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Dear Hunter Foster, Meredith Patterson, Chris Sieber and Anyone Else With Internet Access- Page 17

Dear Hunter Foster, Meredith Patterson, Chris Sieber and Anyone Else With Internet Access

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#400Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 9:40am

Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.

Everyone should print this out and send it to Hunter.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#401Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 10:02am

The one thing that you ALL seem to be missing is that ive heard ALL of you refering to the fact the Tony Awards Votes mean very little when so much polotics is involved. After Memphis won so many said that it won because of road voters, the most commercial show to tour etc etc

However now people are saying his equity awards idea is knocking the winners?

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#402Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 10:08am

ALL awards are political and subjective. All of them. There's no way around it. That said, his idea of the Equity awards (with the SAG awards as its model) makes no sense, for the reasons people point out.

To be fair, I think just about anything Hunter offers at this point is going to be met with scorn and derision by a fair amount of people. It's the hole he and the others dug for themselves when they began this misguided quest.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#403Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 10:18am

The equity awards idea is stupid because Hunter didn't think about the logistics of such a thing. How are the equity members who are, you know, actually employed in a show, going to see these shows and vote? It's not like film or TV where they can mail you a screener and you can watch at your leisure. Plus, given Hunter and his ilk's previous statements about not even seeing CZJ's performance (despite his claim that she was "worse in the theater"), it's highly doubtful he, Jen, and Meredith could be counted on for anything resembling integrity. Rather, it would resemble something like those 7th grade student council elections- a popularity contest where they could all pat themselves on the back.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#404Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 10:41am

Good points (and i agree that Hunter has a hard fight to earn peoples respect back)

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Kalimba Profile Photo
#405Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 10:45am

Jen Cody already demonstrated that she doesn't have an integrity by blabbing about that she's a Tony voter and who she did or didn't vote for.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#406Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 10:48am

Its not against the rules to talk about who you voted for, i actually liked how honest she was about who she voted for. She could have said she voted for CZJ to make it sound better for herself but she didnt.

I guess as much as i dont agree with what they plastered all over facebook, its kinda funny when some of the people on this thread launched in to an attack of CZJ Tony Performance on Tony night. The diference is of course that they are public figures who should no better, but everyone on here did the same thing.

Maybe we are all just bitchy gossips lol

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

adamgreer Profile Photo
#407Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 10:49am

It would, however, give Jan Maxwell the chance to add some Equitys to her bag. They'd go nicely with all the Tonys she's got in there.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#408Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 10:53am

As a New Yorker and an Equity member, I can't even imagine how this might even work. Best Dresser? Unless you work on the show, how could you possibly know that? If we are to institute the Equity Awards, it seems that it makes most sense to limit it to the thing we know best...acting.

But what would be eligible? Only Broadway shows? Off-Broadway? What about the thousands of Equity members who are giving great performances in off-off Broadway showcases throughout the City? Or the thousands of Equity members around the country who do extraordinary work regionally?

You see where this goes, right? No matter what, you have to exclude people from this. So it ends up becoming about the hierarchy that these people now rail against. 'Cept, this time, Broadway is at the I guess it's ok.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#409Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 11:01am

I think we should have the "Quity's" and have them broadcast on Ovation and open every year with Little Sally (SPENCER KAYDEN) handing out the awards while movie stars are kept in a medieval torture device suspended above the real "stars" who can throw fruit and bits of cheese at them all night.

Kalimba Profile Photo
#410Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 11:08am

Jordan, will there be a red carpet?

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#411Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 11:29am

Funnily enough, Spencer Kaden (who was not only magnificent in every incarnation of URINETOWN, but is also a truly marvelous human being) won Equity's Clarance Derwent Award for her performance as Little Sally.

I still remember standing outside on a hot August day telling Spencer that no matter what happens, should the show move, they had to keep her...even if they got rid of the rest of us.

And that's EXACTLY what happened. I'm a real Cassandra that way.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#412Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 11:33am

I hope you win the Hunter Foster Equity Award for Best Soothsayer!

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#413Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 11:34am

Its not against the rules to talk about who you voted for, i actually liked how honest she was about who she voted for. She could have said she voted for CZJ to make it sound better for herself but she didnt.

How on Earth would it have made her sound better if she said she voted for CZJ? It would have made her look like an idiot considering she was bashing CZJ in the same post. "She was such an arrogant bitch at Gypsy of the Year and her awful performance didn't deserve the Tony- but I voted for her!"

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#414Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 11:43am

Spencer was brilliant and to me, that's one role that will forever be owned by her and her alone.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#415Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 11:52am

You will get no argument from me. It was actually written for her...tailored specifically to her talents. Other people do it...and do it well. But, like John Cameron Mitchell as Hedwig, it is just different when performed by the person it's meant for.

#416Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 11:54am

Songanddanceman, I think the difference (in regard to people on this board who bashed CZJ's performance) is that we didn't then start some "noble and altruistic" facebook campaign out of jealousy because we didn't get to walk the red carpet like CZJ did. And then of course denied that we bashed her.

Kad Profile Photo
#417Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 11:55am

Yes, someone proposed a "Best Performance by a Celebrity" category- and that suggestion is even worse than Equity Awards. Because it's saying "Film Actors Are Different and Don't Deserve to Be Judged Based on the Same Standards as Stage Actors". And nearly all of the film actors nominated this year have had considerable stage experience. And, at the rate Broadway is going, that category would be filled with nominees while a "Best Stage Actor" category would be devoid of anyone.

An awards system is inherently flawed and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do. It's flawed because the voters are- voters will be biased on a personal level or based on their own best interests. And an Equity Awards will be terribly flawed.

Besides- Equity already gives awards. Awards that are arguably more meaningful.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

tazber Profile Photo
#418Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 12:08pm

Kalimba, there will be a red carpet if Bernadette Peters attends.

....but the world goes 'round

#419Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 12:16pm

It would also seem, again, that this "Equity Award" idea is about controlling by Mr. Foster and his wife who gets to be in the Broadway community. With the exception of the voting pool (equity members)the only difference is that they seem to want a ceremony where they can control the presenters, etc. I.E., their version of the "Broadway community". Which to their minds (at least this year) does not include people giving excellent performances on Broadway. I also thought it quite telling that Ms. Cody's public bashing of CZJ extended to CZJ complaining that she was tired at the Easter Bonnet. As if her not giving true deference to a fund raiser (albeit a worthy one) that Ms. Cody is very involved in after being a lead on Broadway eight shows a week somehow disqualifies her from the "Broadway community."

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#420Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 12:30pm

Their hero Patty Lupone doesn't even participate in BC/EFA fundraisers- does that make her even less deserving of a Tony than CZJ by Jenn Cody's standards?

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#421Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 12:30pm

This whole discussion just gets more embarrassing and brainless by the minute. Truly astounding. Just shameful.

#422Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 12:40pm

have we ever got a statement from Sutton? but the stupidity by Hunters group of Buttkissers crack me up. he's giving false hope

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#423Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 1:08pm

Like i said, my main thing with the Tony Awards is getting the awards for things like the Lifetime Achivement Award and Book award etc back in the telecast. Hunter has the same opinion on that, so i agree with him.

Some ideas are gonna work, some are not, i agree with some, i 100 percent dont with others.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#424Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
Posted: 6/30/10 at 1:13pm

"She was such an arrogant bitch at Gypsy of the Year and her awful performance didn't deserve the Tony"

I stopped reading awhile ago - did she really say this?
