Stand-by Joined: 2/13/16
Okay, okay, okay....First Emma. Girl, you're doing it wrong. But I hope I'm not too late in responding to this question.
First of all. Stay in line! 9 at 2 a.m. is good. You have a chance at mantinee and if not, you will almost certainly be a shoe in for the evening, which may or may not mean standing in line for another 6 hours. But suddenly being the first in line at 2 p.m may give you some courage. Go get takeout and settle in. But #9 is not bad. Read my FAQ---Have cash on hand as some people may come around before the show looking to sell their seats.
Second of all, are there people behind you? You should have rallied with them to and moved that empty chair after about 2 hours and when the "friend" came back you should have publicly called them out on it. It's too late now. Don't let this happen again.
Third, you and your friend should have been swapping out every hour or 2. If you don't get into the matinee, do this for the evening show. Sell those Smokefall tickets.
Again, stay in line, and start planning what you're going to do for the afternoon wait. You can do it! Just think you are almost guaranteed to see the evening show. #9 is too close to call for the matinee to not wait.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/6/11
This is seriously crazy. They should stop this (the people going so early) or else the theatre will cancel the cancellation line somehow like when Rent had to switch from rush to lottery just because people were showing up so early and were camping out so frequently.
Stand-by Joined: 2/13/16
Sorry if this has been asked already- but I wanted to find out whether it was necessary to line up at 7am on a Wednesday if I was interested in tickets for the evening performance? Based on some of the accounts, it sounds like joining the line in the afternoon was fine. Does anyone know whether tickets for the evening show could become available in the mornings? Thanks in advance for the advice.
SaiSai, in general, when there are 2 performances, if you want the evening performance you can line up an hour before the matinee. People who have stood in line for the matinee are not always willing to stand in line for another 6 hours. So you'd probably be fine with strolling in between 1 and 3. If you want to see a matinee get there before 7.
Based on the what I've been reading, this time of March is a good month for standing in line during the week. It's pre-spring break, post-holidays, still cold and just outside tourist season/the summer. That leaves a lot of locals who have to work during the week. And a Wednesday breaks up line with 2 shows.
I wonder how much one can actually enjoy a show, after having been in line outside in the cold since 2am. I'd feel jet-lagged.
Stand-by Joined: 2/13/16
It's not that bad. Some people take SRO tickets after standing in line for 12 hours. I wouldn't do that.
The trick is to come prepared. Dress in layers, bring snacks and a chair and mentally prepare yourself to lose your Saturday to waiting in line.
Stand-by Joined: 2/13/16
Stand-by Joined: 2/13/16
I'm curious to know if Emma got into the Matinee
Swing Joined: 3/5/16
I am the friend emma mentioned - we got the last standing tickets at about 2.02pm and made it into place just in time for the cell phone announcement! So worth the lack of sleep and the cold!
Stand-by Joined: 2/28/15
vdirects said: "It's not that bad. Some people take SRO tickets after standing in line for 12 hours. I wouldn't do that"
That's exactly what we ended up doing! On 2 hours sleep lol But it was incredible! I'm soooo pleased we managed to get tickets! We complained about the person who got there at 8 and we were told something would be done, but nothing ever happened and she got 2 tickets. If she had been told to leave, we would have been sat 6th row orchestra centre, but I can't complain as I still got to see it and at a fraction of the price as is planned which meant I could spent a lot on merch! We are now defrosting in Starbucks before watching Smokefall. I just hope I don't fall asleep!
Stand-by Joined: 2/13/16
Congrats! It's interesting that at 2 a.m. you you can be the last people to get standing room tickets. Thank the line sitters!
Swing Joined: 3/4/16
We are professional, reliable linesitters that will get you into see Hamilton. We wait on the cancellation line for you !! Please email me at we charge a reasonable rate per hour plus the FACE value of the tickets. Still cheaper then stub hub and ticketmaster resell!!! Over 10 years of experience, we always come thru for our guests!!! Contact us for more info
Linesitters4us said: "We are professional, reliable linesitters that will get you into see Hamilton. We wait on the cancellation line for you !! Please email me at we charge a reasonable rate per hour plus the FACE value of the tickets. Still cheaper then stub hub and ticketmaster resell!!! Over 10 years of experience, we always come thru for our guests!!! Contact us for more info
If you have 10 years experience then why aren't you licensed like the main company people use? Also, none of you sitters can guarantee tickets bc you never know what is available so that's false advertising.
Swing Joined: 3/4/16
Chorus Member Joined: 10/29/06
Wow this guy is so professional. Sign up now.
the1liamg said: "Wow this guy is so professional. Sign up now.
What did he reply? He erased it.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/29/06
He was just ranting in capital letters. Not surprised he deleted it. I'd never give my money to him (and the 'other' line sitters he mentions have great customer service, from past experience).
Swing Joined: 3/4/16
Sorry I wasn't ranting , and I didn't erase it. My response was i don't guarantee anything , I tell the truth. Anyone can say they are LLC or certified. I have tons of references if u need them .
This is what I love about linesitters.
They claim they were in line at 2am, but in reality you have no idea they didn't show up until 6am. Also, I have heard that linesitters are working together and covering for each other.
It's a scam in my opinion.
bfreak said: "This is seriously crazy. They should stop this (the people going so early) or else the theatre will cancel the cancellation line somehow like when Rent had to switch from rush to lottery just because people were showing up so early and were camping out so frequently."
How do you propose "they" stop this? and who are they? the people at Hamilton probably like selling those leftover tickets.
gypsy101 said: "bfreak said: "This is seriously crazy. They should stop this (the people going so early) or else the theatre will cancel the cancellation line somehow like when Rent had to switch from rush to lottery just because people were showing up so early and were camping out so frequently."
How do you propose "they" stop this? and who are they? the people at Hamilton probably like selling those leftover tickets.
I think they should be part of the lottery. If the show doesn't know how many tickets will be available at the time of the lottery, the lottery winners will be assigned a number and comeback 10 minutes before showtime.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/2/16
I think I'm going to try and tackle this monster tomorrow. Anyone else going? I'm about to head to kmart to buy supplies.
Was anyone there last tuesday? What time did they get there? The 2am'rs from saturday kind of freaked me out, but i'm hoping weekday is less insane.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/2/14
they really should do the wristband thing like what they did for the Death of a Salesman rush, you cant get the tickets without one, and the security just randomly shows up to do it, thats honestly the best way to determine whose actually been standing in the line and possibly get rid of the linesitters
Stand-by Joined: 2/6/16
So if I am planning on going on Wednesday would 6 am be a good time?
The main company sends a pic within 15 minutes of arrival and the person assigned to you stays in contact. I don't think they work together (at least the main place) bc I've seen some Twitter stuff where the others were called out for using their pictures as their own. I don't think it's a scam but there's got to eventually be a tipping point of more sitters than tickets. I was thinking of using it one day but they already had 5 clients and I don't know when the first one was going, add in other sitters and the general public, I could pay $200 or more and not even get in. Nope