Broadway Star Joined: 3/19/05
Have the producers specified if Elena Roger (and Ricky Martin for that matter) are playing matinees? I know that Patti LuPone did NOT play matinees back in the day (it was Florence Lacey who I saw in a touring production and was very good but was not the "star" that Evita made out of LuPone).
I would take a matinee but I want to see the "next big thing" in Rogers - would like to see Martin as well, but more interested in how Roger performs this role.
Does anyone know if the producers have made any commitments on the scheduling?
Thanks --
Updated On: 1/25/12 at 03:50 PM
Elena Rogers is not in Evita, who is she?
No announcement has been made but in London She skipped Monday and Tuesdays and later Monday and Thursdays. She didn't follow the traditional Evita schedule of skipping matinees.
Evita starts previews on a Monday, however, so I assume she will at least do the first preview and that her alternate schedule the first few weeks of the run will be different.
I don't know if this has been discussed here before. But there are no Sunday Performances listed for the first six months of the run. They're doing Mon-Sat, then switching to Tue-Sun.
Didn't Roger do all the previews in London? I was under the impression the alternate didn't begin covering for her until the show had opened, but that may be wrong.
So to catch Elena as Eva, evenings would be the way to go?
So to catch Elena as Eva, evenings would be the way to go?
No, read above.
If you want to be sure to catch her, I'd go on a Friday or Saturday night. I actually think she did all matinees during her London run, so those buying assuming she is going to do the traditional 6 performance a week schedule might be disappointed...
If their dark day is Sunday for the first part of the run, I'd imagine one of the two performances Roger will opt to miss are those on Monday evenings in order to give herself back to back days off (which she did consistently in London.) Thursday evening being the other day off would make sense too, since it gives her a break in the middle of the week without having to miss any of the prime weekend performances on Friday and Saturday, which I imagine the producers want her in for anyway.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/19/05
Thanks for correcting my misspell on her name...
How EMBARRASSED am I? I want so badly to see "her" in the show and I DON'T EVEN KNOW HER ACTUAL NAME. What kind of idiot am I?
Just so you all know, and I have said this before, I am not a neophyte. I travel to NYC 3 times a year for a 6-day visit each time. On each visit, I attend 9 shows in 6 days. I have been going to NYC since 1983.
I apologize for my stupidity (LOL).
It's ok, love. You are certainly not the first, nor you'll be the last.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
As Elena Roger has her name above the title of the show, there should be ample notification if she's missing a performance AND full refunds will be available at the box office when she doesn't go on.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/19/05
See Blaxx it is really NOT okay as now I have perpetuated this horrible error and it is multiplying.
But, I have corrected the original posting and the topic title. At least we have that (LOL).
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Roger and out...
Somebody posted that the box office has said they will allow exchanges for seats purchased before the alternate schedule is posted, but we of course don't know yet if that's true.
After the schedule is posted, I doubt they will allow refunds for performances her alternate takes. If she's out ill, perhaps, but apparently her track record in London was near perfect attendance.
I bought tickets for a Thursday evening performance 3 weeks ago. You guys suck lol.
Just think "Ginger Roger and Fred Astairs," and you'll remember it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
...but is it pronounced Rog-air or Rog-ay?
I really can't decide if I want to see Elena or Christina DeCicco, so I may just buy tickets for a Wednesday matinee and put it into fate's hands. Is Elena a must see? I've heard mixed reviews coming from the West End...
I bought tickets for a matinee specifically because I'm not a fan of Roger's, based on youtube videos. I'm hoping I'll see the alternate.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/26/11
Wait who said that about previews starting monday? That makes no sense. Is it true?
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/18/12