Broadway Star Joined: 7/13/08
I could get on board with the sequence you just mentioned. In any event, I think it is a show that would really benefit from a strategic medley number at the Tonys.
Really glad this is getting a transfer, I finally caught up with the world and heard the cast recording yesterday. It's such a tenderly told story - the discoveries, the revelations, the epiphanies (I definitely had a couple "Ring of Keys" moments when I was a kid). I wish I didn't live on the other side of the country, I'd love to see this.
I, too, grabbed the cd. I don't often do that before I see a show, but I was so curious about all the love this thread inspired. After listeing to it just once, I'm really sold and looking forward to it even more. I also grabbed the graphic novel
(about 1/2 done) and am really moved by the honesty with which it is written. I really hope the musical can capture this. (Which it seems to!)
I'm taking my HS group to NY while this is in previews....what say ye' about appropriateness and enjoyment level? (We are a pretty open-minded and accepting group. They are pretty sophisticated as far as material goes.)
As long as you don't have parents concerned about the gay stuff, you should be fine. It's really just her journey to figuring out who she is, and the effect it has on her family. Definitely lots to discuss afterward...
If they're an open minded and sophisticated group, I think FUN HOME would be perfect. Apart from some sexual references and mild language, there's nothing inappropriate about it. In movie terms, it's a solid PG-13 and I'm sure your students have seen more explicit content on cable any night of the week. Plus they'd probably appreciate seeing a new show that should have lots of buzz leading up to the Tonys.
That's pretty much what I thought, given what I know. Thanks for the feedback.
dramamama-Could you get permission for them to read the book? That might be a good idea. (And it's a great read.)
So out of the loop down here, so if I come to NY once a year in May this one should be circled. Sounds like most of you guys liked it a lot.
It's a must see!
The you tube of the girl singing "Ring of Keys" is amazing. Do the rest of the songs live up to that?
Yes, the soundtrack is incredible. My favorites are "Telephone Wire" and the finale. Buy the soundtrack! See the show! :)
Oh yeah. They sure do. You haven't listened to the Original Cast Recording? (You should! It's amazing.)
This is a must now, thank you guys.
Thanks legends love the CD and will continue to enjoy it. But please don't make me read the book, why did Dad kill himself?
South Florida-READ THE BOOK!!! It's amazing I promise.
You people, making me think.
Pm to you, South.
You definitely don't need to read the graphic novel, you can just wait to see it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
It's definitely worth reading the novel because it's a perfect object on its own. And because you'll say, "I don't really know how THIS can be musicalized," when you finish. THEN you will really respect the skill that brings it to the stage.
I totally agree that its perfect on its own, but I don't think you need to read it to enjoy the show. I saw the show without reading it first, loved it, then went out the next day and bought the book.
I just think that reading the book is a worthwhile way of introducing yourself to the material. The music is gorgeous and I think stands beautifully on its own, but to understand where the writers were coming from, it helps to look at the source material (and it's a great read).
Its been wonderful watching over 52 years how we've grown as far as sexuality is concerned. I wish we had not regressed so much regarding gun violence. I might be guessing wrong here and it may be pointless, but it seems that the Dad is of a different era, when I ask why did he commit suicide, one of the answers could be he is from a different culture.
South Florida-it's a complicated story...the book really is amazing and a very good read. I still encourage people to read it, although the musical is its own beautiful animal, the book is very worthy of attention.
I suspect I'll be getting it for Christmas, thanks Dreaming.