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DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member- Page 2

DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member

#25re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member
Posted: 10/10/05 at 10:24pm

Eep! Sorry.

Yes, Jared technically is the understudy. But they didn't rehearse their understudies.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#26re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member
Posted: 10/10/05 at 10:30pm

Met Brian a few weeks ago after we saw it & he was quite nice. We cannot judge until all the facts are known, if ever. Maybe he was so broken up about its premature closing that he could not emotionally make the final performance. Innocent until proved guilty. Maybe he got spooked by all the talk abou the terrorist hitting the subway or maybe the torrential rain stopped him. If any cast member reads these posts & cares to chime in fine. If not, let the issue die

With someone like Sara Ramirez, it is a much clearer case & that is she does not appear to take her craft too seriously & has no respect for her fans or the audience in general. No matter what her talent, my wife & I will not go crazy trying to see the next thing she is in. She will just be a featured performer & not a star to us

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 10/10/05 at 10:30 PM

#27re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member
Posted: 10/10/05 at 10:34pm

I am proud to say Jared is an alumni of my college and I know him! He is soooo sweet and so talented! I am sad that I couldn't see him perform but he's an amazing guy and very talented. I wish Dr. Sex could last longer. But I hope that Jared will continue with his acting career and lets hope he goes far. Yay for Jared!

"Have a child for warmth and a baker for bread and a prince for... whatever!"

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#28re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member
Posted: 10/10/05 at 10:35pm

You're blaming the lead actor for being unprofessional for calling in sick, but praising the understudy that didn't even know his lines by the last performance?

Even if he's only "technically" the understudy, it's still his job to be able to perform (and without a script), regardless of how many rehearsals the production team has arranged for him.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#29re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member
Posted: 10/10/05 at 10:55pm

Yeah technically the unproffesionalism should go to whoever didn't rehearse the understudy. That's not wise and it certainly isn't prof. I feel that he should have been solid on the lines and the songs. The blocking would have been forgivable. I'm not just nitpicking. A few months ago I was an understudy for Pirelli and the Beadle in a proffesional show. I was also IN the show. In addition to me several other uderstudies were hired who weren't in the show. Ya know what? SEVERAL of us went on, including me. Our set was 3 stories high and I can't really think of too many roles that are harder to sing than those. I worked my ass off while doing a regular sched of rehearsals and shows. WHen the time came, I went on with no script and knew every word. This is not to say that I'm so great, but to say that it's the job. It's what's expected. Understudies rarely get much rehearsal time (he should have had at least a blocking and put-in). Thousands of people do it around the country.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#30re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member
Posted: 10/10/05 at 11:10pm

*applauds Jazzy* Thank you for telling it like it is. Actors need to DO THEIR JOB. This board is crammed with wannabes who think it's all up to everyone else to make the actor's life as easy as possible. It's a job - you get paid - you do the work.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson
Updated On: 10/10/05 at 11:10 PM

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#31re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member
Posted: 10/11/05 at 2:17am

Bravo skittles and certainly are correct.

Let's trash another actor for missing a show for an undisclosed reason.

But lets heaps praise on an actor who 1) was cast as understudy and 2) has had time to learn his blocking and lines before his first performance. So he didn't get to do a full rehearsal with the cast before his performance. And just how many Broadway understudies get to do this for a BIG BUDGET show. None.

And we're suppose to sit hear and ravish praise on someone for doing their job. theatertrash needs to get a grip on the reality of the business.

And I love how you posted this like just some regular theater goer, when it turn out you know and are friends with the actor. You need to learn if you're gonna shill for someone...have some class and do it for them right reasons. Or, here's a better suggestion...DONT SHILL AT ALL.

(although we should be glad that trash didn't both to post his web site like they did on

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#32re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member
Posted: 10/11/05 at 2:21am

I hope everyone notices that as of tonight, there is a first-hand response to this in another thread.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#33re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member
Posted: 10/11/05 at 11:20am

I'm not shilling Jared. I met Jared a few days ago and we've spoken briefly once or twice. I don't have his contact information and I will probably never see him again.

Please remember that this was the closing performance. I think 99% of actors who believe the stage is their true calling would have sucked it up and gone on, sick or not, risk or not. I know I would have. Look at Julia Murney at the closing of LENNON. Look at Jenn Simard (also in DR. SEX) with a sinus infection.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

WindyCityActor Profile Photo
#34re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member
Posted: 10/11/05 at 11:26am

Opening...Middle of the Run....Closing Night.

If you are ill as an actor, you do not have to "suck it up"...that's what understudies are for. Performing while ill isn't just about giving a weak performance that evening, it can permanently damage your voice.

I was in a production of "The Desert Song" when the leading actress over-rehearsed to the point of vocal wrecked her voice - permanently. Not even out of her 20's, and never being able to reach her potential.

Sorry that the understudy wasn't alloted any rehearsal time...but it's his job to demand rehearsal time, or at least have his lines memorized!!!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#35re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member
Posted: 10/11/05 at 11:31am

I'm not getting involved in this mess, aside from asking what was wrong with Julia? Was it still her leg? re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member

A work of art is an invitation to love.

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#36re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member
Posted: 10/11/05 at 11:39am

"With someone like Sara Ramirez, it is a much clearer case & that is she does not appear to take her craft too seriously & has no respect for her fans or the audience in general."

Sara is an amazing performer, and has worked hard to get where she is today. If she's sick and suffering, then she's sick. I really don't think we should be ripping into these performers without knowing the ACTUAL facts (and rumors, contrary to popular belief, are NOT facts.) I know nothing about Dr. Sex or Brian Noonan, but secondhand gossip that (gasp) might not even be true is abundant on these boards and I'm not trusting a word of it.

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.

ElphabaRose Profile Photo
#37re: DR. SEX Closing Perf/Unprofessionalism from a cast member
Posted: 10/11/05 at 11:41am

Just in case anyone was looking, here's the link to the other thread:

Whatever happened to class?

white guy Profile Photo
white guy
#38DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 1:08pm

the beauty of a chat board, the cast reply. love brian's reply today. inspired by donna lynn champlin's a few weeks ago about sweeney... here's mine...i'm jared bradshaw...first post on any board...i'm the understudy that went on. i never wanted to go on for brian, but that was what i got paid $21 a week for. nice huh? oh the joys of the off broadway contract. the production was TOTALLY unprepared to have any of the 4 covers go any of the 9 roles...including my 2 understudy roles...kinsey and dean howell.
over a week ago, we were halfway through learning the show, music, choreo., lines, blocking, etc. and they posted closing, and they said we will not rehearse any more, because we would not go on. ha. after not looking at it for a week, and not staging lifts, choreo., or completing blocking the show...i had 1 hour and 15 minutes to prepare my self....with no costumes for myself or my cover, and a full house coming for closing night. i put on brian's pants, hiked up the suspenders, and went through the 47 quick changes for the first time. oh, and our PSM had a week business trip scheduled this week, so he hasn't been here (swell)...which ended up being our last week, we were supposed to go til haloween. the producers and writers asked me at 6:15 (for a 7pm show) if i could do it, and told me i had to right to refuse, and they would cancel the show, but don't we always know everybody's favorite showbiz adage? "the show must go on". i would have felt like a total ASS for sending all the actors home on closing night with out a show, and the 170 people in the audience, who were unbeliveably supportive, and made it one of my favorite nights i've ever had. Horrific is the word. terrified, but it ended up being an unforgettable night, and i've never heard an audience laugh so much. yes, i called for line, yes, i had the book in 2 scenes. yes the cast was amazing. yes, jennifer simard, chris pros. saved me. doing boom chicka boom for the first time onstage memorized, with props, and chreo. that i had not been taught, only watched from the wings...that's why we take improv. classes. i thank that NY audience of 7 friends and 163 strangers. I hate seeing assumptions on any board, but that's half the "fun" i guess. BUT assumptions and opinions are different things. to clear a few things...i have met "iluvtheatretrash" at the stage door twice. i don't know the poster on allthatchat, but my website is in my bio. sue me. i don't think anyone is shilling for me...if they were was divine intervention...and an unforgettable night...of an audience rooting for the underdog. when this chat was brought to my attention, you can't help but stand up for yourself. so i'm glad noonan did, and i had to also. i love ny theatre. filing for unemployment today. PS..wasn't in my life a blast? jersey boys tomorrow matinee...later

teth Profile Photo
#39DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 1:15pm

Actors are not allowed to be sick? PLEASE.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#40DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 1:25pm

No teth, even if they're knocking on Death's door, they still MUST perform. I mean, Jenn had a sinus infection *gasp* and she was able to heroically make it through the performance!

whiteguy, no one intended to attack you specifically, but we were responding to the obvious bias of iluvtheatertrash.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 10/11/05 at 01:25 PM

#41DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 1:33pm

Oy vey, people. I'm signing off.


"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#42DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 1:49pm

Omg i love jared and im happy he got to go on. I saw him last year at the gateway playhouse and have been a fan snice

Save him please, just save him My poor Boq, my sweet, my brave him Don't leave me till my sorry life has scene Alone and loveless here, just the girl in the mirror Just her and me, the Wicked Witch of the East

Shawk Profile Photo
#43DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 2:23pm

And just why is there drama, do you think?

'"Contrairiwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."' ~Lewis Carroll

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#44DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 3:04pm

Oy vey, people. I'm signing off.


Gee, can't think why.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#45DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 5:52pm are an actor. You are hired to do a job. You are required to do that job whether someone gives you an understudy rehearsal or not. You are an understudy until the end of the run of the show. That is the simple relaity of the business. I have done it and many others have. It is niot the fault of the production ASM or other personal to make sure you have your job down. Am I'm so sorry you were only paud $21 dollars. I can imagine all the other actors out there would have been happy to do the show...maybe even for (gasp) free!

Theatertrash...please live up to your name and deposit yourself in the nearest can.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

#46DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 6:21pm

well I sort of agree and disagree with Tuttle all at the same time. Whether an actor would be happy to do something for free or little money is not really relevant. $21 is a crime. It's absolutely rediculous to expect people to work for so little. I'm sure there are some teachers, lawyers, and construction workers out of work who are willing to work for next to nothing. NO ONE would dare ask a business professoinal to work for the kind of money artists do. People are taking advantage of the passion of an artist.

it's unfortunate about the rehearsal thing. The producers can't imagine a cast member getting sick so I understand the halting of the rehearsals. I personally would have kept learning everything I could just in case. The put in however should have been a bit longer

#47DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 6:24pm

I believe scale is around $600 for that space. You got paid $21 OVER your weekly... lets not mislead people.

kidmanboy Profile Photo
#48DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 6:47pm

So let me get this straight? He should have learned all the blocking by himself and rehearsed by himself in his spare time. Are you kidding me? You guys need some LIVES!!!

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#49DR. SEX an understudy's dilemma from the understudy
Posted: 10/11/05 at 6:50pm

That is what I tend to do if I am doing my job. Maybe not as much with the blocking, but learning the lines, you had better believe it.

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.
