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Dr. Sex replies to final peformance

Dr. Sex replies to final peformance

#0Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 12:45am

This is a short message to the sad posting that friends told me
about the final performance of Dr. Sex.
This is Brian you are hearing it from me.
First and foremost, to the cast of Dr. Sex.
You all know that i was hit with a bad cold this weekend, was
slowly losing my voice over the weekend. It became very evident
as I began the show that my chords were swelling, and I couldn't
sing or even speak my lines without extreme pain. Moreover, if I continued on ( as i did during the first show), I was in
danger of damaging my chords even more.
My dedication to this role and the show has always been
number one to me, but I had to make a decision ( A very difficult
one) to go on and risk damaging my chords.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but to go out on a limb
and say I deserted my cast...That hurts more than you know.
I have been there for this creative team through thick and thin....through an unbelievable, grueling rehearsal and preview
process. I had friends and family there to see MY final show as
well...and they heard my voice, and advised me not to do it.
As for the cast, I apologize for not being able to share that
moment with them.Endings are always sad, but cruelty is...beyond.

#1re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 2:57am

Oh thats hilarious.

Does anyone seriously believe that really is Brian Noonan?!

#2re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 3:02am

you should look at profiles before you type yourself into embarrasment.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#3re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 3:06am

Oh thats hilarious.

Does anyone seriously believe that really is Brian Noonan?!

An emphatic yes.

Not only echoing what Jazzy said, but I spoke to Brian after a show about a year ago, and he mentioned BWW and brought up a topic in which he had posted.

JGPH, you're crude, and your timing sucks.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Ladyofthe Lake Profile Photo
Ladyofthe Lake
#4re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 3:22am

You know, even if I had the talent to be a professional performer (which I don't), I know I wouldn't have a thick enough skin to deal with the criticism. Not just bad reviews, but unkind comments - justified or not - on boards like this one. People are so damn anxious to post the negative assumption; so anxious to not give the benefit of the doubt. It's unfortunate, and sometimes - like this time - it turns out to be genuinely hurtful. Truly sad.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#5re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 6:14am

Brian, we met after a performance a few weeks ago. My wife & I had a brief chat

Take care & lots of luck in the future. You do not have to explain yourself to anyone. The talent you displayed in the show speaks for itself.

Look forward to seeing you in the future

Poster Emeritus

#6re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 6:22am

Brian, I hope you recover quickly. That's more important than any criticism you might receive on message boards.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

lildogs Profile Photo
#7re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 11:02am

Well, that settles that--glad to hear it was all for naught...that's show biz, kid!

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#8re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 11:41am

Ignore this board if you're a performer. There are several people here who seem to exist for the sole purpose of attacking any performer for any reason...

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.

lildogs Profile Photo
#9re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 11:54am

I wish it were like that, Magic, but personally speaking, I find bad reviews funny...who was it that said a critic was like a legless man who teaches running? Kaufman?

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#10re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 12:37pm

I, too, love to read reviews:) But theres a difference between a review and people who bash people for sometimes no reason. Or at least no reason of importance:)

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.

lildogs Profile Photo
#11re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 12:41pm

Sometimes there isn't...

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#12re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 12:49pm

While I love this board, we do all have the tendency to get catty. [This is pretty much a threadjack, btw.] I'm not so much referring to the people who honestly dislike performers and shows, but instead the ones who may not like a certain performer or show and trash it in stupid ways. I hate to use the example, for fear of flying objects hurling at my head, but have you read some of the mean things people have said about both Idina and Shoshana in Wicked? It's one thing to say "I didn't care for their performance beause of ....." but to call them names and refer to physical appearance in a derogatory fashion is just rude, and cruel. Maybe I should have phrased it as there is a difference between reviewing and insulting. :)

by the way, your icon is sensationally cute, lildogs!~

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.

lildogs Profile Photo
#13re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 12:59pm

thanks--you should see him swim!

I totally know what you're's unfortunate that so many people in theatre allow their own insecurities to dictate their aesthetics...maybe film and tv is the same, I have no idea...and I am particularly disturbed when women attack each other. I feel that the entertainment industry is so rough on women anyway that they should support each other more...If you need any proof of this fierce competitiveness, just watch them at auditions...

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#14re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 1:05pm

Mr. Noonan, you don't have to explain yourself just because of that kid's ridiculous post, when he quite obviously had ulterior motives. Thank you for taking the time to respond, and get well soon.

MagicToDo, I completely understand what you mean. Too often people on this board think they can post crap about performers and not be held accountable. Critcizing their stage performance is one thing, but repeatedly bringing up crap about missed performances or what they perceive to be a bad attitude at the stagedoor as justification for their hatred is just nonsense.

Personally, I've always thought that if you can't say it to their face, don't post it. I would love to witness some posters here meeting someone like Sara Ramirez on the street just to see how differently they would react compared to all the crap they post here about her.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#15re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 1:08pm

Women can be horribly catty at auditions and in life. Sadly, I think its in our genes Dr. Sex replies to final peformance While I love this board, sometimes it drives me nuts to listen to people pick on performers for little to no reason. I'm not saying its not sometimes justified - sometimes people really DO miss too many performances for no reason. But people get sick. It happens. And like Brian Noonan said, if he'd continued performing he could have done serious damage. Why is everyone on his case about it?:)

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#16re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 1:09pm

I saw you the night before opening night and you were wonderful.
I thought you and Jen were magical together.
Hope you are cast in a Broadway show soon, with Jen as your leading lady.

PS: Feel better! Never let catty board members get you down. You are a star! Updated On: 10/11/05 at 01:09 PM

#17re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 3:59pm

BS, MagicToDo- if women are more prone to verbal assault it's because we're culturally indoctrinated to think that punching people is what guys do.

lildogs Profile Photo
#18re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 4:24pm

I don't think it's limited to verbal assault--and I think it stems from women being told how to look and behave from men and the competition for available men...which is strange considering that in nature males compete for females...but i'm thread-jacking now...

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#19re: Dr. Sex replies to final peformance
Posted: 10/11/05 at 4:45pm

Oh, I didn't mean to imply that men aren't horrible as well...they so are. And I think women should do much more punching, personally:)

and thanks, Skittles, for getting what I mean. I'd love to see a few of these Idina/Shoshana/Sara/whomever bashers run into those people on the street. Watch the sucking up begin:)

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.
