Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Wick3 said: "And the mezz. "
They should just switch everyone's tickets from Loge to Orchestra unless they really want to sit in the Loge.
Was really hoping to see this and Caroline, but can't justify the hotel and flight prices.
My friend who knows someone at LCT said they were given two weeks notice. My question is do the actors get paid for the three weeks that were cancelled?
They’ll get paid only when the show is running. I’m gonna see it again this weekend. Happy New Year btw.
I attended the final performance this afternoon. Sold out house. Appreciative audience. A few embellishments to the dialogue that weren’t there last week, but not, as I’d hoped, a second act reprise of the title song that was in the early previews.
I saw this piece numerous times and my appreciation deepened each time. This show gobsmacked me. Not because of my experience with hallucinogens, but rather my experience of loss and my wistful recollections of the past..
Lo and behold I had the chance before the show to tell Mr. Lapine how I’ve been affected by the piece. The only other show I’ve seen this many times was Sweeney Todd in ‘79 when I also attended the closing performance. We fist bumped and that was that.
Cast recording on pre-order.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/25/20
Wish I could've gone one more time. It felt so special. Glad it happened at all.
Those of us who've seen the show know the recording is likely to find new admirers. I hope it still drops the third week of January.
The theater was not sold out. I’d say maybe 75-80% full.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/11/11
I finally saw it.
Not sure what to think. The lens on hallucinogens was reductive and everyone’s traumas were rather ham fisted in exploration.
It wasn’t god awful. I just didn’t think it was very good.
i applaud it for being something so different from the run of the mill broadway. I want more chances to be taken like this for sure
Stand-by Joined: 11/4/04
The design was AWESOME. The show - is what it is.
But, are we not going to discuss the not one, not two, not three, but FOUR flash photos taken during the swimsuit scene? It occurred in the mezzanine and they were spread out over the entire scene. It all felt super pervy. I applaud shirtless Tony Yazbeck and would like a souvenir photo as well, but REALLY!?!?!
HHP’s Instagram post which LCT reshared claims that “we’ll be back.” Which is vague, but perhaps there is hope for another life in the future? I just don’t think there’s ever going to be a sustainable audience for this thing, even after the album comes out. It has one great song (the title number) and a lot of filler.
@Shoshana BeanyBaby: Thanks for pointing this out. In retrospect, I did notice the flashes, but didn’t register what was happening at that moment.
Updated On: 1/17/22 at 08:54 AMBroadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
The flashes were annoying and disrespectful. I’m surprised no one stopped them after the first instance. Why people even take pictures with the flash on is baffling.