except Dantes and Faires has SEEN the reading, and plus, it's a reading. The VERY first stage. They'll continue work through the workshops, then the pre-Broadway previews, then pre-Broadway, then Broadway previews. We've still got at least four more rounds (depending if they want to do more readings or workshops). So let's just hang tight, and MB--you have to admit, for the MOST part, they're going in the right direction.

Off my pedestal now,

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM

Pgenre Profile Photo
#302re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 7:21pm


#303re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 7:25pm

No, just double. D: My bad...

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM

James885 Profile Photo
#304re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 7:40pm

A lot of good points have been made in this thread, and I really don't have much to add except that it seems that, from what I've gleaned from the reports in this thread, the creative team does seem for the most part to be headed on the right track.

I'm really excited hearing about all the new songs and scenes that have been written. I really love the idea of using the Our Father as the prologue and epilogue of the show. It's good that the book seems to have been strengthened, with more character development, and that Carrie's powers are more established. I'm glad that Margret and Carrie's songs are intact.

I agree with romgitsean that the campiness shouldn't be completely eliminated. Like he pointed out, even the movie had a few moments of humor (like the tuxedo scene with Tommy and the guys) and so the musical should have moments of comic relief. The challenge for the director and the creative team will be finding the right balance between the teenage world, and the world of Carrie and her mother, not letting the camp take over and overshadow the darker elements, and finally pulling those two elements together.

And like romgitsean said, this was just a reading and there will most certainly be changes made before and after the workshop and between the workshop and the time previews start. But I do hope this actually happens. I know I haven't been a Carrie fan for as long as some people here (just discovered it a few years ago), but I'd love to see the show have another go and be done RIGHT.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible
Updated On: 12/1/09 at 07:40 PM

BwayTday Profile Photo
#305re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 8:34pm

This thread has many good points, but for some reason the thread upsets me.

I just don't understand what a few of you want from this, honestly would you like it to be a two person show with Carrie and her mom? Then there would be NO kid scenes, yay! These scenes with these teenagers are absolutely needed. I mean having them all be dark and menecing is to much of a bad extreme. The should be light to an extent. And the musical should have 2 basically different tones, every musical has different emotional tones. Honestly, is a kid's school life and home life the same experience, by no means.

A lot of you guys are also saying the Sweeny Todd set the mood right from the start that it was scary. I saw Sweeny Todd and I really didn't think it was that scary(bad production proably). Also, I DO NOT think Carrie should be scary. Intense? Sure, but scary, no.

Ugh so many thoughts and I can not get them out...

Oh and also it makes me happy that there was the new concept for "In" because I always thought that it should start out in school and move to the gym, it is like they are using my ideas! re: CARRIE Reading?

#306re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 8:40pm

BWayTdy, I agree with you 200% :]

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM

myshikobit Profile Photo
#307re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 9:00pm

Haha, I get way too into things. Sorry for upsetting anyone with radical fear- this is where I play the "teenagers like me aren't even supposed to be insightful- don't hate me!" card re: CARRIE Reading?. I do think it has a chance of succeeding, and I definitely didn't mean cut teenagers or happiness entirely. Just... you know... I can't wait to actually hear it!

I LOVE the idea of counterpointing the two world's melodies! That ties it all together and almost eliminates my worries. I can't waaaaaiiiitttt! Hahahah.

And yes, Dantes and MB are gods re: CARRIE Reading? Hopefully I'm a G.I.T. (God in Training)

"There are only two worthwhile things to leave behind when we depart this world of ours: children and art." -Sunday In The Park With George

BwayTday Profile Photo
#308re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 9:05pm

^^^ I like that card, I will use it often. :)

I also adore the idea of the two melodies, it is a great idea. I think one problem is that the two music styles are too different, this could change it. Of course, I haven't heard it either so I wouldn't know about the new score.
Updated On: 12/1/09 at 09:05 PM

#309re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/1/09 at 9:24pm

What i did like is during the new act 2 opener (A Night We'll Never Forget) that in between the girls and guys getting their prom outfits etc we see Carrie at the store trying to buy make up, for them few moments she walks in to their world and lives it. We later in the song see Carrie at home making her prom dress, she is doing what all other girls do, get their perfect dress for the prom, at that moment she is a high school teenager.

Its similar to when Margret goes to the school to meet with the principal and Miss Gardner, she is a mother there about her child

former sadm2 (wink)
Updated On: 12/1/09 at 09:24 PM

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#310re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/2/09 at 2:18am

of course if someone would like to PM me, that would be fine.....

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

#311re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/2/09 at 10:21am

Do we know if anything has come from this reading yet? is this gonna head back to NY

I think the producers would be idiots not to

former sadm2 (wink)

Famebroadway2 Profile Photo
#312re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/2/09 at 10:40am

You guys are 2 much. No one can tell at this moment if the show is going to Flop or succeed. We have no idea who and/or what will embrace it when it opens.. And I was at the reading.

One thing i would like to address...

In Do me a Favor.
How does Chris already know that Sue is going to ask Tommy to take Carrie to the Prom? Why the need to ask Billy for a Favor to get Blood to dump on Carrie if she doesn't even know about Sue's plan?

Also how do all the kids already know in the Act 2 opening that Tommy is Taking Carrie to the prom and are speculating what Chris is gonna do?

There seems to be a Gap in the story where people are informed about the decision to take Carrie to the prom.

Just an observation

R ;o)

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#313re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/2/09 at 12:06pm

I'm just curious about those that think that CARRIE isn't supposed to be a horror story or that it isn't supposed to be scary....

What then is the justification for doing it? If its just supposed to be a dramatic story of a girl ridiculed by her school mates and terrorized by her mother - why don't they just adapt a Judy Blume novel? They would probably save about 10 million dollars on special effects...

Regardless of what Stephen King may say about his intentions in writing CARRIE, regardless of how the novel or film may have aged, there is no escaping the fact that his name now is synonymous with the horror genre. The mere fact that this is STEPHEN KING'S CARRIE is going to set audience expectations for a horror story. The book was marketed as such, as was the movie, as was the original 1988 production based on the commercial for it.

And to suddenly try to doup an audience expecting this - buying tickets based on this assumption and telling them instead that no this is actually a sentimental drama would just be an epic disaster.

Of course there is room for comedy and even moments of camp in horror, but to say this is not a horror story or shouldn't attempt to frighten the audience would be to completely misjudge the entire appeal of this writer's legacy (and why most in the general audience would even consider buying a ticket to it).

Updated On: 12/2/09 at 12:06 PM

#314re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/2/09 at 1:10pm

Horror has always been a strange genre (i actually studied the Horror and Thriller Genre in college as part of my performance and media course years ago, thats where we heard that King himself said he did not class Carrie as a horror)

I think its easy to throw the horror label on Carrie, lost of people die at the end and the movie added in a big scare, but in relaity if you watch the movie version of Carrie 90 percent of the movie plays as a drama with the final revenge been the only moment in the movie that could move it in to the horror genre.

People call Scream a horror movie (its a thriller) Halloween a Horror (its a thriller) Pyscho a horror (its a suspense) etc but its very easy to label them all Horror films.

The same is true with Carrie. People who know of Carrie what go to see the show will know what they are in for, people who have only heard bits and bobs about Carrie will know about the prom scene (which they will get) but the fact is that most of the material is not based around Horror its based around a drama. The powers in Carrie symbolise her body changing, her growing up etc. The original musical was not advertised with gushings of blood, a pigs head etc it had a very simple beautiful logo.

On the thing of Do Me A Favour
The original musical also suffered the same thing that Chris seemed to know Carrie would accept the invite to the prom before she actually had. I could not tell on the new one if that was still the case as it was hard to hear the lyrics. What i did hear was the Chris wanted to get revenge on Carrie but did not say how at that point (unlike the original where she screamed out she wanted pigs blood for a pig).

Also at the top of act 2 when the girls know i simply thought a day or so had passed and the gossip was out, Tommmy probably told his mates he was taking Carrie

former sadm2 (wink)

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#315re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/2/09 at 1:24pm

Well most novels and movies are a lot more complicated than a genre label - but the fact remains, CARRIE in the public perception belongs to the horror genre.

You could make a case that ROSEMARY'S BABY, THE EXORCIST and countless others aren't really horror stories either.

It doesn't matter - from a marketing standpoint - they are culturally perceived as horror. So is CARRIE.

Audiences buying tickets would be buying them expecting a horror story and would be disappointed if the show didn't on some level appeal to that expectation.

#316re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/2/09 at 1:50pm

Films like the exorcist are based around a horrific event, the girl is possesed by the pure evil who's main objective is to destroy, it all throws up horrific and graphic images of horror throught the film

former sadm2 (wink)

#317re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/2/09 at 7:05pm

From the horse's mouth - it's not a horror story. And I think although it has a big horror scene, the ones whove scene it would probably agree with me.

And I'm guessing about 50% of the audience that will see it WILL have seen the movie. And before you interject MB--yes, plenty of people my age have seen the movie and I'm seventeen.

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM

Revolutionary Profile Photo
#318re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/2/09 at 7:49pm

question: who were matt doyle, john arthur greene and ben eakeley in the reading?

#319re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/2/09 at 10:15pm

I thought I heard Doyle was Tommy...?

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM

BwayTday Profile Photo
#320re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/2/09 at 10:32pm

MB, I am not saying that we should deny the audience a frightening ending, but just saying that the majority of the story plays as a drama. Is there any way to make any other element of the show scary? I don't know. I just do not think Carrie is a overall horror. Just an opinion.

whatacharacter Profile Photo
#321re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/3/09 at 11:21am

I find it very hard to believe that no recordings have leaked out yet?!?!?! Very sad. boo hoo hoo. I have tears...real tears.

MusicSnob1 Profile Photo
#322re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/3/09 at 11:25am

"Very sad. boo hoo hoo. I have tears...real tears."

Something new and exciting needs to happen in your life, ASAP. It's just a reading.

When I think about you, I touch myself.

whatacharacter Profile Photo
#323re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/3/09 at 11:50am

your name is very fitting...get a sense of humor

#324re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 12/3/09 at 3:16pm

Pay no attention

former sadm2 (wink)
