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Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis- Page 2

Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis

Neverandy Profile Photo
#25re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 9:58am

Let's start a petition for Alli Mauzey to replace James Snyder

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#26re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 10:16am

I was there the same night as adamgreer and WAT. I sat in the mezz. We were supposed to be in the last row...we moved down to the third row. It was more than half empty. And on a Saturday night in a huge theatre like the Marquis? Not good.

I thought the show was atrocious. I agree with pretty much everything adamgreer said. I only disagree on a few points:

1) The book and the score are equally weak (like REALLY weak), but the lyrics take the bad award hands down.

2) I didn't really care for Alli Mauzey (I know, shoot me). Yeah she was funny, but her singing voice wasn't very good. I couldn't help but think that its the role that's funny and that any other person would be just as good if not better. I kept picturing Molly Shannon in the role, and I think that would have been fine.

3) Chester Gregory was TOO campy. I understand the concept of the show, but someone needs to direct him to reel it in a little bit. Too much.

4) The only person who was really campy that didn't bother be was Carly Jibson. And man, can that girl sing!

5) For me, the star of the show was Spencer Liff. No matter how bad of a show it is and how much they all know it, Spencer Liff gave it his all in every dance scene and was constantly bursting with energy. This boy needs to be put in a show where his dancing talents are appreciated.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#27re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 11:00am

OK...saw the show for the third time this Saturday evening. While there are many changes made to Act 1, the show still fell flat, mostly due to the horrible casting of the leading man and the weak score and book.

I have already commented on the show twice, so I will only mention the changes I noticed for Act 1 (since there were no changes to Act 2).

Carly Jibson was in, and yes, she was a highlight. Fantastic voice. Excellent stage presence. Too bad she didn't have much to do in the show since her role is so awful. I asked her about her injury at the stage door and she said she is feeling much better and she is thrilled to be back on stage doing what she loves. Sweet girl.

Harriet Harris' line that I had mentioned during my review of the first preview "Yes, this is a free country, but this is not a free country club" has been cut. I asked Harriet Harris when that line was cut and she said two days it was cut on Thursday night.

Let's Get Some Air has been cut. It has been replaced by another one of James Snyder's songs, which was moved from earlier in Act 1 to right before the gas mask waltz. (the name of the song escapes me) Also, after the gas mask waltz, Elizabeth Stanley (who has greatly improved over the past couple of weeks) get a reprise of the song and is given the chance to belt up to the rafters. Too bad the song isn't very good.

Class Dismissed has been cut and replaced by another song which I don't know the title to, since the playbill had not reflected any of the song changes. The new song is better than Class Dismissed, but not much better. It does make Elizabeth Stanley's "transformation" into a bad girl a little bit better, but it still comes out of left field. The strange part about Class Dismissed being cut was that in the end of Act 2, there were like two singing lines that the three girls sing that mention Class Dismissed, which now makes NO SENSE unless you had seen an early preview with that song in it. (For example in The Wedding Singer, Laura originally sang "Right On Time" for her first number with a reprise of it in Act 2. When they changed the song to "Someday," they also changed the reprise. Continuity people!!!)

Even with these changes, the show was still awful. I feel terrible for the cast because they must know they are in a turkey.

I was able to move up to row H of the orchestra next to Adamgreer for Act 2, since there were two empty seats next to him. It was fun seeing the license plate tap dance from up close (still the best moment in the show). Plus, John Waters with sitting in the row right in front of us on the aisle frantically taking notes, as was another woman next to him.

I was lucky enough (and honored) to meet Thomas Meehan at the stage door and I told him this was my third time seeing the show and that I loved his book and the changes he made to the show. He seemed appreciative. Too bad I was lying through my teeth. I wanted to tell him how brilliant the book was for Annie 2: Miss Hannigan's Revenge, but I bit my tongue.

If you want to see this show, go soon. It won't last long.

#28re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 11:03am

"The orchestra was full with the exception of the last 6 or 7 rows. I was told, however, that the mezzanine was deserted."

Have you ever sat in a near empty mezzanine? It's disturbing.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#29re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 11:04am

I was lucky enough (and honored) to meet Thomas Meehan at the stage door and I told him this was my third time seeing the show and that I loved his book and the changes he made to the show. He seemed appreciative. Too bad I was lying through my teeth.


"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#30re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 11:05am

I sat in the mezz for Act 1, and yes, it was less than half full. How do the producers expect to fill the house at full price if they can't fill it at $54??? I moved from the last row of the mezz to the fourth row for Act 1...then to H 104 in the orch for Act 2.

DAME Profile Photo
#31re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 11:15am

Updated On: 4/7/08 at 11:15 AM

MenzelManiac Profile Photo
#32re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 11:50am

So is this show closing or not? Some of us REALLY need to know but can't talk about why. Can someone who has actual info PM me to let me know more about this "weekend closing notice" fiasco? Very much appreciated.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#33re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 12:06pm

I will be seeing this show the weekend before the opening, so probbably then the show is in its FROZEN state already...

I just bought a $35.00 ticket... I was hoping that I can go down during the intermission..

BTW- the only two musical shows on TDF yesterday which was 50% OFF was XANADU & PASSING STRANGE.


WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#34re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 12:14pm

I've had a $35 ticket all three times I've seen it, and I was able to move down for two out of the three shows (the first preview was packed). I'm sure you'll have no trouble moving down as soon as the lights go down...

#35re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 12:32pm

Actually, in the last song, the girls say something like "now it's over, class is out, class dismissed"...meaning that the show is over. So it actually does make sense re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis

Just saying...

And those aren't the exact words lol.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#36re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 12:37pm

It bothered me though, because as someone who saw the show in an earlier incarnation, I saw it as something the writers missed during their revisions. I think it should be changed.

#37re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 12:55pm

Thanks much for the comments! Too bad to hear it still sucked.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#38re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 1:02pm

Considering the haphazard, amateurish way this production is presented (Rob Ashford's stellar work excepted), I'm not at all surprised they disregarded continuity.

This whole show makes me appreciate the talents of people like Jack O'Brien, Jerry Mitchell, Marc Shaiman, Scott Whitman, and the rest of the Hairspray team. They got it. This crew certainly doesn't (again, Ashford excepted).

#39re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 1:03pm

Hey Dame, are you really saying that there is a official closing notice posted backstage at the Marquis?

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#40re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 1:04pm

Can we not talk about the show closing in this thread...I don't want it to get deleted. Thanks.

DAME Profile Photo
#41re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 1:11pm

FW: Yes. One was put up last Thursday. It doesn't mean anything however.


singingbackup Profile Photo
#42re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 1:15pm

Dame: not sure what you mean "it doesn't mean anything, however"

Can you shed some more light on the potential closing? Thanks

DAME Profile Photo
#43re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 1:18pm

Updated On: 4/7/08 at 01:18 PM

singingbackup Profile Photo
#44re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 1:25pm

Makes sense. Many thanks.

jpbran Profile Photo
#45re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 1:49pm

Wow! I hope people post a new review thread for EVERY single performance!!!

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#46re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 2:25pm

So, in keeping with being 'young and stupid' purchased two tickets to see this show a long while back, paying the premium ticket price (y'know, before any-which-discount was available). Aaaannnd, I'm a little discouraged because of all of this bad talk, negative energy, and the heavily-rumored closing notice that's been tossed around as of late. I have second row center for May 14th. Am I going, or not? re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#47re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 2:27pm

May 14th? Not likely...

At least you'll get your $250 back in full!

Steve2 Profile Photo
#48re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 2:32pm

Go Mike! Several weeks ago I was faced with the same dilemma, worried that I would be wasting 2.5 hours on my life. I saw it anyway (based upon some PMs and some positive reviews) and enjoyed it and laughed a lot. As I mentioned in a previous post, the person I was with laughed hysterically while the couple next to me didn't respond at all. If you like "South Park", "Team America", etc. you might find it funny. Everyone tries hard in the cast and the choreography is very good.

If you go, at least then you can't say you haven't seen it. re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis

DAME Profile Photo
#49re: Cry Baby- 4/5/08, 8 PM- A diagnosis worse than mononucleosis
Posted: 4/7/08 at 2:34pm

LM.. Don't worry.. you will get a refund. And Steve.. he already paid for his ticket. I think he is just wondering if the show will still be open.

Updated On: 4/7/08 at 02:34 PM
