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CARRIE Reading?

#175re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 3:17am

I'm listening to IN for the third time now. I love it!

#176re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 3:19am

Double Post Updated On: 11/26/09 at 03:19 AM

#177re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 8:04am

Im sorry but ive been involved in Many workshops here in the UK for new musicals which have either moved to the West End (Beautiful Game) to shows that did not (Mary) and as a performer i could not give a damn that someone records the workshop, protecting our talent is silly, we all work in this biz for the love of it and because we enjoy people hearing and seeing what we can do. If the Carrie workshop is the last time we hear anything from Carrie then i know if i was involved i would love it to get out.

I think people are very quick to pull out "you must preotect the performers" card but they really dont care. Barbara Cook, Linzi Hately, Sally Ann Tripplet and 3 ensemble members all got a copy of the stratford DVD from me.

The most impoertant think here is that somoen has preserved this reading, if it comes to nothing at least we the Carrie fans still have that, and lets be honest they would be no workshop of Carrie if the bootlegs had not kept this show alive for so long. This is a show that very few saw (in fact i think more people watched it in the UK during its sold out Stratford Run) yet everyone now has heard songs for. Its because of those bootlegs and the tens of thousands of fans its picked up over the years that this even happened.

Also if you are an industry pro you would know that many times with readings and workshops the producers know damn well that a recording will get out. The company behind the show keep an eye on what people are saying about the show, i know the writers of a musical i did in London a couple of years ago were on here seeing what people were saying about the show during previews.

Its really not a big deal, Bootlegs have given this show a life.

former sadm2 (wink)
Updated On: 11/26/09 at 08:04 AM

blaxx Profile Photo
#178re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 2:04pm

Its really not a big deal, Bootlegs have given this show a life.

It is on a website which doesn't allow mentioning and discussing bootlegs. If this keeps going, the whole thread will be deleted.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

THDavis Profile Photo
#179re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 2:06pm

Agreed. Let's just stop it now. It's pretty obvious most of us agree but I'd rather keep the thread going in a more legal (boring) direction :)

#180re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 2:34pm

Blaxx the amount of times you have mentioned them on this site and now you take the moral high ground?
Don't make me laugh

But yes lets get the thread back to what it was
I have a question for the people who watched the Reading, is Do Me A Favour the same? i always liked the song but found some of the lyrics dire

former sadm2 (wink)

blaxx Profile Photo
#181re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 2:46pm

If you find a single post of mine where I make reference to a bootleg (and it is not condemning the use of bootlegs), I will only post once more on this thread to apologize to you.

Good luck in your search, love!

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

#182re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 2:49pm

Well you used to have a go at me for watching them all the time, glad to see you have now changed your opinion on that as well.

Now moving on from Blaxx and back to the topic in hand

former sadm2 (wink)

THDavis Profile Photo
#183re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 3:36pm

Which was, um... oh yeah! The Carrie reading.

Any news on Do Me A Favor? Was it kept mostly in tact?

#184re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 3:55pm

Thats what im dying to know as well

former sadm2 (wink)

Pgenre Profile Photo
#185re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 4:07pm

Apparently some sections of the music for "Do Me A Favor" remain in a new song, but a far cry from the song as we know it. I could be wrong, but that's what I was told.


#186re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 4:17pm

thanks for that info, cant wait to hear it

former sadm2 (wink)

#187re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 7:45pm

I 100% agree with qolbinau and TheatreBoy7777. I could give some more examples, but it would be basically echoing what they said completely. And TheatreBoy7777-I love your signature.

Besides, I don't think anyone who has seen/heard a bootleg of a show would therefore not want to see it live. Seeing a show live entails a whole new experience that a bootleg can only really get a snapshot of. In Carrie's case, bootlegs are the only snapshots we have of what the show was really like. Yknow?

I WANT THIS RECORDING NAOW, in other news >.>

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM

THDavis Profile Photo
#188re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 8:16pm

Yes, I think most of us agree with you but we're not longer talking about that. It'd be safer if we stick to the topic at hand more re: CARRIE Reading?

I love Do Me a Favor. I mean, it's campy but it actually has quite a bit of potential I think if reworked correctly. I don't think it needs to be a full chorus number either.

Overall I could see them bringing out the secondary characters more and cutting back on the size of the ensemble. I mean the men were on stage what, 3 or 4 times? The girls were a bit more I think but really you probably only need 4 or 5 other couples total. My opinion at least.

#189re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 8:31pm

I actually really didn't like Do Me a Favor. I prefer Don't Waste the Moon over that one. Those were two of the most campiest numbers in the show, in my opinion. I just didn't care for the lyrics in Do Me a Favor. But I'm sure they cleaned it up.

I'm really curious to see if they changed anything in The Destruction, and these "new songs". I am still very upset with the absence of Heaven and I'm Not Alone though re: CARRIE Reading?

The only thing that is a bit of an eyebrow raiser to me at this point is, why are they trying to make it a musical comedy? There's nothing too comedic about it. I mean, a few moments, but the ending kinda offsets that ENTIRE goal of being a musical comedy. In an ideal musical comedy, wouldn't after the blood is poured on Carrie, wouldn't she cry and walk away, someone would cheer her up, and she'd realize her mom was right that she shouldnt've gone? Just an opinion.

Recent Broadway and Off-Broadway:: Carrie, Merrily, Ionescopade
Next On The List :: Clybourne Park, Once, Streetcar, BOM

THDavis Profile Photo
#190re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/26/09 at 8:45pm

I think it's more that there is comedic relief. I don't think they're trying to make it into a musical comedy, or at least I feel that that'd be a poor decision, but to make it too deep deters people. I don't know why, I love deep shows, but they can be exhausting.

I'm Not Alone is one of those numbers that I dream about and wake up thinking about. It's powerful and catchy, but it is sort of the eleven o'clock number. Truly The Destruction is the eleven o'clock "scene", but I'm Not Alone is the closest thing they have. I hope that they have given her or will give her a song that showcases more of the insecurity but the want to feel accepted. I feel I'm Not Alone did this by showing the insecurity in the first ten seconds, but then when she goes into the section of the song where she dreams about what could be, I find it unclear as to whether she's speaking of her powers or Tommy that has "freed her from this lonely tower". It's a beautiful song but I think the staging really did destroy it.

My favorite part of Do Me a Favor is the voices from the secondary characters as they come in and out, plus it moves the scene along in a musical number while continuing to expose the plots of two different couples. Don't Waste the Moon was a favorite of mine too, but it did nothing to really forward the plot at all. I think it was fun and the music makes me realize how much I love this show.

I feel like the first Heaven could have been cut but I feel it also could have been reworked and given the green light to the reprise. I want them to sort of bring the roots back into The Destruction. I feel Carrie needs her moment away from everyone before coming back to destroy the school and later the town, as in the novel. Linzi truly did give a heartbreaking performance throughout, but as she screams "They'll make fun of you, then they'll break your heart, etc.", it truly haunts you as she repeats her mother and I feel that this feeling should be extended maybe 30-45 seconds longer and be done away from everyone on the stage before she goes back.


EDIT: Sorry, I'll try "feeling" less in future posts re: CARRIE Reading?
Updated On: 11/26/09 at 08:45 PM

#191re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/27/09 at 12:22am

I never made a comment about "bootlegs" although I think they are generally disrespectful to whatever artist is being bootlegged. Including myself. If a recording or video of something I've written, produced or performed in is leaked - I take the proper steps to assure that the leak is stopped up. This is a business we're talking about - not some summer hobby.

This was a READING. Not a workshop. Not a full performance. The actors were hired and contracted and paid for a reading. That's it. I guarantee most - if not all - of the the principal performers would not want their reading performances to be "leaked". They were not contracted, paid or rehearsed for a recording. They were contracted, paid and rehearsed to present the material - in a very rough format - to an industry audience to gauge whether or not a full production should be pursued.

If the actors have not been paid or contracted for a recording - it shouldn't be made or distributed. Period. It's not about protecting their "talent" but about protecting themselves as a commodity. And all they have to sell is themselves. If a bootleg is made and traded, sold or given away for free - they've lost control over the only thing they have to make a living on. And it's not like theatre actors make that much to begin with. Their "product" needs to be protected or these amazing people will have no way to make a living in the future and will have to leave the business in order to pay their bills and eat.

TheaterBoy7777 Profile Photo
#192re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/27/09 at 12:33am

I really enjoy the original workshop version of "Do me a fovor" much more than what the ended up with on Broadway, I would be interested to know how the reading version is different.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#193re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/27/09 at 12:39am

fairies, this is CARRIE. Carrie!

This show has a reputation. There is NO WAY the cast didn't know SOMEONE was going to record it.

It wouldn't shock me if some of the actors had plants in the audience to record it. Updated On: 11/27/09 at 12:39 AM

#194re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/27/09 at 6:02am

And fairies is ignoaring the points about the fact they would not even have this reading with bootlegs of the original and the original workshops, Demos etc

former sadm2 (wink)

THDavis Profile Photo
#195re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/27/09 at 10:01am

Ok, this has got to stop, seriously. Fairies, it's pretty obvious no one is going to agree with you. To be safe, I'll say 98% of us disagree with you. I'm not looking to judge whether this show is ready to hit Broadway or not, I just want to hear it. I'm not going to base their performance on it but that doesn't mean I can't see potential through it or simply enjoy new verses, songs, etc.

But can we just stop on this issue? I think we're ALL in agreement that we disagree with Fairies and Fairies is fighting for a lost cause. If that makes us immature and unprofessional that's fine, because we all disagree with you on that too. This is a mean, mean world and it's not always fair and just.

Famebroadway2 Profile Photo
#196re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/27/09 at 10:29am

Do me a favor - It is still in the show but, with a whole new concept. Not the whole song, many lyric changes and no dancing. it starts with Sue and Tommy in the Library there are a few lyric changes in this 1st verse. Then for Chris and Tommy we move to the garage where he is working under a car. Both scenes take place in diff locations. Its about 1/2 as long as it was and i feel that it works MUCH better now.

THDavis Profile Photo
#197re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/27/09 at 10:48am

That's great. It's still the same concept I was talking about (continuing to expose the plots between two separate couples in one song.) I'm really excited for this. Did they also do away with the chorus parts in there?

#198re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/27/09 at 11:48am

oh that sounds much better, i always laughed in the original how it was down as the Night Spot in the programme and then they came on in Leather and Lycra haha


*starts singing Do Me A Favour with leather jacket on*

former sadm2 (wink)

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#199re: CARRIE Reading?
Posted: 11/27/09 at 11:53am

Do Me A Favor is the one group song from the original production that I thought was given a fascinating staging. Not the costumes obviously, but it was the one time Debbie Allen's staging resulted in some striking stage pictures and a sort of fluid movement by a 'greek chorus' -- ie its the one time I can see a glint of what Terry Hands was going for in his bizarre concept for the show.

To that end, I hope if this CARRIE makes it back to a full production the artistic team doesn't completely remove all dance from the production. Yes what Debbie Allen did was extreme, but I think removing all movement would make the material pretty dull.
