frapperia- awesome video! he sounds amazing as always in it.
Did you catch the latest roaprod video?
It just confuses me his part lol
Stage door at ROA is decent. The cast is pretty good about signing and pictures. You just have to ask. They will usually hang around with fans or friends.
I love NYC in that after the cast has signed everyone's Playbill and taken all the requested pictures, they can just take off into the city and no one bothers them. Constantine included. He makes sure everyone is good and then he walks off into the night.
I have A108 ! I hope I get interaction. Is that front row? I thought that was third row?
Yep, those are front row. The seating chart shows them as third but because of the stage the first two rows are gone. I don't know what seats get specific interaction (Lonny talking to you etc.) but the center gets a little bit of everyone.
A108 is the best seat!!! If Constantine is in the show, you will have a lot of attention. James will slide right up to you and say HELP! during the lap dance scene. Depending on who is in A107 Mitch might pick that person. I was the lucky one in that seat last week, but the next night there was a guy there so he picked the lady in A108.
Just read a tweet saying Tom Lenk has been signed to play Franz. He originated the role in LA.
Tom Lenk
Note to self: Buy tickets for A107 and A108 haha
and wait this guy?
Im not as upset about Wes cause Tom seems hysterical
We're going Friday October 30th, I have no idea who will be in then. I'm totally keeping this to myself, I'll put the husband in A107 and wait and see what happens. Score! And Hair on Halloween matinee, this will be the best NYC trip ever!
Speaking of audience interaction, we're in the Mezz for Hair but on the aisle, what can I expect?
Is front row as close as Chorus Line front row was? I was kind of excited about third row because I think I could have rested my chin on the stage with Chorus Line front row and it was really close. But if I'll get 'HELP' in my face, I guess it's pretty close. Reminder, bring altoids :)
Updated On: 8/26/09 at 06:37 PM
Well, he was about 6 inches from her face. lol Is that close enough?
Leading Actor Joined: 6/26/09
How do you get hold of these front-row seats? Just call direct and pay through the nose?
And people were saying Tom Lenk is going in as Franz - when will that happen? Would that be straightaway after the 13th or will the understudy cover - same for Savannah?
Updated On: 8/26/09 at 11:11 PM
Paid full price on Ticketmaster a few months ago. I honestly thought they were third row. Coming from Florida I usually suck it up and get full price tickets way in advance instead of chancing discount tickets.
6 inches, that'll do!
Updated On: 8/27/09 at 06:22 AM
I just got my row A on Ticketmaster. I bought them about four months before I went. However, Constantine was out, and that is mainly who I went to see. That is the chance one takes so I hear.
Constantine has some pretty awesome understudies though. Do you remember who went in for him? I hear they do just as well if not better...
Jeremy Jordan did a fine job. He can hit the notes.
It's just that when you come from out of state for the sole purpose of seeing ROA with Constantine in it, and then get the understudy, it just isn't the same.
The cast is outstanding. Don't get me wrong. I still enjoyed the show immensely.
What song is the lap dance in?
I hope Constantine is in when I go, but if not I'm sure I'll still have fun. It'll be hard not to mouth the song lyrics and bop around in my seat. I love hair band music.
Jeremy is awesome though I wish I could see him in the role sometime soon...
Correct me if I'm wrong cause I saw the show a while back but I think the lap dance is in I Hate Myself For Loving You/Heat Of The Moment
Yes, that is the lap dance scene. Sherrie throws Stacee to the floor and he slides right to the point (A108 ), and that's when he says HELP to whoever is sitting there.
Also, during Every Rose, Stacee comes up the left aisle and falls face first to the floor and lays there for a bit. Then he gets up, staggers on stage and sings his line and then 'vomits' off the side of the stage right by the AAA seats.
You guys made my day, thank you! I'm so excited for my accidentally great seats. I'm going to wear some 80s inspired clothes. I hope I get the 'HELP' instead of my husband in A107. I'm dressing as a hippie for Hair on Halloween.
Fingers crossed for Constantine being in! How's his track record, pretty good? Looks like I'll be seeing Kerry Butler as Sherrie. I didn't see her in Xanadu but have heard her on the recording.
My Hair seats are Mezz Row G seats 1-3? will I get any interaction up there?
Updated On: 8/27/09 at 07:57 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/25/08
So, I'm giving into my curiosity and am deciding to get a ticket. I was going to wait for Kerry to join but I've been thinking about it and honestly can't picture her singing the score which leads me to ask: how is this Savannah?
I think Savannah is excellent as Sherrie. I saw her twice and absolutely loved her. She has a terrific voice, has great chemistry with Constantine, and is very funny in the role. I've definitely become a fan. :)
Savannah is pretty incredible.
I really like Savannah as Sherrie. She's going to go far. I wish her success with Ragtime.
If you can make it to see her, go!
Look's like it was PGA Golfers night at ROA this week. Here's a clip.
PGA Tour rocks Broadway
Rock of Ages is everywhere....even on the Golf Channel!
Thanks for posting the video, Blue.
I've only seen Savannah play "Sherrie" and I thought she was awesome! I hate to see her leave the role but wish her luck in her new show.
new code- sav16
hey guys :]
I saw the show 2x and it is amazing!
Am I able to send fan mail to the theatre? If so, do I just use the theatre address? Also, does the cast usually send letters back?
"Exclusive: 'Buffy' star Tom Lenk to make Broadway debut in Rock of Ages"
He's starting rehearsals today and makes his debut on September 14th. His interview with EW is here: