Oh....my....god. I have never had as much fun in my life as I did today at Hairspray's last dress rehearsal (and first performance in front of an audience). I was lucky enough to sit in the first row, center. All I can say is that this cast is STELLAR. I was expecting it to be good, but not absolutely mind blowing. I assume that the cast was so excited fo perform in front of an audience because I have NEVER seen a cast so full of energy and soooo excited to be performing. The audience was excited, too. Every moment there were people screaming, and it definitely fueled the performers. From the moment Harvey entered, the crowd went absolutely wild. At the end it felt like a rock concert. Everyone was on their feet and screaming their heads off for every person in the cast, and the band. Don't miss it if you come to Vegas-the cast is superb. They did not hand out programs since it was the last rehearsal, but I will grab one when I go see the first preview tomorrow night. If I can find my newspaper, I will try to scan in some pictures from it. It has pictures of the cast rehearsing and such.
*edit* Rick Lyon and Tonya Dixon of Avenue Q were there, too!
Have you seen the NY version. If so, which do you think is better?
I wont see it in NY until next month!
Though I know that Tracey goes to jail by herself in this version, and her cell is funny. There is stuff written all over the walls like "Call Brenda for a good time," and "there I sat all broken hearted.." haha. It was so fun.
I was there too.
Ummmm....definitely the original full length is better. I thought the show was great and the cast was fabulous but it was missing so much I was sad. I love, love, love Hairspray and it was hard to see all the cuts. They cut Baltimore Crabs, Big Dollhouse, Good Morning Baltimore reprise, and Cooties. They made some other small omissions and lyric changes and dialogue changes.
Overall it's great, but if you have seen the full length version be warned.
ah...I guess I enjoyed it more since I havent seen the full show yet. Did you hear me coughing? haha I was in the first row center. Really enjoyed myself.
Who is in the ensemble??
I just got home from the evening rehearsal and I could not agree more with MrBundles. This show (with cast) is pumped with full blown energy from start to finish. The cuts made to the show were minor and do not scrap any of the story or the "essence" of the show. When in Vegas...go see HaIrSpRaY!
Those cuts don't sound like anything I'd personally miss - particularly "Miss Baltimore Crabs" which was the perfect opportunity to avoid lines at the bathroom.
glad you got to see it Tony...what fun I had today...I think I still have confetti in my hair!
Featured Actor Joined: 9/17/04
I think that this is scheduled for 10 shows a week. Are they planning to use 2 casts like Avenue Q?
I thought the show was great, the cast was great, and some of the songs cut were fine. BUT I just prefer the full length. I think the cast was on fire and their energy was contagious. I def could do without Baltimore Crabs, but I love Cooties. I'm seeing it again on Saturday.
Harvey and Dick are the only ones that I know of (and that have been stated) that will be doing the full 10 shows/week. The show is not double-cast, but they have several "swings."
Are the ses the same? Or the scaled down bus and truck version?
Some sets are scaled down but I don't think they detract.
I'm going to see it on the 15th! I'm very excited. I've never seen the show before, so I hope I like it. I think the worst musical ever to come to Vegas was the national tour of Starlight Express. Good voices, but um...ALW. just no....no.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I <3 Katrina. Saw the show again tonight. There was even more confetti and streamers tonight!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Katrina is Tracy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I saw the show last night and had a marvelous time. Actually, I had a lot more fun last night than I did when I saw the full show in Dallas. (All I remember about that show is the girl who played Tracy was Hawaiian.)
At first, I didn't like Katrina, and didn't start liking her until the bell song. I thought what she did with Link was really funny and something I didn't see with the girl from Dallas. I also think Katrina is too skinny, if it's a problem. Maybe it wasn't for anyone else.