Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
OhHiii said: "BroadwayRox3588 said: "EDSOSLO858 said: "I hope wintertime hiatuses are the new normal for the shows that are struggling. Kevin McCollum may have started a trend here."
I think Equity and other unions would have something to say about that."
They may have a lot to say, but the alternative is full companies out of work indefinitely. Equity wants to have it both ways. Their policies were written for the circumstances of 2020. The virus situation just isn’t what it was then no matter how much the mask-faithful would like it to be.
Also, a lot of folks here saying “what about the unvaccinated?!?!” Yeah…what about them? The VAST majority of the unvaxxed actively chose not to take it for political purposes. That’s on them. We don’t screech society to a halt for people who don’t get their flu shot."
Everyone realizes that you are trolling. The mask/vaccine conditions for Broadway are exactly the same as they were when Broadway re-opened last fall. This has zero to do with 2020.
Understudy Joined: 3/24/22
pagereynolds did you read what the above poster said? I don’t think you did. You both said the same thing- the current protocols are in place because of a virus that appeared in 2020. OhHiii is correct in saying the virus today is nothing like it was 2 years ago. And because of that, I would hope the protocols probably should be adjusted to fit with a virus or 2022.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
bwayplays said: "pagereynolds did you read what the above poster said? I don’t think you did. You both said the same thing- the current protocols are in place because of a virus that appeared in 2020. OhHiii is correct in saying the virus today is nothing like it was 2 years ago. And because of that, I would hope the protocols probably should be adjusted to fit with a virus or 2022.
You misunderstood what I wrote. The current protocols have nothing at all to do with 2020. They were put in place in the fall of 2021.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
OhHiii said: "BroadwayRox3588 said: "EDSOSLO858 said: "I hope wintertime hiatuses are the new normal for the shows that are struggling. Kevin McCollum may have started a trend here."
I think Equity and other unions would have something to say about that."
They may have a lot to say, but the alternative is full companies out of work indefinitely. Equity wants to have it both ways. Their policies were written for the circumstances of 2020. The virus situation just isn’t what it was then no matter how much the mask-faithful would like it to be.
Also, a lot of folks here saying “what about the unvaccinated?!?!” Yeah…what about them? The VAST majority of the unvaxxed actively chose not to take it for political purposes. That’s on them. We don’t screech society to a halt for people who don’t get their flu shot."
“The mask-faithful”? Get a life.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/30/16
pagereynolds said: "OhHiii said: "BroadwayRox3588 said: "EDSOSLO858 said: "I hope wintertime hiatuses are the new normal for the shows that are struggling. Kevin McCollum may have started a trend here."
I think Equity and other unions would have something to say about that."
They may have a lot to say, but the alternative is full companies out of work indefinitely. Equity wants to have it both ways. Their policies were written for the circumstances of 2020. The virus situation just isn’t what it was then no matter how much the mask-faithful would like it to be.
Also, a lot of folks here saying “what about the unvaccinated?!?!” Yeah…what about them? The VAST majority of the unvaxxed actively chose not to take it for political purposes. That’s on them. We don’t screech society to a halt for people who don’t get their flu shot."
Everyone realizes that you are trolling. The mask/vaccine conditions for Broadway are exactly the same as they were when Broadway re-opened last fall. This has zero to do with 2020."
Quarantining for 10 days post-positive test even for asymptomatic cases is indeed a 2020 era protocol. Which was a reduction from the original 14 day guidance at the start of the pandemic. Additionally, guidance quite literally has changed since then AND since the 2021 Broadway protocols were put in place. April 2022 is not even Fall 2021. So the point you think you’re making? You’re…not.
I know yall love to claim moral superiority on this, but it’s rooted in the same fear that we all had in 2020. Some are more comfortable moving on with life in accordance to CURRENT circumstances and guidance and some aren’t. It’s not trolling, it’s the truth.
And by mask-faithful, I refer to those who point fingers at others who have taken a different risk assessment for themselves. Which, again, individual risk assessment is in accordance with CURRENT expert advice. Wear your mask, no one is telling you not to. We’re past the point when you scored social media points for calling out maskless people. But some of you are still keeping score.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
April 2022 is not even Fall 2021.
You're right. NYC's COVID rates are much higher (3% daily average over the past 7 days, 7-8% in many parts of Manhattan) than they were last fall.
OhHiii said: "Some are more comfortable moving on with life in accordance to CURRENT circumstances and guidance and some aren’t. It’s not trolling, it’s the truth.
And by mask-faithful, I refer to those who point fingers at others who have taken a different risk assessment for themselves. Which, again, individual risk assessment is in accordance with CURRENT expert advice. Wear your mask, no one is telling you not to. We’re past the point when you scored social media points for calling out maskless people. But some of you are still keeping score."
You are not listening and processing, and when people don't, we conclude either that they are stupid or that they are a troll. We have no evidence you are stupid, so it is reasonable to conclude you are trolling. I'll try to avoid jumping to either conclusion.
First, you are confounding masks with protocols for people who cannot wear masks to do their jobs. There is no mask requirement for actors on stage; there is essentially a BAN on masks. So more general protocols are irrelevant. And no one is pointing out on social media that actors are not wearing masks on stage, which is the focus here.
Second, because there are no masks, testing and the resultant protocols are about health and safety issues.
Third, when you say "some are more comfortable" and "different risk assessment for themselves," you seem aware that there are individual differences (presumably for a range of reasons). Yet the fact that actors and producers have made these assessments seems to evade you and you seem more interested in imposing your own individual risk assessment (with which I have no quarrel).
Fourth, the current protocols ARE "in accordance with CURRENT expert advice" for maskless performers working under theatre conditions.
Finally, the principal driving force for audience mask and vax rules (not the focus but I add because of your seeming inability to distinguish the issues) is the league's marketing assessment that shows will lose more sales than they will gain without these requirements. That will change at some point, maybe sooner than later, and maybe in the interim with a shift to show-by-show assessments.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
A Strange Loop has cancelled the week and will begin next Monday instead.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
A Strange Loop has cancelled the week and will begin next Monday instead.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/30/16
The actors wearing masks on stage or not is irrelevant when it comes to canceling performances when they are required by Equity to quarantine for 10 days, not the CDC-recommended 5 provided symptoms have subsided. My point, which hogan and pagereynolds either don't care to acknowledge or aren't processing is that more performances are being cancelled (which is the topic of this thread) is due to the LENGTH OF TIME A POSITIVE TEST HAS TO QUARANTINE based on Equity requirements, which do not currently reflect CDC-recommended quarantine window. If that window was shortened to the current recommendation of 5 days, then the number of cancelled performances would be fewer, and shows would lose less money, and fewer shows would close and they'd STILL be acting in accordance with CDC guidelines.
Wear your masks as long as you want! I wear mine in all indoor spaces. Everyone in casts and crews are required to be vaccinated, thus they are a very well-protected group from hospitalization and death with 100% vaccination rate. You can look for trolling all you want, but Equity not adjusting their rules when expert advice has adjusted is a problem that will continue to affect shows the way it is now.
Now, go argue with a wall. lol
OhHiii said: "The actors wearing masks on stage or not is irrelevant when it comes to canceling performances when they are required by Equity to quarantine for 10 days, not the CDC-recommended 5 provided symptoms have subsided. My point, which hogan and pagereynolds either don't care to acknowledge or aren'tprocessingis that more performances are being cancelled (which is the topic of this thread) is due to the LENGTH OF TIME A POSITIVE TEST HAS TO QUARANTINE based on Equity requirements, which do not currently reflect CDC-recommended quarantine window. If that window was shortened to the current recommendation of 5 days, then the number of cancelled performances would be fewer, and shows would lose less money, and fewer shows would close and they'd STILL be acting in accordance with CDC guidelines.
Wear your masks as long as you want! I wear mine in all indoor spaces. Everyone in casts and crews are required to be vaccinated, thus they are a very well-protected group from hospitalization and death with 100% vaccination rate. You can look for trolling all you want, but Equity not adjusting their rules when expert advice has adjusted is a problem that will continue to affect shows the way it is now."
Your attention to detail leaves a great deal to desire.
1. The CDC changed the protocol from 10 days to 5 on 12/27/21, not in 2020 as you wrongly suggest.
2. You obviously did not read the current protocol. Here, I will help you out: "People with COVID-19 should isolate for 5 days and if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours), follow that by 5 days of wearing a mask when around others to minimize the risk of infecting people they encounter." Now what do we know about actors onstage? They cannot wear masks. That's not "irrelevant"; it vitiates the CDC's relaxed guidance.
I'm guessing your interest in relaxing the protocols (and they will of course be relaxed when it is appropriate) is that some show you wanted to see was cancelled the day you planned to see it. But the members of the League and the AEA have a lot more at stake than you do, and both have competent experts who wake up every day with nothing to do but figuring out how to chart a safe course that keeps people, on both sides, from losing their livelihoods. What you have at stake is missing a show you wanted to see. There's no other explanation for the inattention you have put on display here.
It seems, thus, that it is you who is arguing with a wall, a wall in which the bricks are made of facts.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/30/16
lol. ok. You know what they say about when you assume... Anyway, you seem to not realize people who work in this industry beyond actors and crew frequent these boards. I assure you many of us have plenty to lose over canceled shows that isn't tied to whining about a canceled performance.
And yes, on December 2, 2020, the quarantine period was shortened from 14 to 10 days. But facts are variable to some, I guess.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/10
Tonight’s opening of SUFFS has been canceled.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
Dan6 said: "Tonight’s opening of SUFFS has been canceled.
They just posted they will also aim to re-start next week.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
I really hope Hangmens first preview/week wont be affected with these new cases, shows without many U/s are the most vulnerable
OhHiii said: "And yes, on December 2, 2020, the quarantine period was shortened from 14 to 10 days. But facts are variable to some, I guess."
And that someone is you.
You said that AEA is operating on 2020 protocols. As you acknowledge here, the 2020 protocol was 14 days. Not 10. So what are you talking about?
Oh, and of course you completely ignore the fact that the CDC does NOT say it's ok to go maskless until after 10 days. Something that, as rehearsed, is a condition precedent to performing.
You are working yourself back into the troll characterization. No one is impressed. No one.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
Plaza Suite will go dark for a week, as Sarah Jessica Parker also tested positive for COVID.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
pagereynolds said: "Plaza Suite will go dark for a week, as Sarah Jessica Parker also tested positive for COVID.
Where are you seeing "dark for a week"?
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
JSquared2 said: "pagereynolds said: "Plaza Suite will go dark for a week, as Sarah Jessica Parker also tested positive for COVID.
Where are you seeing "dark for a week"?
Oh, my bad, sorry. David Gordon tweeted the show is cancelled for tonight, and he said probably the rest of the week. I misinterpreted what his guess as fact.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
pagereynolds said: "JSquared2 said: "pagereynolds said: "Plaza Suite will go dark for a week, as Sarah Jessica Parker also tested positive for COVID.
Where are you seeing "dark for a week"?
Oh, my bad, sorry. David Gordon tweeted the show is cancelled for tonight, and he said probably the rest of the week. I misinterpreted what his guess as fact."
It may very well be a week -- but since Broderick's been out for a few days already, I'm sure he'll be back soon (opposite Erin Dilly?) In the meantime, I wouldn't mind seeing Michael McGrath and Erin Dilly both go on (at a more affordable price, of course)!
David Gordon is probably right on this one (since they'd be handing out a lot of refunds anyway, with both stars out), but in general, I would take what he says about this topic with a grain of salt. He has posted a lot of sensationalist/terrified stuff about Covid in the past. He seems to still be greatly afraid of the virus.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
BroadwayRox3588 said: "David Gordon is probably right on this one (since they'd be handing out a lot of refunds anyway, with both stars out), but in general, I would take what he says about this topic with a grain of salt. He has posted a lot of sensationalist/terrified stuff about Covid in the past. He seems to still be greatly afraid of the virus."
He and his wife have an infant. I don't think anyone would blame him.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
BroadwayRox3588 said: "David Gordon is probably right on this one (since they'd be handing out a lot of refunds anyway, with both stars out), but in general, I would take what he says about this topic with a grain of salt. He has posted a lot of sensationalist/terrified stuff about Covid in the past. He seems to still be greatly afraid of the virus."
Perhaps Gordon and EDSOSLO858/Jordan are one and the same!
pagereynolds said: "BroadwayRox3588 said: "David Gordon is probably right on this one (since they'd be handing out a lot of refunds anyway, with both stars out), but in general, I would take what he says about this topic with a grain of salt. He has posted a lot of sensationalist/terrified stuff about Covid in the past. He seems to still be greatly afraid of the virus."
He and his wife have an infant. I don't think anyone would blame him."
Not blaming him, just making an observation.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
Any show heavily dependent of a star will suffer this at one point of the run