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Character breakers

DollyGirl Profile Photo
#50re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 9/26/04 at 1:31am

I know.. there were so many crazy things about that show

I've got forty more minutes of home economics Then down with the text books And up with the comics

GaLiNdaFied Profile Photo
#51re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 9/26/04 at 1:44am

I played Sally in YAGMCB and right before my speech about ice cream, which I was supposed to be upset about, we added a scene and these girls walked across and said the stupidest line. So, opening night, they were walking across and I was acting mad, and one girl's bow got caught on this string on the side of the stage. Instead of removing it with her hands, she kept trying to walk while her head was attached to the string, she had to have done it at least 15 times. I was trying to hard not to laugh but the audience was cracking up and when I looked to my director for encouragement, I saw her doubled over wiping tears from her eyes and I lost it. I made it seem like a part of the show though so it turned out ok.

"Someone please tell me- when the hell did gravity become the enemy? How has an essential force of nature, something that makes it possible for life to even exist on this planet, come to deserve the scorn and hatred of every teenage girl with no head voice?"- Broadway Matt

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#52re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 9/26/04 at 3:30pm

(I don't even remember what this was for anymore.)

My line: "I don't want any valium!!!"
Audience member reaction: "GOOD! MORE FOR ME!!!!!"

I'm ashamed to say that I could not help from breaking character.
It was just too ridiculous.

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

#53re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 8/22/08 at 11:50pm

i just finished a (if i say so myself) FABULOUS run of seussical, in which I was a wickersham. it was the last scene. the trial.

for those of you unfamiliar with it everyone is ridiculing horton and overruling gertrude's objections.

and horton is supposed to let out this humongous elephant roar. well our sound was late. so the guy playing horton just goes "MEAAAAAAHHHHHHHRWWWWWW!!"

the audience died. luckily, everyone on stage except gertrude was "allowed" to find this funny within charachter limits, so we all kindof shook. but then the sound clip played. and we all lost it.

THEN. the egg hatched, and horton says "what will i do? i'm slow and i'm fat." which was greeted by a "YEAH YOU ARE!" from the audience. now gertrude, who couldnt laugh at the first thing was now like, shaking trying not to laugh. and her blocking was to take the baby elephant and come show it to the clump of jungle animals. needless to say, as soon as he back was turned she lost it.

great night. great show. one night a little kid screamed out "I CAN SEE THE WHO'S HORTON!!!" hysterical.

elphabelle07 Profile Photo
#54re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 8/23/08 at 12:53am

I just finished doing "Beauty and the Beast" and one night, I stepped out of my cottage at the very beginning of the show and a little girl in the very front shouts "HI BELLE!" Luckily i had to start singing so I couldn't laugh.

Another night when Gaston shouted "I say, we kill the beast!" a little boy screamed "NOOO!" I buried my face in the man who played my father's shoulder so I could get a little giggle out and have it go unnoticed.

Another night, when the Beast is dying, (a very dramatic moment!) I was singing the Home reprise, and someone opened a can of soda right on the beat after "Trust in me, for you know I won't run away." To make it even happened again like...2 seconds later. That was rough trying to get through! Especially because I could hear fellow cast members laughing in the wings!

"I'm a bagel on a plate full of onion rolls!"-Funny Girl

[tos]fan999 Profile Photo
#55re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 8/23/08 at 5:05pm

I was teching for my high school's production of Kiss Me, Kate two years ago. I was in the stage left wing with a headset on as the battery/mic change guy. Well, in the scene leading up to the song Where Is The Life That Late I Led?, three servants came on silverware and Mutton, which Fred proceeds to throw back at them. Well, our director insisted on real mutton, but it wasn't too bad because it was sealed in plastic wrap so it didn't stink. On our opening night, when he threw the mutton back, the crew member who was supposed to catch it missed. And the thing just exploded all over stage left, on stage and in the wing. And then a second later I hear our director on the headset, "Someone clean up the freakin' mutton. I can smell it from the back of the audience!" And our Fred even restaged his song so he wouldn't have to go near the mutton. I was cracking up the entire time.

I know I have more...I have to think.

<-----Bernadette Peters and Alexander Hanson in A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC.

Send in the clowns...Send in the crowds!

"I prefer neurotic people. I like to hear rumblings beneath the surface."-Stephen Sondheim

Patash Profile Photo
#56re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 8/23/08 at 5:53pm

Along the lines of "this couldn't happen again in a million years". . .I was playing Marachek, the store owner, in She Loves Me (that's my avatar by the way). There was a scene where we have music boxes for sale, and I have to open one a couple times to let it play a tune. Each time I lift the lid there is a sound cue of a music box. Our sound guy screwed up a couple times and the cue might come a bit too early, just before I opened the lid, or just after. But one night as I picked the music box up, the music box music started. But it wasn't the usual tune. How bizarre! The sound continued in a couple spurts. Then we all realized what it was. It was a cell phone in the audience with a tone of a music box! How could that be? And how could it be that it happened to ring just as I picked up the music box?

And yes -- I couldn't resist. Once I realized what was happening and the audience did too, I put the box up to my face, opened the lid, put it to my ear, and said, "Hello?" Stopped the show.

felineofavenueb Profile Photo
#57re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 8/23/08 at 7:56pm

Last spring I was playing Hope Cladwell in Urinetown. At the end of "Follow Your Heart," there're like 3 lines of (deliberately) awkward dialogue and then a kiss. So it's closing night, and we get through the little scene and we kiss, and as we break apart we hear someone in the audience yell "WOOO! KISS HER AGAIN!" The only saving graces of the moment keeping us from bursting into hysterical laughter were that our blocking thereafter didn't require us to make eye contact, and that we were far enough from the audience that they couldn't see us shaking not to start laughing. Hilarious.

I also just finished a production of The Pajama Game; at the top of Act 2 before "Steam Heat" we all were onstage during Prez' speech at the union meeting. As we all accepted this as the most useless thing any of us did in the entire show (and were only partially visible to the audience in the first place), we periodically would try and mess with one another with our ad-libbed reponses to to Prez while keeping as much in character as we could. So one night, Prez says "We've got a little entertainment..." by way of introduction, and somebody next to me says, "I hope it's about getting hot!" [For those unfamiliar, later Prez says, "And this here number is right on the money, because it's about gettin' hot. And fellow union members, that's what we're doing. Getting hot!"] I LOST it, and of course, was the only one blocked far enough onto the stage so as to be 100% visible to the audience. Not one of my prouder or most professional stage moments...

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#58re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 8/23/08 at 9:35pm

I think my favorite one was actually when I went back to see a show I had to leave early to go off to college. It was a production of Thoroughly Modern Millie- the jail scene after the Speakeasy number. Someone in the cast decided it would be funny to change Millie's jail number to "8675309"- so when Jimmy asked her name he had to say "May I ask you a personal question, Miss 8675309?"

It was hilarious- and although the rest of the cast was upstage in the jail cells- I could notice them all shaking with laughter. Absolutely terrible.

There was also a production of Beauty and the Beast that I did where our Beast and our Lumiere decided to put Disney pornography in the book that Belle reads to the Beast. Everyone in the cast but Belle knew that it was there (but she NEVER broke character) we were all trying so hard not to laugh during "Human Again"- as she shot us all some of the most hilarious "I'm-going-to-kill-you-all" looks.

Also- during the same production of Beauty and the Beast- Opening number- Gaston's entrance...Gaston comes on and shoots the bird- our gun effect was done with baby powder- and that night someone put a little too much powder in the gun- so it kind of started snowing....THEEEN Lefou is supposed to miss the bird as it falls to the stage...well- our Lefou is running around "trying to catch the bird" and he stops and looks the opposite way from where the bird is supposed to fall, but the bird falls RIGHT into his bag. I guess he miscalculated where he had landed, but the entire audience and ensemble just lost it. Brilliant moment of the night.

Radioactiveduck Profile Photo
#59re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 8/24/08 at 2:37am

The second Broadway cast of Wicked had such a bad reputation for character breaking for a while.

I was in Beauty and the Beast as the Beast, and when the scene came for me to lock Belle in her room (before "Home"), I must have been extra angry because a child in the audience started to cry when I said my last line and slammed the door. Lucky for me I was on my way offstage, but my poor friend playing Belle was STUCK. God bless her, she didn't miss a beat.

[tos]fan999 Profile Photo
#60re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 8/24/08 at 4:32am

I thought of another one:
So, my school did Steel Pier last year. I had now been upgraded to running the soundboard. Again, I was on the headset. And since the crew was not very fond of the show, esp because he had to build this ginormous airplane that was used for one song, we would dance and make fun of the show on headset during the show. So, running the soundboard, I'm the only one of the crew members actually in the house with the audience. So during Rita's dramatic Act II song, Running In Place, me and the other crew members are rocking out via headset on opening night, and i kind of got way too into the song. The next thing i know, during one of the little dance breaks in the song, i knock over my little work light that I have, and see the audience do a collective turn in my direction, with the eyes of our director meeting mine and killing me. I felt like I was going to die.

<-----Bernadette Peters and Alexander Hanson in A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC.

Send in the clowns...Send in the crowds!

"I prefer neurotic people. I like to hear rumblings beneath the surface."-Stephen Sondheim

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#61re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 8/24/08 at 8:37am

I've got two; decades apart!!!

This happened at technically a dress rehearsal, but we would invite the locale senior citizen housing folks to it was pretty full in the house. When I was Ermengarde in Hello, Dolly, we had gotten to the courtroom scene (after the debacle at the Harmonia Gardens) The very end of the courtroom scene the blocking required that everyone BUT me exit stage R. I went stage L to plant a kiss on the judges cheek. About halfway TO the judge my "dancer's knee" gave out and I faceplanted on the stage. Straight down, splat. The only other person on stage helped me up and got me off stage. (We were sure there was going to be a breakout of heart attacks.) But the funny part comes in the next scene. We all show up at Vandergelders to claim what is our. I made my entrance with my Ambrose (heavily leaning on him) and all you could hear sweep through the audience in whispered tones: She's there, there she is. And then one VERY loud voice: "See, I TOLD you it was part of the play!" Hard to say who lauged harder...the audience or the cast!

A few years ago, I choreographed The Pajama Game. During the performances, the director and I keep a set of doors open because we watch the show from the lobby. My daughter (who was 6 or 7 at the time, and SHOULD have known better) didn't have a seat because her father was picking her up (at any minute) and she was watching the show with us from the back. And then she was missing. NO one knew where she was. After a few frantic moments, my set designer taps me on the shoulder and points to the stage. There on the downstage right corner of the stage is my daughter sitting directly on the stage. At center stage a group of girls were singing the hell out I'm Not At All In Love. And my daughter is inching over toward them. (The actor's never noticed her, btw) And inching, and inching. Luckily we have ailses on the outside of the audience seats, so I was able to get to the front of the house with minimal distraction to the audience. Thankfully, I was able to get her attention and get her off the stage. (Of course, by now most of the audience DID indeed see her!) I think her plan was to just become a part of the number...when she finally got to them!!!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#62re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 8/24/08 at 9:29am

During the opening scene of "Annie Get Your Gun" (with Bernadette Peters and Tom Wopat), the cast is singing "There's No Business Like Show Business" and the lighting bars fail to rise (dancers are supposed to dance under them)--- so, curtain falls and announcement is made "show will resume in 10 minutes). Show re-starts from the beginning and Tom turns to the audience and says "There IS no business like show business" with a wink. Great moment!

#63re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 8/24/08 at 4:05pm

Only one comes to mind.

i was an ensemble part in Oliver! And it was right after Oom-pa-pa! when Nancy is getting it from Bill Sykes. He's pulling her hair whilst in the bar and trying to get her to be a spy to get Oliver back. So the ensemble is sitting and watching in shock and awe when Bill slaps Nancy. Then all the sudden from the audience, (sunday matinee y'know?) screams out "SLAP HIM RIGHT BACK!"

The rest of us bit the inside of our cheeks, trying not to break character in this serious scene... and as we clear the bar glasses, not making eye contact till we get offstage and burst into laughter.

It was amazing.

#64re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 8/24/08 at 9:27pm

Unfortunately not a funny one, but during a local production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast a man had a heart attack in the front row just a few minutes into the show. Right after the opening number Belle, Gaston, Lefou (who i was playing) are left on stage and during this scene gentleman suffered his heart attack. To make a long story short it took about 45 seconds for anyone to realize what was happening. The show was stopped and resumed about 40 min. later after he was taken to the hospital.

Later in the run we were notified that he did, in fact pass away the next day, but were assured by his widow and family that he would not have wanted to go any-other way. He was a big supporter of local theatre and rarely missed shows in the area. In a way he became the guardian angel of or show.

#65re: Audience Character breakers
Posted: 8/25/08 at 12:23am

I remember flubbing a line in "Antigone" a few years ago. I was the comic relief part, so it worked. i can't remember the exact line now but it was to the effect of "...IS blah blah blah." I said "...IS LIKE..." and couldn't finish or else the line would make no sense. So after what seemed like forever, I blurted out "...blah!" Seriously, I said "blah" in a classical Greek tragedy. The audience laughed, appropriately, but I could see the chorus and Creon trying so hard not to crack up.

Later, in that same production, our Creaon was grieving over his family's dead bodies, and spitting ALL OVER THEM. Thank god our dead bodies had their faces upstage or else the audience would have seen them trying not to burst out laughing as they got showered.

I'm sure I have more of these (with better details), but I'm too tired now to think of any more.

-- SDG
