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DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member- Page 3

DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member

Shawk Profile Photo
#50DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 7:08pm

No one has to "win" or "lose" here. It's not a one or the other situation. Brian Noonan doesn't have to have been an awful person who calls out sick for no reason for the understudy to be good, the understudy doesn't have to be trashed for some unpreparedness just because iluvtheatertrash felt the bizarre need to bash Brian Noonan. Who knows what the heck was going on with this show and this performance, but the at times nasty speculation here regarding both actors is quite unecessary.

(Thus concludes my "play nice, not to mention that you never know who is reading" lecture for today. DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy)

'"Contrairiwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."' ~Lewis Carroll
Updated On: 10/11/05 at 07:08 PM

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#51DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 7:30pm

Kidmanboy, of course. No actor memorizes their lines during rehearsal time - that time is set aside for rehearsal. And you write down your blocking when it's given (he's at the rehearsals where it's given to the people he's understudying) and then work on it yourself if you have to.

It's called being professional and doing your job. No one else does that for you.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#52DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 8:59pm are obviously not a working professional so allow me to educate you about working in the theater.

When you are hired to be an understudy or swing, very rarely will they stop rehearsals and let you run the show. Runs are for the leads. And if you join a show already running, you will not even get a chance to do the show with the other actors until (quite possibly) the night of your first performance.

To quote the famous actor prepares. Even an understudy. You are given a script. You attend rehearsals. You write down blocking. Whether you get to do it on your feet before your performance is debatable. But you are still responsible. You took the job. You can do the job..or not.

And might I suggest you understand the business before you make ass comments. Some of us here are professionals in the business and have LIVES in the business. You obviously don't know the business. So might i get a clue. Oh..and a life.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.
Updated On: 10/11/05 at 08:59 PM

#53DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 11:08pm

Shawk keep in mind that in regards to the understudy, there is no speculation. He admits it. Now if you read my other posts you'll know that I'm the first person to say that being an understudy is hard work and is nerve wracking. Believe me I know that. i'm just saying that because of all that, an actor should give himself every chance to be great cause ya never know who's out there watching. This means learning all the lines and music. Obviously the choreography and blocking would be partially improv'd, but I don't think the audience would have noticed.

Now I'm not saying that Jared is a horrible person. I'm not even saying he's a bad actor. I'm just saying that he got caught a little bit with his pants down because no one would expect an actor to go out on the last week or even day. But it was his job and he was slightly negligant. Now I'm sure he and the rest of us who have understudied have learned a valuable lesson. Do as much as you can by yourself. Kathleen Turner once said that an actor must ALWAYS be prepared to direct himself.
I take that with me everywhere.
Updated On: 10/12/05 at 11:08 PM

Chitty Profile Photo
#54DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 11:29pm

So let me get this straight. This Jared guy wants us to praise him for doing the job he was expected to do? Understudys go on all the time. They're paid to do that job.
While it certainly is a challenging task, you did the job you were hired to do. No matter how little time you had to prepare.

#55DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 11:36pm

ummmm no one said anything about him wanting praise.

white guy Profile Photo
white guy
#56DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 1:29am

jared here, the understudy again.

i have to clear some things up...where many here on this chat think they know the situation, alas, they do not. we signed to be understudies on opening night, crazy huh? we didn't have rehearsals to learn this would I, a 26 year old, imagine they they would ask ME on opening night to cover kinsey and dean howell, two actors not my "type", age range, but my voice type. i guess i was the best choice left. Not knowing until opening night, you can imagine, we were not at rehearsals that we weren't asked to attend, so blocking, choreography wasn't written down. all i had was watching from the wings in the run when i was changing costumes, or waiting to go on. i'm not making excuses. i'm just telling everyone what went on. i'm not complaining i had a job. i was SO grateful. i thought everyone would find it hilarious that $21 is the going rate for understuding off broadway. sue me...i thought that was funny. (21 bucks...12 hrs. rehearsal a week...what is that like $1.75 an hour? c'mon...that's funny.) i took the job because i believed in the production, and thought hey, i'd learn something. thanks be to God our dance captain wrote down as much as possible, and gave that information to me in our rehearsals...after opening. our PSM wasn't in town. don't ask. sadly, with rehearsing 4 actors to cover 9 roles, we didn't finish the show in 12 hrs. of rehearsal, surprise...thus an unprepared understudy. actually 4 unprepared understudies. it really was all our fault for not saying all spend that 12 hrs. this final closing week, NOT looking for a job, resting our bodies and voices, and wear our selves out rehearsing for something that is not likely to happen. happen it did. just PLEASE there need for SUCH negativity?...can't we all just get along? ...and guys..i'm not making excuses...i'm filling everyone in on how NOT to get caught with your pants down. i know how it feels. luckily the audience had a blast. and i did too. i wish you were all there...then we wouldn't be here endlessly typing about it.

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#57DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 1:30am

I think my favorite thing about this thread is that goes some way to proving something I've been saying for a while now; you never know who's reading the board so be careful what you say. I'm not saying I'm not guilty of it, I am, but still.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

#58DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 1:37am

well i generally don't say anything that I couldn't say to someone's face. Then again I'm not one of the mean ones here.

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#59DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 1:40am

People have not been particularly harsh with Jared. The theatre public has expectations about a show. I think it is great he has come to give us more information, but I will not temper my posts in order to appease people.

I don't post things to be negative in any personal manner toward performers, and I think the original vitriol against the performer in this show was uncalled for, but that is not to say that posts like, "an understudy should know their lines" or "show X is horrible" are invalid.

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

#60DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 2:25am

I wasn't there. But I got sucked into reading this thread and now I'm gonna share my heart on this.

I didn't see the performance, but I'm really glad you posted, Jared. I'm a musical theatre student, and I think it's awesome that you are here in New York going after your dream. Right on. I think this whole thing is a great lesson, especially to young performers. I'm sure any number of things could have prevented this from happening, but I think it's great that the performers involved, as well as the audience were able to take away something positive from the situation. That's what life is about. No one is gonna be perfect one hundred percent of the time, and actors, no matter how proffesional, are gonna screw up sometimes. We are all human beings. This is a cutthroat business. And I'm learning more and more about that every day. And 21 bucks a week! That absolutely scares the sh*t out of me. Sorry, I'm not laughing. At the same time, I know there is nothing else I would rather do. I don't know if I will ever make it to a Broadway stage. But I do know that the choices I am making now are gonna allow me to look back on my life with as little regrets as possible. Maybe I will make it to a Broadway stage. Maybe I won't. When it's all said and done, at least I can say I tried. Then tried again. Thank you for sharing this. I wish more actors would post their experiences, hardships, struggles, successes, etc as opposed to "what shows have you been in? well I've been in...." I often feel people use this board more as a way of self promotion, instead of a learning tool. So thank you for the lesson.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#61DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 2:46am

Well..well..what do we have here...

You're still complaining that you received only $21 dollars. Did someone put a gun to your head and say "DO this show for $21". You had the right to say no. You knew full well what your compensation was going to be. You AGREED to accept $21. Stop bitching about it. Oh you say your not complaining about it...but then you go making a joke about making a $1.25 an hour. You don't like the pay...don't do the job. Let someone who is more than happy to accept $21 do the job.

And you said you couldn't get the blocking cause you "were not at rehearsals that you were not asked to attend".

Can anyone else see the problem with that. Jared, you have a mouth. Use it. You certainly could have asked the production team if you COULD attend the rehearsals that you were not asked to attend. You could have realized that you needed to get the blocking and that this was the way. I'm sure the production team would certainly have been more than happy to have you sit in on them. But you made the decision not to attend. That is YOUR fault. No one elses.

Contrary to your claim, you were caught with your pants down. And it was an unfortunate situation for the paying audience. Because the actor let them down.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

Khashoggi Profile Photo
#62DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 3:03am

Hahaha! Oh, Mr Tuttle you absolute knob.
That was one of the most disrespectful, harsh, cruel posts I've read on this board, and thats saying something.
Why does anyone have to take the blame here? Jared went on and did his best, good for him, have sympathy for Brian, because he had to make a big call.
Everyone just chill out and stop blaming and flaming.
Where's the love?

"I will join this conversation on the proviso that we stop bitching about people. Wigs, dresses, bust sizes, penises, nightclubs and bloody Kylie!" - Bernadette, Priscilla Queen of the Desert the Musical

#63DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 3:40am

Tuttle I think you're a little confused. I think Jared said in a post that he got offered the role of understudy opening night after all the leads had rehearsed. They stopped their rehearsals early because of the closing notice. His unpreparedness on the blocking and the choreography is understandable.

As far as the money, as I've said before just because actors take a job for little money doesn't make it right. He prob did it cause it's an awesome credit for the resume and it's an experience. When you're youngish that's why you do things. It's still not fair. I'm sure if jared were older and more established he wouldn't have taken it for that money. and ya know what? They wouldn't have dreamed of asking him to. There was a little negligance on the production side.

#64DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 10:58am


You have proven time and time again to be one of the angriest people on this board. How DARE you lecture Jared when he just did the best he could at the time. let's face it...this production was not conducted in the 'usual' practices of cut him some slack.

And do you think quoting 'The Actor Prepares' gives you some sort of clout around here? My lord, we all read that one in Acting 101.

Can we all just stop this meanness and stupidity?

Fact - Brian Noonan was ill and could not perform
Fact - Jared did his best to cover under less than ideal circumstances
FACT - ALL actors bitch about their measley pay. It's a right of passage. And Jared (from what I can tell) was merely making light of it. But seriously, with the mouth you've got on you, I seriously doubt that you've EVER complained about anything.....note the rolling sarcasm.

Now, let's all just move on...please.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#65DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 11:23am

Jared, I just want to clear something up, the $21 for understudying was above your weekly salary, no? You were receiving a paycheck from this company for more than $21 in total, right? I think people are getting the impression that you were paid only $21/week.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

lildogs Profile Photo
#66DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 11:28am

If ya'll think Tuttle is the meanest, you haven't been on the board very long...hell, I'm meaner than that! lol...

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#67DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 11:52am

But, lil dogs, you are cute and sweet enough to get away with it! DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy

LAWD, this thread is D R A M A!

Just want to echo the sentiments that we need to be respectful on this board. It IS public. Everything can be read by the very people you are insulting--and/or it gets back to them. So, while it might be fun fun fun and somehow fulfilling to insult Brian Noonan, Sara Ramirez, and Idina Menzel, etc., it sure is disrespectful, crass, and immature.

Also, if you are involved with a production or artist, you don't come here and air dirt. But, those of you who do will slowly start to wonder why no one on Broadway is giving you dirt anymore...

lildogs Profile Photo
#68DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 11:55am

aw thanks was cool to meet you the other day, even if you thought i was insane at first...I was kinda jokin btw...

#69DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 12:00pm

Tuttle--Jared gave a "supurb" performance? Your misspelling or his?

More generally, is "unprofessionalism" even a word? I doubt it, but I don't know what a proper substitute would be--"nonprofessionalism"? "disprofessionalism"? Probably we should just stick with "lack of professionialism" or "absence of professionalism."

I ask in all honesty/What would life be?/Without a song and a dance, what are we?/So I say "Thank you for the music/For giving it to me."

Shoshana BeanieBaby
#70DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 12:47pm

I think this thread is horrible and theatretrash should be ashamed !!! However this is the most entertaining thread I've ever read. It was more dramatic then any soap opera on TV....

white guy Profile Photo
white guy
#71DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 12:48pm

"mr. tuttle"...listen to the taglines on all your posts... "ignorance is temporary, stupidity is forever". i'm telling you facts, and you aren't paying attention. you are vicious and unhappy, and i wish i could cheer you up. i thought the $21 for UNDERSTUDYING was funny. again..i'm NOT's FUNNY ! laugh! i got paid a real off broadway salary. $21 to understudy is hilarious. it's a lot of work, you're doing a favor. i would have done it for free. i know how fortunate i was to be in this show. i'm not whining to equity, i'm just letting people know what the going rate for it is. most people don't know that. i know i didn't. it's a riot.


read my post again. please.

we signed to be understudies on opening night. there WERE NO rehearsals that i could have attended. besides the 12 hrs we had after on opening week. i couldn't have known that i would understudy brian and david in this show from day 1, and be at every rehearsal they did for no reason...they didn't know who was going to understudy til opening, and i'm sure i was a money saving option. which is fine. you pay your dues in this business.

"tuttle" says: "And it was an unfortunate situation for the paying audience. Because the actor let them down." if you were at the performance, you would not have been let down, it was magical. the audience was the most responsive, glorious, sweet i had ever recieved in my life. jennifer simard, chris corts, and the cast have never been more funny, or better, and my cover got to go on. it was one of the most joyous nights of my life. if YOU WERE THERE, you would have seen, but since you weren't, and can only assume, you think it was a disaster. it was joyous closing night when it would have been a somber closing, which was the option GIVEN to me by the composer, and producer. they knew i hadn't been taught the lifts, choreography, blocking, quick changes, etc. for act II, and i would have to put my neck on the line for this final show to happen. i didn't even have COSTUMES. the production gave up on understudies over a week before i went on. i didn't. and i'm NOT asking for an award from you or anyone mr. tuttle. just facts.

ignorance is temporary, stupidity is forever.

i'm off to jersey boys. stay out of the rain. and why is it so cold already?

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#72DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 1:07pm

White guy, I guess you didn't see my question. You are harping on your $21 to understudy without clarifying that that is the pay for understudying ONLY - over and above your salary for playing whatever other role/roles you played. Posters are understanding you to say that you made $21/week, period.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#73DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 1:13pm

Ummmmm roquat, unprofessionalism is a word. Go look it up on

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#74DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/12/05 at 1:27pm

I have to side fully with White Boy here on this issue.
I was called into a regional tryout of a Broadway musical a few years ago while the show was in tech. For whatever reason, they had cast two female swings but had felt they could get by with no swings for the men (of which there were 7 in the cast) and would just lose a chorus member if someone couldn't go on.
One of the females in the show was actually hit by a car while she was crossing the street and that gave the producers pause on the male swing matter and so they hired me.
I came in during tech. I had seen not ONE rehearsal. The only rehearsals I attended were now tech rehearsals as the show was opening in 4 days.
I learned 4 male vocal tracks while snatching rehearsals with the AMD and watched blocking from the sound booth at night as much as I could.
Everything I did to prepare myself to cover 5 chorus tracks and 3 roles was on my own. I received no assistance or help from the production itself as there simply was not time. I lived in constant fear that I was going to go on before I had a chance to learn a particular track. We had ONE understudy rehearsal (now, granted, all but two of the understudies were covering multiple roles in addition to their stage roles and the two female understudies covered all roles except the lead), so not one of us got a chance to track all of our roles had we been required to go on.
And all of that for an unbelievably low salary.
And I ask you all who continue to harp upon an "unprepared" actor, if you were hired as an administrative assistant to a CEO, would you not expect at least a short training session to get your acclamated to the process and job? And would you not expect a tad of lenience from your boss and coworker while you figured things out?
To expect Jared to have given a Tony-winning performance his first time on the stage is a bit harsh and it sounds as if he did a pretty remarkable job.
