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Fantasia in the Color Purple- Page 2

Fantasia in the Color Purple

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#25Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/13/10 at 2:51pm

Benanti does it pretty much every time she gets a stage gig as well. The reasons don't really matter. The audience members are disappointed regardless. Fantasia has given explanations as well.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#26Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/13/10 at 2:54pm

But being out almost every other performance?

californiasnow Profile Photo
#28Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/13/10 at 10:13pm

Hope she's okay. That must be upsetting to those going to see the show just to see her in it, and to find out she's out when they get there. I must agree with the previous posts that she is amazing as Celie when she performs.

Kalimba Profile Photo
#29Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/13/10 at 10:17pm

Oprah's hiring of this bitch with no work ethic is just enabling her. Put her out to pasture so the paying public doesn't have to endure her constant excuses for not being able to perform. I have no sympathy for her in the least. She was handed things on a silver platter and just has no clue about much. No wonder she lost her house.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#30Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/13/10 at 10:27pm

She lost her beauty salon too. I went there and got a massage in Charlotte, NC. It was a bomb ass place too-gorgeous. Too bad Tasia stopped paying the bills and the staff.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

BenjaminNicholas2 Profile Photo
#31Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/13/10 at 10:41pm

Fantasia was nothing that special... Watching her 'Celie' was like watching Jennifer Holliday do Dreamgirls without that insane voice of hers: Lots of sizzle, very little steak.

Fantasia Burrito cannot sing the notes as well as most of the women who have performed the role before her, so she attempts to save face by mush-mouthing her lines (yes dear, they're called vowels. Try them), extended hold times of what appears to be crying (but without tears, ends up looking very odd) and using her voice in ways that she simply shouldn't. Her performance at the TONY awards years back was the most ham-handed piece of crap I've seen in awhile and, shockingly, the audience stood for it, clapping wildly. I was aghast (and there that year, in tux and wondering if lions would soon begin eating Christians).

Why Fantasia is allowed to continue with this charade is beyond me. Sure, she sells tickets, but she's totally wrong for the show and it's an outright crime that she's allowing herself to RUIN her voice like this. Sheer stupidity.


#32Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 3:09am

It's rare for me to go nuts over a performance, but I'm with Barbara Cook and today's LA Times on this. I think Fantasia is amazing in the show. If she's not sticking with a great coach and doesn't have discipline, that's another issue. But the work she does when she shows up on that stage - in my opinion - is tremendous.

provocation Profile Photo
#33Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 3:19am

Jeanette Bayardelle needs to come back. It just isn't the same without her.

I saw the performance in LA this evening. I was livid when I heard she was out, as was the rest of the audience. I felt so bad for Phyre Hawkins, Celie u/s. The audience took forever to warm-up to her. But she was fantastic.

I know, right?

#34Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 4:03am

Yes, Phyre Hawkins was great!! The people at the Pantages were so pissed that Fantasia wasn't there. The line at the box office was around the theatre for people trying to get refunds. Also, BenjaminNicholas2 I agree with you about her voice. I hate how she can't hold notes and just ends up singing "yeah yeah yeah".

#35Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 4:47am

Went by the theatre today as well. . .just after the matinee let out. I wanted to find out about their rush policy for this show (which apparently they are doing, or at least were today as they were desperate to sell tickets). The signs taped all over the box office and entrance doors made us laugh, as they were were being very straight-forward about Miss Barino being out this weekend. Even when we asked at the box office about rush, they reiterated that she was out ALL weekend.

This brings up another issue: can't they just ditch her, and let the show ride on it's name and Oprah's presence? Why do we need a "name" such as her's to sell this who on tour even??

#36Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 8:20am

IF you can sell MORE tickets with a name, why not? It's not about just selling tickets on a regular basis. It's about selling as MUCH as you can. A name will do that. Especially in THIS show.

With regards to Fantasia: I think people are a bit off the mark when they say she has poor work ethic. Poor work ethic is not working your hardest, goofing off and not showing up if you're able. Fantasia's problem is that she's genuinely not able to show up. She's not well!

Missing this many performances for legit health reasons means there's a technique/stamina problem. Pounding the pavement and working for stardom has nothing to do with it. TRAINING for it is different. Debbie Reynolds was able to make all those performances over the years because she knows what she's doing. Fantasia doesn't. She doesn't need a vocal coach, she needs a voice TEACHER. BIG difference actually. These "tumors" are indeed nodes and that vocal swelling she's dealing with now is the first stage to polyps (which turn into nodes). She's dealing with pre-nodular swelling based on bad singing technique. Poor girl needs some help. She doesn't need to be doing this show at ALL now.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#37Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 10:18am

Jazzy, I see your point, but I disagree with you a little. Your work ethic, is the code or values you hold when approaching a job or opportunity. It relates to discipline, but also doing what is needed to get the job done. Having seen Fantasia's reality show it is evident to me that she may give 120% when performing but she is a little lacking in the prep department.

I think she sees herself as a spontaneous and authentic performer, which clearly she is, and does it well. However, it has been noted by several parties that she scrimps in the rehearsal department in service to being "hot" live. If youve seen her perform live you realize this results in some of the manic nonsense that she does on stage in concert-the scatting, erratic dances, etc.

If she had tumors on Broadway, I feel, a more disciplined performer would go into the specialist saying,"how do I ensure this doesn't happen again." I think Fantasia is giving the same performance now that she gave on Broadway and blowing her throat out. This to me, speaks to a lack of depth of understanding of the gravity of what doctors are telling her, is laxed, and irresponsible and, to me, speaks to an immature work ethic for a performer.

The performers "job" is to show up 8 times a week and perform (6 in her case) and to do what is necessary (medical care, sleep, fitness, diet) to ensure proper care of the actor and the vocal instrument. IMO, Fantasia does not do that. She thinks that she can lead her normal life and do the show. Her lack of follow through with doctors is what is side-lining her.

Also, if she has a chronic condition that she is not telling us (because all the reports are saying that she just needs a few days rest), then she needs to just stop booking herself and stop cashing the checks.

Plus, she does lie-she did not miss a handful of shows on Broadway-she missed 50 or close to it.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#38Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 12:44pm

What I don't understand is why it's not mentioned in the ad's that Fantasia is only doing certian performances.

By the looks of the commercials that are on here every 15 minutes, the show is ALL about Fantasia, and has very little do do with TCP at all.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Kalimba Profile Photo
#39Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 2:46pm

Me thinks the box office should post photos of sweaty 'Tasia on the days she calls out.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#40Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 2:56pm

Fantasia in the Color Purple

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

BwayTday Profile Photo
#41Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 2:59pm

Is that yours Diva? What you think of her?

orlandog Profile Photo
#42Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 3:24pm

READ IT AND WEEP ALL YOU HATERS! Go Tasia!!! It's not a crime to have an ailment. Why so much hatred toward Fantasia and her understudy?

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#43Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 3:33pm

WHO are you? What makes you think that anyone here gives a sh*t about your unconditional praise of Fantasia?

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#44Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 3:38pm

I dont hate Fantasia....umm, I attempted to see her 4 times. I love the girl. Its her professionalism I have issue with. I never said I hated her. Go away now.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

orlandog Profile Photo
#45Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 3:38pm

Grow up kid

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#46Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 3:41pm

Oh, hilarious. You tell ME to grow up, but you fail at using the childish "I told you so" defense.

orlandog Profile Photo
#47Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 3:47pm

yawn, read the article in LATimes, NYTimes, other major papers around the country that have reviewed Fantasia's performance in The Color Purple. Not that I need their approval of how wonderful she is in the role because I've witnessed her performance several times first hand.

Retorting to name calling, and pure childishness because the poor girl has illnesses further lets me know that you are a child and need to grow up.

No need to respond

#48Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 3:51pm

Saw her in New York. Can't comment on her missing performances; she was in the night I saw her.

Only went to meet the conductor for professional reasons. Expected to be very lukewarm about the show and Fantasia. She was phenomenal and incredibly moving. Maybe it's not for everybody, but it's truly one of the most memorable and affecting nights of theatre I've experienced.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#49Fantasia in the Color Purple
Posted: 2/14/10 at 3:54pm

Fantasia in the Color Purple

An illness that seems to flair up EVERY SINGLE TIME she steps on stage. That seems odd to me. Perhaps something she does ON stage (or even off stage) is causing this...

Maybe she should commit to something she can't handle.

Oh yeah & critics are always correct, right?
