Thanks for that! I have my fingers crossed as Roz is one of my all time favorite mamas. I have seen the show MANY times, but this is going to be my parents first and I want it to be good!
Broadway Star Joined: 3/5/04
Wasn't that Roz sitting next to Whoopi at the Oscars? The gorgeous Dylis is now Roxie? Too bad she didn't do to Billy Ray Cyrus what Roxie does to Fred Casely.
darreyl102- I said that I THINK it is Roz Ryan. I believe I saw a press release saying that, but I could be mistaken.
Swing Joined: 3/5/14
In spare time,different people have different hobbies.Some people may choose to go on a date with their lovers with beautiful hairdressing and fashionable clothes.To improve personal image,more and more people choose to wear hair wigs even including men.And to my surprise,there are mens long wigs for sale in the wig stores online such as
Is it just Dylis Croman doing the role of Roxie, while Bianca Marroquin takes a small vacay? I would have thought Melissa Rae Mahon would have gotten the nod. Just a thought.
According to her facebook she is. "No I'm not there right now but I SHALL return...March 10, 2014 I'm back on Brodway for a couple of weeks"
Here is a picture I found of Dylis Croman and Jason Patrick Sands (swoon) with other cast members. I can barely recognize Dylis with her Louise Brooks wig and all.
An example of Dylis Croman's dancing magic...from "Fosse." All I cay say is : "Wow!"
Dylis Croman in Fosse
I saw the show tonight. I already had bought my own ticket to the show, but wanted to get two rush tickets for my folks. We got to the Theatre a little after 1:30 and found out that they only had one rush ticket left- which surprised me since Chicago is pretty easy to get rush tickets to. Got the one for my mother. I was front row and LOVED the show. I was soo super excited to see Roz Ryan again, I have soo much love for this woman, and she was better than ever! Dylis Croman was a wonderful Roxie, I loved everything about her. I actually really like Amra, but I did notice that I some numbers- especially ‘Hot Honey Rag’ she wasn’t giving it as much as Dylis was.
Brent Barrett was an amazing Billy- he’s soo dreamy and for some reason reminds me of an older Aaron Tveit. He was the best Billy I have ever seen. He held his “The” forever and threw it all over the place- Literally!! R. Lowe never disappoints me. The whole cast were wonderful, especially with such a weak audience- even at curtain, only a few people ever got on their feet at all. There was a lady next to me that had her phone out during the show, and she had it up high (and we we’re sitting in the front row), another girl had some sort of journal that she kept flipping through that caused a rustling sound a lot. On the bright side, I FINALLY got a rose (Tossed by Amra) after many times of seeing the show.
BTW, can we just take a moment to talk about the beauty that is Nathan Madden- That guy is gorgeous, and the way he fills out those pants is enough to make you look up to the sky and holler “Thank you Lord!”. And I REALLY miss Michael Cusumano!
Here is Roz's "When You're Good to Mama" from last night!
When You're Good..
Elvis has landed at the Ambassador Theatre in "Chicago." Here are the pics from his opening night. If someone out there has a chance to see him, let us know how he is doing. It's nice to see some of the male ensemble in the pictures. Usually, they are ignored when it comes to publicity for the show.
Elvis In Chicago
I heart Canada.
I was looking through the Chicago cast list and noticed that the show (right now) only has one Velma understudy (Donna Marie Asbury). Angel Reda is no longer listed as a cast member. There are currently 3 Roxie understudies.
Here is a little video clip of Bianca Marroquin (Roxie) at the Buell Theatre (Denver, CO) with the Chicago National Tour. They're rehearsing with the orchestra. Thanks Bianca!
Bianca in Denver
Are rush tickets for Chicago still in the front row?
Darreyl, I'm glad you thought Brent Barett was still great--I was lucky enough to see him in the role 15 years back when one of the first tours was in Vancouver (I remember being concerned because another tour with Alan Thicke--who I hate lol--had started and I wasn't sure which we were getting.) It also had Charlotte D'Amboise, so no complaints from me.
As for Elvis, I just hope he doesn't tell any of the male dancers that they are too feminine and misrepresenting his craft (figure skating fans know the controversy I'm referring to...)
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/17/07
Darreyl did you really record the show and post it to this thread? And you had the nerve to talk about the woman next to you having her phone out? Shame on you. Mods, can you get this of this guy?
the lady was holding her bright phone up soo high that everyone in the audience as well as the cast can see it, not to mention it was one of those big tablets, not a small phone. I am not the first to post links to bootlegs on YouTube, and who say's I'm the one who recorded it? it wasen't me! LOL!!!!!
Here is a video clip of Bianca Marroquin upon her arrival in Denver with the touring company of "Chicago."
Bianca In Denver
This is Bianca Marroquin's part 2 of their Denver soundcheck. At the end, there's a tiny bit of Bianca singing "Nowadays" in Spanish. Awesome video.
Denver Sound Check 2
I think Bianca would do great if she ever tackled the role of Velma Kelly. The show definitely needs to find a new Velma Kelly on April 28th. Someone....anyone but....
A scathing review of the current tour in Toronto.
i LOVED Bianca, Carol and Terra. I don't know who this guy is, but I don't like him.
My response to the Toronto critic. He's all kinds of wrong.
Chicago In Toronto
I noticed the little bit of video of Tony Yazbeck and Michael Berresse doing "Nowadays/Hot Honey Rag" for Broadway Backwards. Is there any chance that a full video (from start to finish)will be released at some point? I wonder who played the Roxie and Velma character? I sometimes imagined Michael Cusumano as a Roxie. Just thinking out loud.