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CARRIE Reading?

Here I Am Profile Photo
Here I Am
#100re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 2:16am

NOBODY is insignificant best12bars... and I won't stand for people saying that. My life is not insignificant. I'm sorry if you think yours is. How bitter are you? I feel bad for people who think like you.

And just to add a general opinion to this board, I just turned 25 recently and I have been watching the film 'Carrie' for yearrs. In fact, I just bought the DVD (which, for some reason I never owned) and re-watched it on Halloween. And I'm talking about the SISSY SPACEK one... the re-make should never be mentioned again. lol.

binau Profile Photo
#101re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 2:29am

Here I Am if you died 99.99999% of the world wouldn't care. Hence, your life is insignificant.

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

Here I Am Profile Photo
Here I Am
#102re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 2:31am

Nice. Wow, I love this board. Updated On: 11/23/09 at 02:31 AM

#103re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 2:32am


That's your qualifying factor?

I seriously hope you're joking, because otherwise, that's just sad.

On topic? Thanks Pgenre, for the link.

eta: I don't think best 12 meant it the way you thought he did, and the q-poster you're responding to is 18 and in Australia, so don't take that too seriously, either. Now massofmen I'm ready to take on, because she's just spouting her usual nonsense, but I'll wait until she comes up with something better to battle.
Updated On: 11/23/09 at 02:32 AM

Here I Am Profile Photo
Here I Am
#104re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 2:36am

Who are you talking to ghostlight?

#105re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 2:41am

The q person.

though the eta portion was directed at you, hereiam Updated On: 11/23/09 at 02:41 AM

Here I Am Profile Photo
Here I Am
#106re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 2:45am

Oh, okay.

binau Profile Photo
#107re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 3:04am


That's your qualifying factor?

I seriously hope you're joking, because otherwise, that's just sad".

It was obviously meant to be ridiculous, but it aligns with the kind of thing Best12Bars was talking about. In the "grand scheme of things" we ARE insignificant (he could have also meant in terms of the 'universe as a whole'), in which we are obviously insignificant. The earth could collapse/6 billion people would die, and in terms of the universe and its size it wouldn't be that significant. Consider: Humans wouldn't consider killing a colony of bacteria on a rotten apple significant.

We do feel significant within certain circles (e.g. families or popular culture if we happen to be an icon) and other things relatively close to us/our size etc.., but in the 'grand scheme of things' (i.e. humanity as a whole, or the 'universe') we aren't significant at all.

I don't even know why I felt I have to explain this, it isn't an uncontroversial opinion, as far as I know.

But of course, since I'm "18 from Australia" (honestly why do you need to clarify "from Australia"? Is an 18 year old from Australia somehow more ridiculous than an 18 year old from the US of A? Please.), it can only be concluded I was insulting "Here I am" and saying no one cares about him/her, of course.

Now if you would excuse me I'm going to watch New Moon for the 5th time and listen to my Wicked Soundtrack on repeat.

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000
Updated On: 11/23/09 at 03:04 AM

Here I Am Profile Photo
Here I Am
#108re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 3:09am

It's fine and unfortunately it is a popular opinion, and probably true. But people should try not to think this way. When you are gone you are going to affect people in a very profound way. Maybe not millions of people, but if you affect even one person in a deep way I feel that there is something to that. Otherwise what's the point of all this? I dunno, maybe it's just me being positive. lol.

#109re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 3:37am

"Here I Am if you died 99.99999% of the world wouldn't care. Hence, your life is insignificant".

This is a hugely faulty syllogism, not to mention you left out the middle part of the equation. I would be willing to bet everything I own Best 12 was not thinking of the universe as a whole when he made his statement, which I still believe Here I Am misinterpreted.

"But of course, since I'm "18 from Australia" (honestly why do you need to clarify "from Australia"? Is an 18 year old from Australia somehow more ridiculous than an 18 year old from the US of A?"

Depends on where in the US of A (nobody ever says that, btw - it's just the US) the 18 year olds are from, and the 18 year old in question. 18 year olds are ridiculous (your word, not mine) in general. God knows I was. The "in Australia" part may have been unwarranted, but Australia, as a whole, is not known for its culture, other than its aboriginal one.

"it can only be concluded I was insulting "Here I am" and saying no one cares about him/her, of course".

When you mean to jest online, it's a good idea to use an emoticon. Otherwise I honestly don't know too many other ways to interpret:

"Here I Am if you died 99.99999% of the world wouldn't care. Hence, your life is insignificant".

Enjoy your evening.

Back on topic - we've heard about the songs. Does anyone know anything about the choreography in the show yet?

binau Profile Photo
#110re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 3:52am

"This is a hugely faulty syllogism, not to mention you left out the middle part of the equation."

Hehe It was not intended to be anyway intelligent, but
1. If a person dies then it is insignificant
1.1 If 99.99% of the world doesn't care then it isn't insignificant
1.2 If a Person dies 99.99% of the world doesn't care
2. You are a person
C: You are insignificant

(Premise 1 and C Valid by 1.1, 1.1 and 1,2 Modus ponens)

But obviously 1.1 and 1.2 are controversial.

It's so cringeworthy for me to continue this actually, It probably comes off that I'm an 18 year old who thinks-they-know-all when I recognise I don't at all (or maybe it's even more cringeworthy to think that I may think posting this may make me come across as pretentious and arrogant). So I think I'll just take use of an emoticon tip and leave the poor deceased horse alone :P.

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000
Updated On: 11/23/09 at 03:52 AM

#111re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 7:19am

...I missed something. Back on topic...

Could someone tell me about the new songs? I' am really curious.

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM

#112re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 8:02am

yeah good god people, give it a rest, lets not have this thread become one of 'those' threads

This is a big deal for a lot of people (hell it even made the UK News) that this show looks set to becoming back, can we keep the thread about that. It's not like this happens everyday.

former sadm2 (wink)

#113re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 12:16pm

it's a big deal to "theater" people. Hell i bet if someone did a "glory days" revival in 10 years theater people would go NUTS!
all going to starbucks around the country asking "did you see it? did you? Oh I did and it was awful and it closed so quickly but with some minor changes it could be the new "wicked" (or whatever is hot in 10 years).

Regular people, you know the ones who actually BUY all the tix because most theater people cannot even afford a broadway tix now, are the ones that have to keep the show running. which is why sweeney never made a dime or night music, or any sondheim show. Because its brilliant and interesting and deep and moving and many of your senses are being used especially your brain.

Carrie is a great show. It delves into the dark places of a human psyche of how destructive words and hate and feeling different can make someone (columbine) and to what levels of inner power can be unleashed when pushed to the breaking point.

The sad thing is the people who watch Wendy Williams every day, and gossip girl, and the hills DON"T CARE.

Urinetown is one of (if not the best) original musical in the past 10 years. Move over ave q it was urinetown in my opinion. It barely recouped in nyc and died on the road. The average american doesn't want to think when they go to the theater they want to be entertained! (mamma mia, jersey boys, PHANTOM, Wicked, even ROA yes people get over it it will be here for a long long time). Spectacle and no thought. Leave your brain at home. Welcome to the age of stagnant thought in mainstream theater.

This is why carrie will never work. Oh and you cannot have a girl's mother stab her then the girl with her dying wish impale the mother on a cross at the end of a musical on broadway wand have it run for more than 6 months. That too.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#114re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 1:04pm

You think Carrie is mainstream media?

It is.

I'm with massofmen. You're a fool if you think the majority of 25 and younger's have even *heard* about the "Carrie" story.

Well, that's because you're Too Darn Hot.

CARRIE is now a piece of "classic art" *and* it's "mainstream" ?!?!?

Yes. It has been for some time.

This thread deteriorated into a vast universe of the insignificantly stupid remarks. Realistically, the majority of under-25s will probably know who and what Carrie is, at the very least, in terms of the Sissy Spacek film, but probably not as many as in younger generations. That's just a natural progression of society, but as previously mentioned, the more society progresses, the more technology progresses and the classics of our culture become more readily available to younger generations than those who lived more closely to the original material.

At any rate, I do think there is something to the idea of "pride in ignorance", though it is not so relatively new. The rather cliched joke of the young teen who doesn't get the reference of the middle-aged adult has been popularized for about 20 years in film and television and I wouldn't be at all surprised if the attitude in reality has increased as selfish entitlement seems to be multiplying with each passing year, especially in tweens and teens. I don't think it's reached the extremes of what's been mentioned in this thread, but I think the increase is noticeable enough for people of quite varying ages to have noticed and discussed amongst these boards for a few years now.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 11/23/09 at 01:04 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#115re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 1:25pm

Hell i bet if someone did a "glory days" revival in 10 years theater people would go NUTS!

Then it sounds like you really aren't in touch with the general reaction of Glory Days. It doesn't have the immediate cult following Carrie did or even much positive reaction to anything that may have been salvageable. Nor was its rapid closing very surprising or scandalous. Now, had you compared In My Life, there could be an arguable comparison as many admitted the entertainment value found in such a bizarre musical.

Welcome to the age of stagnant thought in mainstream theater.

What do you mean "welcome"? Are you totally unaware of the history of Broadway? Not to mention the other shows you failed to mention that have turned a profit and/or been hailed as critical and artistic successes?

which is why sweeney never made a dime or night music, or any sondheim show. it all makes sense. I think you might want to research the hits and flops of Sondheim.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#116re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 1:44pm

"it's a big deal to "theater" people. Hell i bet if someone did a "glory days" revival in 10 years theater people would go NUTS! "

The 2 shows are so far removed its not even a comparison, one became apart of theatre history from its previews to today, the other was history is a few days. People i know here in the UK know about Carrie the Musical, hell the recent workshop made the UK Press.
Also the fact that many may not know the history of this show means nothing, when many new shows open on Broadwasy they have no history, thatâ??s how theatre works. The show is coming back because the show itself made an impact, it was a show that could have worked; now it get the chance to be done as its initial 84 workshop for example intended.

Urinetown was not based on an Oscar Nominated film which is still regarded as one of the greatest Horror films of all time (again recently a TV countdown as voted for by the public of the best horror films of all time placed Carrie inside the top 10)

The show is also not aimed at teens and teenâ??s donâ??t keep broadway alive, this show is more aimed at audience members in their 20s, 30s or 40s, it will be aimed at the gay audience (Carrie is gay fave) and people wanting something a bit new and different.

Many people thought In The Heights would fail because it was based around Rap, and what theatre person could actually like Rap!, well they did and it worked (i could list so many examples)
"Urinetown is one of (if not the best) original musical in the past 10 years. Move over ave q it was urinetown in my opinion. It barely recouped in nyc and died on the road. The average american doesn't want to think when they go to the theater they want to be entertained! (mamma mia, jersey boys, PHANTOM, Wicked, even ROA yes people get over it it will be here for a long long time). Spectacle and no thought. Leave your brain at home. Welcome to the age of stagnant thought in mainstream theater.

This is why carrie will never work. Oh and you cannot have a girl's mother stab her then the girl with her dying wish impale the mother on a cross at the end of a musical on broadway wand have it run for more than 6 months. That too. "

You have just contradicted yourself
Carrie is not a show in which you have to think, the story is simple, the effects will be fun (making it a spectacle like the original) and itâ??s a thrill ride, good fun, camp and pulp entertainment, itâ??s got more in common with a show like Phantom than it does any of the shows you have to 'think' in.

As for the whole mother daughter stabbing rubbish you are going on about, why are you speaking for people, this is something which has worked as a Novel and a Movie, audiences going to theatre are not from a different planet, they watch movies and they will have seen much worse. Miss Saigon has no happy ending, we see the young guys of Les Mis shot down and hanging from the barricades
Plus look at Opera, Opera always contains death and tragedy and they seem to work.

You are forgetting that Carrie did not flop last time because of the source material, it flopped because it was a bad production of a good show screaming to get out. Also remember in Stratford when it opened it was one of the fastest selling shows the RSC ever had and sold out.

Don't speak for an audience, they sat through talking trains, a woman with Mental Illness, talking and dancing cats, A show about drag queens, one about Aids, underage sex and so on and so on.

Maybe you would be happier if all shows were bouncy and light with a happy ending but many many audience members will want something a bit different.

We live in 2009, the theatre world has evolved, we see things on stage we never thought we would see, its exciting and thrilling, its fresh and new, it moves us in different ways rather than just a breezy romantic comedy,
Carrie has a lot going in its favour, more than most shows. For the theatre fans its just about the fact that Carrie is back, something they probably never thought they would see. For the teens its something a bit grown up but still accessible, essentially Carrie is a story about wanting to fit in and bullying. The Gay audiences would eat Carrie up and the couples will go because they probably saw the film and there intrigued, other will go to see what its all about

former sadm2 (wink)
Updated On: 11/23/09 at 01:44 PM

binau Profile Photo
#117re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 3:36pm

" It delves into the dark places of a human psyche of how destructive words and hate and feeling different can make someone (columbine) and to what levels of inner power can be unleashed when pushed to the breaking point.

I'm surprised you think this is very insightful. I mean, especially in the context of a high school it seems pretty cliché...(at least in the way it was originally presented).

I thought the mother-mother/daughter songs were the semi-insightful bits (you ALWAYS hear and know of the stereotypes of not 'fitting in' at high school but rarely a delusional woman who looks her child in a basement because she is cursed by her period.

I'm just saying if Carrie were reach Broadway I think say the Wicked audience could easily adopt to it/'claim it' as a representation of their inability to fit in with society etc. ("I can SOOO relate to Elphaba")

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000
Updated On: 11/23/09 at 03:36 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#118re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 4:07pm

"The average american doesn't want to think when they go to the theater they want to be entertained! (mamma mia, jersey boys, PHANTOM, Wicked, even ROA yes people get over it it will be here for a long long time). Spectacle and no thought. Leave your brain at home. Welcome to the age of stagnant thought in mainstream theater. "

I have a real problem with the above comments.

You make it sound like "being entertained" is a bad thing, or at least, not the correct reason to go to theater. You state that the brain is left at home by the people to whom you refer. I inferred from the paragraph that you look down on this.

Let me tell you something which represents me and most likely many other Americans. We have plenty of serious moments in life. Plenty of heavy things to think about which give our brains quite a workout. Going to the theater to be entertained is just what we need. Leaving their brains at home is what should be done at times.

I enjoy watching educational documentaries which probe the brain. I was enthralled by PILLOWMAN. I enjoy reading/watching biographies, especially of artists. I enjoy learning more about every subject there is. I hold three educational degrees. And guess what - I LOVE me some trash tv and I love being entertained!

I find that people who can't be trashy at times are stuffed shirts and boring as hell.


blaxx Profile Photo
#119re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 4:14pm

At least you capitalized "The Gay audiences", whatever that means.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

#120re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 4:49pm

Blaxx do you just stalk me around the thread to be an annoying idiot.

Give it a rest, it was a typo.
Grow up.

former sadm2 (wink)
Updated On: 11/23/09 at 04:49 PM

James885 Profile Photo
#121re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 4:54pm

At this stage I think it's a little ridiculous to for anyone to make any claims on how Carrie 2.0 would be received by audiences. And even if the show were to be revived and financially flop again on Broadway, if the show was decently received by critics then there's the possibility that the rights would be made available so high schools and regional and community theaters could perform the show.

However, I have a problem with this statement:

you cannot have a girl's mother stab her then the girl with her dying wish impale the mother on a cross at the end of a musical on broadway wand have it run for more than 6 months

I don't see how that ending is any more violent than a barber who kills his customers, kills his wife by slashing her throat, and then gets killed with the same blade he killed others with. That show ran over a year and is widely regarded as one of the best musicals of all time.

Or what about a musical that ends with the main character shooting herself a few feet away from her three year old son? That show ran almost 10 years. Or a musical about a scientist with a split personality that ends with said scientist impaling himself with a sword at a wedding? That show ran for three years.

I could go on, but my point is that there are plenty of shows with violent endings that have enjoyed runs of longer than 6 months.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

blaxx Profile Photo
#122re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 5:27pm

Ooooh, we have a feisty one!

It's blaxx for you, love. Just ask The Gay audiences.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

Famebroadway2 Profile Photo
#123re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 10:47pm

Girls, Girls, Girls, you are all pretty! Why did this thread turn to ugly?

The topic was the Carrie Reading. Can we get back to that please.. Not bashing each other for being young or old or gay or blue.. etc We are all Theater Fans lets get along?

Someone asked before about the musicians?
They had a Piano and Drums.
Also all the leads were miked to it was easy to hear the lyrics over the music. A lot more of the scenes are sung or underscored than before.

I had another observation recently. The writers have added in parts of prayers in song. The opening (before IN) when sue is setting up the story we get a BEAUTIFL 6 part harmony version of "Our Father" It's Haunting. I am sad that they cut the overture but with the way the show opens now i can see how it wouldnt work.

Another thing that was added but, simple. There is a section of "IN" where the guys sing ah's under the girls lyrics that add a whole nother eerie layer to the sound of the number. I LOVE this change.

The Act 2 opening (A night we'll never forget.. its also largly reprised at the prom) Sounds to me like "its your wedding day" and "OMG you guys" mashed up.

There are also flashes of Footloose. The opening hymn reminds me of "On any Sunday" and "The world according to Chris" takes place in the burger blast.. lol

I really do like the new music... Even though some of it clearly has influences of other shows they are all still really great. Much better than MANY other shows in recent years.

I still think this show could be a hit if its directed right. Remember i said that! ;o)

Pgenre Profile Photo
#124re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/23/09 at 10:54pm

"BEAUTIFL 6 part harmony version of "Our Father" It's Haunting."

OMG I have always imagined in the ideal version of CARRIE something like this... but a sextette version to boot! And a setting of the Lord's Prayer! How fantastic and apropos an opening!

So at least Gore and his musical arranger have come up with more gorgeous harmonies. The harmonies in the stronger material (and even in the weaker now cut "Heaven (Reprise)") is what made it really shine the first time around, especially in the two big White duets.

SO excited about this! Give us more, famebroadway2, give us more to discuss!

Updated On: 11/23/09 at 10:54 PM
