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CARRIE Reading?

#125re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 10:57pm

recording, recording, recording
i so want to hear this

former sadm2 (wink)

TheaterBoy7777 Profile Photo
#126re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/24/09 at 12:48am

Pretty sure my question got lost in the cat fight.FameBroadway2 or Fairies, was there any songs from the original workshop or cut songs from the Stratford production in this reading or was all the new material, new new lol? I'm sure you'll get a million questions from us until the audios leaked but I am thankful for your detailed reviews and thoughts.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#127re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/24/09 at 12:54am

I'm pretty sure that Carrie sang a version of the prayer FameBroadway is describing at the beginning of the show during the original workshop.

#128re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/24/09 at 9:13am

"Music snob-I consider it a classic in that it represents the finest in its genre. One definition of the word classic is just that. However, I don't consider it to be mainstream. That film, like its genre, is esoteric."

I dunno, horror is fairly mainstream especially among teenagers and young adults--particularly King style horror. The way some people talk it sounds like the movie is a cult classic--it definitely is more than that:

Carrie initially had a limited release on November 3, 1976, opening in 409 theaters. After receiving a broader theatrical release, it grossed $5 million, and was one of the five top grossing films for the following two weeks. Its domestic gross was $33,800,000, more than 18 times its budget, which in today's money, is equivalent to $135 million.

myshikobit Profile Photo
#129re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/24/09 at 9:53am

However catty this thread became, it was consistently entertaining to read. Thanks re: CARRIE Reading?

I think that just in how the beginning was modified (6 part harmony prayer with narrative) shows that the show is on the right track. The problem with original Carrie is that it was two different shows; a beautiful and haunting story about the temptestuous and suffocating relationship between a mother and daughter.... and a (faux)story of poorly written high schoolers in garish costumes who enjoy killing pigs.

It once seemed that it was impossible to fit the high schoolers into the same story and lens as Margaret and Carrie, but I have faith that they can do it. Having a song for each of the character's motives and feelings instead of doing bulky, characterless ensemble numbers is also a great step.

I think the original book and movie are brilliant and the musical can be brilliant because all of the characters are so alone- afraid and misunderstood, just like Carrie. So is Margaret, so is Sue, and even Chris.

The tragedy is none of them can connect to the world and people around them, and everytime it feels like everyone will connect everything goes up in flame (pun intended). That is why it is a tragedy and that is why the high schoolers can fit into the same story as Carrie and Margaret. It is why the audience can relate and live through the story of Carrie.

I can't wait to hear it (if anyone has or knows where a recording of the reading is, PM me! I'd love you forever!!!!)

"There are only two worthwhile things to leave behind when we depart this world of ours: children and art." -Sunday In The Park With George
Updated On: 11/24/09 at 09:53 AM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#131re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/24/09 at 3:44pm

"I dunno, horror is fairly mainstream especially among teenagers and young adults--"

Since the topic is Carrie on stage, I maintain it is not mainstream.

I think when you're trying to produce a hit show, you want to appeal to the largest audience possible. Not just teenagers and young adults. They especially don't make up the large part of the tourist trade, and that's what keeps a show going.

I believe that a horror musical is not going to attract the largest audience possible. However, I'll be there with bells on!


Pgenre Profile Photo
#132re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/24/09 at 4:02pm

"I believe that a horror musical is not going to attract the largest audience possible. However, I'll be there with bells on!"

Well, of the two biggest hits on Broadway, one deals with a deformed outcast who haunts a Parisian opera house and the other deals with witchcraft and concerns itself with three witches and animal-humans amongst other paranormal activity. (POTO and WICKED). Both are ostensibly horror musicals by definition. Just sayin'.

But, in general, you are right. These are the exception not the rule. DOTV, the greatest horror musical since CARRIE, is, indeed, the biggest flop in Bway history (so far!).



Jane2 Profile Photo
#133re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/24/09 at 4:12pm

Yes, POTO could be considered in the genre of horror, but is there really anything "horrible' on stage? The phantom isn't even scary looking.

I could be wrong, but I think that when the general public hears "Carrie" they think of all the blood, fire and destruction. Sounds good to me, but we're talking about people in general. You should hear how many people are afraid they're going to see blood or something gruesome on stage!

Wicked? I had no idea that was considered horror.

DOTV - I was one of the four people who liked it! I didn't consider it horror (yes, I know-the rest of the world considered it a horror!) re: CARRIE Reading?


#134re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/24/09 at 5:07pm

*Hangs head in shame*

I also liked DOTV, it was the campest thing i had seen in years

former sadm2 (wink)

Jane2 Profile Photo
#135re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/24/09 at 5:16pm

Awww, re: CARRIE Reading?

Don't be ashamed of what you like.


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#136re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/24/09 at 5:35pm

I loved Tanz der Vampire which is probably why I hated Dance of the Vampires. Like Carrie, Dance of the Vampires deserves another shot, but only in its originally intended version. The original just needs to beef up the choreography and clarify the castle destruction and it's pretty much ready to go.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

TheaterBoy7777 Profile Photo
#137re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/24/09 at 7:53pm

The only way DOTV will work is if Michael Crawford directs and stars in it..otherwise forget it. I thought he might also work in Carrie and change the role of Margret to Manny White Im sure he would be great. He did such a good job the first time around with DOTV maybe they can put Total Eclipse as the prom number in Carrie? In all seriousness I wouldn't mind a second look at DOTV. As long as I get my Carrie and Side Show revivals first.

#138re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/25/09 at 12:18am

As I said... I am not super familiar with the previous versions of Carrie. I do know that most of the Bway score was in tact for the current readings.

Also - as far as comparing this to Phantom or Miss Saigon or any other recent-ish Bway shows with a gruesome outcome - they were all highly romanticized and epic love stories with very deep literary roots. Not to defame King's novel. But, Carrie is an odd, contemporary, supernatural fable with a naturalistic and contemporary high school setting.

There hasn't been a true "horror" musical to compare it to. Given the very typical Bway styling of this - as - in my opinion - the first Bway horror musical - I'm afraid it just isn't cool enough.

It could become so. With more work. But for now - it's a typical 80's-90's musical with horror elements - and not the most inventive version of it all.
Updated On: 11/25/09 at 12:18 AM

#139re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/25/09 at 9:02am

For me the Horror aspect of the story took a back seat to what the story actaully is. At the end of the day this is a story about bullying, not just in school but home, feelings of isolation and desperation.

I have to say im shocked a recording has not leaked yet of this workshop, i thought people would have had this out 14 seconds after the show finished haha

former sadm2 (wink)

#140re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/25/09 at 1:27pm question still hasn't been answered. Can anyone give me any details on the new songs? This question has only been partially answered when the question was answered about adding in old workshop songs (personally, it would've been wise of them to add in Tommy's Poem--what a beautiful song), but my question is: Can anyone give me details on the new songs?

Carrie in a film sense is slightly mainstream. But the thing with Carrie is it's half melo-drama and half-horror movie. When you think about it, the ladder half of the film is the only horror element. And I would agree that the musical did not have a continous flow at all with Carrie and her mom being very operatic and her peers being very pop and campy. But I think they cut all the songs that could pertain to the campiness (except I'm Not Alone and Heaven Octect. What the french toast were they thinking!?) so, it looks like we're good.

One thing--out of many things, that's important about the revival is how they portray Carrie's powers. I think they should almost have dancer's portraying her powers. But not in a campy fashion, like in all black, maybe? I don't know. Just a thought. All I know is that her powers were not made nearly clear enough.

The reason recordings haven't leaked yet, and might not, is these people are equity, and I bet there was some sort of security check, because they must've known it was high risk.

I personally hope audiences will like it. It's just such a non-conventional story to musicalize that I think audiences will still be taken aback. But with the right revisions (which it looks like they've made) and the right execution, it could be great. Carrie does touch audiences in the sense that they can relate to the typical girl-gets-bullied situation, and you feel sympathy for her, because you either were, or knew, that girl in high school. And there was nothing you did/could do about it.

Wasn't DOTV intentionally campy? I thought it was supposed to be a spoof...? In my opinion, Lestat (PRE-BROADWAY. STRICTLY PRE-BROADWAY) was amazing.

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM

#141re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/25/09 at 1:52pm

We know a few people managed to record it so its just waiting for those good people to be able to get it out there

I have to say i thought I'm Not Alone was very campy, the whole song and the lyrics were so cutesy, dancing hair brushes and dress, lyrics like "was it his voice, was it his smile, i havent felt so wonderful in quite awhile" it was all so far removed from the story it made it feel like Carrie went disney, i was half expecting birds to fly down and start singing to her.

I liked the reprise of Heaven with the full company but as far as Tommy's solo goes it was very weak.

DOTV was supposed to be campy, the problem was that it ruined the original which is what many people would have been hoping they were about to see

former sadm2 (wink)

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#142re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/25/09 at 2:54pm

The real question of course is - if this comes back to Broadway, will Carrie rise, during the destruction, on a cherry picker?

#143re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/25/09 at 3:04pm

hahahahahahahahahaha i can see it now

former sadm2 (wink)

#144re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/25/09 at 3:09pm

I hope not. I think given the technology we have almost thirty years later, we can do quite a bit better xD

And the thing with "I'm not Alone" is that while yes, it is campy, it makes us as the audience feel excited and hopeful for Carrie and we're rooting for her that it makes her downfall at the prom that much more powerful. "Heaven" was weak as a solo, I will admit. But I found the "Unsuspecting Hearts (Reprise)" to be weaker and not move the show on at all.

By the way, I've been meaning to ask--was there a Prinicpal character? Philip Hoffman is listed as being involved and he's way beyond the age range to play a teenager. This is something I had hoped they would do--the show felt like it had quite a missing link without a clear male adult lead. If you ask me, in comparison, Tommy and Billy are secondary to Chris and Sue.

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM

Famebroadway2 Profile Photo
#145re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/25/09 at 3:09pm

For whoever asked.

They DID put in Tommys poem in. I dont know if the same from the original workshop (its been way to long since i listended to that recording). Its also reprised at the prom instead of heaven.

and God i hope they dont use a cherry picker.. I think Wicked is god awful! This bitch needs to fly on a wire for the destruction! lol

#146re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/25/09 at 3:16pm

hahaha the wire idea would be awesome whilst she shooting flames out of her fingers hahaha

former sadm2 (wink)

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#147re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/25/09 at 3:17pm

Love it, MichaelBennett!

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#148re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/25/09 at 3:22pm

THEY PUT IT BACK IN?! re: CARRIE Reading?D That makes me happy.

What about the principal character? FameBroadway, you should create an all-new Carrie the Musical Workshop Q&A thread xD

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM

Famebroadway2 Profile Photo
#149re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/25/09 at 3:24pm

Yes he was the Principal and a few various older characers. There are a few principal, and gym teacher scenes. Also a VERY GOOD, funny, scene with the princital, Gym Teacher, and margret.

#150re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/25/09 at 3:28pm

Oh Jesus >.< I could only imagine that would be humorous.

Sorry I'm hounding you for questions, but I am a Carrie NUT after directing it as a drama and having seen both films 943495994 times, read the book (backwards and forwards) and seeing every Carrie the Musical bit possible.

But I have to ask: from the reading, was it implied they will lift it to Broadway/Off-Broadway/Encores(?) or is it too early to tell??

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM
