I saw the show for the second time on Tuesday night (only because I had gotten free tickets and I was curious how it changed since previews) and was surprised to see the show get stopped midway through the first act after Spider-Man got tangled in his wires while flying around the audience. Hadn't heard anything about this happening in a really long time so was wondering if anyone knows if it does happen often? Or maybe I just haven't paying enough attention.
If anyone is curious... the show was stopped for about 30-40 minutes just a couple songs before intermission. They had to wait for Spider-Man to get untangled and then lower him down to the audience. They also made the audience under him get out of their seats.
At the end of the show when Spider-Man and the Green Goblin are supposed to have their big fight over the audience, only the Green Goblin was flying and there was no sign of Spider-Man. They still had the voiceovers though so you heard Spider-Man saying stuff like "take that Goblin," though the Goblin was literally throwing his arms at the air. It looked really stupid. I think I also remember from the first time I saw it that Spider-Man went flying around the audience at the end when Mary-Jane sings "Rise Above" briefly, but Reeve just walked off the side of the stage.
This show is already ridiculously long, I can't imagine waiting an additional 30-40 minutes for them to deal with technical difficulties. I would have left.
I myself was wondering about this the other day. I'm assuming with a show like this, difficulties are inevitable and come often. I think we've stopped hearing about them because no one really cares anymore.
^^^^ LOL. Was talking with some people today that have seen SMTOD over 70 times each and they were saying how smooth everything has been. I would have left also.
one of the girls I know from the Pippin rush has seen Spiderman over 200 times because of Matthew James Thomas. now she is hooked on Pippin. I believe she is on her 31st pippin show.
That's just creepy. I will a show multiple times if I enjoy the music, or the production, or if a new production of an old show has been created, but to rewatch a show tens or hundreds of times because of an actor in it... that's just weird.
Can people ask for a refund if things like this happen?
If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
It's a bit different than seeing someone multiple times in concert but not so different that it makes one of them creepy. One person's weird is another person's sweet.
Besides, I have watched many movies over 100 times (Pulp Fiction, Stand By Me, Shawshank). Is that weird? She also stage doors every time. The cast does not seem to mind, in fact Matthew James Thomas jokes about it with her. I admit, I see shows multiple times, and right now I am hooked on one show, but it is different every time I see it. And I love me some circus.
There was a show that I frequented a few years back and ended up stacking up around 25 performances by the time it closed. It was cathartic and I enjoyed seeing the cast changes and audience reactions and I am grateful that I was there to see the show grow and evolve. I can't judge repeat offenders, I just don't understand the draw for a show like Spiderman. I didn't realize it had a following like that. To each his own, I guess.
EDIT: We're off track here. I'm also curious; will the box office issue refunds for such huge gaps in the shows running time? I can't imagine they'd have a thrilled audience and I know I wouldn't be the only one to leave if this had happened.
Updated On: 6/20/13 at 01:28 AM
When I saw the show and they had to cut out most of the flying they offered ticket exchange for a later date- Not sure if Refunds were offered too or not.
Seeing a movie over and over again is fine. going to the same show literally hundreds of times to specifically see one actor sounds like an unhealthy obsession. Especially since she stage doors every time to talk to him. Sure the actor may joke about it with her, because what else is he going to do about it. What do you think he has to say about the obsessive fan when she isn't around? Sorry for thread jacking. Continue the topic at hand.
I Remember the last time I stage doored Chicago, when Paige Davis came out this girl ran up to her, she had told us before how many times she'd seen the show and how much she loved Paige, When Paige Came out, I coulden't help overhearing the conversation and when Paige was signing her Playbill she said "Just this one last time" and she put pauses between one last time- Now I am not saying she was being rude or anything but she really sounded like she meant it LOL.
Adding to the conversation, Seeing a movie over and over again generally doesn't cost anything- ex: If you have it recorded, on DVD or it's on TV. Broadway does- A lot more! LOL
I will also add that I saw Hairspray a couple hundred times but no for just one actor- I went every time the had cast changes or I knew understudies were going on- plus this was over it's entire run
I saw a matinee of Spiderman near the end of March this year and the show stopped for well over an hour. During the "NY Debut" Scene the thugs ran down the stage and then the music stopped and the actors were led off stage. Apparently there was an issue with the power source and it took about 80 minutes to fix. Also, we were told that we were part of the longest performance of Spiderman due to the difficulty
"I saw the show for the second time on Tuesday night (only because I had gotten free tickets and I was curious how it changed since previews)"
I love how so many people ( myself included ) feel they have to justify seeing this show a second, or even third, time.
Not the uberFans, of course. That's a whole other level of "justification." For any show.
Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)
May I ask the dumb question of how one can see a show literally hundreds of times? I mean, even if you win the lottery every time and pay $30... 100 times is $3000! Are people who go that much going on comps?
I feel like the show I saw the most (in a single run) was [title of show], and that I saw four times. I loved it, and I'm sure I would've gone again, but any more would bankrupt me! And here I thought I was being extravagant by trying to see each show once, haha.
I guess I'm just a poor working lady. :) Carry on. No clue about Spiderman.
I am seeing my new favorite show 101 times. and yes I rush it, It is $37 a pop. I don't drink, smoke, and a movie with beverages and snacks is going to cost you about that so I figure go see some real 3-d action. And it is never the same show twice.
one of the girls I know from the Pippin rush has seen Spiderman over 200 times because of Matthew James Thomas. now she is hooked on Pippin. I believe she is on her 31st pippin show.
200 times? That's not fandom. That's a psychological disorder.
I saw Spiderman last month. No tech problems. It really was amazing to see as a spectacle, but I found myself wishing it would end way before it actually did.
"May I ask the dumb question of how one can see a show literally hundreds of times? I mean, even if you win the lottery every time and pay $30... 100 times is $3000!"
I went back to work to pay off my GODSPELL addiction last year. It was worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unless you're going to 3-D IMAX in Times Square for every single movie and buying the most expensive concessions, there is no way you are consistently spending $37.00 on a moviegoing experience.