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Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway- Page 8

Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway

sally1112 Profile Photo
#175re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/4/06 at 7:24pm

Anyone else Stephen Lynch is hot? I was drooling over his spots on VH1 about the 80's and someone had to tell me he was the one from the Wedding Singer.

Any good pictures of him?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#176re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/4/06 at 7:26pm

I wouldn't call Lynch "dashing," per se, but he is very, very cute and exceedingly charming.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#177re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/4/06 at 7:35pm

Where is the derring-do that once we knew? Updated On: 8/4/06 at 07:35 PM

#178re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/4/06 at 9:39pm

Hugh Panaro...WAY dashing!

#179re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/4/06 at 9:47pm

re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway

Anyone else Stephen Lynch is hot? I was drooling over his spots on VH1 about the 80's and someone had to tell me he was the one from the Wedding Singer.

Any good pictures of him?

Um.. YESSS!!

re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

#180re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/4/06 at 9:49pm


Michael, Eric, that guy from Altar Boyz, and Hugh are dashing.

Dashing is defined as one who may be gorgeous, but doesn't have to be. Must be atheletic enough to spar (or whatever the hell they do in Fencing). Not a requirement to have anything up in the ol' noggin.

From this, I gather that Harry Connick Jr isn't necessarily gorgeous, but he's rather dashing.

Question: Will Esparza win for The Homecoming? BobbyBubby: I hope so. If only for the mental health of many people on this board.

#181re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/4/06 at 9:53pm

Um, no. I'm not in that consensus.

I haven't seen any of them dash yet, though Hugh looked like he perhaps could with the opportunity.

Opinions? Updated On: 8/4/06 at 09:53 PM

#182re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/5/06 at 1:43am

I think Michael and Eric dash. As does Harry Connick Jr.

Question: Will Esparza win for The Homecoming? BobbyBubby: I hope so. If only for the mental health of many people on this board.

fishergirl819 Profile Photo
#183re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/5/06 at 2:36pm

I have obviously been slacking, as I completely missed this thread in my daily skim through the topics. I would've been here PAGES ago with these, otherwise. To go along with what Al Dente and Broadway Chica have been saying...I come bearing Andy Karl.

re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway

re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway

re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway

re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway

re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway

re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway

re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway

And as for that picture of Andy and Orfeh that Al Dente says looks like a stagedoor picture...that was taken at the Slut opening night party, and if I remember correctly, was used on either or

#184re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/5/06 at 2:50pm

That curly-haired dude in the third photo down seems fascinated with Andy's chest.

But perhaps he just wants one of those tee shirts for his very own...

I wonder who he is?

ruprecht Profile Photo
#185re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/5/06 at 5:39pm

That "curly haired dude" is none other than Matt Morrison, frequent BWW obsession, rightly so and can Andy Karl be any more gorgeous, whoo!

#186re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/6/06 at 12:41am


Don't know him.

BreeDaniel Profile Photo
#187re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/6/06 at 8:51am

Seriously nom? You spend time on this board and don't know Matt Morrison? That's like saying, you don't know Idina Menzel. There are only about 10 people anyone EVER talks about here and he's in the top 5. Unless you're being sarcastic.

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#188re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/6/06 at 10:40am

nom sarcastic? Never!

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher
Updated On: 8/6/06 at 10:40 AM

#189re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/6/06 at 10:44am

re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#190re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/6/06 at 2:06pm

According to my dictionary, 'dashing' is someone who's spirited and gallant. I usually think of a swashbuckler, like Errol Flynn. The hero of 'The Scarlet Pimpernel' would qualify. But as Tirso de Molina points out, there really aren't any roles like that on Broadway, and even the leading men types in 'Spamalot' and 'Drowsy Chaperone' are objects of satire, which might say something how we regard them that archetype now.

And to BroadwayChica and nomdeplume, I'd say Brian d'Arcy James cuts quite the dashing figure, but you oughta catch 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels' to see what a comic cutup he can be. There's no sword-fighting or stirring solos, but lotsa slapstick and fun. 'The Leading Men' - Brian d'Arcy James

Tirso de Molina
#191re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/6/06 at 2:45pm

I can't resist quoting Sondheim's lyrics to "There Won't Be Trumpets" here, since we're all talking about "dashing" heroic types:

"There are heroes in the world,
Princes are heroes in the world,
And one of them will save us.
Wait and see!
Wait and see!
There won't be trumpets or bolts of fire
To say he's coming.
No Roman candles, no angels' choir,
No sound of distant drumming.
He may not be the cavalier,
Tall and graceful, fair and strong.
Doesn't matter, just as long as he comes along!
But not with trumpets or lightning flashing
Or shining armor.
He may be daring, he may be dashing,
Or maybe he's a farmer.
We can wait, what's another day?
He has lots of hills to climb.
And a hero
Doesn't come till the nick of time!
Don't look for trumpets or whistles tooting
To guarantee him!
There won't be trumpets, but sure as shooting
You'll know him when you see him!"

Sondheim's right: the real hero doesn't have to be a dashing cavalier to save the day.

"Sweet summer evenings, hot wine and bread / Sharing your supper, sharing your bed / Simple joys have a simple voice: It says why not go ahead?"

#192re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/6/06 at 5:35pm

O where is the swash that late we buckled?
Updated On: 8/7/06 at 05:35 PM

#193re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/7/06 at 7:28am

It wasn't on Broadway, but did anyone see Macbeth at the Public Theatre this summer? Liev Schreiber definitely qualifies for dashing.

rose_pearl Profile Photo
#194re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/7/06 at 12:35pm

"And to BroadwayChica and nomdeplume, I'd say Brian d'Arcy James cuts quite the dashing figure, but you oughta catch 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels' to see what a comic cutup he can be. There's no sword-fighting or stirring solos, but lotsa slapstick and fun. 'The Leading Men' - Brian d'Arcy James"

Love that article. I hope to see him in September.


Who would play you in the movie? "Taye Diggs." --Brian d'Arcy James

#195re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/7/06 at 2:31pm

I love harry :)
Troy Britten Johnson looks like a monkey, no offense.
Eric is very dashing.


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#196re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/7/06 at 3:16pm

re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway

I stand corrected. With this picture above, Manoel Felciano now moves into the much coveted "guy I'd bang on my lunch hour in his downtown Soho apartment but whom I'd never introduce to my friends."

Smoking? Really? I feel like Jan Brady when she saw Greg take a drag outside of Rydell High. I'm disappointed, yet strangely aroused.

#197re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/7/06 at 4:01pm

That picture is reeeaaally disappointing.

Question: Will Esparza win for The Homecoming? BobbyBubby: I hope so. If only for the mental health of many people on this board.

#198re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/7/06 at 4:09pm

'Tis drought in draught to me.

#199re: Dangerous Drought of Dashing Men on Broadway
Posted: 8/7/06 at 4:14pm

That is Manoel, right?

I don't mind that he smokes, although I'm not a die hard musical theatre fan. I can see why some might find it disappointing. It does move him closer to having sex appeal though. Is that weird?

I really thought he was this boy next door type. It has to be an old picture. I think he really took his Sweeney role seriously and wouldn't jeopordize his performance by smoking.
Updated On: 8/7/06 at 04:14 PM
