As mentioned earlier Miss Baltimore Crabs is just terrible. It's the only song in the show I don't like. I hate these two rhymes in particular. It's so out of character for her to say those things.
I would say
Oy gevalt!
Of course not
But u can bow and exalt
I don't know if Tim Rice lyrics belong on this thread since the OP is looking for bad lyrics from writers who should know better...but one of the most cringe-worthy lyrics I've ever heard is "show me just a little of your omnipresent brain" from Superstar.
Every time I hear it all I can see is an enormous brain crushing the Earth.
I enjoyed Totally F***ed from Spring Awakening up until they started doing the whole "BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH" thing. Ruined the song for me, honestly.
Now there are some wacky lyrics in the whole show but CHILDREN OF EDEN has some doozies my favourite being from "Generations": Oh Noah, you go-ah, all the way back to the protozoa...
yup it has a special place in my heart.
I didn't caught this on Thursday when I saw Aladdin, but I caught it this last night, when I listen to the CD. But, in the finale, the Genie sings, "It's the plot that you knew/With a small twist or two./Though the changes we made were slight."
Now, I hate fourth wall jokes unless they're actually funny or actually have a reason (like the Genie's character) and Aladdin has a lot of funny fourth wall jokes, but this was really, really pushing it with the fourth wall jokes. And also, the lyric is so totally pointless. Like thank you, Alan Menken to point us something that we clearly know. While you're at it, can you point to us that Jonathan Freeman was Jafar in the movie or you did the music or the sky is blue and the sun is hot? That one part is not only stupid, but really unnecessary and it took me out of the rest of the song.
I didn't caught this on Thursday when I saw Aladdin, but I caught it this last night, when I listen to the CD. But, in the finale, the Genie sings, "It's the plot that you knew/With a small twist or two./Though the changes we made were slight."
Now, I hate fourth wall jokes unless they're actually funny or actually have a reason (like the Genie's character) and Aladdin has a lot of funny fourth wall jokes, but this was really, really pushing it with the fourth wall jokes. And also, the lyric is so totally pointless. Like thank you, Alan Menken to point us something that we clearly know. While you're at it, can you point to us that Jonathan Freeman was Jafar in the movie or you did the music or the sky is blue and the sun is hot? That one part is not only stupid, but really unnecessary and it took me out of the rest of the song.
"Except that no one would ever say than an overpowering smell is "high."
Actually, that usage is not uncommon in British English. (Or at least, it has been used a lot in British English throughout the 19th and 20th century).
Google "a high smell.""
That would be a very good defense of the lyric except for the fact that the characters singing it are American.
I really do enjoy the songs from SMASH. And I find "I Never Met a Wolf Who Didn't Love to Howl" a real show stopper number but the second time they did it with McPhee they changed the lyrics. The lyrics to the Bombshell songs were never really the grandest but they didn't bug me but then I heard this...
"Seeing all you G.I. Wolves gives me an idea
Tell Hollywood that I'm staying in Korea"
Most of Tim Rice's lyrics for Jesus Christ Superstar are pretty abysmal, but a few in This Jesus Must Die stuck out in particular.
First of all, the song starts with two rhyming couplets that rhyme You with You, then Here with Here.
But the most cringe-worthy lyric? The one I couldn't believe I'd heard?
Caiaphas: 'One thing I'll say for him - Jesus is cool.'
But there are a few other musicals for which the lyrics are, generally speaking, pretty terrible:
Big Fish
First Date
The Wild Party (Lippa's version)
Bonnie and Clyde
Les Miserables
Spring Awakening
Updated On: 5/25/14 at 03:42 PM
I love In the Heights, and I love the song Alabanza, but I've always been really bothered by "pieces of bread crumbs." like, what? It should be "bread crumbs" or "pieces of bread."